*Chapter 7*
Words: 2058
First published: 1st February 2018
Last updated: 16th November 2021
A whole week had passed since the motel. Enough time for both packs to recover and rest from their wounds. When Selene had returned to the loft and found that Ethan was correct, Derek was alive, She swore should could flown over the moon. She had just found out that Derek was her biological brother. She couldn't lose him now. But just because he was safe right now, it didn't mean he was going to stay like that.
Selene looked up at the window with worry. The alphas had somehow made their way to the loft and left their mark behind. Painted right on the window. The wolves looked at the mark in silence. The silence was disturbed by the sound of Selene's phone ringing. It was Stiles. After a short conversation she hung up.
"What did he have to say?" Derek asked, his arms crossed.
"Danny was just admitted to the hospital. He was brought in by Ethan. Danny was poisoned with mistletoe.... They don't have any doubts it was the work of the Darach which means the Darach isn't in league with the alphas. They might be evil but I know how much Ethan cares for Danny. There is no way he would hurt him on purpose." Derek nodded in agreement.
"Okay." Cora looked at her. She didn't even know who Danny was. "So what does it mean?" Derek gave out a long sigh. Lightning flashed across the sky, he answered his sister.
"It means they are coming... Tonight."
Selene was laid on the couch. Her foot was bouncing up and down on the arm.
"Go to school." Derek said in a monotone voice. He couldn't take the rhythmic bouncing anymore. He had been trying for the past hour to get Selene to go to school.
"No." Selene shook her head. Her foot still bouncing. Derek rolled his eyes before walking up to his sister and grabbing her foot forcing her to stop.
"You said it yourself. The school barely let you back in after last year. You can't be missing school... again. Plus all that effort you put into summer school. You can't waste it." The door to the loft opened slowly with a loud screech. Derek found himself sighing again. Stood in the doorway was Boyd and Isaac. "Go to school!" He ordered. Selene smiled at the two Betas.
"Well, actually, we can't." Isaac said walking in with confidence. "Boyd and I are incredibly and unbelievably sick."
"With what, brain damage?" Derek said sarcastically. He let go of Selene's foot.
"Well, I have a migraine, and, uh, Boyd here has explosive diarrhea." Isaac sat on the table near the window and began flicking through the pages of the old book that was next to him.
"We're here to protect you." Boyd said. His voice was more concerned than cocky. Derek scoffed.
"You're here to protect me? Well, I'm in trouble then... Did you know about this Selene?"
"Of course I did. I was the one who told them about the threat. I knew for a fact you wouldn't tell them. Maybe I let it slip." Derek groaned in annoyance.
"Actually." Isaac interrupted. "Boyd here has come up with a plan."
"Yeah," Boyd confirmed, "I thought about the time Gerard had me, Selene and... Erica locked up, tied up with electrical wires pushing current through us. I was wondering how we could do something like that..." He pulled out many thick long wires from his bag. "But on a bigger scale." Next, he pulled a hose from the bag. He walked over to a tap and connected the two. The floor slowly began to be covered in water. "In a pool of electrified water, it can take up to 50 milliamps to kill a normal human, less than the power it takes to turn on a light bulb." Selene was impressed. She did not know that.
"That's comforting." Derek remarked. He looked down at his shoes which were getting wetter and wetter as the room filled up.
"If we disable the circuit interrupter in the building's electrical room, the current will keep coming, and anyone who steps foot in here, they'll get a pretty shocking surprise." Boyd smiled at his plan. The first time anyone had seen him show a happy emotion.
"Especially someone who's barefoot." Isaac added.
While the wolves were setting up Boyd's plan Selene's phone rang.
"Hey Stiles. Everything is all good here. The plan is going to... plan?" She almost laughed.
"Selene." Stiles said in a serious tone. "Deaton is missing." Selene's eyes widened in shock.
"Missing meaning we don't know where he is or missing meaning... he's been taken?"
"He was taken." Stiles confirmed. "He called Scott just before asking him to find him. In the surgery, Deaton found a moth... just like the hospital last night and on top of that. Do you know who Deaton's sister is"?
"No?" Selene replied. Why would she possibly know that?
"Ms. Morell. The guidance councillor."
"Wow." Selene replied. "I would never have guessed that." Ms. Morell and Deaton were very different people, but now that she thought about it, it made sense. "What are we going to do? How are we going to find him?"
"At the moment we have Lydia trying to locate him because of... you know... her powers. If that doesn't work... I don't know." He admitted. Selene looked up at her brother and her pack members.
"Do you need me? I'm sure I wouldn't be missed for an hour or two."
"No... no, you need to be with Derek. I know you would never forgive yourself if anything happened when you weren't there." He paused. "We will handle this. You protect your brother."
"Okay." Selene agreed. "Let me know if anything happens.... And Stiles? I love you." She whispered the last part.
"I love you two Selene. Good luck."
Selene found herself on the phone again. But this time to her sister.
"Cora what the hell!" Selene shouted down to the phone. "Leave Lydia alone." She heard her sister scoff down the phone.
