~Chapter 40
Not edited. Please don't forget to comment and vote, I read them all and they make me happy! Enjoy! :)
The clock was about to strike twelve and the only light in the room was coming from a lamp to let Ian sleep without it bothering him too much. He was still in the hospital and Louis was already nodding off deciding to get up and stretch a little wondering where Harry could be. He had left to get him tea and something to eat when it was already time for him to eat something feeling his baby girls kicking up a storm inside his belly. He chewed on his bottom lip, trying to decide if it would be a good idea to go look for him, but was afraid of Ian waking up and not finding him there.
Ian only moved his head a little then continued sleeping after they had given him Tylenol and had cleaned up his mouth glad that the bleeding had completely stopped. Louis brought his right thumb to his mouth and started biting on his fingernail deciding to go look for him after making sure Ian was okay and safe. He rounded the corner, spotting the vending machine and kept walking wishing he hadn't. His chest ached letting out a loud gasp seeing Harry pull away from Trevor wiping his mouth with the back of his hand looking right back at him with wide eyes.
"Louis." Harry started, but Louis turned around wanting to go back with his son and forget about what he had seen.
Harry having Trevor against the wall and kissing him the way he would kiss him, but now he couldn't even think about it without that image popping up in his head. When he made it back to the room, Ian was still asleep and he quickly made his way to him ignoring Harry when the man walked into the room.
"Louis!" Harry walked up to him and grabbed his hands.
"Get away from me!"
"Louis. Louis, wake up!" Harry slightly shook him.
Louis woke up with a start looking around the room furrowing his brow when he saw Anne and Robin standing by the bed giving him curious looks. He then looked at Harry, who was giving him worried looks before he covered his mouth to yawn into it, then rubbed his eyes figuring out that he had fallen asleep. It had all been a nightmare.
"Are you okay, babe? You fell asleep and I was going to ask you if you wanted tea, but the doctor came around to check on Ian." Harry gently told him grabbing his hands in his bigger and warmer ones.
"Just a bad dream." Louis answered, smiling at his in law's, "Sorry. What did the doctor say?"
Harry was about to open his mouth when the doctor walked in with Trevor and it gave Louis great satisfaction when Anne went from relaxed to tense. He let Harry help him up, seeing Des running his fingers through Ian's curls who was still sleeping after many hours of crying and pain. Louis wished it had been him instead of his baby boy.
"I have the release form you both need to sign, then I will go over some instructions with you before I take this to the front." She said while Trevor made his way to Ian to remove the IV.
As soon as Ian felt someone touching his hand and removing the IV he woke up and started crying right away seeing the stranger in front of him. Des was quick to start rubbing his tummy shushing him while Anne ran her fingers through his hair, both of them managing to calm him down a little.
"He doesn't have any other high risk injuries from the fall other than a severed tongue but that will heal quickly, the bruises on his side will take more time due to their size. I've prescribed him Tylenol for the pain and also wrote down a list of what's best for him to eat. For the next few days is best to give him liquids to keep any food from getting inside the wound and getting infected, I wrote down the brands that will give him the same amount of calories and nutrients his body needs." She explained.
"What about the NSPCC?" Harry asked still upset about it. The hospital had had to call them following the rules after seeing the injuries on Ian which had upset both Harry and Louis to no end.
"It has all been cleared out, you have nothing to worry about." She informed him seeing him sighing in relief, "As soon as he gets home please try to give him something to eat, he lost a bit of blood and needs food in his system. Do you have anymore questions?" She asked then continued when they shook their heads, "Call me if you do or if he has any problems. You can change him into his clothes and I'll meet you at the front."
After they had signed the release form they were left alone and Louis couldn't help but glare at Trevor when he smiled at Harry, then blushed when he caught Anne staring at him. He made his way to the bed opening his arms holding Ian close when his baby made grabby hands at him. Louis knew he was going to cry again when he pouted his bottom lip knowing he was cold after they had to change him into a hospital gown when his own clothes were stained with blood when it wouldn't stop.
