*Chapter 10*
Words: 4179
First published: April 18th 2018
Last updated: November 17th 2021
"This is ridiculous." Derek scoffed. "You have a bond with Lydia now? Why hasn't this been mentioned before?" He asked. Selene thought to herself for a moment.
"But it has Derek. Think about it. When I was... When I was the white wolf I said something about Lydia screaming into the night and I heard her when no one else did. I knew exactly where she was with out being told. All I knew was that she needed me. I guess the reason everyone heard her this time was because she was in danger. Like actual life or death danger."
"Because of Jennifer." Derek sighed. Selene looked at him sadly. This wouldn't be an easy thing for him to hear. Jennifer was the first girl he had fallen for in years.
"Derek please believe me. I wouldn't lie to you. Especially about something this serious." Derek refused to look his sister in the eye. He didn't want to believe her. He wanted to talk to Jennifer himself and she could explain that this was a big mistake. But he knew it would be a lie. Selene was right, she would never lie about anything this serious. He pinched the bridge of his nose before giving his other sister, who was in bed unconscious, a quick glance. It was because of Jennifer and the Alphas that she was here in the first place. He needed to stop Jennifer before anyone else he cared about got hurt.
"We need to get to the loft." Derek finally said after a long silence.
"The loft? Why?"
"Because, Scott will want to find me, to find us. They don't know about your connection to Lydia so they will want to tell us everything that happened. Also..." He paused. "Jennifer will look for me too. She's going to try and tell me her side of the story." Derek gave Cora a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room. Selene sent a text to Peter asking him to take their place at the hospital. They needed eyes and ears on Cora at all times to make sure she was okay.
Selene and Derek arrived at the loft only a few minutes before Scott and Stiles turned up. Stiles' eyes watered when he saw his girlfriend. He rushed up to her and buried his face into his neck. His body was trembling and his breath was haggard. Selene didn't know what was wrong but it must have been serious. He was holding her to tight that she felt like gravity itself would stop working if he let go.
She tried to calm him using her powers but it was useless. The emotion he was feeling was too powerful for her to overcome. He couldn't be feeling distress over Lydia. She survived the attack. It was something else. Stiles finally let go. Tears in his eyes. Selene touched his face.
"What's wrong Stiles? Tell me?" Selene asked. Stiles opened his mouth to answer but nothing came out. It was almost like he had lost his voice. Scott put his hand on Stiles' shoulder and answered for him.
"It's Jennifer. She's the one who has been killing people." Scott said. That wasn't all. Selene knew it was something else.
"We know. Derek said calmly. "It seems that Selene doesn't just have a supernatural bond to Stiles but Lydia too. Of course not in the same way. When Lydia was attacked Selene saw everything like she was there, and her eyes went white." He explained. Selene nodded.
"It was like I was her. What she saw, I saw, what she felt I felt. It started when she screamed." Scott nodded.
"Did you see what she did after she attacked Lydia?" Stiles whispered. Selene shook her head.
"My dad..." he chocked. "She took my dad." Selene's mouth widened in shock. She hugged Stiles again. "We need to get him back." He cried.
"We will. I promise." Selene said determined. They heard the door of the loft opening. It was her. She was coming.
"You three stay over there. Don't let her know you are here." Derek ordered pointing to the shadows of the room. They did as they were told. Derek stepped into the light and Jennifer gasped when she saw him. She ran to kiss him. She badly wanted Derek on her side but he would never be. No matter what she told him. She could feel his body was tense. She took a step back from him and shook her head.
"They're already here, aren't they?" Jennifer realized. "So... They told you it was me? That I'm the one taking people?" The three on queue stepped into the light from the shadow.
"We told him you're the one killing people." Scott corrected. Jennifer scoffed.
"Oh, that's right. Committing human sacrifices? What, cutting their throats? Yeah, I probably do it on my lunch hour. That way, I can get back to teaching high school English the rest of the day. That makes perfect sense." She lifted her hands and hit her thighs.
"Where's my dad?" Stiles asked. The tears finally falling down his face. Selene held his hand. She would be his anchor. Especially now.
