~Chapter 36
This fic will be 39 chapters and an epilogue long or could be less (Could be more too- omfg!) so Louis' pregnancy will go by fast. There will be a huge time skip throughout the chapters so please bear with me! Excuse the mistakes, I didn't edit because I didn't have time and I wanted to post this since it's been centuries and it's also really short so sorry about that.
Thank you for voting on that survey, some of you voted for genders for both a single baby and twins and I thought it was hilarious. One of two results will be revealed this chapter. Enjoy! :)
Louis took a deep relaxing breath then a sip from the hot chocolate with marshmallows he had made earlier. He blew the soapy foam away when it got to close to the rim of the mug feeling the hot water relaxing his muscles when he was finally getting around to take a hot bath. He put the mug back on the lip of the tub closing his eyes with a smile on his face only to open them again when he heard something dropping in the water right next to him. He stared at Ian who was standing right next to the tub dropping another toy in watching it sink before reaching for another one. Louis shifted around wincing when he ended up with a toy right underneath his ass poking at his left cheek.
"I think that's enough toys, baby." Louis smiled reaching down to take them out placing them on the lip of the tub one by one.
"No." Ian shook his head taking the toy from Louis' hand dropping it in the water again.
"I set up your space right over there." Louis pointed to a corner right on the opposite side of the bathtub near the bathroom door that was closed so Ian wouldn't escape, "And this is my space, you're invading dada's space."
Ian giggled and Louis sighed wondering why he bothered on explaining when his son gave no shits about someone's space in the house. Ian owned all of it and no one could stop him from leaving his shit wherever he pleased. Harry was working that Saturday evening when they were behind schedule wanting to finish before Christmas and before it could snow. Meanwhile Louis was trying to relax after he had finished wrapping the Christmas presents which were quite a few, mostly for Ian, his sisters and Gemma's kids including Carly.
He placed a hand on his belly feeling around for a bump after only a week of knowing he was pregnant but all he could feel was the pudginess he already had. He already had a doctor's appointment scheduled for after Christmas having decided to wait on telling everybody until he was sure the baby was okay.
He loudly sighed knowing it was time to get out when Ian started opening the drawers grabbing whatever he could get his hands on. He had placed his toys on the floor on top of a blanket to keep him occupied while he relaxed, but he should have known it was only in his dreams when Ian was trying to dump as many toys in the tub including himself at some point wanting to take a bath with him. Louis had used his leg to keep him away hissing when Ian would grab his toes and pull on them as hard as he could while still trying to get in the tub with him.
"No! You put that back right this instant!" Louis got up grabbing his robe putting it on as fast as he could and got out of the tub drying his feet on the fluffy mat, "Ian put that back!"
Ian frowned when he saw Louis making his way to him hiding the still sealed bottle of lube behind his back. He took a step back and when Louis reached for it taking it away he burst out crying while Louis rolled his eyes putting the lube far away from his son's reach. Ian continued crying getting louder even more when he dropped down on the floor kicking every time Louis tried to pick him up.
"Ian, stop it!" Louis scolded him finally picking him up ignoring that he was still wet.
"Dada! Mine!" Ian cried louder surprising Louis at the new word. How the hell was his baby learning new words that fast. Easy, Ian liked to listen in to grown up conversations.
"No, that's not yours. Those are yours." Louis pointed to the toys seeing Ian looking at them.
"No..." Ian pouted sighing when Louis brushed his hair back then started crying again when he stumbled upon a knot having pulled his hair by accident.
"I'm sorry, baby. I really need to cut your hair. How about we call daddy and tell him? Then we can go get it cut." Louis kissed his cheek going to the tub to drain the water then walked to the bedroom shivering when the cool air hit him.
He put Ian down on the floor then grabbed a pair of black briefs putting them on before dropping the robe then made his way to the closet dumping it in the hamper. Ian followed him watching Louis look for something to wear then started going through Harry's clothes yanking a few off of the hangers.
"Uh oh, daddy's gonna get mad. He's gonna spank you." Louis joked knowing Harry wasn't going to do anything to him. Ian was his love, his pride and joy and would kill anybody who dared hurt his baby or even look at him the wrong way.
"'Uh oh." Ian said offering a light blue long sleeved shirt of Harry's to Louis.
"Do you want me to wear this one?" Louis asked him taking the shirt from him.
"No." Ian said walking over to the shoes grabbing one of Harry's old boots that Louis wanted to throw away already.
