~Chapter 6
After that day Louis knew his mum and Anne had started meeting for lunch every other day when Harry had mentioned it to him one day when they were having breakfast. Louis had started freaking out until Harry made him calm down telling him it wasn't big deal as long as Jay went along with it. Since that day Louis never said anything and just let his mum spend time with Anne knowing she deserved to have a friend after all she had gone through when his father had left them.
As the days passed he started spending more time with Harry when they had free days and would sit down to watch a movie or cook dinner together. He absolutely loved Harry's cooking and had even learned a few things proudly showing his newly acquired skills to Zayn or his mum whenever he would visit them. Even though he wanted to tell them how Harry was always asking for his opinion on almost everything and never did anything without asking him first he didn't not wanting them to think there was something else going on when there wasn't.
They continued sharing a bed at night and if they cuddled they never acknowledged knowing it was best to leave it like that where it belonged, in the bedroom. He never saw Collin again and he was glad knowing he wouldn't be able to take another meeting after what he had done to him because even though seven weeks had passed since then, it still hurt to remember. He had been a fool to believe everything Collin had told him and because of that he would never allow himself to fall in love again.
"How was work?" Harry asked from where he was sitting on the couch watching tv freshly showered as soon as Louis had walked through the door.
"It was great! Your dad and I had a meeting about the possibility of starting new projects." Louis happily said taking his shoes off and leaving them by the door before he made his way to the kitchen to grab a water bottle bringing one to Harry who thanked him.
"Oh that's great, he never wants to listen when we want to talk about it." Harry said hearing Louis' steps getting closer and moments later felt him take a seat next to him.
"Well, I made a budget and showed him a few projects he put aside that I made sure are within the budget." Louis shrugged smiling a little.
While Louis talked and smiled at the same time Harry couldn't help but notice the tiny crinkles forming by his eyes and his soft hair swept over his forehead and without thinking reached and brushed it out of it feeling Louis stiffening. He quickly pulled his hand away muttering an apology before he looked back at the tv focusing on the movie that was playing. He heard Louis clearing his throat before everything went silent and after a few minutes Louis finally got tired of it.
"Did you already eat? Do you want to order some chinese?" Louis asked as he fiddled with his hands and when Harry turned to look at him he couldn't help but notice how green his eyes and how red his lips were. He quickly erased those thoughts from his head before they could turn into something else.
"Chinese is okay." Harry said watching Louis take his phone out, "I want chow mein and orange chicken."
"I think I want the same." Louis said and when he was done ordering he got up to take a shower leaving some money out for the food.
While he showered he heard the doorbell and a few minutes later frantic knocking on the door, he ignored it trying to rinse his hair when he heard them again.
"Louis, can I please come in?" Harry asked trying to hold it in jumping from foot to foot.
"No, wait till I'm done showering...I'm almost done." Louis shouted trying to hurry up.
"Louis I'm about to pee my pants, I need to go in there now." Harry shouted, "I can't hold it in any longer."
"I said wait!"
Louis was still trying to rinse his body when he heard the doorknob jiggling and a few seconds later a rush of cool air making him shiver seeing the outline of Harry's body rushing to the toilet.
"Harry what the hell!" Louis almost slipped making sure Harry couldn't see him getting angrier when he heard him sighing in relief, "I can't believe you!"
"I really had to pee, I'm sorry." Harry rolled his eyes and when he was done he zipped up his pants making sure not to flush or Louis was going to get burned.
"I don't care, this is my private moment, you can't just walk in like that." Louis continued arguing then shut the water off grabbing his towel at the same time he heard Harry flushing the toilet then the water running in the sink.
"Just be glad it wasn't a shit...oh! And food's here, princess." Harry said before he left closing the door after himself.
When Louis walked out of the bathroom fully dressed Harry was already sitting on the couch with his food in front of him and glasses of water for both of them. He wordlessly took a seat next to him grabbing his plate of food and started eating completely ignoring Harry still pissed at him.
"Louis," Harry said in a sweet tone making Louis roll his eyes, "Babe? Do you know what today is?"
