Extra I
Just a very short boring one shot because I can't let go of this characters!
Ian: 3 Years Old (In a month!)
Sammy/SaySay: 1 Year Old
Louis/Harry: 29
Mornings at the Styles' household were always the same. Wake up at an ungodly time of the day and get ready for work, except if it was a weekend. If that was the case then they would sleep as long as possible before one of the kids woke up and demanded all their attention.
Unfortunately it wasn't the weekend, but lucky for them it was already friday and they had many things to do. Roxanne was due to clean their house that morning and they had yet to pick up their mess and start the piles of laundry already overflowing their laundry baskets. Louis swore he would have done it the night before, but he and Harry had gotten a little busy when they had had the house to themselves.
It was already five thirty in the morning and Louis was already awake. Harry was still sleeping next to him and Louis tried not to move too much to let him get those last thirty minutes of sleep before he had to wake up. The bedroom was still dark and Louis was warm and comfortable on his spot, and it was just perfect to go back to sleep.
It had already been a week since their twins had turned a year old and they were due for their shots. Louis groaned when he hated that time of the year. His babies would cry for hours, more if they so much touched the sore spot. They were just dramatic little things.
He and Harry had decided that he would be taking the day off to do the many things he had to do and he wasn't looking forward to it. He decided that he should start now and that's why he found himself taking a shower at five thirty in the morning. When he was done with it and with his morning routine, it was almost six and Harry was just waking up.
He waited for him in the bathroom until he got tired and walked out just as Harry was walking back into the bedroom with a sleepy Samantha in his arms. Her bedhead was terrible and she looked like she was in one of her foul moods when it was still early for her. She yawned and rested her head against Harry's chest, making sure to wrap her arms around her father.
"Why are you up so early, Sammy?" Louis cooed at her, taking her into his arms soon after to let Harry get ready.
"She wanted mommy." Harry informed him, and gave him a good morning kiss before going into the bathroom to get ready.
"Mommy wanted to see you too." Louis kissed her cheek, "Where did you leave SaySay, huh? Where?"
"SaySay...mommy." Samantha mumbled before she closed her eyes and fell asleep again.
Louis put her in the middle of the bed and went straight to the closet to find some sweatpants and a t-shirt. He was making breakfast when Ian walked into the kitchen and attached himself to Louis' legs, refusing to let go until Louis picked him up. Ian snuggled up to him and stayed there, watching Louis cook the scrambled eggs when he was too lazy to make something else.
"Are you hungry, pumpkin?" Louis asked him, kissing his forehead when Ian nodded. "Alright! You have to sit on your chair." He told him.
Ian hated having to sit in his booster seat when Louis always strapped him in no matter what after that time when he had fallen off of it. Ian liked to move a lot, but it had been awful when he had fallen right in front of their eyes. He hadn't cried at all, but a bruise had formed where he had hit himself on his back, right by his shoulder.
"No. No wanna, mommy." Ian whined. He was a month away from turning three years old.
"Yes, you have to." Louis sat him down anyways, rolling his eyes when Ian started pushing himself up.
He calmed down when Harry walked in, placed Samantha and Saylor down in their high chairs and then went back to get dressed. Louis was in the middle of feeding them when Harry finally walked in fully dressed.
"I picked up the girls and Ian's bedrooms." Harry informed him.
"Thank you." Louis smiled at him, then looked at Ian, remembering the mess his son had made the day before.
Breakfast came to an end and Samantha was left crying when Harry had to leave. Louis held her the longest before he absolutely had to set her down so he could start picking up around the house. He had the girls in their playpen while Ian was free to walk around in the living room as long as he stayed there.
Everything was going great and he had just finished unloading and loading the dishwasher when Saylor and Ian started screaming. He dropped the towel he was holding and ran to the living room to find Saylor standing and Samantha on the corner watching her siblings. Ian was standing in front of Saylor with a tight grip on the head of his giraffe, and Saylor pulling on the other end of it. The harder Ian pulled, the harder Saylor would pull too.
"Mine!" Ian screamed, before he gave her a hard push and Saylor landed on her bum, letting out a loud wail.
"Ian Edward Styles, don't do that!" Louis yelled at him as he made his way to pick Saylor up, "What is wrong with you!?"
"Mommy!" Ian started crying. "Giraffe mine, mommy!"
"I know he's yours, but when your sisters try to play with it you can't push them. They're still babies! Don't do it again, we don't do that. If they take your toys you go and tell daddy or mommy."
Louis wiped away Saylor's tears and set her down on the carpet. He then opened his arms and Ian ran into them, hiding his face on his chest as he cried louder than ever. Louis rubbed his back until Ian calmed down then let him hold Saylor when his son reached for her, feeling bad for having pushed his baby sister.
He wanted to let his twins out and play with Ian, but he and Harry weren't there to watch them and make sure the girls didn't put anything small in their mouths. He went back to picking up in the kitchen and when he was done, a whole hour had passed. He moved on to doing laundry, having to sit down in the living room to sort through all of their dirty clothes. When he was done he had found two condoms in the back pocket of Harry's jeans and a plastic pizza at the bottom of Ian's laundry basket.
He thought about keeping the condoms, but ended up throwing them away when he couldn't risk an unplanned pregnancy at that point of their lives. They could barely keep up with their three children and another child wouldn't be ideal.
"Ian, you have to help me pick this up. They're your toys." Louis told his son, just as the little boy emptied out a basket full of them.
"Ian..." Louis sighed.