"How should I know?" Jennifer dismissed. "Derek, tell me you don't believe this."
"Do you know what happened to Stiles' father?" Derek asked with more authority.
"No!" She was convincing. But they all knew.
"Ask her why she almost killed Lydia." Scott added.
"Lydia Martin? I don't know anything about that." Jennifer shouted.
"You don't know anything?" Selene interrupted. "One speaks for the living. While the other speaks for the dead. I believe that is what you said?" Jennifer looked at her. Unsure what to say. This caught her off guard.
"I don't know what you are talking about." She finally managed to squeak out.
"What do you know?" Derek asked crossing his arms. He was getting fed up of this. She was wasting her breath.
"I know that these... Children! For whatever misguided reason, are filling your head with an absurd story." She turned to the three. "And one they can't prove, by the way."
"What if we can?" Scott smirked. She faltered again. Scott pulled out a jar from his pocket. "My boss told me it's a poison and a cure... which means you can use it, but it can also be used against you."
He opened the jar and threw its contents over Jennifer. She screamed trying to get away from the jar of mistletoe, but it was useless. Her true face showed for a second but a second is all that was needed. Derek grabbed her by the throat and drew his claws. She screamed for Derek to wait but all he could see was red. Jennifer revealed that it was her fault that Cora wasn't healing. This only made Derek angrier. He lifted her from the floor. Jennifer was struggling to breathe. She said that they would never find Stiles' dad. Stiles rushed forward. Almost willing to tackle Derek to stop. He finally dropped her on the floor and walked away.
"That's right." Jennifer laughed. "You need me. All of you."
They all drove as fast as they could to the hospital. It was pouring with rain. Stiles had a bat in his hand.
"What is that?" Scott asked, Selene also looked at him confused.
"You guys have claws. I have a bat!" Stiles defended himself. They all rushed into the hospital walking past many people. It was hectic. Everyone was running around.
"Scott!" They heard Mellissa's voice shout over all the noise. "What are you all doing here? The hospital is evacuating."
"We are here for Cora." Scott explained.
"All of you? Why does Stiles have my bat?" She pointed to the bat in Stiles' hands.
Stiles hid it behind his back in hopes Melissa would forget about it. Scott took his mother's shoulders.
"Mom! Just trust me on this. You need to get out of here. Now!" Melissa understood the urgency in his voice and nodded.
"The building is supposed to be clear in 30 minutes. We've got two ambulances that are coming back. One's 10 minutes out, the other's 20. Cora needs to be on one of those. They'll be picking up in the basement garage."
The five of them got into the elevator. Taking the awkward confined journey to Cora's floor. The three wolves and Stiles all kept an eye on Jennifer. Daring her to try anything. The doors opened, and they stepped out. The lights were flickering, and the halls were covered in empty hospital beds. On the floor they found a puddle of what could only be Cora's blood. The puddle had a small trail leading away and through some doors. Suddenly without warning Peter was thrown out of the doors and skid along the floor stopping at their feet.
"We have a problem." They looked up and saw the merged alpha twins. "Big problem." Derek charged at the twins fighting them one on one. Selene pushed Stiles behind her. He may have his bat, but she would die before she let the mutant wolf hurt him. Scott ran forward to help when Derek began to lose. In that moment Stiles saw Cora laid on the floor unconscious. He tapped Selene and Peter on the shoulder. Both of them understood what he was implying. They tried to step forward to grab her but Alpha was blocking the path. Scott shouted begging the twins to stop. Scott had noticed something the rest of them hadn't. All of them, including the twins, looked in the direction Scott was. They saw Jennifer escaping through the elevator.
While the twins were distracted, they picked Cora up and ran with her as fast as they could away from the danger, or at further away then they were now. Selene could feel the twins getting angrier and angrier. They ran through some double doors. The wolves ventured to the other side of the room while Stiles stayed behind the original set of doors.
