~Chapter 38
Not edited! Please don't forget to comment and vote. Hope you like it! The pic is too large but oh well! lol
Mid january was hectic when Louis started having difficulty moving around when his five month pregnant belly got in the way. He had gotten so big out of nowhere but it wasn't just his belly, he had gained weight all over his body especially his bum and thighs. He always felt self conscious when Ian would stare at it for long periods of time then get pissed off when he just couldn't rest his head on it like before. Ian's squishy pillow was long gone and he wasn't too happy.
Louis mostly ignored his tantrums leaving Harry to handle them but what he hated was how obsessed Ian was with his baby doll. He didn't mind him playing with it but when Ian had to have it with him at all times it started getting annoying. He would take baths with it, eat next to it, sleep with it, take it to daycare with him where he fought a girl who had tried to take it away from him. That was the last time Louis had let him take it when he got the call about Ian biting the poor girl twice.
He had to pick him up three hours earlier having no choice but to take him back to work with him unable to do much when Ian wouldn't sit still or stay in his designated areal. He had gotten stuck between the couch and the wall where Louis couldn't reach him and much less with his belly on the way and the couch was too heavy for him to move. He ended up calling Des over who moved it and got a crying Ian out still holding onto his baby doll as Louis explained that he had no idea how Ian had gotten in there with how narrow it was.
Des had only cuddled him then asked for permission to take him with him back to his office which Louis was glad because it meant finishing his work. He had smiled when Gemma called him to tell him Des had been showing Ian off to all his workers who finally got to meet Harry's son. By the end of the day Ian was a hyper mess when Des had given him way too much candy and couldn't stop jumping as they made their way to the car. He had thrown a tantrum when Louis had buckled him up in his car seat that still wasn't facing the front of the car and Ian wanted to know where they were going.
When they got home that afternoon he was glad Roxanne had cleaned it earlier that day when he wasn't in the mood to do any chores. He let Ian down so he could play while he made something to eat knowing Harry was going to get there having expected him to take longer when he walked in with a bag of take out.
Louis thanked him a million times feeling exhausted and more when Ian was in the living room already making a mess. He and Harry were hugging when they heard a loud noise followed by another one and that was when Harry decided to go see what was going on.
"Dude!" Harry shouted making Louis laugh as he served the food into plates, "Rox just cleaned up, let it stay clean for at least one more hour."
"Nono dahey." Ian shook his head.
"Thirty minutes?" Harry stifled a giggle.
"No." Ian giggled offering a small football to Harry.
"Thank you, Ian." Harry smiled at him seeing how cute he looked in his little overalls.
"Ia'...Ian." The toddler repeated taking Harry by surprise who ran back to the kitchen too excited for his own good.
"Ian said Ian! Write it in the baby book." He yelled startling Louis who jumped up a little then placed his hand over his chest.
"You scared me! At this rate you're gonna make me go into labor." Louis glared at him having to take a seat feeling tiny fluttering in his belly but didn't say anything waiting for them to kick so Harry could experience it too.
"You won't." Harry rolled his eyes then reached for the baby book on the kitchen island to write the new word, "Your appointment is tomorrow, right?" He asked.
"Yeah. I'm gonna go shopping as soon as we know what we're having." Louis told him getting up again to continue cutting the sweet and sour chicken and vegetables into smaller pieces for Ian.
"Are you sure Ian's gonna like that?" Harry asked just as Ian walked in holding the baby doll and his giraffe.
"This is all I ate when I was knocked up with him, of course he's going to like it." Louis smiled then looked down at Ian who had his little arm wrapped around Harry's left leg, "Right pumpkin? You already love it, don't you. Love ya." He cooed.
"How was your day?" Harry asked wanting to push Ian away when he felt him trying to bite him glad that he was wearing jeans.
"Your son bit some poor girl and twice, I had to pick him up three hours earlier and then he got stuck behind the couch at the office. I had to call Des to get him out and you have no idea how embarrassed I was, he probably thought I can't take care of him." Louis shook his head finally putting Ian's food in his tiny bowl along with rice then grabbed the plastic spoon that came with the set Monsters Inc. themed.
