~Chapter 49
I lied about the 50 chapters! *Crying Emoji*
Anyway! This is not edited but enjoy! Don't forget to feed me with comments and votes! That was weird, but its almost midnight and I'm tired. :D
Harry had already gotten way too many chances, and now it was time to always do the right thing. He held Louis closer, enjoying every second of it, just like Louis was.
They ended up eating all the leftover spaghetti and were finally putting the dishes in the dishwasher when they heard a knock on the door. Louis saw Anne get up to open the door, smiling when he saw Gemma, Christian and their kids at the door. Gemma looked worried, making him realize she probably already knew about what had happened. He felt Harry's hands on his hips, gently pushing him forward until they were with the others in the living room.
"Harry." Gemma's bottom lip trembled, and after setting the baby bag on the couch, she rushed to hug him.
"I'm okay." Harry hugged her, kissing the side of her head.
"It still scared me. You have no idea, I was terrified." Gemma said.
She pulled away and turned around to look at Louis, ending up hugging him seconds later. When they pulled away, Gemma made her kids sit on the couch to watch a movie, all of them obeying after finding out Ian was already asleep. She had Carley in her arms while Louis had Samantha and Harry had Saylor, always holding her upright and against his chest. He was still scared from the night before, noticing Christian looking at them. Harry didn't hesitate to ask him.
"Chris, could you do me a favor?" He asked, catching the attention of the rest of the adults. Anne was busy making tea while Des looked at them, already knowing what his son was going to ask his son in law.
"I know you can't treat family members, but last night Saylor stopped breathing and I was wondering if you could see if there's something wrong." Harry said, seeing Gemma's horrified expression then Anne's.
"Let me get my bag, it's in the car." Christian quickly got up and ran out of the house, coming back minutes later with his bag.
He made Harry put Saylor down on the couch where he began checking her, "Has she stopped breathing again, or was it just that time?" He asked.
"Just that time, she's been doing good as far as I know." Louis said, then blushed when he looked at Anne when she had been watching his kids.
"She's been breathing all this time without any problems." Anne said.
"She was crying and then stopped." Louis explained, "I checked on her and when I picked her up she started crying again."
"She is fine, nothing wrong with her." Christian concluded as he wrapped the blanket around her.
"But what if it happens again and we don't notice it?" Harry spoke up.
"I recommend putting her on her back and don't use pillows or sleep positioners." Christian said, going into full doctor mode, "In most cases, babies' irregular breathing habits are nothing to worry about. While sleeping, newborns may do what's called periodic breathing: They breathe progressively more quickly and deeply, then more slowly and shallowly, then pause for up to 15 seconds. They start up again with progressively deeper breaths. You can check on her a few times while she sleeps if you want, just to have peace of mind."
He held Saylor as he explained, the baby looking tiny compared to her uncle. He ended up giving her to Gemma, who set her back down on the couch on Carley's right side. Samantha was on her left and as soon as Gemma was sure they were comfortable, she took a few pictures. The one month old was squirming and had her blue eyes open, already a bit more alert than her newborn cousins. They were still amazed at how babies changed a lot during their first month of life.
Gemma's kids ended up meeting the babies, unable to stop making noise until they heard Ian calling for Louis. The toddler had spent the whole time there in Louis' arms and in the worst mood he had ever been in. He had refused to let anybody hold him but Louis, even pushing Harry away. He ended up falling asleep again after everybody had left.
That night Louis took a shower first followed by Harry who took longer because of the cuts on his face. Louis had helped him put on the new waterproof butterfly closures so his husband didn't have to change them every time he showered. They went to bed almost at midnight after feeding their daughters and Louis had made sure they were on their back. That night he let Harry hold him again, both of them finally able to fully rest even after waking up many times during the night.
Monday morning Louis found himself busy packing their bags for their trip to Manchester. He had already packed Ian and the twins bags and now he had to pack his and Harry's. He had let Harry deal with the hotel and other things that needed to be done when he wasn't in the mood to do it. He was already a nervous mess and worrying all the time, more when he would look at his baby girl. She looked so innocent laying down in what had been Ian's bassinet, wearing a long sleeved mint onesie with little sheep all over it. She and Samantha looked damn cute when his other daughter was wearing a pink one.
Ian had picked them just before Harry and Louis had given the twins a bath, and it had been stressing when Ian had to be there at all times. He had cooed at them and kissed their hands to try and calm them down when they had started crying while they were dressing them up. Harry had let him lay down next to them and even wrap one of his little arms around them.
He had taken a lot of pictures, some where his son was talking to them and his sisters would stay quiet and staring up at nothing in particular. That had been their first real bath, when before that they would only pass a wet rag all over their bodies to avoid having them getting too cold.