"No Harry, I do not know what today is." Louis rolled his eyes once again then looked at him when he heard him gasping.
"You mean- I can't believe you!" Harry put a hand over his heart.
"What's toda- oh!" Louis finally got it, "Our one month and some weeks anniversary."
"Yes!" Harry clapped his hands like a seal then out of nowhere smacked a kiss on Louis' cheek startling him a bit going back to eating ignoring Louis' shocked expression.
"Yeah...one month anniversary." Louis slowly said still in awe that Harry had remembered it..
Harry didn't say anything after that and neither did Louis until they were getting ready to bed and Louis caught Harry lighting up one of his vanilla scented candles. Harry had only shrugged it off when Louis asked him what he was doing telling him that he liked how they smelled and helped him fall asleep faster. From then on he would always light it up obsessed with how good they made the apartment smell and Louis couldn't complain at all when he loved it too.
It was a fact that Zayn hated when it rained, his hair would get wet and messy making all of his efforts to make it look good go to waste. It was a friday when he found himself sitting alone at a table in his favorite restaurant trying to enjoy his lunch break glancing at the people who would walk by holding their umbrellas to protect themselves from the rain.
He finally looked down taking a bite out of his club sandwich when he heard the door opening then closing again, as he chewed his thoughts went to Liam then shook his head scolding himself for obsessing over him. He was still chewing when he heard the chair in front of him scraping against the floor then someone standing in front of him. When he looked up he stopped chewing when he noticed none other than Liam standing in front of him a little wet and still wearing his work clothes. He was holding what looked like a BLT sandwich and a bottle of lemonade and without thinking Zayn motioned for him to sit down not wanting him to stay there looking like a fool.
"What are you doing here?" Zayn asked after he had managed to swallow his food.
"Having lunch...work got canceled 'cause of the rain." Liam answered, "Are you heading back to work after this?"
"Y- Yeah, I have to go back soon." Zayn poked his sandwich feeling a bit awkward after what had happened between them over a month ago.
"Listen," Liam finally said after an awkward silence, "I want to apologize for being an asshole...all this time, you're a lovely guy and I'm sorry if I made you feel like that. I just thought- I didn't want you to freak out on me that morning so I left."
His words took Zayn by surprise as he stared at him until the heavy weight on his shoulders completely disappeared and a tiny smile slowly made its way on his face replacing the scowl he always had on when he was around Liam.
"You have a perfect smile, you should smile more." Liam genuinely said making Zayn blush.
"Uh...thanks, I guess. And about that night,,,don't- don't worry about it." Zayn said then furrowed his brow when Liam extended his arm towards him.
"So, can we start over?" He smiled, "Hi, I'm Liam."
Zayn chuckled before he shook hands with him feeling how warm yet how calloused it was knowing it was from work and to him his hands were perfect, "Hi Liam, I'm Zayn."
"Its so nice to meet you." Liam smiled still holding onto his hand until Zayn let go.
They continued eating their food in a comfortable silence with the occasional conversation until it was time for Zayn to go back to work and for Liam to go home since it was still raining. They got up from the table and made their way outside where Zayn put the hood of his jacket over his head then turned to look at Liam as he smiled.
"I was wondering, do you want to go out sometime? Like out to eat or to the movies." Liam scratched the back of his head nervously shuffling his feet around.
"Yeah!" Zayn exclaimed scolding himself seconds later for acting way over excited but relaxed when Liam smiled.
"Great! I guess I'll call you and when you have free time we could do something." Liam said already taking his phone out seeing Zayn doing the same.
They exchanged numbers then left the restaurant with smiles on their faces unable to stop for almost the whole day. When he got home that afternoon he called Louis to tell him what had happened and how Liam was such a gentleman making Louis smile glad that Zayn was happy and was about to go out with the one he liked.
A week later Louis made his way through the apartment making a face at the dirty dishes on the sink Harry was supposed to wash and when he opened the dishwasher he noticed last night's dirty dishes still in there. Cursing a few times he finally managed to start it then walked to the laundry room already expecting the huge piles of dirty clothes he had to wash. He rolled his eyes when he found Harry's clothes mixed with his own wondering when had they started sharing a hamper and started separating them by color knowing Harry would never get around to wash his own clothes unless he absolutely had to which annoyed Louis to no end.
