~Chapter 47
This is all over the place!! I'm aiming to have this fic completed by chapter 50 plus maybe an epilogue. It is not edited but enjoy! Don't forget to let me know what you thought! :)
After their babies had fallen asleep again, Louis didn't stop insisting for Harry to get something to eat from somewhere else, not wanting him to eat the nasty hospital food. He had frowned when he saw him shoving two pieces of gum into his mouth, then go back to organizing Louis' bag then the babies'. Louis had assured him that he was going to be fine until Harry agreed and left, coming back forty minutes later with four muffins and two to go cups.
"Brought you blueberry muffins and hot chocolate." Harry said as soon as he walked into the room, handing Louis the cup, "Traffic was awful and I need a shower."
"I called your mum and asked her to bring you a bag." Louis told him then his eyes widened, "Unless...unless you were planning on leaving to go take a shower."
"No, it's fine. Thanks for calling her. I was starting to freak out about it, I don't want to leave you alone." Harry said, before taking a bite out of his muffin.
Louis stared for a bit, blushing when his stomach growled and that's when he started eating too. It didn't take long before the muffins were gone and Harry was offering a third one to him. He took it right away and ate it, both of them never making conversation. The atmosphere was starting to get even more tense, until Dr. Huard walked in with a big yellow envelope in his hands.
"Hello!" He greeted Louis and Harry.
"Hi." Louis and Harry said at the same time.
"I have the X Rays and MRI scans of your daughter and it's just what I thought." He said, "There is bone in the extra digits but it is not attached to the bone in her pinkies. The bones do not pass to her pinkies through her hands, they're only attached by skin. There's also blood flow, just like I thought." He explained, taking the x rays and MRI scans out to show them.
"So what does that mean?" Louis asked, his gaze settling on his sleeping baby girl.
She was wearing a mint bodysuit with I'm cute, mum's cute and dad's lucky written on the front while Samantha was wearing a similar one but in light purple. They both had on a white beanie to keep them warm and were wrapped in white fluffy blankets Louis had gotten after he had found out he was expecting again.
"I'm going to refer you to Dr. Melinda Whitefield. She's one of the best pediatric hand specialists in the country, the only problem is that you would have to drive all the way to Manchester where her clinic is located if you do decide to have them removed."
"That should be no problem." Harry spoke up, looking at Louis who nodded.
"As soon as you're allowed to go home I'll make sure to give you her office number, or I can schedule an appointment for you as soon as you decide to see her. I think it's best if I do to explain what's going on, just let me know when and I'll get to it right away."
"We'll give you a call, if you don't mind." Louis decided.
"Not at all." Dr. Huard said, then got up to shake hands with them, "That was all for today, I'll to let you continue eating your breakfast." He said.
He left soon, leaving them once again in a complete silence until Louis was done with his muffin. Louis wanted to go back to sleep when he heard a tiny whimper that soon turn to cries, recognizing them right away as Saylor's. He sat up and watched Harry pick her up, letting him know that he wanted to hold her when he opened his arms. He was glad Harry didn't put up a fight when soon his baby girl was in his arms.
"Hi sweetheart." He murmured, lifting her up a little to kiss her cheek, never noticing her hand was close to her face.
He startled when she let out a loud wail, quickly pulling her hand away from her face, feeling awful when he saw the small scratch by her nose. A lump formed in his throat when he saw the red scratch then his eyes filled with tears when she kept crying, waking her sister up soon after.
"You're fine, love. You're fine." Louis tried to calm her down, but Saylor kept crying and her face kept getting redder. At that point he felt like he was doing everything wrong with her. Why did his baby girl had to pay for him being so useless, he thought.
That's when Louis lost it and started crying along with her, fighting to keep himself from sobbing out loud until Harry gave her a pacifier and put light pink mittens on her hands. When she calmed down, he took a seat next to Louis and wrapped his arms around him and rubbed his back to try and calm him down. Louis kept crying, finally letting it all out, now that he was in Harry's arms again.
He desperately needed an explanation, needed to know why Harry had lied to him, had told him all those nasty things throughout their relationship. Especially when he knew how insecure he was about it, how it hurt to be told he wasn't good enough. He wanted to be good enough.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." Harry kissed the top of his head, somehow able to tell what Louis was thinking. Knowing he was right when Louis' shoulders started shaking.
"I'm so sorry for all those things I told you, for lying to you. I didn't mean them, Lou." Harry pulled back to look at him, seeing how red his eyes were and how wet his face was, "You're more than enough, and I'm the luckiest man to have someone like you. I'm so lucky to have someone as great as you are and who loves me the way you do."
