~Chapter 51
Hope you guys like it! :)
Louis woke up that chilly morning in late august to an ache on his bum and Harry sleeping soundly next to him, always almost on top of him. He looked around in his still grey bedroom, finding Ian sleeping on the other side of the bed without a care in the world. He was still exhausted from the day before when it had been Zayn and Liam's wedding. He sincerely hoped they were having a good time in Ibiza. He was so happy for his friends and even more happy when he had gotten the best dicking ever the night before. He stayed in bed until the sound of one of his daughters crying made him get up to go check on them.
When he walked into their nursery, he found Samantha crying her little heart out and after checking her diaper, Louis placed her on the changing table. He changed her diaper as fast as he could, seeing her shivering a bit then put her back in her crib when it wasn't time to feed them yet. He then went on to change Saylor's diaper, smiling at the quiet baby that never complained like her siblings.
As soon as he was done, he put her back in her crib then made his way to the bathroom to wash his hands before going to the kitchen. He warmed up milk in a plastic cup then poured it in a sippy cup to take to Ian, knowing he would be getting up in a few minutes asking for it. When he walked into the bedroom, he smiled at Ian who was already sitting up and still trying to wake up as he rubbed his eyes with his little fists.
"Mummy?" Ian whined when he couldn't see Louis anywhere, still trying to open his eyes so his vision could clear out.
"Good morning, pumpkin." Louis said in a hushed tone, "Look what mummy got you." He said, showing Ian the sippy cup, smiling when his made grabby hands at it.
Louis quickly got in the bed, almost laughing when Ian got up to go to him and stepped on Harry to get there. Harry only wrinkled his nose when Ian's foot made contact with his thigh, then scooted closer to Louis just as Ian sat on his lap. Louis laid down with Ian in his arms, making sure his son wasn't flat on his back when he rested his little head on his chest. He ran his fingers through Ian's curls as the little boy drank his milk, he never stopped until Ian finished it and went back to sleep.
Later that morning it was like it always was after the girls had been born. Ian sitting on his new booster seat after he could no longer fit in his high chair. He was eating the pancakes Harry had made that morning while his parents fed his sisters. It was mornings like those that made them happy, not even minding but still scolding Ian when he would purposely drop food on the floor.
They loved their son, but sometimes couldn't help but get frustrated at his antics. Like the time he had been dead set on changing Saylor's diaper, something that had ended up with him getting baby powder everywhere. It had taken Louis and Harry hours to clean it up, when it had gotten all over their bed, the nighttables and the carpeted floor.
"Peanut, sit down." Harry told his son when Ian stood in front of the tv and he was on the couch. He was shirtless with his daughters laying upside down on his chest. Something he liked to call daddy and babies time.
"Baby, come sit with mummy." Louis said when he saw Ian wasn't moving at all.
He was about to get up when Ian ran to him and jumped on top of him, quickly getting comfortable in his mummy's arms. Zootopia was playing on the tv, and it was raining outside. Harry had a blanket over him and their daughters to keep them warm, seeing them opening their eyes and let out tiny cute yawns. Louis had covered Ian and himself with another blanket, making sure to hold his son close until Ian wanted to got to Harry. That's when they switched and it was now Louis holding his baby girls against his chest, and Ian laying upside down on Harry's chest basking on all the attention his daddy was giving him.
"Lou, tell me when you want me to take them." Harry said as he rubbed Ian's back.
"Mummy." Ian said out of nowhere, "No Lou, daddy. Mummy." He lifted his hand up, putting it over Harry's mouth to shush him, just when he had been a newborn that saturday afternoon, wearing a football onesie.
"His name is not mummy, Ian. Its Louis. And my name is Harry. Harry your father." Harry said as he kissed the palm of Ian's hand.
"Harreh." Ian giggled, "Harreh Harreh Harreh."
"Oh god, what have I done." Harry groaned when Ian kept repeating it, making the little boy laugh when he covered his whole face with his hand.