It was a saturday afternoon and Louis had just gotten back from visiting his mum while Harry was who knows where with who knows who. While he separated the clothes he couldn't help but wonder who Harry was with almost throwing his clothes away in the trash or burning them at the thought of Harry with Trevor. He expected him to be faithful after all.
He searched through the pockets of their jeans furrowing his brow when he felt a piece of paper on one of Harry's jeans and when he pulled it out he narrowed his eyes. It was a piece of paper with call me, a name and a phone number written on it with a bunch of hearts surrounding it and after staring at it for what felt like an eternity he finally pocketed it in the back pocket of his jeans.
He had just started the first load of laundry when he heard the door opening then Harry's footsteps followed by him shouting his name. He ignored him as he continued separating the clothes until Harry found him seeing he was only wearing basketball shorts, a tank top and an old zip up hoodie. His hair looked damp with sweat and his cheeks were a bit rosy from the exertion figuring out he must've been working out since he liked to do so during the weekends.
"There you are! Have you seen my basketball? I can't find it and I promised the guys we were going to play." Harry said then started taking the dirty clothes out of the hamper leaving them on the floor moving on to the next one.
"I haven't seen it and could you at least put them back, I spent a long time separating them and if you're not gonna do your own laundry then don't make a mess." Louis placed his hand on his hips.
"I was gonna do it later." Harry shrugged putting the clothes back in the hamper.
"Sure you were, you didn't even do the dishes and it was your turn. What? Gonna do those later too?" Louis rolled his eyes.
"Later." Harry said smiling when he found it then turned around intending to leave when Louis blocked the door, "I'll do them later, right now the guys are waiting for me."
"Oh really? Are you going to play with them or go meet with Miranda?" Louis pronounced her name with a venomous tone.
"What?" Harry furrowed his brows in confusion.
"You heard me! Who the fuck is Miranda and why do you have her phone number?" Louis crossed his arms over his chest.
"I don't know who Miranda is or what you're going on about so I'm leaving. I'll see you later." Harry said carefully moving around Louis hearing his footsteps behind him as soon as he had started walking.
"I found a piece of paper with her name and phone number in the back pocket of your jeans. Don't act like you don't know shit! Who is she?" Louis yelled watching Harry stop by the door.
"I'm gay so stop acting like a jealous wife!" Harry shouted then opened the door slamming it shut after he had walked out leaving Louis standing there.
Louis stood there for a few minutes trying to control his anger and jealousy snapping out of his thoughts when he realized he shouldn't be feeling jealous at all but if he was being loyal then he at least expected Harry to do the same. He waited until the clothes were ready for the dryer and when he was done doing that he called Zayn then changed into clean clothes waiting for Zayn to text him that he was there.
"So let me get this straight." Zayn slowly said trying to understand what was going on, "You think Harry's cheating on you with some woman named Miranda? Isn't Harry gay?"
"Yes he is gay and yes he's cheating with that whore." Louis rolled his eyes.
They had been driving around the city searching for Harry with no luck and at that point Louis was starting to get frustrated. He was starting to believe Harry really had lied to him getting angrier by the minute enough to call the whole marriage off and tell the truth until he heard Zayn clearing his throat.
"That doesn't make any sense. He's gay." Zayn gave him an incredulous look.
"So? Just help me find him and the whore." Louis said in disbelief.
"He said he was going to play basketball with his friends so why don't you just call Liam or Niall and ask them?" Zayn asked, "In fact, I have Liam's number so I'm gonna ca-"
"What? Louis scoffed, "And have them warn him that I'm looking for him? Hell no. I am going to catch him and then drag his ass all over London for doing this to me, I am his husband."
"Louis...you guys aren't even willingly married. If I remember correctly you agreed on helping him, you guys made a deal."
"Yes but that doesn't mean I'm gonna let him cheat on me! I deserve loyalty and respect and if he can't give me that then I'm done." Louis crossed his arms over his chest, being married could really turn someone into a son of a bitch.
