The grief was fleeting amongst the chaos, stamped down like the earring that was supposed to give her daughter life.
Pike had collapsed to the floor. Maybe their troubles were over. Turtle could make another earring, and it would be okay.
And then the screaming started.
A hush had settled across the room after the initial babble of accusations. Tamarin and Anemone stood on opposite sides of a screeching Pike, who eventually feel silent. They looked at each other for a second, eyes locking. Anemone looked overwhelmed by the crowd. She clearly wasn't focused on what was happening around her, stuck inside her own head. The pressure of the last few hours had got to her.
Anemone collapsed into a huddle, screaming. Crying. Oblivious.
Tamarin rushed to help her, before she knocked back into the crowd by a shuddering Pike, who grabbed the limp, hysteric Princess and stumbled off with her, still in lots of pain. No one knew what to do, so Moon raced after her. She knew that Anemone wasn't in the right state of mind to save herself, and no one else seemed to want to try.
Passing the tiny body of her daughter to Qibli, she skirted around the crowd and through the archway Pike had ran out, which went down to a platform stretching over the ocean. Talon steps sounded behind her and she saw Tamarin race past her and down the dock, rotting pieces of wood the old Seawings called 'boats' slowing her down. A wave crashed over the side of the dock, drenching Pike and Anemone up ahead and eating away a chunk of the dock. The dock was also collapsing in places, and Moon had to tread carefully to avoid falling into the hungry depths of the ocean. No one was going to save her from the sucking currents that were undoubtedly getting stronger, as the previously clear blue sky was awash with dark grey clouds, promising rain. The wind picked up and slowed her down yet again, taking more parts of the collapsed dock with it.
A large geyser of water rose up from the ocean, and Moon just made out the form of a Dragon sink below the rocking waves.
"No!" Tamarin yelled, hurrying to the end. Her talon fell through a gap and Moon had to wrench her out. Side by side she and Tamarin tip toed between the cracks to Pike, wheezing with laughter.
A sudden vision rocked Moon, her head spinning into the future.
Dragons sinking below the surface, two of them, as she watched on in despair.
A ring, slipping onto a claw.
A funeral, sadness seeping into everything.
Two dragonets, playing in the rainforest.
Pike laughing over Anemones waterlogged body.
Her daughter, alive.
Pike, dead.
The future, shards of possibilities. The visions passed and Moon righted herself and kept making her way toward Pike as a loud splash sounded in front of her, wind blowing in her eyes so she could only see the hulking shape of two dragons, tussling on the boards.
Tamarin scratching at Pike at the edge of the boardwalk. The shape of Anemone under the water, not swimming not moving.
The future tipped on it's axis, spun, and came into focus. The visions began.
And Pike and Tamarin tumbled over the edge, her face awash with grief, his with triumph.
"ANEMONE!" Tamarin screamed. "ANEMONE, HELP!" The dark water sucked around them, Pike trapping the Rainwing in his embrace as they floundered on the surface.
"Anemone! Ane...mon...e..." Tamarin gurgled as her head went under, and then splashed back up again.
"Moon! Tell her...I love her." Moon didn't want to tell her that she was too late. That Anemone was gone.
A final, heaving gasp. Pikes snout appearing, one last time, before disappearing for good.
The sky opened, and rain began to fall.
Hello! I really hope the two chapters were good enough. Thank you for all the supportive comments on the last update, you guys made my day and I'm so lucky to have the most amazing readers!
Yep, another cliffhanger, or sort of cliffhanger. I swore an oath to my IRL friend I would stop doing them, but I think it's a curse. Or a blessing. You guys decide which.
(This isn't the end-I've got more to come!)
See you soon!
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