"This is getting out of control, Louis. He bites me all the time and now he's doing it to other people." Harry pushed his son's head away then picked him up to wash his hands.
"He'll stop on his own." Louis shrugged it off going to the fridge trying to decide if he should give him milk or juice then picked juice knowing Ian would want warm milk later on.
"Seriously?" Harry gave him a what the fuck look.
"He'll stop soon, just don't let his mouth go near you." Louis sighed as he served the mango juice then put it back in the fridge before putting the cup and bowl on Ian's high chair.
"Wait until he bites you." Harry rolled his eyes as he dried Ian's hands having to hold them still, "I am gonna enjoy every second of me telling you 'I told you so'. Every damn second, husband." Harry set Ian down then buckled him up making a face when he saw dried sweet potato puree smeared on one of the straps.
He kissed the top of Ian's head then walked to one of the drawers to get a wipe going back to try and get it to come out. After scrubbing as hard as he could he gave up intending to use soap and water after they were done eating not wanting Ian to be sitting in filth when lately Louis didn't care. They sat down to eat with Harry sometimes helping Ian when he was having trouble with the spoon by guiding it from the plate to his mouth while Louis shoveled food into his mouth.
"Do we have jalapenos?" Louis asked and when Harry nodded he got up to get the jar from the fridge.
Harry let Ian eat on his own when his son took the spoon from him then watched Louis pour some of the juice all over his food then actual jalapenos as well eating them like candy. He looked like he was enjoying it so Harry let him knowing Louis' cravings had started and he needed to keep a close eye on what he would be craving to stock up. Gone were the days where he would have to get up at an ungodly hour to get Louis something from the store.
"Mummy." Ian offered his empty sippy cup to Louis wanting a refill and to get it he had to be all cute to convince him.
"He thinks you're mummy, that's cute." Harry smiled seeing Louis' bottom lip trembling before he burst out crying.
"I am his mummy." Louis said feeling very emotional when he got to hear Ian calling him mummy, "Oh god, it just feels so good to hear him calling me that, now I know how Gemma feels. Oh my precious baby." Louis got up to kiss Ian who was still trying to give him the cup.
"Mummy!" Ian whined when Louis still wouldn't take the damn cup.
"He said it again!" Louis finally took the cup setting it on top of the table while Ian followed it with his eyes making Harry laugh when Louis was hogging him.
"I'll get it for you, peanut." Harry said getting up to give him more juice.
He came back with orange juice just as Louis let go of him and went back to his seat to let him eat and when Ian drank from the cup he made a face and spit it back out. It went all over his chin, bib and lap making a mess all over the floor when he dropped the cup and the juice spilled all over the floor.
"Are you fu- kidding me!" Harry groaned pulling on his hair while Louis kept eating.
"I told you he doesn't like orange juice with his food, he only drinks it in between meals." Louis gave him an I told you so look looking as smug as ever.
"I'm gonna go prematurely gray because of this kid." Harry sighed then got up to get the bucket and mop coming back with it a few seconds later.
He filled it with warm water then poured floor cleaner in it while Louis cleaned Ian up then got to work rolling Ian's high chair away from the mess making his son giggle. When he was done he sat down to eat and when they were done he let Louis take a shower as he cleaned their mess and Ian was too busy with his baby doll still sitting on his high chair. When Louis walked back into the kitchen Harry smiled when he saw him wearing a tight shirt and he just looked as beautiful as ever all full of his babies.
He watched him go straight to Ian to clean him up since he was yet to do that wanting to laugh when their son was staring up at nothing in particular. His shirt was covering half his pudgy belly and he was leaning back looking sleepy with a few bits of rice around his mouth that Louis was quick to wipe away.
