Chapter 11: Sweet Dreams
"Are you suggesting I am intoxicated sir?"
The loud hammering on his door caused Adam to jump with a start. He stares up at his darkened ceiling, which seemed to cast eerie shadows, caused by the faint street light peeking through the break in the curtains. The sound of shock was followed by relief as it seemed that the sound had broken his night terrors, which had returned to haunt him. Not only with that dreaded scream, but now it had been accompanied with the visual of those two figures of despair.
The second round of knocks causes Adam to act. He sits up in his bed, checking the time on his phone to read it was way past midnight, before swinging his legs out of the bed and pulling a sweater over his head along the way. "Who is it?" He calls as he heads down the stairs to the front door, his mind searching for an answer as to who could be knocking at this hour.
"Just let me in before I…."
"Isaac?" Adam quickens his footing down the last few steps as he heads for the door, locating the key from a hook hidden inside a deeper than usual picture frame. He turns the key and opens the door to reveal the man in question whose heavy weight seems to fall into the opening. "Isaac. What are you doing here? How do you know where I live?"
"I don't know and I don't know." He mumbles. "But I'm here now. I need the toilet. Can I come in?"
"Uh… yeah." Adam puts an arm around Isaac to guide his unsteadiness. He looks over his shoulder to see a taxi pull away with someone else sitting in it. He closes the door and turns on the light, causing Isaac to protest.
"Too bright." He moans as Adam tries to pull the man's hands from his shielded eyes.
"The bathroom is at the top of the stairs. Can you manage?"
Isaac pats Adam's arm rather heavy handedly as he grins widely. "I am more than capable of taking a pee all by myself. I am neither a toddler nor an old man."
"Okaay?" Adam raises an eyebrow as he watches Isaac crawl up the stairs on all fours, with him slowly following behind. As they reach the top, Isaac stumbles into the bathroom, insisting he will be just fine as Adam is left standing outside, daring not to move in case he was needed in an emergency.
"Thank you.. sooo…. I'll be going." Isaac finally exits the bathroom and heads for the top of the stairs, but as predicted, wobbles and sways cause Adam to pull him back.
"Steady. You will break your neck." He says as he guides the man to his room. He manages to get Isaac to sit on the end of his bed as Adam looks down at him, folding his arms. "Maybe you should sleep it off."
"Are you suggesting I am intoxicated sir?" Isaac waves an index finger at Adam in protest.
"Then you would be right." Isaac laughs as his body finally gives up the fight as it flops back on Adam's bed.
Adam uncrosses his arms as he looks over Isaac, who is grinning with his eyes closed. "Isaac. Why did you come here? Why didn't you just go home?"
"Because this broken thing lead me here." Isaac lazily pats his chest. "It seems with you, my heart rules over my head." He opens his eyes a fraction and smiles at Adam. "I know I'm drunk, but damn my inhibitions have flown away."
"Well, mine are in tact." Adam replies, matching the smile, giving nothing away as to what he may be truly thinking. He pulls Isaac back up to sitting. "Take off your jacket and shoes. You can crash here tonight." He turns towards his drawers to retrieve a t-shirt for him to wear, turning back around to see Isaac wrestling with the jacket sleeve.
"This is a straight jacket." He mumbles as he finally gets himself free, with the item of clothing being tossed to the floor along with his shoes.
"Here. Arms up." Adam reaches out as Isaac does as he is told. Raising his arms for his loosely buttoned shirt to be pulled over his head. The upper torso of the man revealed, with Adam trying his best not to stare. He hands him the t-shirt. "Go put this on. I'll find you a spare toothbrush." He leaves Isaac to wrestle with the t-shirt sleeves as he heads for the bathroom.
He finds what he is looking for, closing the mirrored cabinet and stops briefly. The unexpected visitor had come as a surprise. He should be annoyed that he had disturbed him so late, turning up drunk out of the blue, but he felt oddly at ease. Relief even that he had shown, just when he had needed him. Isaac felt like the calm to his current stormy nightmares and as for the heart overriding the head? Well Adam would be lying if he were to deny they had a connection.
He heads out of the bathroom and back into his room to find Isaac lying on one side of the bed, dead to the world. One leg in with the other hanging over the edge of the mattress. His borrowed tshirt seemed too small for him. Hugging his body tight and riding up a little to reveal his lower stomach. Big chequered boxers covered his thighs, with the fly hole gaping at a weak point.
Adam sighs as he lays the toothbrush on the nightstand next to Isaac. He heads back around to his side of the bed, pulling the sweater back over and off his head as he carefully gets comfortable, so as not to disturb the new bed friend by his side. He turns off the light by his bed, laying on his back and stares up at that same ceiling once again. But this time things felt a little different. This time Adam found his eyes closing, welcoming the slumber as he fell soundly into a deep sleep.
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