Chapter 2: Back in Black
As Sam and Dean were about to turn into the school's parking lot, a black sports car pulled in front of them, cutting them off.
Dean cursed and beeped the horn. "Douchebag," he muttered. Sam let out a laugh.
They parked not too far from the entrance of the school, because "who knows how fast I'll feel like ditching this factory look-alike," as Dean so artfully said. As Sam and Dean got out of the car, Dean noticed that the black sports car that cut him off had parked two spaces away from them. Dean slowed his pace and waited to see who got out so he could give them a piece of his mind about nearly damaging his baby. However, that plan was slightly foiled when he saw who got out of the car.
Three guys got out of the car-a blonde with blue eyes who looked about a year or two older than Dean, one that looked Sam's age with gold hair, gold eyes, and a lollipop sticking out of his mouth, and the other had thick black sex hair, blue eyes so deep you could swim in them, and the body of a Calvin Klein model. Hot damn, Dean thought, Please may he be in my grade.
Dean looked over to where Sam had been, expecting him to probably have ditched him and already be in the school, but instead he was still there, staring at the one with the lollipop in his mouth.
The sex-haired one seemed to be saying something to the older one so Dean strained his hearing to listen. "Lucifer you idiot. You don't just cut someone off like that." Well, that's not a weird name at all.
"Like you know the rules of the road, Cassie."
"Actually I do know the rules of the road. Seeing as, unlike you, I actually read the book." They had just walked by, and Dean was still staring at the sex-haired one.
Sam turned to stare at his brother. "Dean?" He snapped his fingers in front of Dean's face, forcing him to stop his staring. "You're being really obvious, ya know? Like, it's embarrassing."
"What? Pffft, am not. Not to mention, I'm not even gay." Yeah right, Dean thought to himself, after seeing him you're at least a little gay. Or maybe you're a lot gay.
"Sure. Let's just go," Sam said, walking towards the school.
Sam and Dean entered the office to get their schedules. The secretary, Ms. Perks, had a shockingly happy smile on her face for someone who was at a school, but maybe that was because she had a mug of coffee on her desk that had clearly been refilled more than once.
"Hi, we're Sam and Dean Winchester, we're new to the school," Dean said, silently hoping she would catch on that they needed their schedules.
"Oh, of course." She got up, went to a folder labeled 11th Grade and then to another folder labeled 9th Grade. She pulled out a piece of paper from each folder, and then went back to them. "Here are your schedules. Oh- Castiel, Gabriel!" She yelled to somewhere behind the Winchester brothers and motioned for the people to come over.
"Yes, Ms. Perks?" Sex-hair and lollipop dude walked up and stood beside them.
"This is Sam and Dean Winchester, they're new to the school. I was wondering if Castiel, you could show Dean around and Gabriel, you could do the same with Sam," she said, gesturing at each Winchester in turn.
"Yeah, sure," Lollipop said the same time Sex-hair said, "Of course."
"Perfect. I hope you two have a nice first day," she said as she waved them out of the office.
"Well, I'm Castiel, most call me Cas, and this is Gabriel," The sex-haired Cas gestured to Lollipop, well, Gabriel.
"I'm Sam, this is Dean," Sam said, as Dean was far too busy ogling Cas.
"Well, let's get on with this because I don't want to miss first period," Cas said.
"Nerd," Gabriel coughed.
"Shut up, assbutt," Cas said.
"Well, c'mon, Moose," Gabriel said, yanking Sam away by his hood, leaving Dean with the extremely attractive Cas. Oh God, how the hell can I survive this without making a fool out of myself? With girls, I'm smooth but throw in a good-looking guy and I trip on air.
"Oh, sorry. What?"
"I asked if I could see your schedule."
"Oh yeah, sure," Dean handed Cas his schedule and then noticed his t-shirt.
"No way, you like Doctor Who?" Dean asked.
"Yeah, it's my favorite show. Well, aside from Sherlock." You'd think he couldn't get any better but then bam! You're wrong, Dean thought.
"Cool! Me too." Are you seriously so uncreative that all you could think of to say was "Cool! Me too"? Dean chastised himself.
Gabriel is actually pretty cool, Sam thought, aside from the awful nicknames.
The two had learned as Gabriel was showing Sam around that they had almost all of their classes together, with the exception of third period, where Sam had band and Gabriel took chorus.
As the two freshman were walking around, with Sam paying more attention to Gabriel and what he was saying than where he was going, he accidentally bumped into an older, intimidating guy wearing a leather jacket, causing him to drop his book and phone.
"Oh crap, I'm really sorry," Sam said, hoping the guy wouldn't decide to beat him up, because that would suck immensely on his first day.
The guy looked around, once he either saw what he was looking for or he didn't, he looked back at Sam. "Don't sweat it new kid, I'm not as mean as I seem." He looked at Gabriel. "Is he a good kid?"
