Chapter 16: Now or Never
It was finally Christmas Day and everyone was excited to see what presents they had gotten. Everyone had gift-swapped with their respective families on Christmas Eve and now the Winchesters were going over to the Novak house to swap gifts with their friends. Since the Winchester boys had become such good friends with the Novak boys, it only made sense that their parents ended up befriending each other as well. Their parents had become such good friends that they had bought each other gifts too.
Since the Novaks only lived a few doors down and it was snowing, the Winchesters walked over so their car wouldn't get stuck in the snow. Dean knocked on the door with one hand, holding Cas's gift in the other. Chuck answered the door mere seconds later. "Oh, hey Winchesters, come on in," he greeted them. They all stomped the snow off their boots and entered the Novak home.
Since the Winchesters hadn't had the time to come over to the Novak house since the beginning of winter break, all of the decorations they had up were new to them. They had Christmas lights strung up all around their living room and there was a 12 ft tall Christmas tree in the middle of their very large living room. Sam spotted the mistletoe Gabriel bought hanging in the kitchen doorway. Michael was already at the Novak house, as he was cuddling with Lucifer on the couch next to the tree. Upon noticing Cas and Gabriel walking down the steps into the living room, Dean left his family and went up to talk to Cas, Sam doing the same with Gabriel.
"Wow, your house is Christmassy," Dean said, trying to strike up a conversation. Castiel' hair was messed up, as usual, but now it looked wet and had melting snowflakes in it, like he had just been outside in the snow. His cheeks were also flushed and his lips were redder from the probable heat change. "I thought you just came from upstairs but you look like you just went outside," Dean observed, casually messing up Castiel's hair even more.
"I was up on the roof, I came down when I saw you guys walking up the driveway," Cas said.
The relatively quiet chatter continued throughout the house. The gifts the boys had bought each other were exchanged and though they were small as no one necessarily had the money to buy their friends a car, they were meaningful. Michael and Lucifer were still cuddling on the couch, not even a millimeter of space between them, Michael was wearing Lucifer's leather jacket and Lucifer was wearing one of Michael's flannels, and their quiet conversation turned not so quiet as Michael yelled, "What do you mean you haven't read the Percy Jackson series?!"
"I never had the time! Also the movies weren't half bad!" Lucifer replied.
"I'm dating an uncultured swine," Michael said to himself, "I'll be right back." He left the house with no explanation.
"Rookie mistake," Dean and Cas told Lucifer in unison, looking at each other in surprise afterward and then bursting out in laughter.
Thankfully, Lucifer didn't have to wait long for the love of his life to return, after about five minutes Michael arrived back at the Novak house, carrying a backpack that held within it both the Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus series.
Dean let out a low whistle. "Damn, looks like things are getting pretty serious! Mike never lets anyone borrow his books," he commented.
"Oh shut up. And don't call me Mike," Michael replied to Dean, resuming his place cuddled up with Lucifer on the sectional.
"Wait... you let me call you Mike though..." Lucifer trailed off, shooting Michael a questioning glance.
"You're different," Michael mumbled, a blush slowly creeping onto his face as he buried his head into Lucifer's chest.
"Awww, Mikey," Lucifer cooed, pulling Michael up for a passionate kiss.
"Wait... you two are dating?!" An exclamation came from the kitchen where the adults were chatting and watching the teenagers.
"You didn't know that?!" Becky exclaimed in return, slapping Chuck on the arm.
"No! You've gotta keep me informed, c'mon guys! Also, it's not like I've seen them make out before now, and Luce looks at him the same way he did when he first met him!" Chuck defended himself. Becky nodded slowly as Chuck processed what he had just said. "Oh... so that means he liked him since he met him," Chuck concluded, nodding along with Becky as Lucifer pulled away from kissing Michael to bury his head in his boyfriend's shirt.
Chuck turned to he was looking towards Lucifer, "So, just to get one thing straight-"
"-I'm not," Lucifer finished, head still buried in Michael's shirt as Michael played with Lucifer's hair.
Chuck nodded, "Okay, cool."
"So you're fine with it?" Lucifer asked, voice holding a hopeful lilt that made Michael's heart swell.
"Obviously, there's no reason I shouldn't be, even if I wasn't bisexual myself. Y'know, when I was your age I met this one guy, he was absolutely beautiful and I was pretty sure he was the love of my life-" Chuck was interrupted by Becky slapping him on the shoulder. "But that was far before I met your mother. Love you dear!"
All the boys were laughing now and Michael smirked. "Hey, Uncle John, did dad ever have any, y'know, gay experiences?" He laughed.