Ian stopped and pushed Harry's hand away when Saylor started crying, quickly getting up to see what was wrong with her. He tried to grab her before Harry could, but was stopped by Louis. All he did was make Ian cry when he didn't get his way, setting Samantha up for a good crying just because. They swore Ian loved to make them cry, but it was dumb of them to think like that when Ian only wanted the best for his baby sisters.
It wasn't always like that, when as the twins got older, it was Ian who would help them reach their milestones. It was him who had encouraged them to crawl when they were eight months old, right on the very first day of january. Louis and Harry had been so excited that they had dropped what they were doing to watch them and get it on video. They would never forget how patient Ian had been with them, waiting for them to get comfortable and staying close in case they needed his help.
Harry had gone back to work when the twins turned four months old, then Louis when they were six months. It had been sad for them to have to drop their three babies off at the daycare but it was necessary. It had been harder when their daughters were going through a phase of separation anxiety, crying everytime someone other than their parents would hold them. But with time, it passed and it wasn't much of a struggle.
They never failed to take pictures or get everything on video as their children grew up. When both Saylor and Samantha said "Momma" for the first time, then "Dada" a week later. When Ian would insist on reading them a book even though he couldn't read yet. When their girls would follow their brother everywhere they could, and when Ian would cuddle them. Always treating them like royalty. It was perfect. It was perfect how Saylor turned out to be exactly like Ian when she had been the quiet one. How Samantha had turned out to be a shy little thing, always following her sister around.
Five months after Zayn and Liam's wedding, they weren't surprised when they had announced they were expecting a baby, and six months later, Zayn gave birth to a baby girl. Maya was Liam's pride and joy, always holding her and making her smile.. Always showing off his mini Zayn. Around that time, Niall had introduced them to his new girlfriend. A sweet woman named Allie, who turned out to be the love of Niall's life. She had fit right in, and Ian had taken a liking to her.
The day Samantha and Saylor turned a year old, they had changed a lot throughout the months. Saylor's blonde hair had darkened, ending up a light brown while Samantha's had stayed the same. Their eyes were Harry's and Louis' favorite part, always a light and dark blue, making their girls look angelic. The day Ian turned three was when he started losing his curls, almost going back to the old straight hair except that it had stayed blond. It had been a relief to Louis when it started curling again, after he had made a big deal out of it. He adored Ian's curls.
Soon weeks turned to months and months to years, and Louis and Harry were still going strong. It was as if they fell in love with each other all over again every time they woke up next to the other. Their sex life was made up of random quickies whenever they had time, something that had ended up in multiple pregnancy scares that ended up being nothing but that. Every time Louis would look at his and Harry's children, he would get a little antsy when to him and his husband, they were growing up too fast. At seven years old, Ian was the biggest troublemaker out of the Styles and the Tomlinson's, always getting in trouble.
"What did I say about touching your father's boots?" Louis glared at him as he tried to clean Harry's boots.
"Not to touch." Ian shrugged, watching his mother wiping the mud off of them. He only wanted to go outside to find frogs after it had rained all day, and when he couldn't find his shoes, his father's were just right there waiting to be used.
"You know he loves these boots." Louis sighed, "You can't go outside anymore until I say you can, I'm very disappointed in you." He said, hearing Ian gasping rather dramatically.
"I'm very disappointed in you, mummy!" He pointed an accusatory finger at him, then got up and started walking away, stopping when Louis spoke up as he crossed his little arms over his chest.
"Where do you think you're going? I'm gonna count to three and you better bring your butt back here by the time I'm done or so help me god! One...two..." Louis stopped when Ian was fast to run back to him, wrapping his arms around his neck.
"Are you going to tell daddy?" Ian asked, glad that his father was out with his sisters at a birthday party of one of the twins friend. Ian didn't feel like going when his sisters' friend loved to chase him around and hug him. She didn't understand that he didn't like to be hugged by random people, only his mummy had the right to hug him whenever he wanted.