"Stiles!" The wolves shouted in unison. The twins came bursting through the door. Stiles hit them as hard as he could over the head with his bat which shattered on impact. Splinters flying everywhere. The twins roared at Stiles. Selene jumped into action, literally. With a swing of her leg she kicked the twins in the jaw. They jumped back. Selene grabbed Stiles and ran with him out of the way. She knocked the light on the ceiling causing it to swing and hit the twins. The group ran from the room to another room in hopes of hiding from the twins.
"You are a brave idiot!" Selene said. She wasn't sure if she could be angry or proud of her boyfriend. Stiles smiled for a moment before realizing the big problem.
"Guys. We need to get Ms. Blake back." He pointed out. Derek shushed him. Stiles shook his head. "Me be quiet?" he said outraged. "Me huh? Are you telling me what to do? When you psychotic, mass murdering girlfriend... the second one you've dated by the way... has my dad somewhere, tied up, waiting to be ritually sacrificed?" Stiles got in Derek's face. Scott held his hands up trying to calm the situation.
"The twins are still out there." He pointed it out. Stiles nodded.
"And they want her, right? Which means that now that we don't have her my dad and Cora are both dead! Why didn't you grab her!" He shouted.
"I was too busy fighting the giant alpha! Or did you not notice it." Derek said angrily.
"Yeah, I was trying to save your sister. Maybe she wouldn't be in this mess if you chose girlfriends that weren't evil."
"Guys this isn't helping. You need to stop arguing." Scott said getting between them.
"If Stiles calmed down..." Derek said.
"Calm down?" Selene whispered in a harsh tone defending Stiles. "Calm down? He is terrified for his father's life. As someone who has lost their father, I can understand what he is going through. I would do anything to save him. So how about you cut him some slack." She shouted at her brother.
"You know just as well as I do what will happen if the alphas find us. So you had better quiet down too before they make You." Derek looked her in the eye challenging her. But she didn't back down like she usually would. She continued to look him in the eye. Almost like she was accepting the challenge. Their stare down was interrupted by the doors swinging open. They all got ready to fight but it was Jennifer. She had come back.
"You can't save Cora or the Sherriff. Only I can. I can save her, and I can tell you where to find Sheriff Stilinski. But there is a pack of alphas in this hospital who want me dead. So I'll help you... but only when I'm out of here and safe. Only then."
Derek flipped a medical table over and charged for her.
"Derek wait!" Scott said grabbing Derek.
"She tried to get out!" Derek shouted pointing at Jennifer.
"I was trying to stay alive. You cant blame me for that." Jennifer defended herself. Stiles stepped forward bravely.
"If you are trying to say you are one of the good guys. Heal her." He pointed his head in the direction of Cora who wasn't doing so well.
"Only when I'm safe and out of this hospital."
"I have another method of persuasion." Peter spoke up. "Let's torture her." He picked up some medical equipment which looked menacing. Before anyone could say anything to agree or disagree a familiar voice came over the hospital speakers. It was Scott's mom.
"Um, can I have your attention? Mr. Deucalion... excuse me, just Deucalion... Requests you bring the woman calling herself Jennifer Blake to the E.R. reception. Do this, and everyone else can leave. You have ten minutes." The speaker cut off.
"He's not gonna hurt her." Jennifer said uninterested. Derek pointed his finger at her,
"Shut up." He turned to Scott who was holding onto a table for support.
"He won't!" Jennifer repeated. She looked directly at Scott, "Scott, you know why. Tell them it's true."
"What does she mean?" Derek asked, they all looked at Scott who didn't answer.
"You're not the only one he wants in his pack." Jennifer answered for him. "Deucalion doesn't just want an Alpha pack. He wants perfection. That means adding the rarest of alphas to his ranks." The wolves looked at each other confused except for Peter who was slowly piecing together what was going on.
"A true Alpha." Peter said realizing. Selene looked at her friend. It all made sense. Lately she had found herself drawn to Scott's power rather than Derek's.
"Whats that?" Stiles asked not understanding.
"The kind that doesn't have to steal his power from another. One that can rise by the force of his own will. Our little Scott." Peter was amused before turning back to Jennifer. "Not to brag. But what about Selene. The white wolf. Why does he not want her?" Jennifer scoffed.