Louis was starting to get frustrated when his and Harry's bag was already too full and he still had to put their shoes in there. He ended up sitting on top of it when Harry walked in with Ian in his arms and Anne following behind them. They stared at him until Louis got off and dragged the bag onto the floor, feeling rather accomplished. Ian had gone with Harry to pick Anne up from her house, and as soon as she had walked into the room, she went straight to the bassinets. She cooed at her sleeping granddaughters then moved on to help Louis and Harry put all their stuff in the car.
They ended up leaving a few hours later after making sure they had everything they were going to need. Lucky for them, the twins and Ian had slept through most of the trip, with Ian waking up when they had arrived at the hotel. After all three of them had talked about it, it was decided that they were going to book only one room with two queen sized beds to save money when they didn't know how long they were going to stay. Louis had brought the twins bassinets, glad that they didn't take much space and Ian could sleep with Anne.
The hotel room turned out to be a hotel apartment with two bedrooms with queen size beds and two bathrooms, small living room and fully equipped kitchen and laundry room. Both Louis and Anne had glared at Harry in the elevator the entire way up to the very last floor where he led them to it. As soon as Harry opened the door, Ian ran inside as if he owned the place, dropping his giraffe as soon as he saw the couches. He climbed on top of the first one and started jumping, trying to run away from Harry as soon as his father went to get him.
"No jumping on the couch or beds. You're gonna fall again and cut your tongue off for good." Harry told him, still terrified of it ever happening again.
"I thought we were going to stay in a regular room." Louis said as he looked around.
"Dad convinced me to book this one, we don't know how long we're going to stay and I want us to be comfortable. It has a kitchen, that way we buy a bit of groceries and have home cooked meals." Harry explained.
"I do think this is better." Anne shrugged, still holding onto Samantha's car seat, "And someone needs a new diaper."
"I'll change her." Louis told her, putting Saylor's car seat on top of the couch.
Ian wiggled until Harry let him down, then ran to stand in front of Saylor. The one week old baby was asleep, but Ian couldn't give a shit and grabbed her little legs, pulling on them.
"Ian, be gentle." Harry grabbed his hands to make him let go of Saylor's legs, "She's a baby, dude. You can't be pulling on her limbs like that, that's mean."
"Baby mine, daddy." Ian said, before going back to touching Saylor's legs, this time being gentle with her.
"She's your baby sister." Harry told him while Anne watched with a fond look from where she was sitting on the other couch, "Can you say Saylor? Hi Saylor."
"Hi Saylo'" Ian repeated, giggling when Saylor opened her eyes and yawned.
Ian kissed the bottom of her feet, making her try and pull them back. Louis walked in with Samantha in his arms and a blanket he had brought. He accepted Anne's help and watched as she spread it over the carpet, and when she was done, he put Samantha down on top of it. He made his way to Saylor and did the same, this time Ian following after him.
"Now, can you say, Hi Samantha?" Harry said as he laid down next to his children, letting Ian climb on top of him.
"Hi Sama..." Ian trailed off, looking at Anne and Louis with a panicked expression.
"Hi Samantha." Louis repeated as he took a seat on the couch Harry had been sitting on.
"Hi Sama'tha." Ian repeated, smiling when he was praised by the adults.
He got off of Harry and made his way to his sisters, gently laying down next to Saylor, kissing her cheek until she started crying. Later that day, Anne and Louis found themselves cooking dinner while Harry bathed Ian in the large bathtub. He had been careful not to fill it up too much when Ian moved a lot and splashed water everywhere.
He loved doing Ian's hair when it was full of shampoo suds, doing a mohawk or brushing it to the side or the back, making him look like a tiny businessman. When he was done, he let Louis change him then bathed the twins, always being as careful as he could when they wouldn't stop crying.
When bedtime came around, Ian had fallen asleep on the couch with the tv still on to Baby Looney Tunes, and Harry had carried him to his mum's bedroom where she was already in bed. That night after feeding the twins, Louis clung to Harry when he was already a nervous mess. He fell asleep to Harry humming a random tune, his face buried against his naked chest. The next morning they wanted to leave before Ian could wake up, but when they made it out of their bedroom fully dressed, Ian was already walking out of Anne's bedroom.
"Were you both going to leave without having breakfast?" Anne asked, then shook her head, "No sir, you're both going to eat breakfast."
"We were going to get something on the way there." Harry explained, putting Saylor's car seat with her already in it on top of the table.
"Let me make you something fast." Anne insisted, not saying anything else when Harry nodded.