"Leave her alone? You said yourself the other day that she shouldn't be dating Aiden! I only did what you were too scared to do."
"There is a difference between vocal opinion and physical violence. If you want to give her dating advice then talk to her, not twist her by the arm and force her to listen. If anything you will have the opposite effect."
"How can I stop her having a terrible taste in men... come to think of it. So do you... Falling for a human? Pathetic!" She spat out. This hit a cord with Selene.
"I know you have been void of human interaction the past few years but there is a thing called manners. Maybe you've heard of them. Back off right now before I teach you some." Derek walked over to his sister and took the phone off her. This was not the time for arguments... especially over the phone. Derek guided Selene over to a safe spot as Isaac threw the electrical wire into the water.
"Will this kill them?" Isaac asked.
"I hope so."
They all stood in their safe spots. If they touched the water, even a single drop, they would be electrified. Selene looked down at her phone. Lydia couldn't locate Deaton. Stiles decided he would go the hospital to find any evidence.
"Hey." Isaac got everyone's attention. He lifted his hand and pointed to the security monitor in the corner of the room. "Shouldn't that light be on?" It was off.
"Yes." Derek said seriously. Something was wrong.
"What does it mean if it's not?" Isaac asked.
"Someone cut the auxiliary power." Derek explained, he began to walk forward. Closer to the water.
"What about the main..." All the power went off. The only light in the room was the natural light from the windows reflecting off the water. Derek stepped into the water. Nothing. No shock. No anything.
"Derek... What do we do now?" Isaac asked. Derek's eyes turned their Alpha red.
"We fight."
The three other wolves stood next to their alpha. The door slowly opened to reveal Kali.
"Gonna be honest, Derek. When Ennis died..." She began to walk forward. "I thought to myself I'd just go for it. Find you and kill you, wherever you stood. Then I remembered how you surround yourself with these teenagers, hiding behind them, and I thought, 'what's a girl got to do to get you alone?'" The twins showed up in the doorway holding Ms Blake. This caught Derek off guard. "You and me Derek." Kali continued "or they tear her apart. What do you say? You think you can beat me one on one?" Derek motioned with his head for his betas to step back. They did slowly.
"I'm gonna rip your throat out with my teeth." Derek threatened. They roared at each other and jumped into a fight.
The three betas watched helplessly as the two wolves fought seemingly to the death. Ms Blake was screaming the whole time. Kali kicked Derek so he was fully submerged in the water. Derek tried to get back up but she kicked him again. Isaac rushed forward but Derek shouted at him to stop. Selene looked at her phone and saw a text from stiles. He had managed to fix the electricity in the building. Selene nodded at Isaac who ran forward and grabbed Ms Blake so she wouldn't get shocked. Electricity flowed through the water shocking both Kali and Derek. But Kali got it the worst due to her bare feet.
Selene and Boyd found themselves being shocked too. They never got back to the safety zones in time. They both fell to the floor screaming and convulsing. The electricity stopped. Selene's vision was slightly blurry but she could still hear Kali shouting.
"Take him." Selene wrongly thought she meant Derek.
"No Derek. Please. Don't hurt him."
She tried to stand up but her body was too weak from the electric shock, her powers had been cut off just as they had been when Gerard has kidnapped her. Her vision was still not normal. She heard the twins run into the water. Water being splashed everywhere. Derek growled in frustration. Selene shook her head and saw what was happening. Kali had picked up Boyd and dropped him onto Derek's claws.
"No!" Selene screamed. The emotions hit her hard as her powers returned to her. The sorrow. The pain. The loss. She had failed Boyd again. Kali walked away smiling but not before she turned to Selene on the floor.
"Don't think we don't know about you. Deucalion is very interested in what you can do." She turned back to Derek. "You have until the next full moon Derek. Make the smart choice. Join the pack or next time. All of you will die." The twins followed her out of the door. Derek held Boyd in his arms. He was openly distressed. Isaac and Selene watched on helpless. There was nothing they could do for Boyd or Derek.
"No, no, no. you're going to be alright." Derek panicked holding onto Boyd's wounds. Everyone could hear the pain in his voice.
"It's okay." Boyd reassured slowly losing consciousness, he was losing too much blood.
"No its not." Derek cried.
"It's all okay Derek." Selene sat watching the two. Her lip trembling.
"The full moon. That feeling... That was worth it. There's a lunar eclipse. I always wondered what... What that felt like for one of us. For one of us..." But he died before he could find out. Derek looked at his hands. He couldn't believe what just happened.
Stiles and Cora ran in but stopped in their tracks when they saw Boyd's body. Stiles quickly scanned the room looking for Selene. He saw her laid on the floor. He was scared for a moment. But then he saw her body shaking with tears. He ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her. He held her so tightly she could barely breathe but she didn't mind. She needed his touch. Cora sobbed loudly holding onto Boyd. Lydia stood in the doorway unsure what to do.
This moment. This one. This was the moment that would change everything.
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