Ian was trying to literally climb on top of Louis' belly to be closer to his mummy and when he couldn't, he started crying calming down when Louis picked him up and rocked him. Louis couldn't help but comfort his son at the same time he was glaring at both Harry and Trevor when his husband should be helping him dress Ian up. Des handed him the bag they had brought after Harry had called him to ask him to please bring them a bag with Ian's things.
They had freaked out to no end worrying too much and when they announced they were both going, there hadn't been any power that was able to stop them. Ian was their life same as their other grandchildren and the new three baby girls on the way. Des started taking out the clothes his wife had picked out, then a brand new diaper and Ian's giraffe and baby doll, he knew his grandson couldn't live without them and was glad when Ian took them and hugged them close to him. He watched Louis struggle to put Ian down, then looked at Harry before deciding to just help him himself when Anne spoke up.
"Edward, your husband needs help with your son. He's pregnant and can't do it by himself." Anne said, seeing the way Louis was struggling to get Ian to let go of him.
"Harry." Des called his name using his authoritative voice, a tone that meant he was about to lose his patience.
"Yeah!" Harry looked at them, then turned back to Trevor, "It was nice seeing you again." He said before making his way to Louis and taking a wailing Ian away from Louis.
"Was removing his IV everything you needed to do?" Anne asked when Trevor was still in the room then gave him a fake smile when he nodded, "Then could we have a bit of privacy? Thank you." She said before turning to look at Ian. Trevor raised his brows before he left finally leaving them alone with the crying toddler who was trying to bite Harry's hand.
"Ian stop it!" Harry pulled his hand away when Ian bit into it for half a second, "Not even a cut tongue stops you. What are you, a brat?"
"Don't call him that, Edward." Anne chastised him seeing, him rolling his eyes.
"I'll dress him up." Louis lightly pushed him away, putting his hand on Ian's chest pushing him back down when his son tried to sit up, "Look pumpkin! What is that, huh? It's Boo, look, it's Boo!" Louis pointed at Ian's bandage placed where his IV had been. Ian stopped crying to look at it before loudly sighing, trying to calm down.
"Boo!" Ian finally shouted, tears still staining his chubby cheeks.
"That's right! It's Boo!" Louis leaned down to kiss the tip of his nose, ignoring his in laws looking at him with a smile on their faces, but quickly vanished when they looked at Harry.
Louis struggled to change Ian's diaper, then dress his son up into the pair of pants Anne had brought him. He then put on the long sleeved shirt and finally his Captain America hoodie. He let Anne help him with his tiny socks and shoes while Harry picked up all his stuff and Des was making Ian laugh even though he was sleepy but grandpa was there and he was having too much fun.
When they were done, Louis let Des hold Ian as they made their way to the front desk where the doctor was already waiting for them. She answered a few more questions before they finally got to leave letting Anne and Des walked them to the car with In wrapped up in a blanket still in his grandfather's arms. He started crying again as soon as Des placed him in his car seat wanting to go to Louis who was waiting for him to be in his seat so he could put a blanket over him.
"Come here, peanut." Harry cooed at him, glad that his son willingly went to him, but when he tried to put him in his seat Ian started crying again, "You have to sit here or else I can't drive you home. We're gonna get pulled over, son." He explained as if Ian would understand what he was saying. He wasn't going to have to pay for the ticket anyway.
"I'll hold him." Louis said before he turned to Anne and Des, "Thank you so much for coming."
"Don't thank us, sweetheart." Anne reached out to hug him, "Gemma will go see him later today with Christian and the kids. We'll be there too."
"Okay." Louis smiled at her after she had let him go.
"Call us if you need anything." Des told him as he hugged him then let him go to walk him to the other side of the car where he helped him get into the back seat.
Louis watched them say goodbye to Ian and Harry then leaving before Harry made his way to him giving him their son who quickly snuggled up to Louis. Harry buckled them up, then put a blanket over Ian, who was already falling asleep kissing his forehead then Louis' lips taking the pregnant man by surprise. Little shit was probably feeling guilty, but Louis accepted the kiss with a smile on his face.
