*Chapter 19*
Words: 3414
First published: June 30th 2020
Last updated: February 20th 2022
Void and The white wolf sat in the Jeep. They had left the parking lot of the hospital but didn't drive too far away. They wanted to see everything that happened. When the electrical wire fell from the roof they didn't expect it to go so far. They had only imagined people worrying about the live wire crackling about. But when an ambulance drove straight into a fire hydrant, water filled the surrounding area.
The water quickly became electrified when the live wire landed in it. People didn't seem to grasp the danger and kept standing in the water. People screamed as more and more bodies fell to the ground. One of which was Isaac. Void looked over to Selene to see if she would have a reaction. But nothing. Her face showed no emotion. She just watched him fall to the floor as if he was no more important than the other victims to this little trick.
Kira who had been witness to everything screamed to get people to stay back but no one was listening to her. A car drove straight towards her, she jumped and flipped over it like it was nothing. Void looked angered when she grabbed the live wire. With the touch of a hand, she absorbed the electricity and stopped the chaos.
"That is a problem." Void spat out. He turned the Jeep's engine on and drove away.
Two days passed. In those two days, the pair of them had been setting up traps for an even bigger prank. If you could call it a prank when the end result could end up in death. It was hard trying to avoid people. Argent was hunting them. Derek was tracking them. But, Isaac being in the hospital was a decent enough distraction for Derek. Isaac was the last of Derek's wolves.
Boyd and Erica were both dead leaving just Isaac and he wasn't looking good. For some reason, he wasn't healing from his electrical burns and lay in a coma. Whenever Derek wasn't searching for Selene, he was with Isaac. Selene could feel his pain emotionally but not physically. She needed physical contact to feel his physical pain. What she felt was diluted compared to, for example, the pain Scott repeatedly took from him. Think how your enemy thinks. Scott would always take the pain if he could and Isaac was in a lot of pain. But Isaac wasn't the only person whose pain he would be taking in the next 24 hours.
Void had sent a text to Noah telling him not to look for them and then they turned their phones off to make sure no one could track them that way. Not that it mattered now. It was time to set the plan in motion. Time for the tricks to begin. Now they wanted to be found.
Selene grabbed her ears when Void turned the sound emitter on. One of Argent's emitters. They were currently in the basement of the school and they needed the attention of Scott and the twins.
"I hope they come quickly." She said trying to drown out the noise. Void could also hear it but not as much as Selene could.
"They will come." Void reassured. He was right. They were down in the basement within five minutes.
The three wolves looked at Void and Selene.
"I know what you guys are thinking but it's us." Stiles held his hands up in surrender. The twins snarled their teeth and ran at them. Selene returned in kind. Her eyes were still blue matching both of the twin's eyes. She needed to protect Stiles at all costs. She managed to knock one of the twins down but two of them were too much for her.
As she fought one the other one grabbed Stiles by the throat. Scott not wanting his friend to come to any harm gave out his Alpha roar.
"Stop!" All the wolves stopped their fighting. Stiles was put back on the floor. While Selene was no longer fighting she still stood protectively in front of Stiles in case the twins tried anything else.
"It's me, Scott. It's us." Stiles continued. "I swear it's us. We don't know where we've been the last two days or what we've been doing, but we are back to being ourselves. I promise."
"You know what happened at the hospital?" Aiden asked.
"I know more than that." Stiles walked past the twins and Scott and reached into a bag. He pulled out a large blue map. "You see this? It's a blueprint of the hospital's electrical wiring." He unfolded it. "You see all these markings in red? That's my handwriting. I know I did this. I caused the accident."
"Don't forget about your little girlfriend too," Aiden growled. Selene narrowed her eyes at him.
"I didn't do anything."
"No. You disappear moments before everything happened. If you didn't do anything then you are most certainly an accomplice."
"You? You are going to judge me? You who killed Boyd? At least I had a reason to do the things I did. I'm connected to Stiles. I'm bound to protect him. Why did you kill Boyd?"
