Chapter one: One message
It started when I was in 8th grade and was sitting in my room. I was drawing a picture of a girl sitting in a sunset. Suddenly my phone went off.
I checked the phone that I got given by Nick's girlfriend's parents. There was a message from Bella. It reads:
I'm sorry but we're not friends anymore. I have made new friends with Jessica and Stella. They get me more then you. Sorry but this ain't working for me no more. Hope you have a good life.
Xo Bella
After I had read that message I cried like there's no tomorrow. Who was this monster that had taken over my best friend!
Bella is not like this! What made her decide this! Jessica and Stella are two brainless celebrity wannabes!
The next day I had worn my usual black jeans and tshirt but on my wrist my friendship bracelet was missing. It was replaced by a black hair elastic. My hair was done up in a messy bun. I was quiet and was always staring into space.
After that, I had changed. The little angel everyone knew was gone. I was now so quiet and alone. The loneliness had moved in and didn't seem to be moving back out anytime soon.
Fast forward to present time.....
"SKYE WAKE UP FOR SCHOOL!!" Yells my Mom from downstairs.
I sit up groggily and rub my eyes.
Shit today was the first day of school. Why did it have to come so soon.
I get out of bed and grab a random pair of black jeans and and and old blue t-shirt. Finally I grab a black zip up hoodie from the floor and trudge to the bathroom.
In the bathroom I change into my clothes. I brush my teeth then finally redo my usual messy knot that's in my hair. I finally trudge downstairs for food.
"Well well look who it is. The girl who snuck out at 1 am and came back at 3!" Says my mom sarcastically and has obviously already had a glass of wine.
"So. I just went to get some fresh air." I lie.
"At 1 AM! God Skye I don't know what to do with you anymore. I've tried so hard but you just fight me!" She says slamming down her hand on the counter.
"Gee Mom I just came down for some breakfast this "lovely" morning!" I say with my normal sarcastic voice.
"Skye this behaviour has to STOP! Can you count for me how many times the cops have brought you home now!" She says glaring at me.
"Um.....5." I say acting clueless.
"Actually I think we're about to hit 8!" She says rolling her eyes.
"Mom I would love to finish this "delightful" conversation but "sadly" I have school." I say grabbing a cold poptart.
"We will finish this conversation when you get home young LADY!" She says pointing her finger at me.
"Can't wait!" I says rolling my eyes and heading for the front door.
Grabbing my backpack from the front door I slide my phone out of my pocket and pop in my earbuds that I have had for forever. I put on my worn black converse and make my way to hell aka school.
10 minutes later I'm standing in front of the hell hole of a school. Heading inside I hear the sqealing of all the girly bitches reuniting and the sound of all the jocks being loud.
Rolling my eyes I make my way to homeroom. When I arrive I plop down in a chair in the back. With my head down I secretly watch everyone trickle in. The last person to enter is Bella. When she steps in the class everyone is asking about her summer and is it true that she got a Ferrari.
I scoff quietly and roll my eyes.
"Good morning class!" Says Miss Ledger entering the class.
She sets down her coffee and starts attendance. When she gets to my name I let out short here. Finally she starts talking about school events and whole bunch of other useless shitty information. When she mentions something about art I finally start to listen.
"This year the school will be having a art contest. Each person who enters has 2 months to create a art piece then there will be a art display set up in the big gym and depending on how many people enter the smaller gym too. You will sit at a table in front of your art piece so that you can answer questions and represent you art piece. Parents or other family members will come and look at all the art. They can leave comment cards in a box set up at your table.The winner will be chosen by the principal and art teacher. The winner will receive a prize which has not been decided yet. " says Miss Ledger with a look of excitement.
"Hmmm a art contest. Something that's not a shitty school idea" I think to myself.
"The sign up sheet will be posted tomorrow" Says Miss Ledger just before the bell rings.
Miss Ledger dismisses the class and everybody files out. I make my way to my Math class.
As I'm walking I accidentally bump into someone.
"OMG! You made me spill my iced coffee!" Shrieks a familiar voice.
"Oh hello Skye." Says Bella.
"What do you want Bella." I say looking up but avoiding eye contact.
"Eight dollars please. You need to pay me back for my spilt coffee." She with her bitchy diva voice.
"Why can't your little daddy pay for it. Didn't he just buy you a Ferrari." I say rolling my eyes.
"Omg did you just roll your eyes at me!What the hell!Just pay me the money." She says flicking her hair behind her.
"Here!" I says handing her my lunch money.
"Thank you now go off to class like the good little girl you are." She's says pocketing the money.
She walks away with her two minions Jessica and Stella following her. I hear the clacking of their heels on the floor. Rolling my eyes I head to class.
At Lunch....
Plopping down under a tree I look through my bag to see if I have any change so I can at least buy a granola bar. I find 3 dollars.
In my school that covers a giant cookie and a water. I trudge over to the lunch counter inside the cafeteria with my bag slung on my shoulder.
"What can I get you?" Asks the kind African Lunch lady.
"A chocolate chip cookie and a water please." I ask pulling my money out of my pocket.
"Here ya go!" She hands me my stuff with a grin.
I hand her my 3 dollars and grab my food. I go back to the same tree outside and throw my bag on the ground. I take off my sweater and put it on the ground then I plop down on top.
I unwrap my cookie and rip off a chunk to eat. I look around the outside cafeteria and see all the kids huddled around picnic tables. All talking and going on their phones. Rolling my eyes I open my water and take a sip.
Finally the bell rings and I head off for Art.
In class I see a whole bunch of easels set up with chairs behind them. Finding a easel in the back I plop my bag on the floor. The art teacher comes in. She must be new.
"Hello class!" She says with kind voice.
"I am your new art teacher. My name is Miss Rainn but it makes me feel old so just call me by my first name Layken. " She says with a friendly smile.
Someone puts their hand up and she points at them.
"What happened to Miss Blayn?" Asks the guy.
"She moved to London to be with family." She answers.
Now moving on! I'm going to start off with kind of an introduction about myself!" She says clapping her hands together.
"I'm 23. I graduated high school a year early. I have an Alaskan Klee Kai which is basically a miniature husky. That's all for now I guess." She says with a warm smile.
"Now today we are actually going to do some art.. well at least start some!" She says with a small laugh.
I like this teacher. It's rare that I usually like a teacher but I like Layken she seems funny and cool.
She starts talking about the art project we are starting. I look at her outfit she has on. She's wearing blue ripped jeans and a tight white tank top that's done up with buttons and has thin white straps and overtop she has a beautiful long blue kimono type cardigan that's has white flowers spread all over. Her shoes are brown high heel boots. Her hair is in loopy finger combed curls. To top it off she has a stringy leather choker. She walks down the aisles handing out instruction and example sheets. As she walks her kimono seems to flow with her. When she hands me my paper I give her a small smile and she smiles back before going back to the front.
After School....
At my locker I grab what I need before heading to leave. As I walk through the front doors and step outside I let out a small sigh. Hell is over. Well for now. I walk home listening to music and thinking about art class today. It was really fun. Layken is a really good artist. When I arrive home I see a truck outside the house. My brothers truck!
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