Not My Hero
No, you are not my hero
and, there shall be no place
for you in my altar, when all you
ever did was spew blood and hate
in the name of righteousness.
Why did you rape her if you
really loved him, sired a son
on someone unwilling, yet you went unpunished, because you
are the golden sun they all adore.
If your love was truly great
and true, why take a war bride
from the kin of your fallen foe?
you laid with her, we all know
called her a wife one moment and then wishing her gone the next.
Your treachery is well hidden
beneath deeds bold and proud
yet all I see are your bloostained
hands, the screams of those
whom you plundered, those
without a blunder, you heartless wonder.
You dishonour a man by
depriving him of his last rites
and, call it retribution for the
death of your love, why can't you
see that you aren't the only one hurting?
I reject this love that which only
caused pain, the love that you used to justify your barbaric acts, it's not all men, they reason, but tell me why it's always a man?
A man like you who claims to love
use said love to murder, and still
the bards write songs for your sake, for a love that tore people
apart, shame on that love!
Many have loved more than you ever
could, wouldn't see them dragging
dead opponents, nor would they
play with a woman's heart, revered by hypocrites who have
twisted the meaning of guileless affection.
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