"That's daddy's boot, he doesn't want you touching his boots." Louis told him still remembering when Ian had peeled off the front of an old pair when he kept chewing on the front and Harry had never noticed until his favorite boot was ruined.
"Dahey mine." Ian told him dropping the boot when he spotted his giraffe right by Louis' shoes.
"There it is! See, all you had to do was look." Louis sighed in relief after Ian had cried all morning when he couldn't find it.
He watched him pick it up then exit the closet going back to the bathroom coming back out with a toy truck in his arms dropping them right in the middle of the bedroom. He repeated the process until all of his toys were in a big pile then sat down to play while Louis looked for his phone finding it under his pillow.
He sat down on the floor next to his son and dialed Harry's number putting it on speaker and away from Ian's reach who had a Barbie's foot in his mouth. They honestly didn't care what toys his son played with, if he wanted a pink bicycle then they would make sure to get it for him.
"Hello?" Harry answered on the third ring catching Ian's attention who looked up still chewing on the already deformed plastic foot.
"Hi babe, are you almost done?" Louis asked smiling at Ian.
"I was actually getting my stuff now, I'll be home in an hour or so. Why?" Harry asked and Louis could hear him moving a few things around.
"I was thinking that maybe we could take Ian to get a haircut. I know you already said no but I think it's necessary, it's getting harder to brush his hair with all those knots and all we do is hurt him when we brush it." Louis low key begged hoping for a yes using that tone he always used on Harry when he wanted something.
"Fine..." Harry sighed, "We'll take him when I get back, okay?"
"Okay! Love you babe, I'll see you in a bit." Louis happily said.
"Love you too!" Harry said before hanging up.
"Guess who's getting a haircut?" Louis singsonged wiggling his finger at Ian.
"Dahey." Ian said tilting his little head to the side.
"No, daddy's not getting a haircut." Louis pouted making Ian giggle, "What am I gonna pull on if he does, huh?"
Louis shook his head wondering why the hell he was telling his one and a half year old about his sex life. He stayed where he was playing with his baby while they waited for Harry until his bum was numb as well as his legs and he was forced to get up and change Ian into warmer clothes. He picked him up making sure to take his giraffe with him and took him to his bedroom putting him back down on the floor so he could pick his clothes.
"Do you want to wear your red hoodie or the black one?" Louis asked hearing Ian babbling gibberish, "The black one it is. Gosh baby, you and I have the same taste."
He grabbed the black hoodie and a random shirt a well as a pair of warm pants and his little Vans shoes he had gotten him a few weeks back. He kneeled down on the floor in front of Ian and started taking his clothes off realizing he had forgotten his socks just when he was about to check if he needed a new diaper.
He got up to get them taking his time to look for the black ones hearing Ian moving behind him and when he turned around he stopped in his tracks. Ian was standing in front of him with his used diaper in his hands and just when Louis thought things were bad, Ian started peeing right then and there.
"Ian, no!" Louis shouted yanking the diaper out of his hand quickly trying to put it back in place managing to stop him from ruining the carpet any further just watching him in disbelief, "The fuck, man?" Louis sighed about to lose his shit.
He didn't remove the diaper until he was sure he was done knowing he was when Ian stopped making that face he always made when he was either peeing or pooping. Louis got up to throw it away then grabbed the box of wipes and started trying to clean up the small stain knowing he was going to have to deep wash it. When he was done he put a new diaper on Ian then his new clothes letting him walk around while he put things away hearing a door opening then closing.
"Lou? Peanut?" Harry shouted.
"Dahey!" Ian cheered running out of the bedroom with Louis following after him getting there when Harry picked their son up and twirled him around kissing his cheeks.
"Hi peanut! I missed you!" Harry said and one look at Louis and he knew he was pissed off, "What did he do now?" He asked.
"Oh nothing much, just took his diaper off and peed on the carpet. No biggie." Louis shrugged pouting when Harry started laughing, "Don't laugh! This is serious, he literally peed on the carpet and now we have to wash it."
"I just-" Harry burst out laughing again having to set Ian down and hold onto the countertop, "We- We need to potty train him."
"It's still a bit early for that, he can't control his bladder yet much less tell us when he has to go do his business." Louis explained watching Ian walk around the kitchen island in circles. He was obsessed with doing that, Louis had no clue why.
"I'm gonna go change then we can go. This clothes are so gross now." Harry wrinkled his nose kissing Louis' forehead on his way to the bedroom.