"Guys!" Scott interrupted them. "There are more important things right now." They looked back at Stiles.
"Everything in this bag." Stiles continued. "It's all stuff that could be part of something bigger." One of the twins pulled out an electrical hand saw.
"What the hell have you been up to?"
"I think something worse. A lot worse."
They put the bag on a table and began to pull things out of it. There were maps of the town and its buildings. Rope, chains, and wires.
"What were you building? A terminator?" Ethan tried to joke but the undertone in his voice was very present. They were all worried about what was happening.
"Guys this is a map." Scott pointed out.
"There is quite a few maps. What is so special about this one?" Selene asked taking a closer look at the map.
"Isn't that the cross country track?" Aiden asked pointing to a large red line running across the entire map.
"And that is where the Tate family car crashed." Scott pointed to an area on the cross-country track.
"You mean where her father put down the steel-jawed traps?"
Scott, Selene and Stiles got into the jeep and drove to the place where the cross country track and the area where the bear traps began. They saw coach sitting on a rock blissfully unaware. Not that was any different from his usual demeanor.
"Woah!" Coach shouted in surprise when he saw Selene and Stiles. "Stilinski! Violet!" Stiles put his hands up before he could say anything else.
"Coach. Stop, listen." Scott and Selene went on ahead to stop the runners from coming any further into the bear trap zone.
Scott physically ran into Kira. She spun around in his arms.
"Did you see how fast I was running?" She asked breathing heavily. Scott nodded.
"I felt it." He confirmed. Kira was too amazed by Scott to notice Selene stood there too. The two of them continued to look at each other.
"Guys! We have a job to do." Selene pointed out. Kira looked at Selene for the first time and looked at her worriedly.
"What is she doing here?"
"Trying to save your life. We need to stop everyone."
The rest of the team began to catch up with them.
"Stop!" Selene and Scott shouted at them raising their arms above their heads. The students looked at them funnily but did as they were asked. Coach and Stiles came up to the mass of students screaming and shouting. It was then the students began to panic. It was one thing for Scott and Selene to stop them. But if coach himself was panicked, you yourself should panic too.
Stiles felt around in the leaves until he found a metal hoop. He pulled on the chain attached to the metal loop and slowly lifted it from the leaves. Everyone watched him in anticipation but on the other end of the chain was another metal hoop. Coach began to clap slowly.
"Congratulations, Stilinski. You found a length of chain. Can somebody now please tell me what the hell's going on?" Coach stepped forward looking at each of them. He was too busy trying to find answers he didn't pay attention to his surroundings until it was too late. He stepped on a tripwire.
"Hey, Coach!" Scott tried to warn but it was too late. An arrow flew through the air and pierced coach in the abdomen. Coach looked down at the arrow and mumbled.
"Oh, crap." He fell to the floor with an impressive thud. All of the students gathered around him worried.
Coach was silent for approximately ten seconds. Enough time for him to realize what had happened to him.
"Get it out of me! Get it out of me!" He just kept shouting again and again out of panic. "I'm gonna die!"
"Coach you aren't going to die." Stiles tried to calm him.
"I'm gonna die!" Coach repeated. Stiles had his hands around the arrow still inside Coach to help stop the bleeding.
"Selene can't you... You know... Calm him down?" Scott suggested. Selene looked at Coach and shook her head.
"I don't think I could even if I tried. His mind is a mess." Thankfully Coach was too high on delirium to even notice their conversation. The students had already taken a step back as of the twins telling them to do so.
Scott gave a little sigh of acknowledgment before doing what he could for Coach. Scott held his hand and took away his pain. The veins in Scott's hands turned black which was the tell-tale sign. This is what Void and the white wolf wanted. They wanted Scott to take as much pain as possible. Coach stopped screaming.
"I think he passed out," Aiden observed. Stiles looked down at his own hands. They were covered in blood.
"I could have killed him," Stiles whispered. "What if it was his head? Or his throat."
"But it wasn't!" Scott reassured. "And he's going to be alright." A siren began to blare getting closer and closer.