"Far as I can tell," Gabriel replied, casually.
"Nice," he turned back to Sam, "You got nothing to worry about. As long as you stay on my little brother's good side, you stay on mine." He ruffled Gabriel's hair and walked away.
As soon as he was out of sight Sam asked the question he had been dying to ask through that whole exchange, "Who the hell was he?"
Gabriel laughed a bit. "That was my older brother, Lucifer."
"Your older brother's name is Lucifer?"
"Yeah. He kinda rules the school, he's also kind of the 'bad boy'."
"How can he rule the school? Like, isn't that the principal's job?" Sam was even more confused now.
"He has his ways. Also people usually listen to the guy who isn't just named after Satan, but is also literally Satan."
Sam sent Gabriel a panicked look.
"Well, ok, he's more like Sensitive Satan."
"Ok then..."
Lucifer swiftly walked away from his not-as-innocent-as-teachers-think-he-is trickster of a little brother and said little brother's new friend, cradling his phone to make sure it wasn't cracked.
"Hey, Satan."
Lucifer turned around to acknowledge his friend Meg. Meg had light skin, longish brown hair and an admittedly pretty cool sense of style. Lucifer had said on multiple accounts that he would probably go straight for her if he wasn't "gayer than a rainbow."
"Hey, Meg, what's up?"
"Crowley and this jock-Michael, I think his name is-are in an argument that I'm pretty sure turned into a fight the second I left the scene."
"And what exactly should I do about that?"
"Well, given you hate Crowley, nothing I suppose, but also, given his ass is getting beaten-"
"Where is this fight you speak of? You must show me."
"That's what I thought."
Meg had been right, Crowley's ass was getting beaten. Serves that little shit right, Lucifer thought, leaning against a locker with his arms crossed, enjoying the show.
Crowley already had a black eye, a bloody nose, and what looked like a sprained wrist. The guy he was fighting only had a busted lip. Looks like Crowley was the one who started it, and that was probably the only good hit he got in.
Lucifer watched as the black haired "jock" swung at Crowley, effectively hitting him in jaw. "Ooh! Me likey," Lucifer mumbled to himself, now looking even more interested in the fight, making Meg, who was still standing beside him, roll her eyes.
There was a teacher awkwardly standing by, not just any teacher, but Chuck Novak, the struggling author/teacher. While he was teaching he went by the last name Shirley, so he wouldn't embarrass his sons. He sent Lucifer a pleading look one he saw him, conveying a message of, "Please stop this because you know I can't." Lucifer turned away, turning just in time to see Crowley attempt to throw a punch but fall over when his opponent stepped out of the way. Lucifer turned back to where his dad was, hoping he would be gone by now, but instead he was still there, with the exact same face.
Lucifer sighed and stepped into the middle of the fight, putting his hand on Crowley's forehead as the shorter one tried to take a swing. "Show's over. Break it up," Lucifer announced to the audience, who listened and immediately scattered away. "Let it go, you cockroach," he said to Crowley. Then he shoved him away, making him stumble backwards.
Once the hallway was almost clear, Lucifer walked up to the jock that had been fighting Crowley. "Hey, Michael, right?"
"Yeah, and you're Lucifer." Michael looked confused and a little surprised, probably because not many people had seen Lucifer be nice or remotely kind instead of sassy or snarky.
"Yeah. So, quick question, what did that dickbag do?"
"Sorry, what?"
"I may not know you, but I do know your rep is nice, kind, and a rule-follower. You don't even sit with the other jocks at lunch because they can be dicks. Also, I can tell you wouldn't fight Crowley without being provoked. So, what did he do?"
"He was making fun of my cousin. He's in ninth grade, he's also new here. His older brother, Dean, wasn't here to take care of it, so I did."
"Huh, I think I talked to your little cousin not less than fifteen minutes ago. He was with my little brother."
Michael raised an eyebrow and gave Lucifer a wary look. "Oh don't worry, I didn't say anything bad. I was nice. Also, your little cousin isn't so little. He looks strong and is like, three inches shorter than me. And I'm 6'2"."
"He's also still growing," Michael deadpanned.
"That must be fun."
The late bell suddenly rang, signaling the start of the school day. Michael shot Lucifer a panicked look. "Chill," Lucifer said, putting a hand on his shoulder, "I'm Lucifer, remember? Also ,we have the same first period."
He nodded. "Wait, didn't you pretty much not know who I was about a minute ago?"
"Doesn't mean I haven't noticed you," Lucifer started walking, "C'mon." He motioned for Michael to hurry up, who grabbed his books and started walking side by side down the hall with Lucifer.
Well folks, that's it for chapter 2. Which I notice is significantly longer than chapter one, because I needed everyone to meet each other. So you see the start of Sabriel, Destiel, and Michifer. Well thanks for reading if you actually read this part. Remember to vote and comment!
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