While Harry changed, Louis busied himself with getting Ian's bag ready making sure he didn't forget anything and when Harry came out he went to get coats for Ian and himself. He bundled Ian up as much as he could watching in amusement the way his son was walking like a penguin when the coat was too thick then put on a beanie before taking him outside where Harry had already started Louis' car.
The ride to the hair salon took twenty minutes having decided during that time to cut it short but not that short, just below his ears so it wouldn't get on his face. When they got there Harry grabbed Ian who looked around as he sucked on his pacifier and as soon as they were inside, he took his coat off giving Ian some freedom. He stayed back with him in his arms while Louis explained exactly how he wanted it and soon enough, Ian was sitting on a chair staring at the mirror with wide eyes.
It had been quite difficult when he kept moving and at some point had cried until Louis calmed him down as he apologized to the hair stylist. She had smiled at them then continued doing her job until she was done and Ian looked like a brand new baby having stared at himself through the mirror for quite a bit until Harry picked him up. When they got home they bathed him and continued on with their days until christmas day.
They all had spent it once again at Anne's where she had made the biggest dinner ever with Jay's help who were inseparable. Louis had spent half the time with Gemma touching her belly and feeling her baby kick and the other half with the rest of the family. She was due around April while Louis had calculated he was due around Ian's birthday, he just hoped it wasn't the same day and the same situation where he had embarrassed himself.
He was finally enjoying the early stages of pregnancy when now he had no doubt Harry was the father but felt bad when his baby ran by with Lottie after him hearing him laughing. Ian was the greatest gift life had given him and the fact that he hadn't enjoyed his pregnancy at all still brought an ache to his chest. So far he hadn't gotten any symptoms but he knew, had a feeling, that they would be starting soon and to be honest he wasn't looking forward to them.
When it was time to open the presents Harry had been completely surprised when he opened the box seeing the black snapback just like the one Louis had ruined. He looked ready to burst due to to happiness when he saw the smaller one so he and Ian could match. He had put it on him covering his hair everyone had fussed about when they saw they had cut it off but got over it seeing how much easier it was for Ian now.
Louis and Harry had gotten their son a black one seater Mercedes-Benz riding toy aware that it was for ages three and up but knowing Ian, the kid was safe in it and would learn to use it soon enough. Harry had gotten Des and Christian's help to assemble it and when it was done, Harry placed him in it making sure to buckle him up then had made him wear sunglasses taking picture after picture.
"How long does it take to charge?" Louis asked still reading the manual wanting to know everything already seeing the car as a dangerous object out to kill his baby.
"Almost four hours." Harry replied while Ian just sat there not knowing what to do with himself until Des brought out the blue buggy he had given him ready to push him around the house.
Later that night when they got home Louis had gotten rid of the toys Ian no longer played with. He put them in a box and had made Harry put them up in the attic just in case they ended up having another boy. He had gone to bed feeling great but had woken up feeling nauseous leaving him unable to get out of bed.
Harry had no choice but to bring a bucket to him, some water and crackers hoping it would make him feel better. When noon rolled around and Louis was still throwing up looking as white as a ghost, Harry had called Dr. Freeman asking to be seen earlier getting scolded for not calling her earlier. He ended up having to take Ian with them when there was no time to leave him with someone else and soon all three of them were stuck at the doctor's office.
"I feel like shit." Louis groaned where he was laying down on the exam table and Harry was on a chair with a squirmy Ian on his lap.
"The doctor will be here soo- Ian stop it!" Harry scolded him pulling his right hand away from him.
"What?" Louis asked trying to lift his head up but lowered it down feeling dizzy.
"He bit me." Harry answered fighting the urge to pull him away from him but he had to hold on to him since they were in the doctor's office.
"Give him his pacifier." Louis waved him off not even bothering with him trying not to puke all over himself.
"Dahey, gaff." Ian said expecting it to get it soon.
"Ah shoot, we left it in the car baby." Harry pouted, his son copying his action.
"Gaff. Mine, dahey mine." Ian whimpered making Harry groan leaning against the wall.
"I know giraffe is yours, baby. But we left it in the car and it's too far away to go get it." Harry patiently explained and just when Ian was about to burst into tears, Dr. Freeman walked in with what Harry assumed was Louis' file.
"Hello!" She cheerfully said smiling when she saw Ian staring at her wanting to coo at him when he hid his face on his father's chest when he got caught, "Who is this handsome baby?" She bent down a little to look at him.