While Anne cooked breakfast, Louis made sure to leave Ian and Samantha already dressed for the day. They ate as fast as they could, even when Ian just had to sit on Louis' lap and make him feed him. When it was time for them to leave, Ian threw the biggest fit realizing that he was going to stay behind with his nana and Samantha. Anne ended up taking him to her bedroom with Samantha to allow them to leave, even when Ian kept asking for Saylor. Lucky for her, Ian got distracted with Samantha's plush Winnie The Pooh rattle, rattling a few inches away from her face to make her look at him.
Louis snapped out of his daze when Harry parked the car outside the clinic. He took his time to look around, making sure it didn't look shady. When he was sure it was safe, he got out of the car and made his way to the backdoor to get his baby. He smiled when he saw she was wide awake, and leaned down to kiss one of her little hands.
"You ready?" Harry asked as soon as he was standing in front of him, holding Saylor's bag.
"Yeah, just grabbing her." Louis said.
When Louis had a good grip on the car seat, they started walking after Harry had locked the car. They were welcomed by a friendly receptionist who checked them in, then gave them an Ipad with a questionnaire already loaded on the screen. Harry let Louis find a seat then started filling out the long questionnaire, sometimes asking Louis a question. When Harry was done with it, he gave it back to the receptionist then took a seat again. Minutes later he reached for Saylor, wanting to hold her while they waited.
He wrapped a thin blanket around her to keep her warm then held her upright against his chest, letting her listen to his heartbeats. He had dressed her up in a cute pink bodysuit and tiny black pants, complete with a beanie. They didn't have to wait at all when the doctor herself was calling Saylor's name.
"I'm doctor Whitefield, nice to meet you." She shook hands with them, then looked at Saylor who was sleeping against her father's chest, "And this must be Saylor." She smiled at the baby.
"I'm Louis and this is my husband Harry and our daughter Saylor." Louis introduced themselves as he shook her hand.
She led them through a corridor then into an examination room where a nurse was already waiting there, ready to check Saylor's vitals. Harry was asked to take her clothes off so they could weigh and measure her, something Harry didn't want to do in fear of his baby girl going cold.
Halfway through it Saylor started crying as loud as she could until Harry was dressing her up again. Louis couldn't help but find adorable the way she would snuggle up against Harry. When they had all her information, was when Dr. Whitefield finally got to take a look at her fingers. She had her x rays and MRI scans that her pediatrician had sent het the week before. Harry and Louis waited with a nervous expression until she turned to look at them, picking Saylor up and giving her to Louis.
"She has the easiest form of polydactyly, the extra digits are only attached to the rest of her hand by skin. In my opinion surgery won't be necessary, what I recommend is tying them off and letting them fall off on their own."
Louis' eyes widened as he listened to her. The mere idea of watching them fall off made him nauseous.
"And how would you do that?" Harry asked.
"We'll schedule it for another day, that way you'll have time to get ready. We'll numb the area with a local anesthetic then tie them off with a surgical thread. I know you came all the way from London, but I recommend staying for a few more days so I can keep a close eye on her. After that she'll be good to go and I'll see her again after they fall off." She explained, "The only downside to this is the sensitivity that will last for a few hours."
"Why can't you just cut them off for good?" Louis asked, his voice going a little bit higher as he held his daughter closer to him.
"She's too young for surgery and general anesthesia, it will only put her under copious amounts of stress. I also don't want the area to bleed and have her lose blood, then have her go through painful recovery. If you tie them off, the fingers will slowly die off then fall off. By the time they do, the area would be healed leaving her with a little scab that will soon heal." She explained, "But if you'll rather have them removed for good then we'll have to wait until she's at least two years old."
"Will it hurt her?" Louis asked, "I don't want her to be in pain."
"The local anesthesia will help, but they will be a little sensitive for a few hours after it wears off. I'll prescribe her Tylenol to ease it for her." She said, letting them talk to each other, "I'll let you talk about it in private." She said.
"Thank you." Harry gave her a smile.
"I think we should tie them off." Louis started, "I don't want to wait until she's two years old and is more aware of things. I'm not gonna have her go through it when she's older, so I think we should do it now."
"Are you sure?" Harry asked, "Maybe we shouldn't get them removed at all." Harry slowly said, watching the way Louis glared at him.
"We agreed on getting them removed." Louis turned his body around to face his husband.
"I know, but I feel like it's going to be painful for her." Harry looked down at his daughter.
"She said it will only be sensitive for a few hours." Louis insisted.
Harry started chewing on his bottom lip, then looked up at the ceiling trying to decide what he should do. He looked at Louis who was giving Saylor her pacifier then attached the clip to her clothes to keep it from falling to the floor. He then looked at her hands, noticing how you really couldn't even see the fingers unless you really focused on them.