He continued when Louis shook his hand no and tried to get him to let go, "What I said, that you weren't good enough and that's why people cheat on you, that was me talking shit. I was angry and I know it doesn't excuse it, but please...please know that I didn't mean it. You are everything to me and those assholes let go of someone as amazing as you. I will never stop apologizing for telling you all those nasty things." He hugged him again, careful not to squeeze Saylor who was calm, squinting her eyes up at them.
"Y- You lied." Louis continued crying, needing Harry to explain. He wanted to hear it from him, looking at him when Harry moved in front of him to look him in the eyes.
"That was a mistake, now I know I should have told you the truth but I didn't want to upset you. I knew you don't like him and that's why I kept it a secret. I just helped him, that's all." Harry said, never losing eye contact, "See...back then when he and I were a thing I was such an asshole to him and he didn't deserve it. When we got married and you met him back at the apartment, that was the last time I ever saw him until the hospital when Ian cut his tongue."
"I apologized to him and we started talking again, but it was just as friends...not even that but we were being civil with each other. He told me about his boyfriend and how he was expecting, how he was so excited to tell him. I don't regret helping him, but I do regret lying to you. He needed my help and I couldn't turn him away, not when that monster did that to him. He told me so many times to tell you the truth, but I thought I knew what I was doing." Harry took a deep breath when he was done explaining.
"I understand." Louis said, "But I'm still angry at you and I only half forgive you." He sniffled.
"I don't deserve it but that's better than nothing." Harry sighed in relief, "Now can I hug you? I missed you."
He was happy when Louis nodded and let him hug him, the action getting interrupted when Saylor pouted her little lips and let out a soft cry. Harry took her and got up to put her back in her bassinet then went back to sitting next to Louis to hug him, taking the liberty to kiss the top of his head.
"I'm not gonna lie to you ever again, okay." He said, "That's why I'm going to tell you I told my parents to bring your things back to our house. But I'll understand if you want to go back to Jay's, hopefully she won't get annoyed at having me there all day long, I'm not going to leave you alone with all three kids."
"It's okay." Louis said, his voice coming out muffled due to the fabric of Harry's shirt when he had hidden his face on it, "I think it's best if we go back. We missed you and there's no space at my mum's, plus the girls slam their doors a lot."
"Thank you." Harry said, then smiled as he tried not to get too emotional, "I'm going to call Roxanne to see if she has time to clean the house, and when you get out of here we need to talk about what we're gonna do with our trip to Manchester."
"That can wait." Louis yawned, "There's no rush."
Harry hugged him tighter until there was a knock at the door, then it opened revealing Des, Anne and a sleepy Ian who was sucking on his pacifier. As soon as Ian saw Louis, he made grabby hands at him, then hugged him tight when Des set him down in between Harry and Louis. The toddler hugged Harry too then let go to look around the room, smiling when he saw his sisters wide awake in their bassinets.
"'aby." Ian pointed at them, then looked at his parents before his gaze settled on the babies again.
"I missed you, pumpkin." Louis kissed his cheek, about to pick him up but couldn't when Harry picked him up for him.
Ian took his pacifier out of his mouth and dropped it on the bed, "Mummy...mummy baby." Ian kept pointing at his sisters, making Harry chuckle as he got up to get them.
He let his mother help him with Saylor and soon they were in their mummy's arms, looking content until Ian grabbed their hands. He started with shaking them as he murmured hi's then furrowed his brow when he saw the mittens on Saylor's hands. He took them off and threw them to the side, not liking that she was wearing them.
"Ian, peanut leave those on. She scratched herself." Harry told him, and grabbed them to put them on again as he ignored Ian giving him a bitter look.
"Hi." Louis gave his parents in law a shy smile, "How are you? Did Ian behave?"
"We're great, sweetheart." Anne got closer to hug him, followed by Des, "He was great, woke up a few hours ago, had breakfast and then we came to see you and the girls."
"They're all he's been talking about." Des chuckled, reaching to ruffle Ian's hair, "Wanted to come see them as soon as he woke up."
"Is that right, pumpkin? You missed Say and Sam?" Louis kissed his cheek, then looked back at the couple, "Thank you for watching him."
"Have they told you anything about her hands?" Anne asked, seeing how Des and Harry were now entertained with the children.
"They're not attached to the rest of her hand with bone, just held together to it by skin. Dr. Huard referred us to a hand specialist in Manchester so now we're going to wait until they let me out of here." Louis explained.
