Chapter 1: I'm Still Standing
"Cassie! Wake up!" Gabriel yelled, banging the wall between their separate rooms to wake up his older brother. "We're gonna be late!"
"Ugh. Coming!" Cas yelled back, quickly waking up. It was a Monday, and even worse, the first day of school. Gabriel was going into freshman year, Cas into junior and their eldest brother, Lucifer, into senior year.
Cas quickly tugged on some jeans, a Doctor Who t-shirt, some shoes and his trench coat, and ran down the stairs to the kitchen only to see Gabriel laughing his smug ass off.
"You ass," Castiel sighed, already knowing it was way earlier than he wanted it to be, "It's five am isn't it?"
"Five thirty, actually," Gabriel replied, still laughing.
Their mother, Becky, came down the stairs, looking very tired. "Really Gabriel?" she asked. Gabriel was still laughing, so he didn't reply.
"At least Lucifer is a heavy sleeper- well, most of the time," she sighed as Lucifer made his way up the steps with a serious case of bedhead, attempting to wipe the sleep out of his eyes.
"I'm gonna murder Gabriel," he said sleepily.
Becky laughed softly, walked up to him and swiped some of his bed-headed blond hair out of his face. "I know, honey," she chuckled and then kissed his forehead.
Gabriel finally stopped laughing. "Sorry bro," he said.
"It's fine," Lucifer mumbled, and then walked over to Gabriel and trapped him in a headlock to give him a noogie.
"Ya know you still have, like, two hours before you have to actually get up, right?" Chuck, their dad, yelled from his room.
"Blame Gabriel, Dad!" Lucifer yelled, "Well I don't know about you, but I'm going back to sleep. G'night," Lucifer said, retreating to his room.
"You know it's morning, right?" Gabriel said.
"Potato, pahtato."
"SAMMY, DEAN, WAKE UP IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL," Mary Winchester yelled from the kitchen downstairs.
"Ok, we're coming!" Sam yelled back from his room, while Dean just groaned. Dean didn't exactly want to go to school, let alone leave his bed, but knowing that his mother would have his hide if he stayed behind on his first day motivated him enough to get up.
He got up, put on a black t-shirt, an army green button-up, some dark jeans and some combat boots.
"Ready for the first day of your new school boys?" John Winchester asked. The Winchesters had recently moved from Lawrence, Kansas to Buffalo, New York because of money issues and the fact that the boy's cousins: Michael, Adam and Jo were conveniently right next door.
"Yeah," Sam, Dean's younger brother by four years replied the same time Dean did with, "No."
"C'mon Dean, it won't be that bad," Sam said, "At least it's only a month into the school year."
"Are you sure I can't just stay here and watch Game of Thrones?" Dean asked his mom.
"You can't. Remember, you got held back a year because you did that too much," Mary said.
"Well since you're both done with breakfast get on outta here," John said. "Oh, and Dean," he tossed him the keys to the 1967 Chevy Impala he owned, "I got a new car, she's all yours."
"Wait, really? Seriously?!?"
He nodded.
"YES. C'MON SAMMY IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL!!!" Dean grabbed Sam by the shoulders and steered him out the front door. The two both hopped in the Impala, waved at Michael who was getting into his Chevelle and were off to hell.
Hey I'm Carly and I'm the author of this hopefully soon-to-be-amazing fanfic. I didn't really know what to do in this chapter but there will be a lot of Destiel, Michifer, and Sabriel to come. Please vote and comment!!
Cover art is by the amazing ErinceousFlower who demanded I put her not only in the description but also in the first chapter.
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