"Okay, we'll tie them off." Harry decided, not wanting to upset Louis any further.
"Thank you." Louis smiled, scooting closer to him.
When the doctor walked back in, they notified her of their decision. They were scheduled for the next day at nine in the morning, after she had given them many instructions. When they got home, Ian and Samantha were taking a nap without a care in the world, getting joined by Saylor who looked exhausted. The next day they were up bright and early, that time letting Anne go with them along with the kids. Harry needed all the support he could get when Dr. Melinda was about to tie his daughter's fingers off.
He had cringed when she had explained and showed them pictures of the stages the fingers were going to go through before falling off for good. She had also recommended having her wear mittens if they had trouble handling the way they looked, as well as keeping anybody from bumping them. Harry had immediately looked at Ian who was holding Saylor's hands, knowing he liked to hold them and seemed to have a preference for Saylor.
When it was time, both Harry and Louis were allowed to wait in a corner of the room after Louis had refused to let her be completely alone. Louis regretted it the moment she let out a loud wail, getting ready to get up and yell at the doctor until he found out they hadn't even started yet. Saylor just needed a new diaper, and after changing her, was when they finally tied them off. As soon as they were done, Louis was allowed to hold and feed her, unable to stop looking at the fingers.
Three days later they were back in London after the doctor had checked on her fingers, informing them that everything was going well. By then they had started having her wear mittens when the fingers had slowly started changing color. But they didn't really focus on them when they were too busy trying to keep Ian from touching them. He would always throw a fit but they could care less when they only wanted what was best for Saylor.
A week after coming back, they found themselves watching tv in their living room. The room was a complete mess when Ian had decided to dump all his three toy boxes full of toys in the middle of the living room. He had ignored Louis when he had scolded him for it, and by then, Louis and Harry were already fed up with his attitude.
It had started when Ian had developed an unhealthy obsession with salt and vinegar chips (crisps), being that the only thing he would eat. He would refuse any other kind of food unless it was the damn chips, even going as far as going hungry if they denied him the chips. The peanut butter and jelly sandwhich Louis had made him was still on a paper plate on top of the coffee table, waiting to be eaten by Ian.
They were in the middle of watching The Winter Soldier when Ian started crying again out of nowhere, dropping his toy truck and crawling towards Harry. His father picked him up and let him cry it out knowing he was hungry. He grabbed the sandwich and offered it to Ian who pushed it away and cried louder.
"Ian, you're not getting any chips so eat the sandwich. I know you're hungry." Harry said, putting the sandwich close to Ian's mouth.
He started getting frustrated when Ian harshly pushed it away, making him drop it on the couch. He gave up and instead let Ian cry all he wanted, sighing in relief seconds later when Ian shut up and rested against his chest, still letting out little sniffles. Louis stared at them for a while then went back to watching tv, glad that the twins were asleep in one of the cribs. He had the baby monitor next to him where he could see and hear them.
"Peanut, you have to eat the sandwich. Chips are bad for your health, and you need to eat healthy so you can grow strong and tall." Harry explained as he rubbed Ian's back, "Do you want your sandwich now? It's so yummy, and mummy made it for you with love."
"No." Ian started crying again, "Chip, daddy."
"You're not getting chips. It's the sandwich or nothing." Harry sternly said.
"Harry just give him the damn chips so he can shut up and at least eat something." Louis looked at him with an annoyed look, looking exhausted and fed up.
"No, he needs to learn that he's not always going to get what he wants. And he needs to eat what we give him, not what he wants. This isn't a restaurant." Harry argued, rolling his eyes when Louis got up and left the room when Ian started crying again, this time louder than ever.
"You need to stop crying or I'm gonna have to put you in a place where we won't have to hear you. No one wants to hear you cry." Harry told his son, his ears hurting when Ian cried louder.
He couldn't believe his son was acting as if someone was beating him with a belt. He hated that Ian still couldn't live without his pacifier, so he did something he wouldn't have done unless it was an emergency and now that's what it was. He reached for Ian's pacifier then put it in his mouth in attempts to make him quiet down. Ian continued crying anyway, staring at Harry when the man got up and made his way to the backdoor.
Harry opened the glass sliding door and walked out, closing it again and leaving Ian inside on his own. He was expecting the almost two year old to cry more, but Ian only spit out his pacifier and made his way to the door to try and lock it. He had seen them doing it many times before, so Harry hurried to open it before he could lock him outside.
"Are you going to eat your sandwich now?" Harry asked, groaning when Ian continued crying.