"Are you going to do it again?" Louis asked, "And why are you disappointed in me? I wasn't the one running outside and jumping in puddles with daddy's shoes on."
"'Cause you punish me." Ian pouted.
"Then don't do things you're not supposed to do and I won't have to punish you." Louis wrapped his arm around his waist, "Go take a shower before your sisters get here, and don't wake Madison up, she just went down for her nap."
Ian nodded and after he had apologized and kissed his mother's cheek, he quietly went to the bathroom to take a shower. Louis had no choice but to wash the mud off of Harry's boots, and not long after he heard his six month old start to cry from the bedroom she shared with Saylor and Samantha. He was glad he was done and after washing and drying his hands, he made his way to the bedroom. He found the tiny baby crying her little heart out, her green eyes staring at the little sheep mobile.
"My poor baby." Louis cooed as he picked her up, planting a kiss on the side of her head as he ran his fingers through her brown curls on the back of her head, "Mummy's here, baby. Do you need a new diaper?"
Madison Johanna Anne had been conceived right in the shed in their backyard, when their kids had piled up in their bed and Louis tended to be so loud to be able to do it in the bathroom. They had escaped to their dark backyard where Louis had fucked himself on Harry's cock until he got tired and Harry had turned him around to give him the best dicking. Every single one was better than the last in Louis' opinion. When Harry came into the condom he had accidentally and unknowingly ripped when attempting to put it on, it wasn't long before some stray cats scared the shit out of them. Harry had only pulled his pants back up and had carried a pantless Louis back home as fast as he could.
Louis would never stop feeling sorry for that cat, not even a while later when Ian had brought a stray kitten home. He had begged and cried for hours until Harry and Louis agreed to let him keep him and now Whiskers, a American Shorthair, had ended up being more of Louis' pet than Ian's. Not long after that was when Louis found out he was pregnant again, telling Harry right away who was happier than ever. He was even more happy when they found out they were expecting another girl and Louis decided to give her both of their mum's name. When their little Madison was born, she was as healthy as her siblings and already loved by the whole family.
When Louis was done changing Madison's diaper, he poured hand sanitizer on his hands then changed her clothes, picking her up to take her with him to the kitchen. He had just put her in her baby bouncer when Ian walked in with his hair still wet, and seconds later Harry walked in with both of his daughters behind him. He was holding a plate covered with aluminum, quickly putting it in the fridge before going to Louis to kiss him on the lips then pick Madison up. When she was in his arms, he kissed her cheek and wrapped an arm around Ian when his son went to hug him telling him he had missed him.
"How was the party?" Louis asked them, going to the twins to hug them.
"It was so much fun, mummy!" Saylor started talking right away, "And me and Sammy got paint on our faces! Show him, Sammy!" She gently pushed Samantha forward.
"Do you like it? It's a butterfly!" Samantha told him, letting Louis look at it before bending down to pick up Whiskers in her arms.
Louis and Samantha were the only ones that Whiskers would let pick him up, when Ian and Saylor tended to be a little rough and Harry hated getting hair all over him. Whiskers wasn't allowed to be near Madison unless someone was there holding her, and Louis loved how he would rather sit next to him wherever he was. He would sleep at the foot of their bed, but would sleep with one of the kids when they were sick.
"They're beautiful!" Louis smiled, letting them wrap their arms around his waist.
"Taylor was sad 'cause Ian didn't go to her party." Saylor pouted, then looked at Ian with an accusatory look.
"Did she have a Captain America cake?" Ian asked, seeing Saylor shaking her head no, "I didn't think so." He said before he turned around and started playing with Madison's tiny hands.
"Babe, take her, I have to pee." Harry gave Louis the baby, and was just about to head to the bathroom when he noticed his boots in the sink, "Why are my boots wet?" He asked, heading there to pick one up.
"I was washing them." Louis shrugged, grabbing one of Madison's bibs to wipe the drool all over her chin.