The drive home was fast with Louis looking down at his son with a confused look when he heard the little snores coming from him. He wanted to laugh, but that would be mean so he just cuddled him closer and lifted his little arm to kiss his little fist. He started running his fingers through his hair hearing him letting out a small content sigh while he tried not to fall asleep until they made it home. Harry took Ian from him, then helped him get out of the car leading him inside the house going straight to their bedroom.
"I'll go warm him up some milk and tomorrow I'll go pick up his prescription and what he's going to eat." Harry commented while Louis got the bed ready.
"Okay." Louis yawned watching Harry place Ian in the middle of the bed.
He opened his eyes as soon as his back touched the mattress then got up making his way to Louis but tripped on the way there luckily landing in his arms. Louis wrapped his arms around his little body and loudly kissed his cheeks making him giggle watching Harry walk out to get their son his milk.
"Let's go back to bed, pumpkin. Mummy and baby sisters are exhausted and you gave mummy such a scare. No more jumping on the bed, mister." Louis kissed the top of his head placing him down on the floor then grabbed his hand to walk to the closet.
He was in the middle of putting one of Harry's old shirts on with a little boy hugging his legs when Harry walked in, stared at him for a bit, then walked further into the room placing the sippy cup on a coaster on top of his nightstand. Louis watched him until he walked into the bathroom and closed the door after him making him furrow his brow when he had never done that before in the time they had been living in that house.
He quickly covered himself up unable to stop thinking about the way Harry had looked at him, then picked Ian up and went back to bed. He gave him the sippy cup trying to lay down and get comfortable before his son snuggled up to him trying to put his head on his tummy. He was just about to fall asleep when Ian started crying dropping the cup right on the bed not wanting it anymore. Louis opened his eyes just to see him sticking his little tongue out, the sight of it making him flinch to no end and cursing himself for not having gotten his prescription filled before coming home. He grabbed Ian trying to comfort him making a great effort to get up and walk up to the bathroom door furrowing his brow when he found the door locked.
"Harry?" Louis knocked on the door, "I think you're gonna have to go to the pharmacy and get the Tylenol, he hurt his tongue when he drank the milk." He explained still getting no response.
"Mummy mummy..." Ian whimpered trying to nuzzle his face on the crook of his neck.
"I know baby, I know it hurts." Louis ran his fingers through his hair then knocked on the door again, "Harry!"
"I'm already in the shower!" Harry shouted, "We can go get it tomorrow."
"No, he needs it now." Louis insisted, three seconds away from losing his patience.
"Tomorrow." Was all Harry said.
That's all it took for Louis to go back to the closet to put some clothes on and when he was ready he grabbed his stuff and a bundled up Ian and made his way to the garage. He buckled him up in his seat glad that he didn't cry then with difficulty got in the car leaving soon after he had started it. He played some music on the way there trying to distract himself from how pissed off he was but couldn't when Harry was acting like a total asshole for no reason, had been ever since Trevor had showed up again.
He gritted his teeth trying to focus on the road not wanting to get into an accident until he made it to the pharmacy and after he had everything he needed and his son, he made his way inside sighing in relief when it was warm again. By the time he got to the drop off area, he was already tired glad that he only had four more months to go and wasn't so close to his due date when he still was carrying Ian around.
After he had given the prescription to one of the pharmacists he was forced to wait for it for half an hour and by the end of it, Ian had finished his milk and was now asleep in his arms. He ignored his phone when Harry kept calling him over and over again as he got up to pay for it wincing when his bum was a bit sore from sitting too long. On the way home he decided to stop at a convenience store and get some organic popsicles and the food the doctor had recommended for Ian and the pickles he was craving because why not. He was already out in the streets so what was the point of driving back later when he was already there
When he finally went home he realized it was almost two in the morning and Harry wouldn't stop calling and texting him never getting tired of it when Louis was about to throw it out the window or something. He got home almost fifteen minutes later grabbing the bags to put the items in the fridge and the popsicles in the freezer startling when Harry popped up in the kitchen out of nowhere.
"Where the hell were you?" He asked, still clutching his phone in his hand.
"The pharmacy. Where else? You didn't want to go get his medicine so I had to go get it myself, he was in pain and I wasn't going to leave him like that. What kind of parent would I be?" Louis rolled his eyes as he made his way back to the car to retrieve Ian.
