~Chapter 33
I really hope you guys like this chapter. It is not edited. Please don't forget to comment and vote! :)
"Goddamit." Louis muttered, Ian's giggles only getting louder while all Harry did was stare.
"Now we gotta buy another one." Harry sighed watching Louis pick the bags up putting them on the couch, "I'm gonna go get Ian. You okay?" Harry asked seeing him nodding then walked up to him to kiss the side of his head.
"Daaheeey!" Ian screamed from his room making Harry shake his head and chuckle.
When he got there his eyes widened seeing Ian about to lift his leg up probably with the intention of climbing over the rail. He rushed to him and picked him up seeing and smelling how he needed a new diaper. After Louis had decided to bring the changing table back a few weeks ago, Harry grabbed the things he was going to need then placed Ian on it. After a year and two months he still sometimes gagged whenever he had to change his son's poopy diaper even more when he was the stinkiest. And at the moment he was.
"Uh oh, someone's really stinky. Stinky stinky stinky." Harry let out a giggle seeing Ian just staring at him as if he was crazy.
"Uh oh." Ian repeated.
"Uh oh." Harry repeated again making Ian smile quickly becoming a game to the little boy.
They spent the rest of the time repeating it until Harry was done changing his diaper and zipping his footed onesie back on. He got rid of the dirty diaper then poured some hand sanitizer on his hands letting Ian down after it. He followed him to the living room ready to catch him in case he lost his balance. He almost ran into him when Ian suddenly stopped and stared at the spot where the coffee table used to be, all that was left were the broken pieces.
"Uh oh." He said then continued walking until he was standing in front of the broken table while Louis was going through the bags.
"Uh oh, pumpkin. Daddy broke the table, he's naughty." Louis said as he checked the tags on Ian's new clothes then set them down on the couch.
"We broke the table." Harry corrected him.
Harry took a seat next to him watching Ian walking in circles around the broken table until Louis picked him up. He set him down on the couch in between them in a standing position then took his onesie off leaving him with only his diaper and socks on. He started trying shirt after shirt on him followed by jeans, shorts and sweatpants until Ian started getting fussy pushing his hands away. The last outfit was a bear onesie that made Harry coo at him and take pictures seeing his baby with little bear ears on when Louis put the hood over his head.
"You are the cutest thing ever!" Harry cooed leaning forward to kiss his son on the tip of his nose.
He chuckled when Ian placed his hands on his cheeks and tried to kiss him too leaving saliva all over his nose and upper lip. He then pulled away and turned to Louis to give him another one right on the lips squeezing his cheeks a bit. When he was satisfied, he sat down then wiggled his way to the edge managing to get off the couch then started walking around going for the toy box soon after. They started laughing when he looked like a walking teddy bear as they took pictures to send to family and friends. Especially Zayn when the outfit had been a gift from him.
"I'm gonna throw this table out." Harry finally got up followed by Louis.
"Let me help you." He said before he started picking up as many pieces as he could.
They managed to get everything in one go and when they got back they looked around not seeing Ian anywhere.
"Ian?" Louis called out for him running to his bedroom followed by Harry when he heard noises coming from there.
"Peanut, what are you doing?" Harry asked him as soon as he came into view.
They stopped in their tracks when they saw him with his back to them going through Louis bottom drawer on the right side which was his. He started taking his pajamas out never stopping until Louis did having to pry his tiny hands away from the edge of the drawer.
"Ian, let go." Louis pulled him back somehow proud at how strong his baby was when he refused to let go of it yet was starting to get annoyed. He pulled him up laughing when Ian started screaming, even more when Harry finally got him to let go.
"Dada no." Ian cried hiding his face on the crook of Louis' neck.
"Gosh you really are spoiled, baby." Louis sighed then looked at Harry, "We fucked up."
"We did." Harry nodded then nuzzled his face on the back of Ian's neck trying to get him to look at him and when he did, Harry kissed the tip of his nose wiping his tears away, "That wasn't okay, peanut. You can't go through our stuff and make a mess, that's a no no."
"No no, dahey." Ian sniffled still wearing his cute outfit making him look cute as hell.
"That's right, peanut. No going through our stuff and making a mess." Harry kissed him again.
"You're so smart, pumpkin. Yes you are!" Louis kissed his cheek letting him down when Ian started squirming. "Watch him while I put all this back." Louis sighed.