When he let him down Ian brought his knees close to his chest refusing to be put down leaving Louis with no choice but to hold him as he cleaned his chair. Ian ended up falling asleep in his arms and even though Louis was tired from carrying too much weight around, he never once put him down until he was waking up again. He looked around as he rubbed his left eye with his fist then rested his head on Louis' shoulder sighing when Louis began to undress him to give him a bath.
Louis had no choice but to sit on the closed toilet seat when his lower back was starting to bother him letting Harry bathe their son. He would smile at his husband's and son's antics then force himself to stop them when they would start getting a bit rough splashing water everywhere. They changed him into his brand new pajamas when he had outgrown the old ones he had and every day Louis wondered if he would be as tall as Harry then spent time with him playing with his toys.
By bedtime Louis was already in bed watching a talk show while eating a bowl of fruit he had cut up the day before adding enough chili powder to have anyone coughing for the rest of their lives. When he was done he put the bowl on the nightstand then lifted his shirt up a little rubbing small circles on the top of it feeling tiny little nudges making him smile until he noticed the two stretch marks. They were right next to his bellybutton and were already getting bigger and just as he was about to touch them, Harry walked out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist.
"Is there something wrong?" Harry asked seeing him frowning.
"Stretch marks." Louis pouted tracing them with his index finger.
"They're normal, babe." Harry shrugged as he put his sweatpants on deciding to go without a shirt.
"You're saying that because you're not the one getting them." Louis rolled his eyes.
"I do have stretch marks, they're just not that visible." Harry said getting closer to show them to Louis, "See? Have a few on my hips, it's from when I was younger and went through my chubby phase."
"Oh I see them." Louis said, "I didn't know you went through a chubby phase, I haven't seen any pictures."
"I hid them all somewhere in my mum's attic, I wasn't cute at all." Harry gave him a smile.
"No! I bet you were the cutest thing ever." Louis cooed at him letting Harry rest in between his legs smiling when Harry pressed a kiss on the top of his belly and two more on his sides.
"Mum and Gemma agree, I don't." Harry shrugged it off then started rubbing small circles all over Louis' tummy hoping to feel them move soon wondering if Louis already did, "Can you feel them move?" He asked.
"Wiggling in there. They never stay still during lunch, it's always the same everyday." Louis fondly said glad that he and Harry were finally spending time together and alone; as alone as they could be with two babies in his womb.
"Really?" Harry asked in complete wonder kissing Louis' belly again, "Hope you're not giving mummy too much trouble, you little M&M's."
"M&M's?" Louis raised a perfect eyebrow.
"They're twins so they're M and M. Get it?" Harry started laughing making Louis laugh too.
"You're such a dork." Louis ran his fingers through Harry's still wet hair finding a few knots he easily brushed.
"That hurt." Harry whined moving further up to lay down next to Louis but not before kissing the corner of his lips.
"I didn't pull too hard, don't be a crybaby." Louis playfully rolled his eyes getting up to straddle Harry's hips taking his time to get comfortable.
"Hey! I can be a crybaby all I want." Harry pouted about to lose his shit when Louis leaned down to kiss him but could barely reach his lips when his belly got in the way.
"I'm getting too big." Louis sadly sighed moving to get off of Harry but stayed when Harry grabbed his hand and sat up to kiss him letting go to place his hands on his hips.
"You're perfect and it will go away after you have the babies, don't worry about it too much." Harry kissed his forehead then his lips trailing down to his neck determined on showing him how beautiful he was.
"Yeah but baby weight takes longer to go away and soon I'm gonna have to work from home again and I don't know if I should keep taking Ian to daycare or let him stay here with us all day." Louis said ignoring Harry lowering his pajama bottoms as far as they would go kneading at the skin.
"Daycare. It will be less stress." Harry kissed the tip of Louis' nose letting his hand go further down until he felt his hole hearing Louis' tiny gasp.
"It wo- wouldn't be fair to him." Louis started getting hard after weeks of doing nothing too busy with everything.
"Life's not fair." Harry shrugged, "Can I fuck you?" He asked not wanting to beat around the bush.
