Lucifer's POV:
I walk around paradise. Same old same old. Gabriel laughing like a madman chasing the fledglings Castiel and Samandriel. Balthazar is play fighting with Michael. Father is creating this new thing called Earth with Metatron, Gadreel, and Abern. Hannah, Anneal and Namoi are squealing and giggling like a bunch of girls which they are... I guess. Fledgling Uriel is training with Raphael. Fledgling Anna is probably off somewhere with Zachariah, fledging Ezekiel, and Joeshia. Hester and Rachel maybe off with father as well. I continue walking until I see her. Angiel. Her two small sliver wings being fluffed by the teasing wind and the clouds edge. I go over and sit next to her. Her face placid and seemingly bored and stoic. Lot like Michael and Castiel's faces the majority of the time.
"Hey A" I say in a chirpy tone.
"Good Morning Lucifer Archangel sir." She responds turning and tipping her head.
"What's with the formality lil' sis." I ask draping an arm over her.
She flinches at my touch hissing in pain. I notice new scars on her body. Burn and cut marks. All over her wings and legs.
"It's how I should all ways talk to those of a higher status." She says placid like.
"Angiel..." I say in shock "who did this to you?" I ask gently holding one of her wings in my hand. "Was it...Michael?" I ask.
I know Michael would never do this to her. Yeah he says popped her butt once of twice but that's because she almost shoved Anna out of heaven. It was an accident true but it was really dangerous to play that close to the edge. She cried a little. Michael calmed her down and explained why he did what he did. She understood and gave him a hug and went back to playing... carefully now. But could Michael do this if he was angry enough.
Angiel shakes her head.
"Raphael?" I ask
She hesitantly nods her head.
"Why?" I ask maybe he had a good reason.
"I-I" she starts crying "saw h-him and Uriel pwlay fighting. I-I wanted t-ta pwlay toho" she hiccups " so I walked up to him and said 'hey Waphie can I pwlay to' and he pushed me 'you should address me in the proper way sister. I am an archangel.' He the tohoke mehe to punishment where he did all of this." I feel her wings shiver at the memory.
I am pissed now. No one should hurt a fledgling especially one as sweet and innocent as Angiel. I scooped her up into my arms and went to Gabriel. I need to get all of the archangels on this.
"Pwease no tell Wucy." She begs sobbing "h-he said h-he make sure it was w-worse if I told. H-h-he m-make sure I-I b-be dead." She cry softly.
"I won't ever let him touch you again." I say "GABRIEL" I yell as I see him flying around with Castiel and Samandriel.
He quickly puts the other fledgling down and walks over slowly but once he got a better look at the sobbing fledgling in my arms.
"What is it brother? Angiel? What's wrong with her? Why is she crying? Where did all theses scars come from? Who hurt her? Is she..." I stopped his questions with one simply name.
"We must go and get Michael." Gabriel says.
I nod in agreement and we head off to find Michael. We find him playing with Balthazar. Balthazar is laughing and running wild.
"I am gonna get ya Balthy." Michael teases
"AHHH" Balthazar screams in playful terror.
"Mikey" Gabriel says stepping in front of Balthazar whom is giggling madly.
"Gabey move or the tickle monster will get you." Michael teases wiggling his fingers at Gabe.
"Maybe another time but someone really needs her Mikey."
Truth be told Michael is her favorite angel. Next to Samandriel her boyfriend. Michael looks over at Angiel.
"Angie." He says worried.
He must see the scars.
Angiel perks up at his voice.
"MIKEY" she sobs reaching out to him.
Michael quickly comes over scooping he out of my arms.
"Shh, shh, hush now Angie. What's wrong? Who hurt you? Who did this?"
"Wa-" she stops and corrects herself. "Raphael the archangel did Michael the archangel sir."
"What?!" Michael says in shock and anger.
"Let's go." Michael says
(Cliff hanger MUhahahahah)
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