"I think that is the ambulance," Aiden said. Stiles nodded.
"And my dad," Stiles added.
Coach was loaded into the back of the ambulance. Noah rushed to hug his son. While Void was in control of Stiles they were two separate people living in one mind. The white wolf and Selene were the same person. She was just out of tune with her emotions and Void wasn't a good influence on her judgment.
Stiles had brought her out of her White wolf mind. Void did all he could to keep her like that. But, seeing Stiles, or someone who looked like Stiles, hugging his father made Selene long for someone like that. She missed her own dad. The only family she really had was Derek and he wasn't really the type of person to hug people. She couldn't think like that. No, that would distract her from their mission to create Chaos.
She could hear the twins and Scott whispering behind her. They had continued searching through Stiles' things to see what was going to happen next.
"Scott, you better look at this."
"This is the same wrapping paper we used for Coach's birthday present."
"Wasn't that William Barrow's thing? A bomb made from nails and bolts all wrapped in a birthday present? Where did it go off?"
"On a school bus."
Back at the school students were running away from the busses screaming. Jered who had unknowingly picked up the possible bomb was the only student who couldn't and wouldn't run away with the fear of dying. The police and deputies did their best to keep the students away from the busses but the students wanted to know if it was real or not.
Parish, the new deputy, was the only one outside of the bomb squad qualified to search the bomb to find out if it was real or not. Scott, the twins, Selene and Stiles all watched as Parish got onto the bus. Selene and Stiles were holding hands and standing close. To the outside world, they looked concerned but they were talking to each other through their mental bond. A power they didn't even know they had until Void abused it.
It was a few minutes until Parish's voice spoke over the radio.
"It's not a bomb Sir. But there is something in the box." The Sheriff looked confused. Parish, still inside the bus, made his way to the front window and pressed something up against the glass. It was Noah's nameplate from his desk at the station. Scott looked at Stiles. Stiles shrugged as if he didn't know.
"Oh my god," Noah whispered more to himself, but the wolves could still hear. "There is a bomb, just not here."
The bomb went off at the Sheriff's station before anyone could react. Noah had managed to warn people but it wasn't fast enough. Many officers were injured. Some were dying. Stiles went over to one of the ones who wasn't going to make it and called Scott over to help. Scott again, predictably, took the officer's pain before he died. Selene saw her brother.
"Derek!" She shouted over the noise of people coming in and out trying to help the wounded. Derek looked happy to see her but Argent who was with him did not.
"This is your fault," Argent said simply and bluntly. "All these men, their blood is on your hands. If Alison didn't tell me about your eyes changing color. They would have changed today."
"Argent. She is my sister." Derek reminded him.
"I don't care who she was. While she is possessed by the nogitsune she's no one's sister. You'd better run Selene. Before I get my hands on you. I've hunted your kind for less."
"Argent that is enough!" Derek warned. Grabbing Argent's arm and pulling him back. Argent pulled his arm free and pointed his finger in Selene's face. Derek, seeing he wouldn't get through to Argent, shook his head.
"I'm okay Selene. But you should get out of here." He pointed his head towards the door. "Before anyone does anything they will regret."
"Anything else you mean," Argent said through gritted teeth.
Scott grabbed Selene's arm. She gasped and pulled away from him. He had so much pain running through his veins. The plan had worked, but that was too much for Selene. Or maybe she hadn't been attuned to it enough. She had spent so long suppressing pain, maybe she just needed void to teach her how to use it properly.
"It's time to go." Scott wanted. "The Oni are coming for Stiles." This got her attention. She looked up at Stiles who nodded at her.
"Okay. Where do we go?"
"The animal clinic. It's lined with mountain ash."
"So was your house. They got through that." Scott nodded.
"Yeah but this way we can bide some time while we think of an idea."
The rain was crashing down heavily. Scott, Selene, Stiles and Kira, who had warned them about the Oni, were in the Jeep driving as quickly as possible to the animal clinic.