Harry only nodded and followed Ian to wherever he wanted to go ending up in his bedroom where he picked up a book. He blabbered nonsense to Harry giving him the book then sat down on the floor making Harry wonder how his son was a bit more advanced than other babies. Sometimes it creeped him out.
The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Harry silently read taking a seat next to Ian. He let him sit on his lap when his son moved to do so then opened the book as he kissed the top of his fuzzy head. He searched for the first page knowing it was his son's absolute favorite from all twenty three tales by Beatrix Potter and in his opinion, it was the best of all of them. Of course his son owned all of them since his father Des had gifted them to Ian on his first birthday and they had quickly become Ian's favorite books.
Ian smiled and happily patted the page of the book going quiet and still as soon as Harry started reading the story. They were too focused on it that they didn't notice Louis standing by the door taking a picture to have memories of the precious moment happening in front of him. Ian would look up at Harry with a smile on his face whenever Harry made sound effects then look back down at the book.
Ian stayed where he was until Harry finished reading the story then loudly sighed as soon as his daddy had closed the book. He turned on his side and snuggled up against his chest sucking on his thumb never bothering to move when Harry got up to put the book back in its place then made his way to the living room where Louis was watching tv. Louis gave him a tired smile patting the spot next to him and as soon as Harry was next to him, he snuggled up against him close to Ian. They spent the rest of the day watching movies too comfortable to do anything else.
The month quickly passed by and soon both Louis and Harry were doing the final fitting for their black tuxedos three days before the wedding. They had had a rehearsal the week before where Jay and Anne had burst into tears even if it wasn't the actual wedding. Ian was already set with a tiny tuxedo the same color as their parents while Gemma's twins were lighter and Melissa already had a white dress she had picked all by herself.
They hadn't felt the need to have a flower girl or ring bearer not wanting to have the kids and Louis' sisters feeling left out. They had only asked Zayn to be Louis' best man and when Harry decided he couldn't pick one of his friends and leave the other out, he decided to fuck it and have two best men. Of course, he had gotten his way.
Just a day before the wedding Gemma had announced her third pregnancy already at two months. Its safe to say it had been the happiest day when Anne and Des had congratulated both her and Christian followed by Harry and Louis and finally more family and friends. Harry had hugged her extra long when she burst out crying then he followed soon after understanding that it was the first of all her babies she was going to be able to see, not just hear.
"You're the best mum ever, you're gonna do such a great job with this one just like you're already doing with the kids." Harry told her as he hugged and rubbed her back feeling her nodding and her arms tightening around his neck.
"So do you. Wait until you have that little baby girl, I bet you're gonna spoil her rotten." Gemma pulled back then kissed his forehead when he smiled at her.
"I already thought of names and everything." Harry said, "Of course they have to be approved by Louis first and it'll most likely be a middle name because he let me name Ian."
"Am I allowed to know now?" Gemma asked.
"Okay, but keep it a secret." Harry said as he looked around, "I really really like Abigail."
"Well Abigail is a very pretty name." Gemma smiled.
"Have you thought of any?" Harry asked her.
"Not until we know what we're having, whatever we get, I'm not picky." Gemma shrugged seeing their mum coming their way.
The night before the wedding, Ian thought it will be a good idea to stay up almost the whole night refusing to go to sleep. It wasn't until Louis let him sleep with them that he finally fell asleep clinging to him. He had fallen asleep on top of him with his tiny hands holding onto his shirt until he woke up in the morning and moved on to Harry. That's how Harry woke up with half of his son's body on top of him and drool pooling on the fabric of his shirt.
He slowly picked him up then set him down in the middle bringing the covers over all three of them then laid there just watching Louis sleep. He knew it was creepy but he couldn't help himself when in a few hours he was going to marry him again and give him the wedding he deserved and had always wanted. Ian woke up and blinked a few times before he turned on his side facing Louis then fell asleep again as Harry watched how Louis still asleep, found him and wrapped his arm around him bringing him closer to hold him as close to him as he could.
Later that morning Louis woke up and after laying there for a few seconds as he stretched, he finally smiled turning to look at Harry who was still sleeping. It wasn't until he stretched his arm out and touched Ian's giraffe that he remembered Ian was supposed to be in bed with them. He sat up with wide eyes looking around trying to see if he was still in the room until he found him sitting by the bedroom door playing with their slippers.
"Morning sexy."
