~Chapter 42
Not edited! Please don't forget to comment and vote. Enjoy! :)
"Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, their names were– Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter. They lived with their mother in a sand bank, underneath the root of a very big fir-tree. 'NOW my dears,' said old Mrs. Rabbit one morning, 'you may go into the fields or down the lane, but don't go into Mr. McGregor's garden: your Father had an accident there; he was put in a pie by Mrs. McGregor.'" Harry read, then paused when he realized what that line was implying, continuing when Ian patted the page with his little hand.
He turned the page and continued reading, pausing to look at Louis who stirred before going still again letting out little snores. He looked at the clock wondering why the hell was Ian up at eight in the morning on a saturday, and why was he suddenly making him read all the books he owned. He yawned but continued reading nonetheless noticing Ian looking for something, going back to listening to Harry with a pacifier now in his mouth. Harry tried pulling it out of his mouth only to have Ian furrow his brows and slap his hand away.
"Don't be rude, you're too old for that crap." Harry told him trying to take it away succeeding this time, but quickly gave it back when Ian looked ready to throw a fit.
"Da'y. Mi-." Ian took it out of his mouth and looked at Harry, "Mine. Mine, daddy." He said as if he was trying to ingrain it in his father's brain.
"Alright alright, you win this round. But know Ian Edward, know that I'm going to win the rest of them." Harry narrowed his eyes at him watching Ian doing the same.
"What are you on about?" Louis' raspy voice brought them out of their stare down, "Why are you fighting with a one year old?" He asked again, trying to get comfortable with his huge belly on the way, feeling his twins moving around and pressing on his bladder.
"I'm just trying to get him off of that pacifier, he's too old for it." Harry said, still holding onto the book.
"He'll leave it when he feels like it, don't pressure him just because you don't like it." Louis looked at him, then his gaze focused on Harry's hand, "What happened to your knuckles!? Who did you beat up?"
"Uhh..." Harry stared at the page of the book trying to think of something, letting Louis take his hand to examine the injuries, "Some asshole at the pug, called me a bundle of sticks."
"Oh babe, you didn't deserve that." Louis pouted, then moved closer to kiss the corner of Harry's lips squeezing Ian in between them.
"He got what he deserved, and I'm okay so don't worry." Harry smiled at him feeling bad for lying but it was for Louis' own good.
"How about we go out for breakfast? I don't feel like cooking, much less cleaning up after it." Louis scooted towards the side of the bed then made a great effort to get up, ending up with his lower half hanging off the bed, "A little help here, please." He tried to laugh it off but Harry knew how bad it was straining his back.
He quickly got up and helped him up, never letting go until he was sure Louis wasn't going to fall over and get hurt. He patted his bum as Louis made his way to the bathroom and Ian scrambled off the bed intending to go after his mummy but was picked up by Harry before he could make it there.
"Come on, let's get you ready to go out." Harry gave him a kiss on the cheek making his way to the bathroom, "I'm gonna get Ian ready." He said, hearing an okay from Louis then made his way to Ian's bedroom.
He set him down on the bed taking his time to undress him, leaving him in just his diaper while he looked for an outfit. He ended up choosing the overalls with the owl embroidered on the front, a long sleeved white shirt and his converse along with white warm socks. He changed his diaper then quickly dressed him up making sure he was comfortable then grabbed his hand and made their way back to the bedroom seeing Louis already dressed up. He was quick to get ready and soon they were on their way to a diner to get breakfast hoping that the one they were going to wasn't full.
They didn't have to wait long when as soon as the hostess saw Louis, she immediately led them to a table then brought a high chair for Ian. The toddler absolutely refused to sit on it until Harry had enough and sat him on it threatening him with Big Bird coming to get him if he didn't behave. He knew it was a shitty thing to do but he wasn't in the mood to let Ian embarrass them, much less when Louis was already uncomfortable. The pregnancy was making him tired and grumpy most of the time, feeling like he just didn't get enough sleep.