Louis froze knowing that if he said yes then he was gonna have to take his clothes off and that meant Harry seeing how fat he was getting. That meant seeing him completely naked and at the moment, Louis felt very uncomfortable with his body.
"How about I...blow you!" Louis exclaimed watching Harry pouting.
"It's been forever." Louis kissed Harry before moving backwards trying to lower Harry's sweatpants.
"But I wanted to like...like actually stick my dick up your ass. Once you go in there you're never the same, you know." Harry said letting Louis pull his pants down, "And like is so tight and so nice my dick already made a home of it." He leaned against the headboard feeling Louis' small hand wrapping around his cock.
"So is my mouth." Louis said before he licked around the tip slowly taking him all in not paying attention to what Harry was doing.
"Your ass doesn't have teeth- oh my god!" He grabbed a pillow biting on it when Louis went lower before pulling back.
"Shut up." Louis placed his hands on the sides of Harry's thighs sometimes squeezing the skin as he licked a long stripe from the base of Harry's cock to the tip.
Harry wanted to close his eyes and tangle his fingers through Louis' hair to make him go lower but didn't and instead fisted the sheets. He focused on the obscene noises Louis was making every time he would bob his head up and down reaching for the lube in Louis' drawer hating how far back it was. When he finally grabbed it he opened it and poured some on his fingers not wasting anytime as he pulled down Louis' pajamas slowly pushing his finger in. He smirked when he heard Louis' muffled moan loving the way he pushed his ass back wanting more.
When Louis finally got tired of being on his knees was when Harry was two fingers in and both their cocks were leaking with precome. Louis pulled back letting Harry pull him towards him which wasn't hard for Harry to do surprising him since he felt too heavy. Harry almost lost his shit when he saw how red Louis' lips were going for a kiss at the same time he fingered Louis faster smiling into the kiss when Louis got on his knees. They wanted to be closer but couldn't when Louis' belly was on the way but they managed until Harry tried to take Louis' pajamas off.
"I- I'm cold." Louis quickly stopped him seeing Harry furrowing his brow.
"Louis, what the hell is going on?" Harry paused what he was doing wanting Louis to come clean already.
"I'm cold, is that simple." Louis shrugged beginning to squirm feeling Harry's fingers still in him until he took them out and wiped them on the bed sheets.
"Don't lie, you won't even let me see you naked anymore. You know I don't care, right? You are still beautiful and you will always be." Harry said and when Louis' bottom lip trembled he was quick to wrap his arms around him not caring that he wasn't hard anymore.
"I'm just getting so fat! It wasn't like this with Ian!" Louis exclaimed, "And I still have four more months to go, I'm gonna be a- a whale and I can't stop eating. And now you're not even hard anymore 'cause I'm fat and you don't want me anymore." He sniffled hiding his face on the crook of Harry's neck.
"I'm not hard anymore because you're upset. What kind of asshole would I be if I'm ready to fuck your brains out but you're upset, that would make me look awful." Harry started rubbing his back.
"I don't care!" Came Louis' muffled response then pulled away to look at Harry with the most heartbreaking look, "I'm so horny and I feel like I'm gonna explode!" He started crying louder wrapping his arms around Harry's neck.
"Don't cry, babe." Harry cooed running his fingers through Louis' hair, "Do you want me to fuck you?" He asked then reached for the lube when Louis nodded and mumbled a quiet yes.
He heard Louis letting out a shaky breath when he slowly pushed two of his fingers in slowly going in and out of him. He kissed Louis as soon as he started bouncing a little up and down using his other hand to run it up and down Louis' back. He helped Louis take his pajamas off leaving his shirt on wanting Louis to take it off when he felt comfortable smiling when he did so even though his movements were slow and clumsy.
He let Louis jerk them off as he fingered him until he was hard forcing himself to stop Louis or he was going to cum soon just by seeing Louis' small hand wrapped around it and the feel of it. He added a third finger making sure to go slow allowing Louis to get on his knees when he demanded he let him do so.