"If you and Harry were planning to remove them then that's great!" She said, looking at Ian who was trying to take Samantha out of Louis' arms.
"Do you think we should let him hold them?" Harry asked him, "He wants to hold them."
"Okay, but don't let him hold them on his own." Louis agreed.
"Okay!" Harry smiled at his son, seeing his parents smiling at the children, "You're going to hold her but you have to be really careful okay? They're just a day old, hold them like you hold baby doll." Harry explained, remembering how caring Ian was towards the creepy doll. He thought it had been sort of good practice.
They chuckled when Ian extended his arms out, ready to hold his sister but ended up pouting when his daddy was taking forever. He just wanted to hold his sisters! Harry gently placed Samantha on his little arms, making sure to never let go of her, seeing Ian smiling down at her before leaning down to kiss her on the corner of her little lips. Anne was already taking pictures while Ian babbled nonsense to his sister until he looked at Saylor, gently giving Samantha back to Harry before making his way to his youngest sister. Des was the one to help him, letting him hold her and kiss her face until he got tired and pushed her away from him.
It wasn't long before the babies started getting fussy when it was already time to feed them. Anne and Des happily fed them while Harry and Louis were spending time with Ian, making him giggle, noticing the good change in their son when it was both of them like it had always been. Ian ended up eating the snack Anne had packed in his little backpack and part of a muffin Harry hadn't been able to eat. Later that day they had gotten a taste of what it was like to change diapers to three different kids, and feed them all at the same time.
Zayn, Liam and Niall had ended up visiting that afternoon, reacting just like the others to the extra fingers. Niall had held them the longest until Zayn took them away, claiming that he was hogging them. They had brought gifts for them, also making sure to bring Ian something too when they had read about older siblings becoming jealous of their baby siblings. Gemma had surprised Louis with flowers and gifts for the kids. She had only showed up with Christian when they had too many kids who were too loud and they could always meet them later at home.
When Louis was finally released from the hospital he was more than happy when he was tired of being in the hospital, also worrying over Harry who looked completely exhausted. He had made sure his girls were bundled up before taking them outside to the car then had taken a seat next to them while Harry drove them home. When they finally made it, he took a deep breath as he slowly walked in, seeing the kitchen too clean.
"Mummy!" Ian happily shouted as he ran into the kitchen with Anne following behind him.
"Hi pumpkin! Mummy missed you so so much!" Louis knelt down in front of him to hug and kiss him while Anne helped with one of the babies.
Louis got up and grabbed Ian's hand to take him to the living room where he took a seat on the couch, the freaking couch he had missed so much. He looked around and stared at the tv where Chicken Run was on, knowing it was one of Ian's favorites but now all his son's attention was focused on his sisters. He smiled when he saw him kiss the bottom of Samantha's left foot then move on to Saylor to kiss her on the knee. He kept going back and forth until his sisters became fed up, crying at the same time as loud as they could. That had been Ian's cue to leave when he couldn't stand having them crying too close to him when they were too loud.
He picked Saylor up and out of her car seat placing her on the couch then moved on to Samantha, making sure they were next to each other before giving them their pacifiers. He could hear Harry and Anne talking in the kitchen until it started getting more hushed making Louis furrow his brow in confusion. He realized they had been arguing when Harry walked by and into their bedroom where he closed the door, only opening it again to let Ian in after their son had been knocking and shouting at him to let him in.
"Is everything okay?" Louis asked Anne as soon as she had walked into the living room with two bottles in her hands.
"Yeah, he just doesn't want to hear it. I'm not happy with him at all and he knows it." She sighed, handing a bottle to Louis before she grabbed Saylor to help Louis feed them.
"It's alright." Louis shrugged as he picked Samantha up, "I'm still angry, but we're working on it."
"Sweetheart..." Anne shook her head, "It is not okay. I know that you're willing to work things out with him and I'm grateful you're giving him another chance but he needs to learn that it wasn't okay at all so he doesn't do it again."
"I don't trust him anymore." Louis confessed, seeing Anne giving him an understanding look. His eyes widened when he heard Harry clearing his throat, looking behind him to see him with Ian in his arms.
"I'm gonna go out and buy him something to eat. Do you want anything?" Harry looked at both of them.
"Anything is fine." Louis said then look at Anne.
"Whatever you want to bring us, Edward." Anne looked at him before going back to cooing at her granddaughter.