"Because she's not an Alpha. The only way she would enter his pack is if she killed another alpha. But which Alpha would she kill?" She paused and smiled. "All of his Alphas are useful to him so why would he sacrifice one for her? Unless he could kill two birds with one stone." She looked playfully between Derek and Selene. Selene growled while Derek sighed.
"What?" Stiles asked, "What am I missing."
"Deucalion want me in his pack because I am the child of the great Talia Hale..." Derek explained. "But... so is Selene. So, if Selene kills me and takes my powers then she will be everything he wants. The white wolf, a Hale child and an Alpha."
"I will not kill my brother." Selene growled. Scott looked confused.
"You two are siblings?" He whispered pointing to the two of them. All of this information was too much. His mother. True alphas and now Derek and Selene. "Does Deucalion know?"
"Not as far as I am aware." Derek said breathing heavily through his nose.
"Let's hope he doesn't find out." Scott let out a breath. "But for now. We need to make a plan to save the others. My mom said there's one more ambulance coming in 20 minutes. And I don't think we've been here that long, so if we can get down to the garage, get to the last ambulance, we can get out of here."
"The twins aren't gonna let us just walk out." Derek said.
"I'll distract them." Scott shrugged.
"You mean fight them."
"Whatever I have to do."
"I'll help you."
"Um, sorry, but I'm not going anywhere without you, Derek." Jennifer interrupted.
"I'll do it." Peter said with a sigh. "But I'd prefer to be out there with an advantage."
"An advantage like what? You mean like a weapon?" Stiles suggested.
"Something better than a baseball bat." Peter remarked. Everyone began searching the room for something Peter could use. Stiles picked up a defibrillator.
"Hey! What about these?" He held the panels up.
"Do you know how to use them?" Derek asked.
"Then put them down." Stiles did as he was told.
Selene couldn't help but give out a chuckle as she kissed Stiles on the cheek.
"Epinephrine?" Scott piped up. Selene looked up and saw the massive needle. Stiles could feel himself grow feint.
"That's only gonna make him stronger." Derek informed. This gained Peter's interest.
"How strong?" Peter smirked. Derek grabbed the needle and plunged it into Peter's chest. While Scott and Peter fought the twins, Derek, Jennifer, Stiles and Selene escaped and headed to the garage.
At the garage they spotted the ambulance and quickly put Cora in the back.
"Where is the driver?" Selene asked climbing in behind Stiles. They sat on either side of the gurney.
"Derek." Jennifer said in a weary tone. Derek walked out of view. Before he could explain they heard someone call for Julia in the distance. Stiles and Selene looked at each other and nodded. They lent forward slowly and shut the doors of the ambulance making as little noise as possible. Selene caught a glimpse of her brother and gave him a quick nod before Derek and Jennifer ran leaving the three teens in the back of the ambulance. After a few minutes Stiles and Selene let out a sigh.
"I think we are fine." Selene said to Stiles. He frantically nodded while rubbing his thighs. He looked down at Cora.
"Why does she look like she isn't breathing?" Stiles asked. Selene looked down.
"Because she isn't Stiles!" Selene whispered loudly. "Oh my God." Her hands were shaking. "No, Cora!" Selene wasn't taking it well. "No, please, wake up!" She shouted. She put her hands on her sister and sobbed. Without warning Stiles pushed her back. Selene hit the seat of the ambulance with a hard thud. Stiles put his hands on Cora's head tilting it back. He began to mumble to himself.
"Come on, you can do this. Tilt the head, fingers on the chin. Clear the throat." Selene was so confused. "Great nothing in there. Pinch the nose and..." He lent forward and put his mouth on Cora's. Selene was glued to her seat. Stiles was kissing her when she was dead? What? He lifted his head and said Cora's name. After doing this a few times Cora coughed and began to breathe. Selene jumped up from her seat and grabbed onto her sister.
"Cora! Youre alive!" Selene turned to Stiles. "What did you do?" Stiles looked at her confused.
"CPR?" He answered unsure.
