Chapter 10: Lying is the Most Fun
The weekend was now over and it was Monday morning. Lucifer had just finished getting everything out of his locker that was on the top floor and was sitting on the window ledge facing the outside and looking down at the people walking into the building. He stayed there until someone pulled him back inside by the collar of his jacket.
"Hey!" Lucifer exclaimed in protest, but then he saw that the person who pulled him back was Michael.
"Do you have a death wish?" Michael asked, looking down at Lucifer.
"Chill, it's not like I was gonna jump or anything. I'm not suicidal."
"It's just- nevermind. Sorry, " Michael took a step back and stuck out a hand to help Lucifer up.
"It's just... what?" Lucifer asked, incredulous.
"Nothing. Anyway, Halloween is in 3 days, what're you gonna do?" Michael asked, sticking his hands in the pockets of his red and white letterman jacket.
"Meg usually throws a huge Halloween party, it's basically the only party she ever throws and everyone goes, so that's where I'll be. You wanna come with me?"
He looked a mix of surprised and in thought for a second and then replied, "Yeah, sure."
"Perfect, I'll pick you up and then we can go. By the way, you don't have to dress up."
"Oh thank the gods. Wait, so, you just invited me to your girlfriends party?"
"One, of course, we're friends and it'd be boring without you there. And two, ew girlfriend? Nope. I'm gay as hell, and so is Meg."
"Oh, nice."
"By the way, do you know your siblings' and cousins' sexualities? I need information for my ships." And if you could maybe mention yours to so I can see whether I have even the slightest of chances or not that'd be great, Lucifer thought.
"Ok, Jo's a lesbian, Adam and Dean are bi, I'm pretty sure Sam is either gay or bi, and I'm also gay as hell," he smiled. I'm not sure whether to celebrate or to jump off that window ledge now that I know that I could have a chance, but he's just probably not interested.
"Perfect! They'll work!" Lucifer smirked.
Michael gave me a questioning look.
"I have no straight ships. None."
He nodded, "Nice."
"C'mon let's get to class," Lucifer said, picking up his books and swinging an arm around Michael's shoulders.
"Since when did you actually go to class? Or care about going?" He asked with a smirk.
"Excuse you, I go to class. Have you ever seen me not go to class?"
Michael raised his eyebrows.
"Ok, how many times have you seen me not go to class? Cause it's below 10."
"And it's about three months into the school year, I have no doubt that you'll get to at least 30."
"Oh fuck you."
"So Samsquatch," Gabriel started, "Whatcha gonna do for Halloween?"
"Probably just stay at home and watch horror movies."
"Bo-ring! You should come trick-or-treating with Adam, Samandriel and me!"
"Adam, Samandriel and I," Sam emphasized the grammatical error.
"Oh so your coming then!" Gabe said, smiling at the small trick.
Sam shook his head and chuckled, "Aren't we a bit too old for that?"
Gabe sent him a bitchface that would easily rival Sam's. "Age doesn't matter when it comes to Halloween. Free candy, dude! You in or not?" Gabe asked, shutting his locker.
Sam shut his locker as well and the two started walking to class. "Yeah sure. I'm in. But I don't have a costume or anything."
"So just go as a demon hunter. I mean, don't all demon hunters wear plaid?" Gabe said, gesturing to his plaid shirt.
"Ha ha, what're you going as?"
"An archangel. Specifically Gabriel. The wings are also a decent length, not like usual one-foot-at-most length."
"You're making them yourself? Cool. So, you think the Trickster is going to pull a prank anytime soon? I mean, it's been over a month," Sam winked.
"Maybe, maybe not. Do you see anyone terrible enough or deserving enough of his pranks?" Gabe said, popping a lollipop into his mouth.
"Hmmm, I don't know, why don't we simply see what Halloween brings?" Sam smirked.
"We shall see," Gabriel commented, following the taller boy to their shared first period class.
"So," Dean started asking Cas later that day as they sat down at their usual lunch table, "Halloween. How about you come over to my house and we watch horror movies instead of me letting you drown in your own tears mourning over the deaths of Lily and James Potter."
"Hmm, let me think. Doesn't require any socializing so... sure. Anyone else coming?" He asked as he took a bite out of his PB&J sandwich.
"Nope. Benny has his whole superstitious thing about Halloween. And- oh! Charlie and Jo are going on their first date!"
"Really?" Cas asked. Dean nodded. "Finally. They've been so love struck with each other, it's about time."
"Hey bitches, whatcha talking bout?" Charlie said as she came over to our table with Jo and sat down.
"We're just talking about how Dean just told me that you two are finally going on a date after pining after each other for so long. Congratulations," Cas answered, bluntly honest as always.
"Pining? You two should see yoursel-" Jo was interupted by Meg.
"Heya Clarence!" Meg walked over to Cas, "You coming to my party this year?"
"You know I don't really do social situations, Meg. So no, sorry." He smiled at her.
"No problem, figured I'd ask as always. By the way, I have on good authority that Balthazar Roché is planning to ask you out. And by 'on good authority' I mean he's currently asking you right now through me. Again. So no as always so I can hurry up and break his heart?"
"I wouldn't put it that way but yeah, no as always. Oh, and can you tell him to fuck off? That'd be nice. Thanks Meg," Cas smiled at her.
"No problem, Clarence," she winked and went back to her usual group of Lucifer's minions.
"So anyways," Jo started, "We all know Charlie and I are going on a date, what're you two doing for Halloween?"
"Horror movies," Cas and Dean replied in unison, smiling. Dean was getting easily lost in thought, though, wondering why this guy was hassling Cas for a date.
Sorry it took me so long to update. Hope you liked this chapter, the next will be Halloween. Thanks for reading!
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