"Louis, did you leave him in the car? What the hell!" Harry took his son away from Louis to make sure he was still breathing.
"I had to put this stuff away first, I can't carry it all on my own! Now give me my kid, you can sleep on the fucking couch." Louis took Ian back then walked to the bedroom, shutting and locking the door leaving Harry standing in the hallway.
He ignored Harry who was knocking on the door as he gently put Ian down on the middle of the bed then put the covers over him and Harry's pillow on the other side. He put his own pillow on his other side then made his way to the bathroom to take a shower rolling his eyes when he saw Harry's dirty clothes on the floor. He showered as fast as he could and when he was done he changed into a pair of his own pajamas, brushed his teeth and did his business washing his hands after before finally going to bed.
When he woke up at nine in the morning the next day, Ian was still asleep after the long night where his son had woken him up once crying in pain. He had given him medicine glad that he went back to sleep allowing him to rest after the long night. He got up groaning as he did so then walked to the bathroom with his hands on his lower back rubbing over a sore spot probably from carrying Ian around for too long the night before.
When he was done in the bathroom he made sure Ian was okay then made his way to the kitchen to make breakfast rolling his eyes when he saw Harry asleep on the pullout couch using one of Ian's big blankets that only covered half of him. He went straight to the fridge to see what he could make too busy searching for something that he didn't hear nor see Ian walking into the living room.
It wasn't until he was ready to wake him up making his way to the bedroom when he saw him on top of Harry covered up with a blanket. He was awake but for once staying still as Harry snored way too loud for his liking, knowing it only happened when he had had some type of alcoholic drink. He had his long arms around Ian's tiny body and Louis was almost tempted to take a picture ending up doing it when the sight was too cute to pass up. When he was sure it was saved on his phone, he grabbed Ian having to pry Harry's arms off of him wrinkling his nose at the smell coming off of him.
"Let's go have breakfast. Come on pumpkin, it's brekkie time." Louis picked him up kissing his cheek and smiling when Ian yawned looking like a cute kitten. His little kitten.
He sat him down on his high chair, wrapping a bib around his neck, then gave him the sippy cup filled with chocolate shake hoping he would drink it before giving him the fruit puree he was going to make in the blender. He watched him with a hopeful look sighing in relief when Ian started and kept drinking like there was no tomorrow stopping when he had finished it. He gave Louis the cup silently asking for more getting it back half filled when Louis decided to give him the rest.
Louis put the strawberries and bananas in the blender looking up at Harry from his spot wondering if it was a good idea to use it. After pondering for more than necessary he decided to fuck it and get back at him turning it on trying not to laugh when Harry sat up startled looking around the room. Louis stopped the blender ignoring Harry's glares directed his way moving to pour some on a small bowl.
"Look what mummy made just for you." Louis smiled at his son sitting in front of him with the bowl and spoon in hand, "It's strawberry banana puree. Yummy!"
"Yumme...banana! Banana- nana!" Ian giggled opening his mouth to eat the spoonful Louis offered him.
"That's right! Banana." Louis stifled a giggle.
Louis was smiling and happy but when Harry walked in the atmosphere quickly became tense when Harry slammed the fridge door shut. He walked around the kitchen trying to find something to eat completely ignoring the breakfast Louis had made.
"I made breakfast, you know. I was waiting for you so we can eat together." Louis told him then bit on his bottom lip getting worried when Harry ignored him and kept searching in the pantry until Louis had enough, "What the hell is your problem?" Louis finally snapped.
"You and mum being rude is my problem!" Harry said through gritted teeth turning around to look at Louis.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Louis lied, giving Ian more puree.
"Oh, so mum and you weren't rude to Trevor last night? You, by the way you were looking at him and mum for what she said." Harry crossed his arms over his chest.
"Why does it matter?" Louis put the bowl and spoon down on the tray to look at Harry feeling anger rising deep inside of him, "He's no one to us so I don't get why you're upset about it. He was distracting you when you were supposed to be helping me with your son."
"He might be no one to you, but not for me!" Harry yelled, startling Ian, who teared up before finally bursting out crying.