Harry nodded before he left, making sure Ian was buckled up in his seat before driving away to the nearest chinese restaurant. When he got there he groaned when he saw the long line for the take out, walking to get in line already knowing what he was going to order. He had to hold on tighter onto Ian when his son kept wiggling in his hold, going still and silent when they finally made it to the front.
He ordered enough food for all four of them then took a seat at one of the tables with Ian on his lap to wait for his food. When Ian wouldn't sit still he took his phone and earphones out to let him watch a cartoon, seeing some people staring at him as if he had three heads. Even a couple who couldn't even handle their son, at least his own was quiet and well behaved. He felt like he had been waiting forever until his name was called and he was quick to get up and get his food. He left his phone with Ian hoping for his son to keep it safe and not crack the screen like he usually did whenever he would get to them.
When he got home he was fast to get out of the car and grab his phone, sighing in relief when it was still in one piece. When he walked inside the house it was too quiet wondering where everyone was until he heard Anne and Louis talking. He let his son down then put the food on the kitchen counter, moving to grab a cutting board and a knife to cut the chicken and veggies into little pieces for Ian.
"Hey." Louis slowly walked in, "What did you get?"
"Chinese." Harry answered, "Where are the girls?"
"Asleep in one of the cribs." Louis said, waiting for Harry to say something else but when he didn't he moved to get the plates and cups out.
Dinner was awkward when no one would start a conversation, except poor Ian who could feel the tension making him uncomfortable but kept babbling nonetheless. Anne ended up going home after helping with the dishes while Louis showered and Harry changed diapers after diapers. Harry had hugged and kissed her before she left, not wanting them to be angry at each other anymore.
That night Harry ended up going straight into the shower after he had tucked Ian in and was sure he was asleep. He took off his shirt stained with baby puke after Samantha had puked all over his shoulder, then threw it in the basket that was already full of dirty clothes. He was still in the shower trying to relax when Louis walked back into the bathroom after his shower to brush his teeth, both of them enjoying the peaceful silence. It didn't last long when feeding time got there and both their daughters started fussing at the same time.
At that point Harry felt like his head was going to explode, even more when he barely had time to rinse the shampoo suds off of his hair before he was turning the water off and grabbing a towel to get out and make them their bottles. He was shivering as he made them, spilling some powder on the countertop and getting more desperate the louder they cried.
He barely paid attention when Louis walked into the kitchen to see what was taking so long, but was glad when he started making the other one. When they went back to the bedroom, they almost jumped out of their skin when they saw Ian standing in front of the bassinets, just staring up at them still holding onto his stuffed toy.
"Pumpkin, you're supposed to be asleep baby." Louis gave Harry the bottle then grabbed Ian who snuggled up to him and closed his eyes.
He walked back to his bedroom to tuck him in, but ended up going back to their bedroom when Ian kept getting up and following him. When he got there Harry had both girls on the nursing pillow for twins and was sitting in front of them with his legs crisscrossed under him as he fed both of them at the same time. Louis could barely hide the fact that he was impressed. Without making too much noise, he walked up to them and set Ian down in the middle of the bed. The toddler looked at his sisters for a few seconds before he laid down again and fell asleep right away.
"You can finish your shower if you want to. I'll stay with them." Louis suggested, seeing Harry wearing only sweatpants, and his chest still a bit wet.
Harry pondered for a few seconds then nodded, letting Louis hold the bottles without disturbing their daughters then got up to finish showering. He took his sweet time showering, making the water hotter until he ran out of it and that's when he had to get out. He changed into his pajamas then brushed his teeth, finally going to bed after he had gone back to the kitchen to clean up the mess he had made.
He checked on the babies then went to bed, kissing Ian goodnight but not Louis when he wasn't sure if he even wanted a goodnight kiss. He laid on his back looking up at the ceiling, the only light in the dark room coming from the neighbor's light in their backyard. It was so quiet that it felt sort of eerie until Ian started letting out little snores and the light was starting to bother him.
"Harry?" Louis mumbled, lifting his head up to look at him.
"Yeah?" Harry looked at him, holding his breath as he waited for Louis to say something.
"Can you close the curtains please. That damn light won't let me sleep and I'm exhausted." Louis complained.
Harry got up to close them then went back to bed, but not before checking on his babies again to make sure they were okay. Both of them were asleep, all warm after both parents had made sure they were comfortable. He laid down on his side facing Ian and fell asleep right away, knowing he needed to get as much sleep as he could while he had the chance.