They ended up ordering pancakes for Ian and bacon and sunny side up eggs for themselves, Harry drinking coffee and Louis milk like Ian except that his was cold. Ian was surprisingly calm eating a strawberry while Louis ate and Harry stared at him wondering if it was best to come clean. He knew how much Louis hated the man, so Harry decided to stay quiet knowing just the sound of his name was enough to piss him off to no end.
"Why are you so quiet?" Louis asked, seeing Harry staring at him just as they were halfway done with their food.
"Just thinking." Harry shrugged.
"May I ask about what?" Louis said, assuming Harry was thinking about him or maybe their kids.
"You, the kids." Harry said, smiling when Louis did.
"Thought so." Louis said before he grabbed his fork and continued eating, feeling his phone vibrating.
He didn't pick it up until he was done eating, and when he did he smiled seeing it was a text from Zayn, who was freaking out about honeymoon destinations. Louis was quick to suggest the place he and Harry had gone to, telling his best friend he and Harry had had a good time there. He snorted when Zayn sent him a picture of them that Liam had taken a week ago, red arrows pointing at Louis' belly and a caption that finally made Louis laugh.
"What is it?" Harry asked, wiping Ian's hands with a wipe.
Louis gave him the phone and seconds later Harry was laughing too, "'If it means I'm going to be like this in a few months then sure.' What is he talking about?" Harry asked.
"He's freaking out about honeymoon destinations and I suggested Ibiza, he said if it means he's going to be pregnant in a few months then sure." Louis explained.
"Vegas, Ibiza...makes me wonder what's the next place where we're going to make another baby." Harry gave Louis his phone, pausing when he found his husband staring at him.
"You want more babies?" Louis asked, half of him on board with that and the other already horrified just at the thought.
"I mean, if you want to. Not now if you do, like in four or five more years...even six." Harry felt his cheeks heating up, looking down at his hands.
"That's...in five or six more years sounds great. We're going to be so busy with Ian and the girls so I think we should wait more time for the fourth one. But just four, Harry." Louis raised a brow at his husband, "Four kids is enough, no more after that."
"Four is a good number." Harry nodded then leaned forward to be closer to his husband, "Gonna have to wrap it real good after you pop the fourth one out." He said, smirking when Louis blushed scarlet red.
"Or just abstinate for the rest of our lives." Louis teased, "In fact, why don't we get started now? We'll only do it again when we make the next baby."
"That's so unfair." Harry pouted, getting closer to Louis.
"Life's not fair, my love." Louis sighed.
"Boo, you suck." Harry said before closing the space between them, kissing Louis sweet and slow.
Louis' idea of abstaining from sex had gone out the window after they had dropped Ian off at his father's home after Aaron had called him. Ian was too busy playing with Gavin and Stephanie to pay his parents any attention when they finally made their great escape.
Harry drove home speeding a little and when he got there he tried to be patient when parking the car. As soon as the garage door had closed, Harry picked Louis up and speed walked to their bedroom where he set him down next to the bed and pounced on him. Louis' screams and skin slapping against skin were the only things that could be heard in their bedroom after Harry had taken his time to open Louis up, at the same time that he had eaten him out.
"H- Harry...fuck I can't." Louis shook his head before resting it against the headboard, his body jerking up and down every time Harry thrusted into him from behind.
He reached for his cock but Harry was quick to slap his hand away, "You're gonna cum with just my cock." He growled, then nibbled on Louis' earlobe.
It really didn't take long for Louis to come after a hard sharp thrust straight into his prostate, feeling Harry cumming in him seconds later still holding onto him. They stayed there for a few minutes trying to catch their breaths when Louis' phone went off. He let Harry answer for him, furrowing his brow when he could hear Ian crying as loud as he could.
"Sorry about that, we'll be there as soon as we can." Harry said then hung up at the same time he slowly pulled out of Louis, kissing in between his shoulderblades.
"What happened?" Louis asked.
"Ian woke up from his very short nap and now he won't stop crying. Do you want to go with me to pick him up?" Harry asked, already kissing all over Louis' back.
"Okay." Louis shrugged, letting Harry help him up so they could put their clothes back on after cleaning up.
The drive there was short and as soon as they walked into the house, a crying Ian ran straight to Louis hugging his legs as if the world was ending right then and there. Harry picked him up then made Louis sit down before he gave him their son who was now sniffling in his mummy's arms, his little arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
"I don't think he likes it here." Aaron said, a sad look on his face.