"That is Ian, Ian this is Dr. Freeman." Harry introduced them grabbing Ian's little hand to make him wave at her chuckling at how shy he was being, "He probably knows you were the first to see him nakey. A hot mess."
"My gosh have you grown!" She tickled his tummy making him giggle, "He's a gorgeous baby." She said finally turning around to look at a sick Louis who looked as pale as ever.
"He takes after me." Louis joked even though he felt like he was dying.
"I'm gonna give you something for that nausea but first let me take a look at that baby." Dr. Freeman said letting Louis lift his hospital gown up now that his lower half was covered by a sheet.
Louis let her do what she had to do as he stared at Ian who was looking at Dr. Freeman wondering what the hell she was doing. He looked completely interested that Harry didn't have the heart to move him not wanting to disturb the peace and quiet except when Louis hissed at the cold gel.
"Sorry, should have warned you." Dr.Freeman sheepishly said looking at the monitor trying to find the baby.
"You're fine." Louis smiled focusing his gaze on the screen.
"Gotcha." Dr. Freeman mumbled then looked at Louis and Harry, "Better get two cribs ready instead of one. Congratulations you two, you're expecting twins." Dr. Freeman smiled, the smile faltering a little when both parents looked ready to cry and their oldest child wouldn't stop squirming in his father's hold wanting to escape it.
"Umm, are you sure?" Louis gulped, "Two?" His bottom lip trembled before the tears rolled down his cheeks, happy tears.
"Two. Fraternal twins so they might not be the same gender. You're around fourteen weeks and do expect to start showing more than usual since you're carrying multiples." She explained as she pressed a few buttons, "They look completely healthy but we do need to run a few more tests. Let me get you something for that nausea then we can get started on those." She said before leaving the room leaving the family of three- soon to be five- alone.
"Well fuck." Harry let out a breath he had been holding on purpose. "If twins is the result of a week of nothing but sex, imagine two weeks...quadruplets." He said lifting Ian's arms up at the word quadruplets.
A few seconds passed by before Louis burst out laughing, "We can do this, right?" He asked seeing Harry quickly getting up with Ian in his arms going to him.
"Of course we can, babe. With Ian it feels like we already have a thousand children but I know we can do it, we're raising Ian." Harry showed him the toddler letting him set his feet on top of the exam table.
"Dada." Ian mumbled bending down to touch Louis' stomach still covered in the now warm gel.
"Yeah pumpkin, your baby siblings are in there." Louis cooed at him kissing his cheek when Harry brought him closer to him, "And they love you like you love them."
"Alright! Here are some pictures and something for the nausea, it won't harm the babies so if you continue vomiting like today go ahead and call my personal number." Dr. Freeman said handing him a tiny cup with a white pill inside and a small water bottle.
"Thanks." Louis thanked her before taking it.
"We'll do a blood and urine test then you'll be free to go." She explained getting a nod in return.
After they were done they went straight home where Louis took a nap with Ian plastered to his side while Harry busied himself making something for dinner. When Louis woke up he could hear the music coming from the kitchen getting louder when he got up and opened the door making his way to the kitchen. He recognized We Are The Champions by Queen playing as loud as it will go without bothering him.
He turned to walk into the kitchen stopping when he saw what was going on in there making him smile and almost coo out loud at the cute sight in front of him. Harry had Ian on top of the kitchen table, their son only wearing a shirt and a diaper, as Harry danced with him twirling him around once as he sang and Ian tried to sing too but ended up only babbling nonsense probably making up his own lyrics.
"I've paid my dues, time after time. I've done my sentence, but committed no crime. And bad mistakes, I've made a few. I've had my share of sand kicked in my face, but I've come through. And we mean to go on and on and on and on. We are the champions, my son, and we'll keep on fighting till the end. We are the champions, we are the champions. No time for losers cause we are the champions of the world." Harry sang making Ian dance with him twirling him way too many times giggling when Ian stuck his little tongue out trying not to fall working so hard to keep up with his father.
Louis stayed where he was watching them and when the song ended and Somebody To Love started playing, he watched Harry pick their son up and ballroom dance around the kitchen with him in his arms while singing. When Harry finally caught him watching them, Louis expected him to get embarrassed but his husband only grinned and continued dancing grabbing him by the hand to join them. That's how they ended up that afternoon, dancing to Queen and having the best day out of many in their lives.
Thoughts? :)
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