"What's that?" She asked. Stiles right now was her hero. He was always her hero but now even more so. What he had just done was magic to her. Stiles squinted his eyes and shook his head. He often forgot Selene didn't live a normal childhood.
They sat in the back of the ambulance. Selene was still in awe of Stiles. He had saved her sister's life and he shrugged it off like it was nothing. He began talking.
"We just need hold on a little longer, okay?" He was looking at Cora but Selene knew he was talking to them both. "Trust me, if anyone's gonna get us out of this, it's Scott. Can't believe I just said that." He halfheartedly laughed. "You know, I actually used to be the one with the plan. Well, or at least a plan B."
Selene moved from her seat to sit next to him. She lent on his shoulder and put her hand on his knee. Stiles took her hand and looked at it. He looked at it with such intensity as if he would find the answer to life itself on the back of it. "Now I don't know. Now I'm thinking maybe you were right. You know, maybe... maybe we are pretty much useless. Maybe all we really do is show up and find the bodies. I don't want to find my father's body." A tear fell down his cheek. Selene didn't know what to say. So she didn't say anything. She just snuggled closer to Stiles and listened to his heart beat. She vowed to herself she would help do anything to find Stiles' father. Anything. "She's much easier to talk to when she's completely unconscious." Stiles joked.
They heard a deep growl coming from in the garage. They were no longer alone. A shadow passed through the window. It was the twins. Stiles and Selene lent back into the wall of the ambulance to make sure that they wouldn't be seen. The twins just walked past. Stiles lent forward to look out of the window. Selene tried to stop him.
"Stiles no! I can still hear..." She was cut off by Scott's face at the window. He was holding Peter who looked terrible.
"Stiles open the door." Scott asked, once the door was open Peter laid down on the unoccupied side of the ambulance.
"Where is Derek and Jennifer."
"I need to go back for them." Scott said.
"Then I'll come with you." Selene began to sit up but Scott quickly said.
"No. I need you to stay here. To look after them. They need at least one fighting wolf." Selene sat back down nodding her head in understanding. She needed to look after the two members of her family in this ambulance and Stiles. Scott and Derek should be fine.
"We do have a problem though." Stiles said, "Kali's got the keys to this thing and we saw the twins like 20 seconds ago."
"Stay here." Scott said to Stiles. He looked up at Selene. "Protect them."
They sat there for what felt like hours. Terrified to even breathe too loud. Selene's head perked up when she heard the wheels of a car pulling up next to them. She sat up ready to fight for the lives of her family when the doors of the ambulance opened she grinned.
"Isaac! Thank God!" Stiles and Peter pushed Cora out of the ambulance towards the car while Selene hugged Isaac. "I can't thank you enough."
"You can thank me later. Now we have to hurry." They got Cora safely into the car when they noticed that Stiles was still stood at the ambulance doors. "Stiles come on!" Isaac shouted but Stiles didn't move. Selene stepped forward cautiously,
"Stiles, what's wrong?" Stiles began to run back into the hospital.
"Stiles!" Isaac shouted. Selene looked between them both.
"Get them to safety!" She pointed at Isaac before running after Stiles. They dodged and weaved through the hospital. "Stiles where are you going?"
They saw Scott round a corner revealing a knocked out, but still alive Derek. Selene gasped. She needed to help Derek but she needed to stay with Stiles who had already ran off. When Selene had finally caught up to him he was on the roof begging Scott not to go.
"Scott, don't do this. Don't go with him." Stiles begged. Scott slowly turned around.
"I don't know what else to do," Scott admitted. Scott was in despair.
"Scott," Selene said, "We can do something. There has to be another way."
"We always have a plan B." Stiles cried referencing what he had said in the ambulance what felt like a lifetime ago.
"Not this time." Scott said openly crying. Tears flowing down his cheeks. "I'm going to find your dad. I promise."
And with that they were gone leaving Selene and Stiles alone on the roof. Selene took Stiles' hand.
"Stiles. We need to go help Derek. He needs us." Stiles nodded. She lent up and kissed him with all the happiness she could spare at the moment. But there wasn't much. Their tears mixed together and neither of them were sure what was going to happen next.
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