"No, that's not it, dad. He won't nap unless he's home and one of us naps with him, he's weird like that." Louis assured his father, "He also developed the habit of throwing things away."
"Gavin does the same, he threw away Stephanie's phone the other day. She wasn't too happy." Aaron chuckled at the memory, "Now we keep him away from trashcans."
"Where is she?" Louis asked as he looked around for her.
"Went to get groceries now that Gavin's asleep." Aaron answered.
"I wanted to see him." Louis said, rubbing his son's back then smiled when he saw his baby brother run into the room and straight to their dad's arms.
"Look who came to see you." Aaron hugged him tight and rocked him from side to side just like Louis remembered he used to do with him too.
"Hi baby!" Louis smiled, extending his arm out so his dad could give him to him. He wrapped his arm around him as soon as his brother was on his lap.
"Mummy mine." Ian looked at him, a pout already on his little lips.
"Ian." Harry raised his brows, "Have some respect for your uncle." He said making Louis and Aaron laugh.
The word mummy seemed to stir something in Gavin when he looked around looking for his own mum, then burst out crying when he couldn't see her at all. Ian furrowed his brow and made the adults coo at him when he let go of Louis and reached for Gavin, wrapping his arms around him babbling gibberish that made Gavin quiet down.
"Harry, take a picture! Hurry!" Louis shrieked trying to move back so he wouldn't photobomb the picture, "Did you get it?" He asked after Harry had taken the picture.
"Saved it up and everything." Harry smiled, "Let me send it to Aaron."
Aaron thanked him as soon as he got the picture of his grandson hugging his son and saved it not wanting to lose such precious moment between them. Louis and Harry ended up leaving when Stephanie got home needing help with the groceries, and when Gavin and Ian kept running around and getting in the way.
Monday morning they were up early making a quick breakfast then finally made it out of the house, Louis to drop Ian off at daycare then work and Harry straight to it after the long weekend. He had spend it either on the pull out bed of the couch in the living room watching movies or after Ian when his son was way too hyper for their liking, taking everything he could get his hands on. He still had his teeth marks on his arm where Ian had bitten him when Harry had hidden his pacifier right in front of him and refused to give it back. He didn't know if his son was going to turn two or sixteen in less than three months by the way he kept acting up.
"Good morning, H." Liam greeted him, an extra cup of coffee in his hand.
"Morning!" Harry greeted him as he reached for the cup Liam offered him, "Thank you! This is one of the many reasons why I love you. I could kiss you right now."
"Yeah." Liam gave him the look, "Did you tell Louis?" He asked.
"No, and I'm not going to." Harry rolled his eyes, "Louis hates Trevor's guts and he's going to be so pissed off so I rather not. I don't want him to get even more stressed out."
"Harry!" Liam groaned, rubbing his hands on his face already frustrated with his best mate, "It doesn't matter, you still have to tell him before he finds out from someone else. If that happens then it's not going to be pretty."
"He's not going to unless you open your big mouth." Harry narrowed his eyes, "We didn't do anything bad, Liam. You heard how upset he was and I just helped him out. And I don't regret going over there to help him, you should have seen him."
"I know that, but you should have called Louis to let him know. It's not good to keep things from him."
"You're looking at me like I cheated on him! I would never do that to him." Harry said, growing exasperated when Liam crossed his arms over his broad chest.
"Then you have nothing to hide, just tell him where you really were." Liam shrugged.
"I can't! He's gonna have an aneurysm if he finds out..or go into labour." Harry tried to make him understand, sighing when Liam gave him another unimpressed look, "I love him, Liam. He's the father...mother of my children, he gave me a wonderful son and now he's going to give me two daughters. Do you really think that low of me? I know I was a slut back then but now he's all I think about. If he ever leaves me...I..I'm sure I will die."
"Then that's why you should tell him the truth!" Liam insisted, "He's been cheated on twice– Zayn told me, and if he finds out he won't trust you anymore. Are you really going to let it crumble down like that just because of Trevor?" Liam asked.