"You and him were a thing!" Louis yelled back completely ignoring Ian, "Don't tell me you still want him! It is over! It was over the moment you decided to stay married to me and raise a child."
"Who says I want him like that! What, now I can't be friends with him just because you don't like it?" Harry took a step forward, "It's not my fault everybody cheats on you, there must be a reason why you were never good enough."
"Go to hell, asshole!" Louis got up, grabbed a screaming Ian, then walked out of there slamming the door to the bedroom shut leaving Harry behind regretting every word he had said.
Harry doesn't know how long he stood there finally looking up when he heard the door opening, seeing Louis walking out fully dressed as well as Ian who had a pacifier in his mouth. His eyes widened when he saw the small suitcases Louis was carrying and wheeling behind him having to set Ian down when his back started hurting again. Louis let Ian wheel his little suitcase when his baby doll and giraffe were resting on top of it trying to ignore Harry.
"I don't want to see you at all so I'm going to stay at my mum's for a while." Louis informed him, walking to the fridge to get Ian's food having left his son walking in circles around the kitchen still wheeling the suitcase.
Harry couldn't say anything when no words would come out no matter how hard he was trying to force them out. The thought of Louis leaving him and taking their son and daughters was unbearable. He watched him walk around the kitchen unable to move until his husband was finally walking out of it and into the garage. He hurried over to stand in front of the door blocking Louis' exit knowing he was pissing him off even more but he couldn't let him leave, he needed to apologize.
"Look, I'm sorry about what I said. I didn't mean it, baby." Harry tried to grab the bag with Ian's shakes flinching when Louis smacked his hand away.
"Move!" Louis tried to push him out of the way getting angrier when Harry leaned against the door not letting him out, "Don't make me go all the way around just to get away from you! I need space and that means out of this house and away from you."
"You're not going anywhere nor are you taking my children." Harry took away the bag dumping it on top of the nearest counter then grabbed the suitcase along with Ian's making the little boy scream when it was taken away, "Let go of it." Harry told his son when he was holding tight onto the handle with his little hand.
Ian started crying when Harry took it away then followed him watching his father dump them in the closet before he was picked up and brought back into the kitchen. Louis was still standing on the same spot about to yell at him when they heard the doorbell, the sound managing to distract Ian who wiped his nose on the fabric of Harry's shirt on his shoulder. Louis glared at Harry taking Ian from him putting him back in his high chair to give him more fruit while Harry went to open the door.
He looked up when he heard Anne and Des greeting Harry then asking about him and Ian quickly making their way to the kitchen. Ian had started fussing when the spoon touched his tongue wanting Louis to pick him calming down as soon as he was picked up. Anne was holding a brown paper bag quickly setting it down on the kitchen island taking out a few tupperwares putting them in the fridge humming a tune as she did so.
"I dug out a few recipes for mashed veggies and fruits and I made him a few so you don't have to make them, hopefully he'll like them. I made sure they won't hurt his tongue, oh my poor baby." Anne walked up to Ian wiping away his tears with her thumbs, "Is your tongue still hurting, baby?" Anne asked him kissing all over his face frowning when Ian pushed her away.
"He's just fussy, I accidentally touched his tongue with the spoon." Louis explained starting to squirm when Anne stared at him.
"Are you okay? You look like you've been crying." She asked.
"I didn't sleep well, that's all." Louis half lied to her feeling bad but he couldn't tell her what a jealous prick he was, never good enough for anybody much less her son.
"Well if you want then go to sleep, love. Des and I will stay with Ian, it's not good for you to miss sleep especially now." Anne said looking towards the door when Harry and Des walked in.
"Louis and I are going to eat breakfast, must be cold now." Harry forced a smile.
"How's my little boy?" Des asked moving to take Ian but frowned when his grandson hid his face on the crook of Louis' neck wrapping his little arms around his neck.
"I accidentally hurt his tongue and now he's fussy." Louis explained again, "He'll go back to the same old him in a little bit. Right pumpkin?" He kissed his cheeks ignoring Harry when he took a seat next to him and plastered himself to his side.