Both of them felt like they had only slept for a maximum of two minutes when they had to wake up again and make bottles then change diapers. Ian had thankfully slept through it all, only moving to change positions, going from laying down in the middle of the bed to plastering himself to Louis who only wrapped his arms around him and fell asleep again.
The following morning they found themselves eating a breakfast that consisted of cereal, barely having the energy to feed themselves while Ian was happily eating the pieces of pancake Louis had reheated for him. When they were finished Harry started putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher while Louis was trying to make Ian eat the last pieces of food he still had on his plate.
"When are we going to call Dr. Huard?" Louis asked, "I just think we should do it sooner than later, I don't want her to go through it when she's older." He hurried to explain when Harry gave him a blank look.
"We can call him today and have him schedule it as soon as he can." Harry finally said after a long pause, one where he had stared at his sleeping daughter.
Never in a million years did he imagine he would have to cut off two of his daughter's fingers.
"We're not cutting them off...well we are but this is what's best." Louis spoke up, making Harry realize he hadn't just thought about it.
"I know." Harry sighed, "Go ahead and give him a call."
"Not if you're going to get all pissy about it." Louis rolled his eyes, "I think just like you, she's perfect the way she is but there's nasty people out there who don't think so and I don't want them to hurt her. I just want her to be happy."
"I'm not angry, Louis." Harry turned to face him, "We're going to do what's best for her and that is removing those fingers, I promise I'm not angry. We're in this together."
Louis sighed before he nodded, "O- Okay. Thank you." He said, seeing Harry nodding before going back to rinsing off the sink.
By noon Louis had already talked to Dr. Huard and by dinner time, they had gotten a call telling them they were scheduled for an appointment with Dr. Whitefield by next monday. That night while Harry was on the floor with all three of his kids, letting them bond, Louis was sitting on the recliner trying to plan their trip to Manchester. They would be leaving Sunday morning, but not knowing how many days they were going to stay there, was driving him crazy.
He decided to take a break and after putting his laptop away, he watched Harry and the way he was so gentle with their girls. He was reading a book to them with Ian on his lap and the girls on their pillow, who were been quiet when usually all they did was cry when they were awake.
When Harry was done reading the book, he let Ian crawl towards his sisters where he laid down next to Saylor. He started falling asleep right there as well as his sisters and soon all three of them were passed out. Harry didn't waste time and started taking pictures right away until he was yawning. He looked at Louis who was close to falling asleep then looked back at their children. He swallowed the lump in his throat when he didn't know if it would be okay if he just crawled up to Louis and made him lay down on the floor next to him and their three babies. He was debating whether he should ask when Louis spoke up.
"I'm tired." He said, eyeing the spot in between Harry and Ian.
"You should take a nap, I'll look after them." Harry suggested.
"But you're tired too, you need sleep too." Louis said, slowly getting off the couch to make his way to the middle of the living room where his family was. He laid down a few inches away from their kids then looked at Harry with that look he always gave him before bed. The one that said he wanted his husband to lay down next to him. A few seconds passed by where Harry did nothing but stare until Louis became fed up with it.
"I'm trying to go back to the way things used to be but you're not helping. You do nothing but sulk all day and I'm tired of it. I'm annoyed." Louis sat up, ""You shouldn't even be sulking, you have no reason to."
"You told my mum you don't trust me." Harry finally spoke up.
"Is that what this is all about? I told her how I feel, that's it." Louis said.
"You told my mother who has no business in this instead of telling me." Harry said with tears in his eyes, all the stress from the day about to be released.
Louis scoffed then his eyes filled with tears, "You should have known I lost it all the moment I found out you lied. Until you prove to me that I can trust you again then I will."
"I- I understand." Harry said, taking a deep breath before he got up.
"Where are you going? We're supposed to be taking a nap together." Louis panicked as soon as he saw him getting up.
"Bring blankets, it's getting kinda chilly." Harry answered, missing the sigh of relief Louis let out. He used that time to put his babies in their bassinets they had brought into the living room earlier that day, then made sure Ian was comfortable where he had fallen asleep.
Harry came back moments later with blankets for their babies and a bigger one for themselves. Louis took the three smaller ones and put one over each of the twins and the other over Ian. He let Harry grab two couch pillows, taking one for him to use then as soon as Harry was laying down next to him he covered themselves.
He was comfortable on the floor, even more when Harry spooned him and wrapped an arm around him. That's when he realized he really had missed him and the way he would hold him. They were like two puzzle pieces. He completed it when he linked their fingers together and fell asleep right away.
Thoughts? :)
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