"Why?" Harry asked, trying not to freak out over his precious boots, "You're not supposed to wet them."
"They needed a wash." Louis said then looked at Ian, urging him with his gaze to tell his father the truth.
"He washed them because...because..." Ian looked around, then the floor as he talked, "I went out to catch frogs with them on and..."
"You got mud all over them." Harry interrupted him.
"Sorry..." Ian shrugged.
Harry let out a loud sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose, "It's okay, at least you told the truth. But this better be the last time you do it, Ian Edward. Now I really have to go pee, been holding it in since...forever. "He said as he walked away, having dumped the boot back in the sink.
"I told you he wasn't going to care." Ian said, giving Louis an I told you so look before he walked away to watch tv, followed by his sisters.
Soon Louis could hear them bickering over the remote control like they always did, letting out a loud sigh and looking at his baby daughter. He smiled when she did and held her closer, finally deciding to intervene when he saw Saylor jumping on top of Ian to fight him for the remote. He was glad Ian would never lay a finger on his sisters, that's why Saylor always ended up in trouble for getting physical with her brother.
"Hey! Saylor Abigail, that's enough!" Louis yelled, managing to get her off of Ian who got up and ran to the other couch as soon as he was set free, "That was rude, if you want to watch something then ask him nicely. A please and a thank you helps too." Louis scolded her.
"But now you don't get to watch tv until you apologize to your brother and until I say you can watch it again." Louis continued, seeing Harry walking in.
He still had Madison on his hip as Harry sat down and got comfortable before taking the remote from Saylor. He changed the channel to a documentary about wolves, quickly catching all the kids attention since they loved watching documentaries with their father. Saylor silently made her way to Harry and plopped down on his lap before Samantha could take the spot.
"Bug, what did mummy ask you to do?" Harry nudged her side.
"I'm sorry, Ian." Saylor apologized, waiting for Ian to tell her she was forgiven before she turned to watch the tv.
Later that afternoon, an hour before it was supposed to get dark, they ended up going out for a walk. Louis had Madison in her stroller while Harry watched the rest of the kids who were riding their bikes ahead of them. They watched Samantha stop, get off her bike, then run to the playground set where she finally got the best swing. Louis felt bad for Saylor when she didn't get there on time, but was proud of Samantha for achieving something. Saylor just shrugged it off and got on the other one while Ian went for the monkey bars.
"Daddy!" Samantha called for Harry, "Help, please." She asked, letting Harry push both of them.
Both Harry and Louis smiled as they listened to their older daughters talking about the most random topics ever like total grown ups. While they were there, Louis had made them pose for a picture to send to his mum and Anne. Harry had stayed near when Ian was put in charge of holding a squirmy Madison on his lap, making the baby cry when it was past her feeding time. She had cried the whole way back, but nobody paid them attention when the whole neighborhood knew them very well.
It was tradition to always sit down and watch a movie on saturday nights, and that night was no exception. Harry and Ian were in charge of building a blanket fort while Louis and the girls were in charge of setting up the bedrolls and the many pillows to make it comfortable. When they were all set, Louis and Harry headed to the kitchen to make snacks while the kids decided on what movie to watch that night.
When they came back, Ian handed Louis the first Monsters Inc movie then grabbed the bowl of popcorn Louis had in his hand. He put the movie in while Harry got comfortable at the back of the small space, knowing the kids wanted the front. Harry laid down against the many pillows, ending up halfway sitting up, then grabbed Madison and placed her on his chest where she snuggled up against him right away. She curled up into a little ball as she sucked on her pacifier and closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again.
Once the movie started playing, Louis laid down next to Harry and focused on the movie. He let Samantha snuggle up against him when she got bored of being near her siblings. That night they ended up carrying them back to bed, both of them never saying a thing when Ian still slept with his giraffe. He protected it with his life, even more when his sisters liked to grab it to play with it. When Louis and Harry went to bed, it was with a smile on their faces.
Thoughts? :)
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