Harry only got up again to serve the food into plates and warm it up in the microwave while Louis made conversation with Anne and Des. Ian kept refusing to go to either of his grandparents clinging to Louis for dear life until Gemma, Christian and their kids got there.
That's when Des became his property jumping into his arms as soon as he saw Chase and Mason going straight to their papa. He played with all three of his cousins after Gemma had hogged him and Christian discreetly checked his tongue to see how it was doing nodding in satisfaction when it was starting to properly heal. Louis and Harry used that time to eat, then clean the kitchen hearing his side of the family arriving along with his dad and Gavin after he had texted them.
"Louis, can we talk?" Harry asked following him all over the kitchen busy serving drinks for everybody.
"I'm busy." Louis replied as he served apple juice for Gavin.
"Please." Harry begged, "I'm sorry about what I said, it was stupid and I didn't mean it." Harry insisted going as far as blocking the door, "None of it is true and I love you."
"You're forgiven, now let me through, Zayn, Liam and Niall will be here any minute now." Louis sighed saying a quiet thank you when Harry moved out of the way.
He smiled when he found Ian straddling Mason's back while Chase tickled his sides and Gavin played with Melissa and the twins. Daisy loved to kiss her little brother making him giggle while Phoebe tried to braid his hair and their father watched them with a fond look. He took a seat next to his mother who wrapped an arm around his shoulders and rubbed his tummy with the other smiling when one of the babies kicked against her palm.
When Zayn, Liam and Niall got there they went straight to Ian who started tearing up and pouting as soon as he saw uncle Liam heading his way. Ian let Liam pick him up going as far as faking his tears just to get a cuddle out of him then Niall and finally Zayn who kissed all over his face. Niall went straight to tease Gemma's twins then cuddle Melissa going from kid to kid until he was back with Ian who was a laughing mess at the end when his uncle was tickling him.
"Let me see your tongue, bud." Niall said then showed Ian his tongue satisfied when his nephew finally did as told, "Uh oh, now that's a big ouchie. You're such a brave boy, yes you are!" Niall cooed at him kissing his cheeks.
"Uh oh." Ian repeated squirming to get down when he saw Gavin reaching for his baby doll. He yanked it out of his hands making Gavin give him a sad look before he burst out crying getting picked up by Louis.
"Oh my poor baby." Louis hugged him letting him hide his face on the crook of his neck looking at Ian, "Don't be mean to Gavin, Ian Edward. Remember we share our toys and if you keep being mean then he's not gonna want to come over and play with you anymore." He told him sighing when Ian ignored him and started pulling on Gavin's legs.
"Mummy! Mummy mine!" Ian screamed before he too started crying about to bite one of Gavin's legs when Harry pulled him away.
"Papa Des is looking for you and Gavin! He's going to show you, your cousins and uncle and aunties a cool trick." Harry picked him up putting him over his shoulder then picked Gavin up kissing Louis on the forehead ignoring the way Louis tried to pull back.
"Louis, don't you think that biting problem is getting out of control?" Zayn asked, knowing he could take it if Louis started getting bitchy, "He got Liam right on the neck."
"I know and I'm sorry." Louis gave Liam an apologetic look, "Harry's been trying to get him to stop and I don't do much but I guess I'm gonna have to start too."
"You have to, he was going to bite Gavin." Jay placed her hand on his thigh giving him a worried look. She had a soft spot for Gavin since the little boy wasn't to blame for what had happened and she had already let go of the past.
"I will." Louis nodded watching Lottie putting Ian on Harry's back then Harry going around on all fours as if he was a horse, he was sure he was regretting it when all the kids made a line waiting for their turn.
Later that night after everybody had left, Louis lay in bed with Ian, both of them already bathed when they had had a long bubble bath together. Harry hadn't been allowed in but Louis knew he hadn't cared when he had passed the time on his phone probably texting the asshole of Trevor. Louis had given Ian a piece of paper and non toxic markers having placed it on top of his tummy, it seemed to work for Ian who was busy drawing lines all over the paper until he got up wanting to jump.
"No sir." Louis caught him before he could get up, "You're gonna fall again and cut that tongue off for good." He told him groaning when Ian got out of his hold and got up getting ready to jump.