"We did nothing wrong!" Harry shouted, then looked around to make sure no one had heard them, "He just needed my help, that's all."
"Whatever Harry. I would hate to tell you I told you so. Just tell your husband the truth." Liam sighed then walked away shaking his head while Harry walked away to start working. It was his turn to pick Ian up and he wanted to get off early.
Later that afternoon he made his way to Ian's daycare, smiling at a few parents coming out of the building with their children. He was greeted by Selena who greeted him and let him sign Ian out after he had showed her his ID. It was annoying having to show it every time he dropped and picked his son up, but he was relieved to know that they took the children's safety very seriously.
"There he is!" Selena cheerfully said when one of the caretakers showed up with Ian in her arms.
He looked like he had just woken up from his nap, resting his little head on her chest, holding his giraffe close to him. She gave Ian to Harry, who let his son rest his head on his shoulder and his little arm wrap around his neck.
"Thank you Isabel, Selena." Harry smiled then looked down at Ian who was staring at Isabel, "Say bye bye to Isabel and Selena." He nudged him, smiling when Ian sucked on his pacifier instead.
"He only napped for thirty minutes, which is way less than he's used to. He kept calling for Louis and you." Isabel told him, "We did a little project today, it's in his bag and I also put in there the enrollment packet for this summer that Mr. Louis requested."
"Thank you!" Harry thanked her, "Well we're gonna go, I'm dropping and picking him up tomorrow as well so I'll see you ladies then." He gave them a charming smile then left, holding his son close to him.
When he got to the car, he placed Ian's bag on the seat next to Ian's then carefully placed his son in his car seat careful not to hit his head.
It had happened once and he had kept it to himself after Ian had cried, not wanting Louis to think what a shitty parent he was. He had gotten Ian some ice cream after that and he still wanted to be near Harry, so he didn't think his son hated him for it. Ian was falling asleep again so Harry let him to avoid having a grumpy toddler later that day, and as soon as Ian was buckled up, he got in the car and drove home. He kept the radio off and drove in a comfortable silence until he got home, sighing in annoyance because Louis had to stay late at the office.
"Hey buddy." Harry mumbled, seeing Ian looking around with sleepy eyes before spitting his pacifier out, "How was your day, huh?"
"Daddy." Ian spoke up then looked around as he furrowed his brows, "G'affe, daddy!" He whimpered, looking around.
"Giraffe is right here, peanut. You dropped it." Harry picked it up and gave it to him before picking him up.
He took him into the house and set him down on the couch along with his bag making sure to grab the important papers, smiling when he found the thick construction paper with Ian's bright pink handprints on it. He read the text finding out that his son had picked the color all by himself deciding to pin it to the fridge along with the many other drawings. He left his son on the couch and made his way to the kitchen to pin it to the fridge when he heard his phone, answering without looking who it was, thinking it was Louis.
"Hi babe! When are you coming home?" He said, opening the fridge to see what he could give Ian to snack on while he made dinner for later that night.
"Uh...it's Trevor."
"Oh! Sorry, I didn't even look at the caller ID. Thought you were Lou." Harry chuckled, "How are you doing?"
"Better than last time." Trevor sighed, "I- I just called to thank you again, I don't know what I would have done without you."
"It was no problem, you needed help." Harry said, deciding to give Ian some cubed mango he found in a container with his son's name on it. He took it then made his way to the living room where Ian was still on the couch, taking the container when Harry gave it to him.
"Bananana!" Ian said, giving it back to Harry who pushed it back towards him.
"It's mango, mummy cut if for you...or I think it was nana Anne. You have to eat it." Harry said grabbing a piece to give it to him glad that Ian opened his mouth.
"Are you busy? I'll let you go then." Trevor spoke up, making Harry pay attention to him again.
"It's fine, was just giving peanut some mango before dinner." Harry continued feeding Ian.
"You did tell Louis you were helping me, right? I don't want you to have problems with him because of me." Trevor's worried tone made Harry frown.
"I rather not tell him, Louis' not a big fan of you and I don't want to upset him." Harry said, seeing Ian looking at the phone when he mentioned Louis.