He started picking up and singing the clean up song, something that got Ian's attention. He slowly started putting his toys back in the basket as soon as he saw his mommy putting the many others away. Louis used to organize them, but now he didn't care when they didn't stay organized for more than an hour. He was actually having fun until Ian started dumping his toys in the playpen, that's when Louis decided to move them to his bedroom so he could start cleaning there.
He was just about to do it when he heard the garage door opening. He got up and ran to the laundry room to pick up the dirty clothes from the floor when he had left a pair of red panties Harry had gotten him right at the very top of the pile of clothes. Louis had sort of washed them when the night before Harry hadn't even bothered to take them off. He had just pushed the fabric to the side and had fucked him with them still on. He had just grabbed them when Roxanne opened the door and raised her brows when she saw a breathless Louis standing in front of her.
"Good morning." She smiled.
"Morning! How are you?" Louis smiled back, his hands behind his back to hide the pair of panties.
"Great!" She said as Louis moved out of the way to let her through.
Louis heard Ian shouting Roxanne's name then the woman greeting him and then Samantha and Saylor. He used that time to shove all the clothes in a basket then made his way to the living room to see Roxanne holding Ian as he told her a story. She listened intently until Ian was done and she was putting him down on the floor, watching him run to his sisters.
"I'm guessing I'm starting in the kitchen." She wondered and Louis blushed when she had probably already seen the many things on the floor from the hallway all the way to his bedroom door.
"I would really appreciate it. I was just picking up and once I'm done we'll get out of your way." Louis told her.
"Take your time." She said as she made her way to get what she was going to need from the laundry room after Louis had moved all the cleaning supplies there to a higher cabinet.
He took the gate off to move his kids to his bedroom, unable to stop Ian when he ran off to the laundry room. When he got there, Ian was already messing with the vacuum. He went as far as knocking it over in a failed attempt to help Roxanne clean the house. Louis picked him up and took him to his bedroom, leaving the gate up so he wouldn't escape. He had to hear him cry and shake the gate until he was back with his sisters. He looked up Zootopia and played it to keep them entertained as he picked up.
Like always, Ian seemed hypnotized by the movie and Louis didn't bother making him sit. Instead, he left him where he was leaning against his bed. He had just finished picking up all the stuff in the bathroom when he heard the washer going off. He looked at Ian and made a run for it, smiling at Roxanne on his way there. It wasn't long before Ian started shouting for him.
"Mommyyy! Where you, mommy!?" Ian shouted from the room.
Louis took his sweet time with the clothes while Ian shouted for him over and over again. Roxanne would shake her head in amusement, already knowing Ian freaked out every time Louis was out of his sight when he knew he was supposed to be there with him. Louis found his son trying to climb over the gate, and when Saylor stood up to do the same, he walked faster.
"Mommy!" Ian narrowed his eyes and pouted. "Where you, mommy!?"
"Doing laundry, pumpkin." Louis answered, making sure not to step on them. They were just so tiny.
By ten he was was already done with everything, glad that his appointment was at noon. He got his kids ready and left the house after taking forever to get them in the car when Ian stole Roxanne's duster and he had to go back and give it to her.
I took him another ten minutes to get them out of the car, making sure Saylor and Samantha were in the stroller before getting Ian out of the car. His son clung to him as soon as they walked into the clinic and looked around as he held his stuffed toy. When he realized the appointment wasn't for him, he began to relax. That's until his sisters started crying while getting their shots. That's when Ian lost it and started crying too. It was always the same and Louis decided right there to never bring him in again. He would make Harry wait outside with him from now on, or drop his son off with one of his grandmas.
After that he went home and spent the day with them until Harry got home with a bag of take out. Ian was in the living room attempting to walk with Harry's boots on when they were too heavy for him. When he saw Harry, he tried to run to him but ended up tripping on his way there.
"Hi, peanut. How was your day, buddy?" Harry picked him and kissed his cheek as soon as Ian started telling him about his day.
"Your sisters cried?" Harry's eyes were a wide as plates, seeing Ian pouting.
"Yes daddy. I sad." He said.
"Well I bet they're better now. Did you give them lots of kisses and hugs?" Harry asked him.
Ian nodded then wiggled so Harry could put him down. He ran to the playpen where his sisters were and kissed their hands. Harry bent down to kiss them too before kissing Louis who was looking at him.
"Long day?" Harry asked, wrapping his arms around Louis.
"Kind of. Yours?" Louis asked.
"It was good. Thank god it's friday and I'm gonna go take a shower."
Louis waited for Harry to finish showering and when Harry came back, he went to the kitchen to get plates and cups. He could hear Harry begging for mercy, wondering what the hell was he doing. He couldn't help but peek in to see his husband on the floor with all three children on top of him. Puss In Boots was playing on the tv, already on the last scene when they had watched it the night before. Ian loved to dance to Americano every time he would hear the song.
"No sir! Please have mercy, I'm just an old man." Harry said rather dramatically as Ian squeezed his cheeks.
"Daddy an ol' man!" Ian laughed.
"What!" Harry shouted and got up to look at Ian with fake shock. "Only I can say I'm an old man. How dare you. How dare you!" Harry grabbed him and started tickling him until Ian choked on his own saliva and started coughing.
Louis watched as Harry frantically began snapping his fingers up in the air and palming Ian's back with his other hand. Saylor crawled away and Samantha followed her until they were by Louis' feet. Louis picked them up and walked away, coming back with a water bottle so Ian could drink.
Minutes later Ian was okay and sitting on his chair eating his dinner. By their bedtime it was only nine when Harry and Louis were already in bed in a deep sleep after the long day. Sometimes their days were more hectic, sometimes they were sort of in between like that day. There was never a nice peaceful day without screams or crying, but they were always the best.
It was boring, but felt great to write! :)
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