"Over there!" Zayn shouted out of nowhere making Louis jump a bit in his seat looking everywhere while Zayn parked his car in front of a park with a basketball court.
"Where?" Louis asked.
"Basketball court." Zayn pointed towards it where he could see a few people playing basketball.
He searched for Harry until he found him running behind a tall dark haired male trying to get the ball and couldn't help but stare at his long and toned legs as well as his strong arms showing off his muscles and extensive collection of tattoos. For a fraction of a second he wondered if he would be able to hold him up against the wall while fucking him then erased those thoughts from his head. Harry had his hair up into the tiniest bun Louis had ever seen not knowing he was almost drooling until he felt Zayn wiping underneath his bottom lip with a kleenex.
"You're drooling mate." Zayn mocked him moving his arm out of the way just when Louis reached to smack it.
"No I wasn't! Now, do you see anyone who looks like a Miranda?" Louis went back to looking around not seeing Zayn rolling his eyes.
"Louis," Zayn sighed pinching the bridge of his nose, "You're exaggerating, there's no Miranda and Harry told you the truth."
"You don't know that." Louis glared at him then looked back at Harry widening his eyes when he saw him looking right back at him as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead with the back of his hand, "Shit! Shit shit shit!"
"Uh. Louis, Harry's coming." Zayn said not knowing what to do seeing Louis literally trying to hide underneath the seat.
"Shit! Go! Go go go." Louis shouted on the verge of a freak out but it was too late when Harry was already standing in front of the car door looking down at him with raised eyebrows.
"Harry! Babe, I- I didn't know you were going to be here. What are you doing here?" Louis sat up straight giving him the most innocent smile he could muster up.
"I should be asking you the same thing. What are you doing here?" Harry crossed his arms over his chest noticing Zayn, "Hello Zayn."
"Hi." Zayn smiled giving him an awkward wave.
"We were just driving around and now we're leaving. Right Zayn? Lets go." Louis said, "I'll see you at home."
Harry was just about to say something when they heard Liam calling for him seeing him making his way over to them smiling when he saw Zayn. He waved then motioned for Zayn to join him which he happily did leaving Louis and Harry alone as the others kept shouting for Harry to go back.
"I asked you a question Louis. What are you doing here?" Harry insisted.
"I already told you. Zayn and I were driving around and ta da, here we are." Louis gave him a sheepish smile getting out of the car when he saw Zayn sitting next to Liam on a bench.
"You know, you could at least trust me a little." Harry shook his head then started walking back to the basketball court leaving Louis standing alone.
"What was I supposed to do when I found a piece of paper with a name and phone number in the back pocket of your jeans. Some Miranda telling you to call her! I expect you to be loyal." Louis placed his hands on his hips making Harry stop in his tracks then turn around.
"And I am! Miranda is this woman who doesn't get that I'm gay. I don't give a fuck about her." Harry said walking back to him until he was standing in front of him, "You are my husband and I respect you, I'm loyal to you. You're doing so much for me and I am so thankful. I'm not gonna fuck it up, you deserve the best." Harry said taking Louis by surprise.
"Harry! Is this the husband you talked about?" Someone said walking up to them standing right in front of them.
"Uh, yeah. Louis this is Nick, Nick this is Louis." Harry introduced them wrapping his arm around Louis' waist bringing him closer to him to the point where Louis was pressed up against him.
"Nice to meet you." Nick smiled lifting his arm up to shake hands with Louis.
"Nice to meet you too." Louis smiled shaking his hand.
"Let us introduce you to the rest of the guys." Nick said walking back to the rest with Louis and Harry following.
Louis was introduced to the rest of Harry's friends which consisted of Liam, Niall, Nick and a two other guys named Austin and Brett. They welcomed both Zayn and Louis into the group with open arms and in the end both Louis and Zayn ended up staying there watching them play until it started getting dark. During a break Louis had blushed a deep shade of red when Harry had kissed him in front of everybody until they were out of breath while the rest made a few comments making Louis blush even harder.