"Mummy?" He tilted his head to the left before snatching the phone from Harry, taking his father by surprise who didn't have time to stop him, "Mummy? Mummy, love!"
Harry heard Trevor's faint voice from the speaker then watched the way Ian furrowed his brow, moving the phone away from him to look at the screen. He stared at it for a few seconds then out of nowhere touched the little red button, officially ending the call before he dropped the phone on his lap and opened his mouth, silently asking for more mango.
"Ian! That was so rude, mister!" Harry scolded him, picking his phone up again.
"No mummy." Ian frowned as he shook his head.
He dialed Trevor's number glad that he answered only to hang up a few minutes later when he realized it was getting too late and he still had to make dinner. He took Ian to the kitchen making sure to put up the gate so he wouldn't get out then started cooking. He had just finished making it when Louis walked through the door looking completely exhausted, but smiled when Ian screamed mummy and ran into his arms.
"Hi pumpkin! Mummy missed you so much!" Louis kissed his cheeks.
"Love mummy." Ian told him, getting a bright smile from Louis.
"Mummy loves you more, baby." Louis told him again, pecking his lips before his son wrapped his arms around his neck refusing to let him go.
"Hi." Harry smiled at him,moving the chair back so Louis could sit down then kissed the top of his head, "How was work?"
"Busy." Louis sighed, "We really need Gemma around, and things are going to get worse if I stop working next month."
"I'm sure you'll be fine working from home again. Oh! Isabel gave me an enrollment packet for this summer, I thought you were going to let him stay home for the summer." Harry explained, massaging Louis' shoulders hearing him sighing.
"I decided to keep working at the office until I no longer can move around and to keep him in daycare after the girls get here. I don't think I'll be able to handle three kids at once, I feel bad but we have to." Louis explained.
"Well I'm going to stay home with you for a few weeks after you birth them, but if you want to send him to daycare then that's fine. I just want you to know that I can handle him and the babies. And you need to take it easy, it's your decision but I think you should start working from home." Harry kissed the top of his head.
"I will, but first I'm going to try and finish doing everything so I don't leave your dad with too much work. Gemma and I won't be back for a while." Louis said, "What did you make for Dinner?"
"Chicken Enchilada...nacho bowls. I found the recipe online and it's damn good." Harry proudly told him.
"I just know it's going to be delicious." Louis looked up at him and puckered his lips up to get a kiss, smiling when Harry kissed him right away.
"Love you." Harry said after kissing him, "Do you want to eat now?"
"Love you too and yes. I am starving." Louis happily sighed before getting up and putting Ian on his seat to wash his hands, leaving Harry to strap him in.
Just like Harry had said, dinner turned out to be delicious and when they were done, Louis let Harry shower while he cleaned the kitchen. When he was done he took a shower at the same time Harry gave Ian a bath in their bathtub, careful not to fill it up too much since their son loved the water. They were always keeping him away from the water, even puddles, no matter how shallow they were. As long as it was a body of water, Ian was sure to jump into it and it scared the couple to let him near them. That night they went to bed, just the two of them since Ian was finally sleeping in his own bed.
~One Month Later~
A sunday morning in april, Louis lay in bed with Ian and Harry next to him waiting for any news on Gemma. She had gone into labour at five in the morning and it was now eight and still no news from them. Ian kept moving around trying to find a comfortable position on Louis' seven month belly to rest his little head and go back to sleep. Louis was half asleep while Harry watched some documentary of wolves, sometimes looking at his phone to see if he had any messages or maybe a call he had missed, but so far nothing and he was starting to get worried.
"I'm sure everything's okay, babe. They'll call you soon." Louis mumbled then covered his mouth to yawn.
"I'm just nervous, she's actually gonna get to see Carley plus she's a big baby. I'm worried about both of them." Harry told him, hearing Ian sighing.
"They'll be okay." Louis grabbed his hand, hissing when Ian lifted his shirt up and touched his stomach with his cold hands, "Pumpkin, your hands are cold." He told him, but Ian ignored him still trying to find where to rest it, feeling one of his daughters giving a hard kick on the same spot Ian had his head on.