"But..." Selene started. "I don't understand how the Oni could find the nogitsune in Stiles' mind. They couldn't find it in mine."
"That's because it's not really inside of you." Kira pointed out. "I did my research. It can pass into your mind in a diluted form through your mind bond with Stiles. But it can't fully cross the bridge."
"Then why am I doing these things too?"
"Because the nogitsune is a trickster. It knows everything. You are a white wolf aren't you?" Kria asked. Selene nodded. "It probably knows all the correct buttons to press and it's using your feelings for Stiles against you. You probably don't even realize you are doing it." Selene nodded but in her mind, she chuckled. Selene knew everything she was doing. The white wolf loved chaos as much as Void did. The white wolf was born out of chaos. The very first time Selene turned into her true form was when three wolves had been denied the full moon for months. It was them who made her realize who she was truly.
"We're here," Stiles announced.
They all climbed out of the Jeep and ran towards the clinic door which was locked shut. The hair on the back of Scott and Selene's neck picked up. The oni were here.
"Stiles get inside!" Scott shouted over the rain throwing the keys at Stiles. Stiles quickly got the door open as Scott began fighting the Oni alone. Selene hesitated.
"Kira! Selene! Get inside!" Stiles ordered them. Selene did as she was asked but Kira did not. Kira stood and fought. At first, she threw equipment at the Oni from a distance but when one came up to her she easily blocked them and flipped them. She was shocked at her own powers. As was Scott. In his moment of distraction, one of the Oni pierced Scott through the abdomen with their katana. Kira screamed.
In a moment of adrenaline, Kira pushed the Oni away from Scott. Stiles ran back out into the rain and helped Scott inside of the building. Selene slammed the door behind them and locked it again. Scott tried to pull the sword from himself but only ended up screaming and giving up. Kira looked at him and nodded. She grabbed the handle and tried to pull it out.
Stiles reached out and pulled her hand away. Kira looked at him in confusion. With an ease that clearly didn't belong to Stiles, he pushed her head and slammed it against the metal table knocking her out instantly. Scott looked at him stunned. His eyes went to Selene in hopes she would help him but she wouldn't.
Stiles placed his own hand around the handle. Scott shook his head.
"No. Please don't." Scott begged.
"Does it hurt?" Stiles asked. Scott winced in pain. "Hey look at me." Stiles forced Scott to look at him as he slowly turned the blade. "You should have done your reading Scott." Stiles laughed. "Kira already told you. A nogitsune feeds off chaos, strife and pain. This morning, you took it from Isaac, then you took it from Coach. And then from a dying deputy. All that pain. You took it all. Now, give it to me." Stiles grabbed Scott by either side of his head. The black veins protruded in Scott's face. Stiles was taking it all. He was enjoying it. Selene could feel the pure ecstasy coming from him. It was the most it had fed on in decades. So much pain and now it was all his.
Once he had fed on Scott, Stiles stumbled back slightly. Selene caught him.
"Oh, I'm alright my love." He said. Scott did not like the voice. This was not the voice of his best friend. All that resembled him was his face. "Have a taste." He kissed her and she felt some of the pain. It wasn't as strong as it was in the sheriff's station. Was it because it wasn't coming from Scott directly or because Void wasn't letting her have it all? Void pulled away and laughed at Scott's disgusted face.
"You really have to learn Scott," Void continued. "You really have to learn not to trust a fox. Especially if they have control of a white wolf." Scott blinked in pain. "Do you know why? 'Cause, they're tricksters. They'll fool everyone."
"Not everyone." Deaton corrected coming out of the shadows. How long had he been there? He took his moment of surprise to inject Void with something. As he fell to the floor Selene bared her teeth at him and grabbed his arm to pull the syringe away from void but his jacket was sticky. She felt the familiar numbness slowly climb up her arm. She looked at it in hopes it would stop spreading but it didn't. Her legs began to shake under her own weight. She too fell to the floor next to Stiles. Deaton pulled out another syringe. Wolfsbane. Enough to knock her out for a little while. As her world went black she had one last look at Stiles.
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