Chapter Six- The End
Please listen to the full song k?
Time passes (AGAIN)
Ink: * arrives through an ink portal * Hello
Me: * already awake * Hi! Well, here's Bitty Fell. I healed his leg, I fed him and he slept a little. * Fellmale Sans hands Bitty Fell to Ink *
Ink: Thanks, you didn't have to do this
Me: Ink...
Ink: Mm?
Me: Can I... say goodbye to him first?
Ink: Oh yes, yes! * he gives me Bitty Fell *
Me: Look little buddy, know i will miss you
Bitty Fell Sans: Me too
Me: *puts my face near him*
Bitty Fell Sans: *he giggles and hugs my face*
Me: * I pull my face away and give Bitty Fell to Ink *
Ink: Bye!!!
Bitty Fell Sans: BYE!!!
Me: Bye...kiddo...*a tear runs down my face *
And....That's it! Thank you all for reading my story love you all!
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