"Do you want to come outside for a bit? You're gonna wake up your si-" Harry stopped talking when he heard Samantha crying, "You woke Sammy up."
Ian whimpered as Harry wiped his tears away, but as soon as his father showed him the sandwich, he burst out crying again, slapping it out of his hands. Harry was on the verge of snapping, and instead of letting it happen and spank Ian to give him a reason to cry for, he opened the door again and brought him outside. He closed it again, leaving his son outside on his own.
It was as if a switch had been flipped on inside Ian when he turned into a hysterical mess. His face turning a deep dark red the more he cried, going as far as jumping up and down before he stopped and grabbed one of his small plastic dinosaurs he had left outside. His cries kept getting louder as he banged on the window, but calmed down a bit when he realized Harry wasn't even looking at him anymore.
"Harry, where's Ian?" Louis asked as he walked into the room, his eyes widening when he saw what was going on, "Are you serious!?" He exclaimed, then made his way to the door to bring his son back in but was stopped by Harry.
"He needs to learn a lesson." Harry explained.
"By leaving him outside!? You've got to be fucking kidding me." Louis glared at him.
"What do you want me to do? I'm upset, it makes me sad but he has to learn." Harry defended himself.
"If he gets sick I'm going to leave you, Harry Styles!" Louis threatened before he walked away to the kitchen to find the chips for his baby boy.
When he found them, he made his way back to the living room, finding Ian in Harry's arms. His husband was sitting on the floor by the door with a still sniffling Ian, talking to him with a soothing voice.
"And daddy's sorry he left you outside, but you have to listen to me when I tell you to do or stop doing something." Harry said as he rubbed Ian's back, "I love you very much, peanut. That's why you need to eat your sandwich. Can you do that for me?" Harry asked.
"O- kay." Ian hiccupped, letting his father hug him.
That was Louis' cue to go back to the kitchen and make Ian a new sandwich when the old one had been made hours ago. When Harry walked into the kitchen with Ian in his arms, he already had the sandwich ready and was now filling up Ian's sippy cup with warm milk. When Ian was still silently crying on his high chair, both parents knew he wa exhausted. As soon as Louis placed the sandwich in front of him, Ian grabbed one of the halves and started eating.
"Do you want raspberries?" Harry asked as he looked inside the fridge, having spotted a few still in the plastic container.
"Ye- es." Ian hiccuped. The hunger finally winning as he took another bite from his sandwich. He looked in the direction of the door when he heard one of his sisters crying, immediately recognizing them as Saylor's cries.
"Mummy, Saylo'" Ian said, wiping his nose with the back of his hand.
"I know, pumpkin. Let me go get her, and when you're done eating you can hold her." Louis promised his son, kissing his forehead on his way out.
Harry took a seat next to him after he had rinsed the raspberries, putting them on a paper towel after. He watched Ian reach for one and put it in his mouth before chewing. It continued like that until he had finished all his food, except for the sandwich crusts he had refused to eat no matter what.
"Daddy, I sleepy." Ian rubbed his eyes.
"Do you want to go take a nap with mummy and daddy?" Harry asked him, then started cleaning up before picking him up.
When they went back to the living room, Louis had already moved all the toys to Ian's side of the living room. It consisted of a cottage playhouse with its own little "fence" around it which was just a gate, and right outside, Harry liked to park Ian's car. The playhouse had been an early present from Louis' father and his wife when they were going to be out of town for Ian's birthday.
Harry slowly put Ian down on the pull out couch bed, ready to take a nap. He watched with a smile how Ian crawled towards Louis and kissed Saylor's cheek. He got to hold her for a bit until Louis took her to change her and Samantha's clothes. When he was done, they let them lay down on each side of Ian until they fell asleep. It was a nice quiet atmosphere until Harry broke down the silence, making Louis choke on his own spit.
"I've been needing to poop for a while now." Harry sighed, smiling when Louis started laughing. He had missed his laugh, had missed being him the one making him laugh.
"Wow." Louis said when he had managed to stop laughing, just before he started doing it again.
"I'm just being honest here." Harry sat up to look at him with a sheepish expression.
"Too honest." Louis looked at him, "Go poop."
He puckered up his lips just as Harry moved to get up, and when Harry kissed him, he couldn't help but smile into the kiss. He shook his head and looked at Harry's retreating figure with fondness, hearing him singing Talk Dirty, censoring himself at some parts.
When Harry was out of sight, Louis laid down again and looked at the ceiling. He bit on his bottom lip trying to suppress a smile, giving up when he had many reasons to smile.
*Note: Please don't tell me the way Harry handled Ian's tantrum was not right. The poor man did what he could.
Thoughts? :)
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