Chapter 8: Something's Gotta Give
"But thanks. I mean, I know you probably didn't intend for me to hear what you said and everything, but thanks. You didn't necessarily have to lie to me afterward about what you said, though, cause I'm seriously not mad. I may or may not have been trying to ditch that lazy Peter Pettigrew wannabe since sophomore year, so you really did me a favor. And I guess that I may not entirely agree, but thanks for saying I deserve better."
"You don't have to thank me," Lucifer replied softly.
"I wanted to," Michael replied back, equally as soft.
Lucifer smiled to himself for a moment, then jerked up in his bed and stared at the wall, horrified.
"But anyways I just wanted to tell you that. G'night Luce," Michael whispered into the phone.
"G'night Mike," Lucifer whispered, still staring at the wall. He heard the phone disconnect when he whispered to himself, "Oh no. Oh no. Oh fuck no. No no no no no. Fuck." He just proved himself wrong, very wrong. He was in love with Michael.
Michael called again Saturday night.
Lucifer picked up the phone, "Hey, what's up?"
"Nothing, I'm bored."
"Maybe you should get started on the shitload of homework we have." Wait, why am I being responsible? He thought to himself.
"We finished all of that."
"You have two other siblings, something has to be happening."
"Don't quote me to me. I said that to you the last time you said you were bored. Also my siblings aren't home, Adam's with Samandriel, and Jo's at the roadhouse with Ellen. Also Bobby's at the Winchester's, probably for most of the night."
Lucifer started flipping through the channels on the TV and noticed there was a Star Wars marathon on. "Hey, you have a TV in your room right? A working one?" He asked Michael.
"Uh yeah, why?"
"Give me like, five minutes,"
"Wha- why?" Cute. Wait no, bad Lucifer.
"You'll see." Lucifer hung up the phone and then checked the time. It was 10:47, so the rest of his family were all in their rooms being boring. He tugged on some boots, not bothering to lace them up and darted up the stairs. He went into the kitchen, grabbed a huge bag of Smartfood popcorn. He then grabbed a sticky note out of the drawer and a pen, writing 'If you're reading this, I'm probably at Michael's (yes, again.) -Luce.'
Once Lucifer hung up the phone, Michael was even more confused. Though he figured that Lucifer would probably do something like rob a bank, get arrested, and then use his one phone call to call him and say something stupid like, "Hey turn on your TV to Channel 9! I'm on!"
Five minutes later there was knocking on the front door.
"C'mon Bobby I know you're getting old but really? Forgetting your keys?" Michael mumbled to himself as he went downstairs to unlock the door.
His long legs quickly reached the front door, that he swung open to reveal Lucifer instead. Lucifer, wearing a red t shirt, sweatpants, unlaced combat boots and his favorite leather jacket, carrying a bag of popcorn. And then there was Michael, who was shirtless and had luckily thought to put on some basketball shorts before answering the door.
"What are you doing here?" Michael asked, not rudely, just incredulous.
"You said you were bored," Lucifer said, trying not to look at Michael's abs. "So are you going to let me in or are you just going to stand here with the door open probably catching a cold cause you couldn't bother to put on a shirt. Not that I mind."
Michael opened the door and moved to the side so Lucifer could come in, and then locked it behind him.
"I don't really get it," Michael started talking as the two walked up the stairs, "I tell you I'm bored and then suddenly you show up at my house?"
"What's there not to get?" Lucifer said, "We're friends and neighbors, which has its perks of me being able to do this. Hell, I have a car so I'd probably do it if we weren't neighbors. The only decision involved was whether to go to your bedroom window, like in the movies, or the front door. But one of the neighbors would probably shoot me if they saw me climbing up to your window so I chose the door instead."
They entered Michael's room and Lucifer immediately laid down on Michael's bed and flipped through the channels until he found the Star Wars marathon. He opened the bag of popcorn and took out a handful. "C'mon," Lucifer said, patting the spot next to him, "I don't bite, unless you want me to, in which case I would do it happily." Michael flushed down to his bare chest, laying down on his stomach next to Lucifer to cover it up.
Lucifer woke up that morning in a strange bed, his immediate thought being Wait, did I get laid? His answer to that quickly resigning to I wish when he saw that he was in fact, in Michael's room, his bed, to be exact, with Michael's arm wrapped around him. Lucifer tried to get up, slightly panicked, but then Michael's arm only wrapped around him tighter, pulling him closer. Lucifer turned the slightest bit to look at Michael and shivered.He shivered because at some point in the night Lucifer's leather jacket had been taken off and draped over Michael, whose face was buried in the crook of Lucifer's neck. Shivered because Michael had lifted Lucifer's shirt up so his arm was on bare skin instead of touching his t shirt.
Lucifer's heart began beating even more erratically when Michael mumbled, "Stay, s' too early."
Lucifer relaxed, laying back down and letting Michael pull him even closer yet again, wishing that he could wake up like that every morning.
Bobby had mentioned to Dean the night before that Michael's Chevelle might need some working on, and that if Dean wanted the job, he could ask Michael that morning. So Dean walked over to their house, saying good mornings to Jo and Adam and walked upstairs to see if Michael was awake enough to give him a yes or no to work on his car.
Dean quietly cracked the door open, revealing a sleeping Michael spooning a sleeping Lucifer.
Quickly taking out his phone, Dean snapped a picture to text to Cas, saying "If you were looking for your brother... found him," sent the message, and lightly shut the door.
When Dean got back downstairs, Jo asked, "Is he awake yet? He usually is by this time."
In response Dean silently held up his phone to show her and Adam the picture. Adam raised his eyebrows in a not-so-surprised way, and Jo let out a soft laugh and said "I so ship it. Can you text me that if you're gonna leave, I have to show it to mom and dad."
That's it for Chapter 7. Hope you liked it even though it was only Michifer!
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