Special Ops
I was thinking...
Should we make a special ops team? I dunno. If I was going to make one, it would be for people to find someone who supports Anemone, or worst of all *shudder* ANEMARIN. They could calmly explain why Anemarin/Anemone sucks, then absolutely ROAST N TOAST them. If anyone's up for the job, just answer these questionies!
What would you say to calmly explain why Anemone and Anemarin is garbage?
What would you do to roast the Anemone/Anemarin supporter?
Enter passcode (From mah spoofs book).
Enter what role you want.
Oh, here are the roles:
Army Rangers (1/10)
You are the people who go out and explain why Anemone/Anemarin sucks, then roasts them.
Must go through training before going out into the field (Don't worry, I'll train you :>)
Must take a final AHC exam before going out into the field. If you score less than an eighty-five, you will have to wait until we get enough new recruits before taking it again.
Specials Forces *Also known as the Green Berets, which is what you will informally be called* (0/7)
You must be:
The Green Berets will only be fighting in the bigger battles, not the smaller ones. When we declare war, we will use you.
You must have very good roasts and moderately good or above reasons for why Anemone/Anemarin is terrible.
You must take a roast exam, so have some roasts ready.
Soar *Also known as the Night Stalkers, which is what you will be informally called*(1/4)
If you are a Night Stalker, you will be in special missions. These missions include:
Difficult registered battles
Secret missions
As backup if called in by an Army Ranger
If an Army Ranger is in a difficult battle- may it be in a big or a small battle- they can call any one Soar for help. If it gets too difficult, where multiple people are ganging up for Anemone/Anemarin, pm me and I will bring it to my attention.
Oh all the Night Stalkers get codenames, btw :>
I will give you a list of codenames to choose from and first come first serve yeh
Must pass a test :>
Physical Operations *Also knows as PSYOP, which is what you will be informally called* (1/7)
You must be:
PSYOPS works personally with me on team morale, and we find ways to bring it up. They also may pre-write roasts and reasons if we're in a big battle, where a tactic used can be to just copy and past the same reason over and over again ehehehe ik so evil
Must be a good team player
Also must be fairly optimistic
And finally...
Civil Affairs (0/Unlimited)
Must be
Constructive, also like a PSYOPS
Needs to be a leader, not a team player
Must set up books like this and comments to enlist others into this army. If you get a request to join, send them this link:
Tell them to read the instructions on the link and y'know answer the questions and whatnot. Then they'll be meh responsibility
Um yeah that's kinda it
Difference between Special Ops and regular army:
In the regular army, everyone gets to fight, whether it be in a registered battle or just when you see someone say 'Wow, Anemone is awesome'(wow it hurt to type that) in a comment, and you can comment reasons why that isn't true.
In the Special Ops army, you only fight in certain registered battles where we formally request to battle and then... battle. Yeah.
You CANNOT be in both the regular and special ops army, I repeat, you CANNOT BE IN BOTH. SO DON'T ASK. Well... actually you can ask, and maybe, but PROBBBBABLY NOT.
If you want to give up your role in the army to be in the special ops, that's fine, just ask first.
All right.
We good?
We good!
(Ah I'm gettin desperate
You know what you can be regular AHC army and special ops)
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