Louis opened his legs waiting for the right moment and when it presented itself, he caught him in between them trapping him there. Ian struggled for a bit before Louis gave him a red marker so he could continue drawing, everything going fine until Ian found Louis' tummy perfect for drawing instead of the paper. He was in the middle of finishing to what in Louis' eyes was something that came close to The Starry Night when Harry walked in with three bowls full of fruit.
"What are you doing?" Harry raised a brow slowly walking to the side of his bed putting the bowls on his nightstand then grabbed a marker, "Are these non toxic?"
"I wouldn't be letting him use them if they were." Louis rolled his eyes smiling when Ian placed his little palm on his tummy and one of his babies kicked. It quickly turned into a frown when Ian startled and pulled it away before poking his belly with a marker getting more kicks in return before he started crying.
"Aww pumpkin." Louis cooed at him grabbing him and bringing him closer to him to hug him, "That was just Say or Sammy, they're your baby sisters and they love you lots. They didn't mean to scare you."
"You want fruit, peanut?" Harry asked grabbing the fork to mash and give his son some watermelon, smiling when Ian immediately opened his mouth.
"Don't give him too much, he's going to bed soon." Louis told him taking the bowl Harry offered to him.
"Are you still mad at me?" Harry slowly asked.
"Are you?" Louis finally looked at him with a tired expression, "Because Anne and I didn't do anything and you were acting like a child. It's just Trevor, who cares about him."
"I'm sorry, okay. I'm really sorry." Harry placed the bowl back on the nightstand then scooted closer to Louis wrapping his arm around him glad that Louis didn't push him away, "There's nothing between us anymore, it ended way before we decided to be married for real and Ian was on the way. We never had anything special other than random hook ups and now I don't see what's wrong with us being friends."
"But I'm scared he's going to steal you away." Louis confessed looking down at Ian who was busy poking his stomach, "He's a handsome man and in shape and I'm all fat, who would want to even have sex with a fat person.
"Well we could have had amazing sex all day today, mum could have taken Ian wit her but no. And you're not fat, there's two babies growing inside you and I love you either way. You offend me every time you speak about yourself like that."
"But he- " Louis started.
"I only have eyes for you, always for you and no one else." Harry interrupted him kissing the side of his head then finally his lips.
"You're not lying?" Louis asked as soon as Harry had pulled away.
"I'll rather have my dick cut off than lie to you about this kind of things." Harry said with the most serious expression.
"No, not your dick. That's the only thing I like about you." Louis gave him an innocent look before he burst out laughing at Harry's surprised expression, "I love you, you dork."
"And I love you more." Harry kissed his cheek.
"Mummy 'ove." Ian said smiling when he was picked up by Harry at the same they were cheering him on after having learned a new word.
He started laughing when Harry blew raspberries on his tummy then tickled his sides before throwing him up into the air seeing the way Louis sat up afraid of Ian getting hurt. He continued doing it until they heard the unmistakable sound of someone farting immediately looking at Ian who had stopped laughing having gotten startled. He let out another one before he let out a giggle trying to get up from where Harry had him on his back going straight to Harry's arms.
"Well someone's a little gassy today." Louis chuckled reaching to run his fingers through Ian's hair.
"And stinky." Harry said watching Ian then looked away knowing he was pooping then got up with him in his arms when he was sure he was done, "I'm gonna go change him, babe. Is he sleeping here?"
"Yeah, bring him back please." Louis smiled at him.
While Harry was gone Louis noticed a bag of wipes then grabbed them to try and clean up his stomach glad that it came off, and when he was done he put them away along with the markers and Ian's drawing intending to save it and pin it to the fridge. When he heard his family being obnoxious and just happy, he smiled deciding to fully trust Harry with all of him. He had nothing to be afraid of and no reason to doubt Harry anymore after their talk when his husband had assured him there was nothing going on between him and Trevor.
Sure, Louis was a jealous person but Harry was his husband and had picked him over anybody else especially him even when they weren't sure who Ian's biological father was. Harry deserved all his trust when he had showed and told him many times he only had eyes for him and Louis was going to do so.
Thoughts? :)
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