Chapter 3: Original Prankster
By the middle of the day, Gabriel had learned two things about Sam: he was actually a really cool guy who just moved from Kansas (and vaguely appreciated the Wizard of Oz jokes that Gabriel made about that) and two, he took band and played the trombone. "Does your brother slam the oven door?" Gabriel had asked.
"Yes," Sam had replied in all seriousness.
The two finished third period gym, neither of them actually doing gym, (Gabriel had a note, and Sam hadn't turned in the form) and headed to their lockers, which were down the hall from the gym. Gabe's locker was in the set closest to the gym, and Sam's was in the set next to that one. Gabriel quickly turned the dial to his locker, opening it, shoving his books inside and once he made sure no one was looking, took out rainbow glitter, an air horn, rope, tape and a bag full of molasses jars. Quickly shoving it all into his sweatshirt, he met up with Sam and the two started walking to lunch together.
The two were halfway to the cafeteria when Gabriel interrupted his rant about Percy Jackson and said, "Shit, I forgot something in my locker. You know where the cafeteria is, I'll be right back." Sam nodded, and Gabriel shot him a grateful smile and ran back the way they came.
Instead of going back down to his locker, Gabriel went up two floors to the floor where the seniors and some juniors had their lockers. Most seniors and juniors were currently in class, therefore the hallway was empty.
Gabriel walked to the end of the hallway to locker 766, which was convenient for both him and the owner of the locker, because that end of the hallway didn't have any security cameras viewing it. Now the owner of locker 766 is a certain Lucifer wannabe that Gabriel now had a grudge for, since that morning when Crowley had called Sam a "pathetic little know-it-all" for correcting his grammar when he tried to insult Gabriel.
Gabriel pressed his ear against the locker and slowly turned the dial until he heard a click and then repeated that until he opened the lock. He put on some gloves-just as a precaution-and quickly got to work. He took the molasses and, after unscrewing all the jars, taped the bag to the top of Crowley's locker, right where the door opens. He took the rope and tied it to the slider part of the bag so that when Crowley opens his locker, he molasses covers him, took the glitter and tied it to the door so it would fall too when it opened. The last thing he did was take the air horn and tape it to the bottom of Crowley's locker, hoping that after he gets covered in the glitter and molasses that he would slam his hand on the locker in anger, thus triggering the air horn.
Quickly grabbing a piece of paper and a glitter pen that Gabe had in his pocket, he quickly wrote a little note, With love, Trickster, placing it inside the locker he gently shut the door. Taking a quick glance at his watch, Gabriel saw that it had only been about three minutes and quickly ran down a floor to the cafeteria. When he got there he saw that Sam was at the back of the line, seemingly waiting for him. He smiled at the loyalty of his new friend, and quickly walked to him.
"Hey, Samwich," Gabriel said as he tapped Sam on the shoulder, who then jumped a small bit and turned, his hazel eyes gleaming as he saw Gabriel.
"Hey, Gabe." Sam said, with a small smile as he grabbed his food and went to put his lunch number in.
Gabe grabbed his food and told Sam to follow him to his usual table, where he Kevin, Adam, and Gabe's cousin, Samandriel usually sat.
"Hey, guys, this is Sam. He's new here," Gabriel said as Sam and he sat down.
"Hello, cousin of mine," Adam said to Sam.
"Wait, you guys are cousins?" Gabe asked.
"Yeah. And the guy from earlier, Michael Milton? He's also my cousin. Along with a girl in my brother's grade named Jo Harvelle," Sam said casually, taking a bite of his sandwich.
"Wait, so you and Michael are adopted?" Gabe asked Adam.
"Yeah. I thought you would have gotten that with the whole none-of-us-in-the-Singer-household-have-the-same-last-name thing. I'm a Milligan, Jo's a Harvelle, and Michael's a Milton. Did you just think Bobby let us pick our last names?"
Gabriel shrugged. "So how was your day, Sam?"
"You have had literally almost every class with me. I'm pretty sure you know," Sam said, smiling.
"How long have you two known each other?" Lisa, a nice girl in Cas's Latin class, asked him and Dean.
"Like, a couple of hours. Why?" Dean replied, looking not so discreetly at Cas's completed worksheet.
"No way! You two act like you've known each other for years!"
"Maybe when you show someone around you develop a very special bond because you're responsible for them navigating the school now," Cas said, bumping his knee against Dean's.
"Hey! You're not responsible for jack shit."
"I could've told you there was a pool on the roof or directed you to Harris's class instead of Seantra's. So yes, I am very responsible for any of your fuckups today."
Dean smirked.
"Tomorrow you're on your own."
Lisa rolled her eyes, "Looks like I was wrong, you're more of a married couple than old friends." But the two didn't hear her, since they were too busy poking each other with pencils.
Lucifer was in deep. Him and Michael may have never really been friends, despite living down the street from each other, but now that he actually stopped to talk to him, he felt like he was falling hard. (Though of course he told himself that it was because he felt like he had neglected what could have been an amazing friendship his entire life, definitely not cause he was falling in love.)
Michael was extremely intelligent and kind (not to mention attractive, even more so in his letterman jacket.) Even though Lucifer mostly read or slept in some of his classes, he still felt disappointed that he never really noticed Michael. He did notice that they had classes together or how good looking Michael was, but he never got the nerve to talk to him. Now that Lucifer has talked to him, he was hit with the terrifying feeling that he never wanted to be away from Michael.
Lucifer's thoughts were interrupted by the peculiar sound of an air horn.
Sorry if this chapter was short, and also sorry it took me so long to update. Hope you liked it and remember to vote and comment! I deleted like half of the original chapter while rewriting this and I feel so disappointed in myself ATM.
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