"So bossy." Harry muttered as he slapped his ass hard enough to make Louis hiss.
"That hurt you asshole, I'm sensitive." Louis glared at him spreading his legs further apart putting a hand over his belly when he felt a little nudge.
"Really?" Harry asked still trying to open him up feeling around for his prostate furrowing his brow when he was having a hard time finding it when it was so easy for him, "How sensitive?"
"Sensitive e- enough to punch you if you don't hurry up." Louis tried to move further up whining when Harry gripped his hip tight enough to stop him," What are you doing?" He asked when he heard him fiddling with something.
"I'm getting a condom ready, I don't wanna make a mess." Harry explained still trying to find Louis' prostate muttering a there it is when Louis moaned loud enough to wake up the neighbors almost falling on his belly if it hadn't been for Harry holding him up.
"Can you hurry up? I'm getting old here." Louis pushed his ass back a little when he finally felt Harry's fingers slipping out of him getting replaced with the head of Harry's cock against his hole.
"Don't rush me!" Harry placed his hand on Louis' lower back and slowly started entering him groaning at how tight it was.
"You feel so good." Louis groaned feeling him entering him placing his hands on his ass to pull him towards him needing a good fuck.
"When don't I?" Harry smirked pulling out leaving the head of his cock in then thrust into him again.
He loved the view of his cock going in and out of Louis' ass wanting to touch it seeing it bouncing every time he thrusted into him. He grabbed it squeezing the skin going a bit faster but had to slow down when he was literally rocking Louis' body back and forth. Instead he wrapped his hand around his waist reaching for his cock jerking him off at the same pace he was thrusting into him, both of them getting louder. Harry almost came when he had to stop and Louis continued fucking himself on his cock making him wonder just how flexible Louis was.
He started fucking into him again meeting him halfway there wrapping his hand around his throat to make him sit up kissing him as soon as his lips were close. That's how both of them came at the same time, Louis spilling all over Harry's hand and the sheets and Harry into the condom deep inside of Louis. Harry continued working Louis through his orgasm until Louis was pushing his hand away and him with the other trying to make him pull out still kissing him.
Harry wiped his hand on the sheets then crawled to be in front of Louis sitting down against the headboard and his legs spread out making Louis straddle his waist. He brushed back his sweaty hair and kissed him gain as he rubbed his sides, both of them stopping when they heard a noise.
"What was that?" Louis mumbled trying to get off of Harry to see what was going on.
"Was probably not here." Harry reached down to kiss the top of Louis' belly.
"Probably." Louis shrugged it off then wrinkled his nose at the nasty sheets.
"Can we clean up?" He asked reaching to take the condom off of Harry and throw it away.
Harry nodded helping Louis get up and take him to the bathroom where they took another quick shower with Harry being the first one to get out. He changed the sheets as Louis finished showering finishing just in time when Louis walked out of the bathroom wearing new clean pajamas.
"Baby?" Louis said pouting a bit for effect.
"Yeah?" Harry opened his arms so Louis could walk straight into them.
"Can you go get me more fruit? There should be watermelon and cantaloupe cubes in a plastic tupperware. Please." Louis puckered up his lips smiling when he got a kiss.
"Okay, I'll be right back." Harry said letting go of him watching him go to his side of the bed to give him his old bowl.
"Can you also bring me apple juice? The whole gallon." Louis ordered as he got comfortable in the bed.
"The whole gallon?" Harry raised his brows.
"The whole gallon." Louis confirmed as he changed the channels so fast it made Harry a bit dizzy just by looking at the tv.
Harry shrugged it off making his way to the kitchen glancing at Ian's door raising a brow when he could swear he had left it halfway closed and now it was wide open. He ignored it making his way to the kitchen trying to fix his hair on his way there and when he got to the kitchen he turned on the light and placed the bowl in the sink then washed his hands.