John smirked at his nephew, "I'm so happy you brought that up because, you see here..." John took out his phone and began scrolling through it, "it's a picture of a picture, I took it just before your dad burned it." He tossed the phone to Michael after finding and clicking on the picture.
Sam and Dean scrambled over to Michael to look at the picture, Gabriel and Cas following. "No fucking way..." Dean trailed off, eyes wide, gaping at the picture.
"Uncle Bobby made out with Crowley's dad," Sam gasped, on the brink of laughing.
Michael started giggling and couldn't stop, handing the phone to Lucifer as he laughed so hard tears were coming out of his eyes.
"Yep, Azazel MacLeod. The two actually dated in college, but then Azazel ran off with this red haired chick Rowena and that was the end of that. Bobby burned every picture of them afterward, but I managed to keep that one until he found it and burned that one too," John explained as he walked over from the kitchen.
Now Michael was on the floor, looking like the human version of the LOL Rollover Dog.
"Just do me a favor, kid, and never, never ask your dad about my sexually confused experiences," John whispered to Michael, patting him on the back.
Everyone continued laughing and talking until the oven beeped and Mary announced, "Dessert's ready!"
As everyone had eaten before they had gathered there, they decided to only have dessert, which happened to be apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Mary had made the pie before they had gone over to the Novak's, and everyone was now happy that it finished reheating. After everyone got their fill, they sat down at the table and began to eat. There was light chitchat, such as praise for how amazing a baker Mary is and once they were all done, Cas and Dean decided to be helpful and carry in their dishes for them.
Dean looked at the mistletoe that seemed to be taunting him as he brought in some of the utensils. He glared at it momentarily before placing the forks, knives and spoons in the sink. Breathing in deeply, he sighed as Cas came in with the last of the plates. Make up your mind, Dean, he told himself. C'mon, do it now or who knows, you'll never get another chance and you'll never get an answer to the way he feels about you.
Dean took another deep breath in and slowly released it as Cas and him began walking out of the kitchen. Dean stopped Cas as they were under the doorway, under the mistletoe, before he escape from Dean's grasp. Cas sent him a quizzical gaze and Dean subtly wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans.
Now or never.
Dean quickly and lightly grabbed Cas's face and gently brought his lips to meet the other boy's. As Dean was about to pull away, Cas brought his hands up to Dean's face, pushing his lips harder against Dean's.
Now that Dean was assured that Cas wasn't uncomfortable, he pulled him impossibly closer, hands tangling in the messy black hair that he wanted to run his hands through for so long.
It was like everything they had done so far was a rollercoaster. The beginning of their friendship was the first small drop, leaning about their feelings for each other was the ride up to the biggest drop, making a move was the first second of the drop when your heart is crawling it's was up your throat and you're scared, but then you get used to the fear and enjoy the adrenaline and then, at that part, is the first kiss.
It felt like it had taken them a lifetime to get to that point.
And going back to the rollercoaster simile, hearing, "Twenty bucks, pay up," was like the end of the ride, when you had to get off and stand on shaky legs and go find something else to do.
Dean looked like he was in the middle of deciding whether he should laugh or scream and Lucifer whined, "Couldn't you have waited until New Years?" As he handed Michael twenty dollars.
There was a brief moment of silence and then Mary deadpanned, "Fifty fucking bucks, John, give me my money."
Becky handed Chuck a twenty dollar bill and Chuck commented, "I may not have been able to predict Michifer over there, but with you two, I could practically see the future."
Gabriel smiled and bumped Sam with his shoulder. "Told you the mistletoe would work," he said, grinning.
"I'm shocked," Dean said, putting a hand over his heart, "You two didn't bet on us?"
"Nah, we bet on when Cas would admit his feelings for you, and given that took way longer than anticipated," Sam sent Cas a pointed look, "Gabe won. But for this, I think we both had some faith in Gabe's plan."
Gabe blushed and leaned his head on Sam for a brief second as the taller one smiled down at him, giving Cas the finger when he sent him a knowing look.
The teens all smiled, whether it was from talking to the love of their life, kissing the love of their life or getting paid by the love of their life. Cas took Dean's hand in his and they made their way back into the living room. As everyone settled in together, they had the same thing on their minds:
Best Christmas ever.
For the record the LOL Rollover Dog is this robotic dog thing that rolls over on the ground laughing maniacally. Also despite dating someone I still don't know how to kiss someone or what kissing someone feels like so that scene is again, like the Michifer first kiss scene, probably utter trash. But I still hope that you liked it and and please vote and comment what you think!
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