"No!" Ian screamed looking at the spot before lowering his head down to Louis' hip, sinking his teeth into the meaty part, making Louis scream in pain.
"No biting! No biting!" Harry yelled as he sat up, pulling him away from Louis whose eyes were teary, his small hand covering their son's bite mark, "What the hell is wrong with you!?" Harry continued yelling, going as far as lightly slapping the top of his little hand.
It was quiet for a few seconds, Ian staring at Harry then at Louis before he looked down at his hand as his green eyes filled with tears. He pouted his bottom lip and just like that, he burst out crying, letting out loud wails while scooting backwards and away from his parents.
"Let me see." Harry turned to Louis to look at the biting mark, grimacing when he saw the little teeth marks on Louis' tan smooth skin now marred with them.
"I'm okay, he didn't pierce the skin." Louis told him, trying to get up and get his baby boy who was still crying.
"Let me get some alcohol." Harry got up, heading to the bathroom.
"Harry, I'm okay." Louis sighed, then tried to get up to get Ian failing rather miserably, "Aww baby, come here pumpkin. Mummy's not angry, come here love." Louis opened his arms and smiled when Ian slowly made his way to him.
He hugged him tight, letting him hide his little face on his chest as he rubbed his back and kissed the top of his head over and over again. Ian was still sniffling when Harry came back with an alcohol swab and began dabbing at the spot with it while Louis comforted their son.
"It's okay, baby. No more crying, okay? Nana Anne is coming over and she's bringing your cousins to stay here with us. Don't you want to play with Meli? She's bringing her baby doll and her stroller so you can go outside and walk." Louis said, smiling when Ian tried to put his leg over his stomach.
"Meli, mummy. P'ay baby an' Mel." Ian said, surprising his parents when he finally tried to form a sentence.
"Yeah, that's right. You're going to play mummy with Meli." Louis confirmed seeing Ian smiling.
"No mummy." Ian shook his head, "Baby, mummy. Baby." He said as he looked around, searching for the babydoll.
"Okay, you're going to play baby with Meli." Louis chuckled, bopping his cute little nose and cooing at his son when he scrunched it up looking cuter than ever.
"Done!" Harry exclaimed, pulling Louis' shirt down then looked at Ian at the same time his son did, "No more biting, you don't do that. Got it?" He raised his brows.
"He's not going to bite again." Louis said, watching Harry get up to the bathroom taking his phone with him.
While Harry was in the bathroom, Louis searched for a movie on Netflix ending up playing Zootopia hoping it was good. A while later he was too engrossed in the movie just like Ian was until he heard Harry's voice, and thinking it was either Anne or Des, he got up and made his way there wanting to know how was Gemma doing. He placed one of his hands underneath his belly and used the other one to reach for the door handle, stopping when Harry started talking again.
"Look, I can't come see you today. My sister's having a baby and Louis and I are gonna watch her kids, so maybe another day. Okay then...bye." Harry said then ended the call.
Louis didn't know what to think as he stood there frozen on his spot until he snapped out of it, maybe it was a co worker and there he was, doubting his husband who would never cheat on him. He forgot all about it and opened the door finding Harry in front of the toilet peeing without a care in the world, craning his neck around to look at Louis giving him a smile. Louis walked straight to the sink to brush his teeth, letting Harry wash his hands before he wrapped his arms around his body resting his hands on his belly.
"Mum is bringing the kids after she gives them their breakfast, said Gemma hasn't had the baby yet." Harry told him, then started nibbling on Louis' ears.
"I see." Louis said, "Then who can't you see today? I thought you were talking to your mum." Louis stared at Harry through the mirror, watching his expression carefully.
"I was talking to Liam, he wants us to go get a few drinks." Harry quickly answered, avoiding making eye contact with Louis as he grabbed his toothbrush.
"Oh okay." Louis smiled, believing every single word.
They brushed their teeth together and when they were done, they went back to their bedroom to finish watching the movie enjoying every single second of it. Louis was laying down next to Harry with his husband's arms wrapped around him and Ian on his own little space actually watching the movie. It was the perfect sunday morning, filled with laughs when something funny would happen.
Thoughts? :)
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