He hummed a tune as he opened the fridge looking for the tupperware and when he found it he opened it to see there wasn't much left. He decided to just take it with him then grabbed the gallon of juice seeing there wasn't much left so there was no risk of Louis peeing himself if he didn't made it to the bathroom. He turned around to grab a fork startling a little when he saw from the corner of his eye a small figure running by the kitchen door. He ignored it feeling a bit afraid telling himself it was nothing until he heard the ABC playing from one of Ian's toys.
"Uhh...hello?" Harry said out loud feeling stupid as he looked around arriving to the conclusion that it had probably turned itself on deciding to go and turn it off.
He started making his way there almost dropping what he was carrying when he heard giggles coming from the corner of the living room. He didn't think twice when he bolted towards his bedroom about to scream bloody murder hearing the giggles stopping before they started up again. When he got to the bedroom he slammed the door shut leaning against it trying to catch his breath seeing Louis looking at him as if he was crazy.
"You look like you just saw a dead body." Louis laughed slowly fading away when he saw how truly frightened Harry was making him get up and go to him, "What's wrong?"
"There's something in the living room. Some demon." Harry dropped the items on the floor then clinged to Louis as soon as his husband hugged him.
"Harry don't be crazy! Come on, let's go to bed." Louis tried to make him get up huffing when Harry refused to move.
"I heard it! It was giggling and fucking with Ian's toys." Harry said then his eyes widened, "Oh no...Ian. Fuck I gotta go get him. My baby." He moved and opened the door ignoring Louis' protests to just go back to bed.
"Harry don't be stubborn! There's nothing the-" Louis stopped when the tv in the living room turned on and The Backyardigan's theme song started playing.
"I don't want to die." Harry started hyperventilating then he and Louis screamed bloody murder when the small figure popped out in front of them screaming dahey.
"Mummy hi!" Ian giggled jumping up and down holding onto his baby doll and giraffe.
"The fuck Ian!" Harry yelled feeling his heart about to beat out of his chest.
"Baby!" Louis exclaimed still holding onto Harry, "How did you get out of your crib?" He finally let go of Harry to pick his baby up.
"Mummy." Ian repeated wrapping his arm around Louis' neck.
"He scared me." Harry said laying down on the floor trying to calm down.
"How did he get out?" Louis asked then got up to investigate when Harry didn't move at all.
He walked into Ian's bedroom with him still in his arms turning the light on to see all of Ian's stuffed animals on the floor next to the crib. He put Ian back in his crib ignoring his whines seeing Harry walking into the bedroom looking a bit pale then started picking up all the toys with Harry's help. When they were done the kissed Ian goodnight making him lay down then turned off the light and walked out closing his door halfway.
"Wait for it." Louis stopped Harry as soon as they were outside his door.
They stood there for god knows how long until Ian got up again, babbled nonsense to his babydoll then threw it out the crib followed by his giraffe. He did the same with the other stuffed animals and just when Louis was sure he was going to go back to sleep he watched him pull another jailbreak.
They watched him lifting his little leg over the railing holding tight onto it going over it until he was hanging on the other side. He let go as soon as he felt safe to do so stumbling a few steps back as soon as his little feet touched the carpeted floor. He looked around then picked up his toys making a run for the door opening it to see his parents standing on the other side scaring then hell out of him.
"Where do you think you're going, mister?" Louis crossed his arms over his chest seeing him looking at both of them before letting out a giggle.
"What now?" Harry asked as he picked his son up kissing his cheek.
"That railing has to go." Louis sighed, "Let him sleep with us tonight and tomorrow you can take it off and put the other one on. I don't want him to fall and break something."
Harry nodded as he followed Louis into their bedroom placing Ian on the bed who was quick to run to his usual spot which was the middle. Louis ate his food while Harry and Ian watched cartoons until he was done and made them turn everything off. They fell asleep before Ian did but made sure to close the doors to the bathroom, closet, and bedroom not wanting him to escape again. That had been a night they would always remember.
Thoughts? :)
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