He ended up going back home with Harry and throughout the ride he couldn't stop feeling that tingling sensation on his lips and when they got home he smiled when Harry told him to shower while he cleaned up the kitchen. They spent the rest of the night doing laundry and cleaning up their apartment going to bed really late falling asleep as soon as their heads had hit the pillows.
Two weeks later they were already in the early days of december and much to Louis' annoyance the weather only kept getting colder forcing him to wear multiple layers of clothing getting worried over Harry working out in the cold. He only got more worried when Harry came back one afternoon literally shaking and by midnight he was running a fever.
"I brought you chicken soup and medicine for your cold." Louis said walking into their bedroom where Harry was laying down buried in blankets.
"You're gonna get sick too." Harry groaned and seconds later started coughing and shaking as he did so.
Louis quickly ran to him giving him a water bottle and a few pills helping him sit up and when Harry was done taking them he let him lay back down on his back propped up by a few pillows. Without saying anything he gave him the chicken soup staying there until he finished it.
"Did you made it? It was really good...like really really...good." Harry muttered already drowsy from the strong pills Louis had given him after Anne had recommended them when they had been on the phone.
Once Harry was asleep Louis smiled taking the empty bowl from him putting it on the nightstand then fixed the blankets around him. Once they were all the way up to his neck he stopped and just watched him sleep not caring if it was creepy taking in his features then out of nowhere caressed his cheek with his thumb freezing when he realized what he was doing.
He was quick to pick up the bowl and get out of there and as soon as he was in the kitchen he rinsed it off and put it in the dishwasher and when he was done he leaned against the countertop trying to get that image out of his head. He couldn't fall for Harry when it was clear that in nine more months or so they were going to get a divorce and go their separate ways. If only they had met under different circumstances then everything would be different.
He thought Harry was a jerk but in the three months that they had spent together he had learned that Harry was the complete opposite of that. He looked like a jerk but in reality Harry was the sweetest man he had ever met and a complete opposite of Collin. Harry respected his opinion and often asked for it while Collin use to almost never let him talk much less let him give his opinion on something. Harry couldn't care less if Louis decided to redecorate the whole apartment while Collin use to always throw a fit whenever he so much moved something. Now Louis knew he was going to marry the wrong person but lucky for him he had gotten out of that relationship on time.
And now even if it was only temporary and they were only faking, he had the perfect husband and the perfect in laws who treated him with respect and had accepted him as part of their family without hesitation. While he was grateful he still felt guilty for lying to them, for lying to Des who had taken to calling him son and was proud of Harry for his hard work and for marrying someone like him. He couldn't help but smile whenever Harry would smile after Des would praise him and why wouldn't he smile when Harry looked like a kid before christmas.
He felt bad for lying to Anne when she loved him like a son and wanted nothing more than to have mini Harry's and mini Louis' running around the house when that was something Louis could never give her. It hurt to lie to Gemma when she trusted him with her life enough to let him take her out in the busy streets of London knowing she was safe with him.
He protected her with his life and her family, even Christian who was so protective of her, trusted him that he would never let anything bad happen to her. He was already so in love with her kids who he considered his nephews and niece and who they already called him uncle Lou knowing he was going to miss them once he was gone.
He didn't know he had started crying until his vision went blurry and soon the tears were rolling down his cheeks. He was quick to wipe them away hating how emotional he would get just by thinking about it or sad things in general when that had never happened to him before.
He was still deep in his thoughts when he noticed Harry stumbling out of their bedroom trying to get to the bathroom and without thinking he hurried over to help him get there. He waited outside until he was done then helped him back to bed feeling awful that he couldn't even move around and once he was back in bed he quickly closed his eyes.
Louis stopped by the door as soon as he had heard Harry's voice asking him to stay getting in next to him when Harry once again called for him. Once he was under the covers and next to him he felt Harry's arms wrapping around him feeling comfortable almost as if that was how it was supposed to be, almost as if that's where he was supposed to be, where he belonged. He placed his hand on top of Harry's and without giving it much thought he fell asleep fighting the urge to get up and sleep on the couch, fighting the urge to stop blurring the lines between them.
Thoughts? :)
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