Chapter 13: Injuries
“I'll kiss it better.”
Adam claps his hands together as he half heartedly jumps up and down on the spot. The dulled sound of the action through the thick goalkeepers gloves did little spur any enthusiasm for the position he found himself in. Should he have been grateful for being chosen to stand in the goal? Maybe, yes. It would require the least exercise and his football skills on the field were far from perfect, but in the back of his mind it begged the question as to whether his goal keeping skills would be any better.
He glances over at the moderate crowd. Gazing at the man he currently only had eyes for. He raises a large gloved hand and waves at Isaac, who just smiles and nods back. Hands too cold to be taken out of his coat pocket, but at least the fresh air had perked him up. “Well well well. Do my eyes deceive me?” Isaac turns to see Jojo approaching, with two coffees, one in each hand. She hands one over to Isaac, who finally takes a hand out of his pocket.
“I am here in the flesh. But that was your plan all along wasn't it.” He takes the hot drink to his mouth. The intense heat, scalding his upper lip a touch as he pulls it back.
Jojo looks over to Adam, who is now side stepping left to right. “He looks quite the part.” She chuckles to herself. “What did he say to convince you?”
“He said nothing. It was my idea.” Isaac utters rather casually, causing Jojo to choke on her coffee as she looks at the man next to her.
“Well uh…hum. I'm glad you're breaking at least one habit.” She again looks back at Adam, whose playful jigs had suddenly become serious as the ball along with a very determined striker was heading in his direction.
Adam’s body tenses. His eyes watching the player approach his end at speed, with his mind trying to predict what was going to happen next. Would he have to move left or right, stretch up high or crash and roll to stop the ball from hitting the back of the net?
Then it happens, as if in slow motion. His hands reach out to the left, arms overstretching but not quite enough as the ball hits the tips of his gloved fingers and makes its home inside the goal. Adam in the meantime cannot stop the momentum of his body as his upper arm crashes against the goal post. The impact causes him to shout out in pain as he falls back to the muddied ground.
The whistle blows, as the moment of victory is overshadowed by the stop in play. Isaac pushes his coffee back into the hand of Jojo as he hurriedly steps past her and heads out to the pitch. His feet speed up in pace as he finds the overwhelming urge to push past the other players to get to the man writhing on the floor. “Adam, are you ok?” He squats down, taking over from the other player who was in the process of helping him up.
“My shoulder.” Adam complains as he gets to standing.
Isaac looks at the referee. “He's not playing any more. Find someone else.” and without another word, he is guiding Adam off the pitch.
“Is he ok?” Jojo approaches the pair, face full of concern.
“Don't ask us to be part of your stupid games anymore.” Isaac walks past her as he heads to the changing room, leaving Jojo a little speechless.
“Sit.” Isaac orders as Adam lets his body fall like a heavy weight onto the wooden bench. The action causes him to wince at the ache on his shoulder.
“I'm so sorry Adam.” They both look towards the door to see Jojo entering.
“It's not your fault.” He forces a smile.
“Make yourself useful and get him an ice pack.” Isaac grumbles as he sits next to Adam, not once taking his eyes from the shoulder in question.
“I am still your boss, you know.” Jojo frowns at the manner she was being spoken to.
“It's Saturday.” Isaac is quick to reply, causing Adam to emit a small chuckle and making Jojo roll her eyes. She heads out of the changing room leaving the two males alone. Isaac looks up at Adam's profile. “Take your top off.”
“What?....ow!” Adam turns quickly to Isaac.
“Just be careful. I want to see the damage. You could have dislocated your shoulder.”
“Trust me I haven't.” Adam shakes his head.
“It's best to check.” He reaffirms. “It's not like I haven't seen you shirtless.”
Adam admits defeat, as he takes off the gloves and shirt with Isaac's help. The pull of the tee, causing his hair to mess and flop over his eyes in the process. With the shirt discarded on the floor, he turns his back ever so slightly. Isaac finds his eyes moving from his swollen shoulder to his back."You're looking at my scars." Adam suddenly says, causing Isaac to quickly look elsewhere.
"Uh I..."
"It's ok. You can look if you want."
Isaac's eyes slowly fall back to the two curved scars on Adam's back. "Do they hurt?"
"No. They're numb most of the time. They can tingle when I get stressed but other than that."
Isaac looks in a little closer, a sadness washing over him. He has this overwhelming urge to reach out. "Can I....touch?" He finds himself saying.
"Sure, like I said, they don't hurt."
Isaac raises his right hand and begins to gently run his fingers over the bumpy contours of Adam's damaged skin. "Do you know how you got them?"
"No...they've been there since I can remember. They used to be more sensitive, but as time has gone by, less so." Isaac quickly withdraws his hand as Adam shifts his body around to face him. “I know what you're thinking.”
Isaac looks at Adam, a nervous laugh filling the air. “What am I thinking? Tell me.”
“I was beaten, abused. I think I'd remember something like that '' Adam suddenly looks away as if ashamed. “But I guess I'll never know as my past is a mystery. My mind chooses to forget.”
“Maybe it's for the best.” Isaac smiles. “What we don't know can't hurt us right?”
“But isn't that up to us to decide?” Adam questions. “I choose right now to forget the pain in my shoulder. Where is Jojo?”
“I'll kiss it better.” Isaac smiles as he playfully leans forward and gently presses his lips against Adam's reddened skin.
Adam, who was taken by surprise by the action, watches as Isaac slowly raises his head. They catch each other's gaze. Faces close, so much so that Adam can feel the heat of Isaac's presence. Close enough to continue what they have started that morning.
Adam visibly swallows as his eyes drop down to Isaac's slightly parted mouth, with his own lips feeling hyper sensitive all of a sudden. "What are you going to do?"
Isaac stops, just inches from Adam's lips. He looks at them as he licks his own. He cups Adam's face. "Something I've wanted to do since I first saw you." Isaac slowly leans in and their lips connect.
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