Louis heard a deep voice getting engulfed into a hug then pushed back onto the mattress where Harry got on top of him making sure to cover him completely. He tried to set himself free as he giggled but Harry only tightened his grip around him then started grinding against his thigh making Louis push him away.
"Harry! I gotta save myself until after the wedding,you can't take my virginity now!" Louis screeched moving his head when Harry tried to kiss him.
"What?" Harry laughed pressing his lips against the left side of Louis' neck, "I think I'll be able to keep it in my pants for a few more hours and when we get to Ibiza I'm gonna fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for weeks."
"Dahey." Ian appeared in front of them making Harry let out a scream seeing the tiny human standing in front of him holding onto one of Louis' slippers.
"Good morning pumpkin!" Louis smiled kissing Harry on the lips then pushed him off of him and got up picking Ian up, "We have to go pack your bag 'cause daddy and I are gonna go on a little vacation and you're gonna stay with Nana and Papa."
"That's right! Wait till papa hears you saying that, he's gonna flip." Louis kissed his cheek then left the room to start packing his bag while Harry watched them leave with a smile on his face.
Louis put Ian down on the floor after closing the door then went to his closet picking out enough outfits for a whole week suddenly wanting to buy a ticket for Ian and take him with them. He was about to go back to their bedroom and grab his laptop to do it when Harry walked in to help him pack the clothes since their bags were already packed. Ian watched them putting his things in his little suitcase until he walked towards his bookcase coming back with his book then went back and forth throwing toys in there.
"Ian that's too many toys, we need to pack your clothes first...and your diapers." Louis unpacked them and put them aside, "And you better behave for Nana and Papa." Louis told him as if he was already a teenager. He didn't like to think about that.
Louis was glad the wedding was in the afternoon and when he was done packing all his things, he moved on to making sure he didn't forget anything or he was screwed. They had only packed lube and no condoms already knowing they weren't going to use them at all and by noon they were already getting ready after eating something.
At two pm, Gemma walked through the door to take Ian with her not even bothering to ask them to get ready in separate places when they had insisted on getting to the ceremony together. They had opted out of having the wedding in a church and instead it was going to be in the same place as the reception but in a different part of the venue.
Getting ready together had been a big fail when Louis ended up against the wall with his legs wrapped around Harry as he fucked into him using a condom one last time. They had come at the same time and stood there trying to catch their breaths until Harry pulled out of Louis taking him to the bathroom to take another shower. They got to the venue acting like nothing had happened already too excited for what was about to happen getting ready as fast as they could when they were already a bit late.
"Why were you guys late?" Gemma snapped at them as she made her way into one of the waiting rooms after she had been the one to convince the priest to wait for them.
"I lost my shoes. You know Ian, we found them in his bedroom." Harry lied while Louis tried not to look at her feeling his face getting hotter by the second.
"Oh that's funny 'cause when I left with Ian you had your shoes in your hand." Gemma rolled her eyes, "But it's whatever, that means that in nine months we'll have two babies in the house."
"Gemma!" Louis almost shouted completely scandalized looking as red as a cherry.
"Hurry up, hold hands and walk down that aisle. We'll be waiting there." Gemma snapped her fingers at them then walked out to join their family.
They watched her until she was out of the room then Harry turned to look at Louis holding out his hand for him to take.
"Are you ready?" Harry asked tightening his grip on Louis' smaller one as soon as he had taken it.
"More than I'll ever be." Louis smiled then together made their way towards where the ceremony was being held never letting go.
Louis started getting nervous the closer they were getting there and when the music started playing and all eyes were on them, he felt Harry squeezing his hand once to let him know he was there. He smiled when he saw Ian in Jay's arms looking as handsome as ever wearing his cute tuxedo and his curly hair brushed to the side as best as it could. Their little boy was busy with Jay's necklace to pay them any attention and when they finally made it to the altar, the priest didn't waste any time and started the ceremony right away.
"Friends, we have joined here today to share with Harry and Louis an important moment in their lives. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one." The priest said while Louis and Harry couldn't help but look at the other unable to stop smiling, too happy to not smile.
When the priest was done talking, Niall stood up and made his way to the front podium and after clearing his throat and winking at Louis and Harry, he finally started reading after the couple had assigned him as their reader. They sure loved his strong voice.
"Yes, I'll marry you by Pam Ayres." Niall started.
"Yes, I'll marry you my dear and here's the reason why. So I can push you out of bed when the baby starts to cry, and if we hear a knocking and it's creepy and it's late, I hand you the torch you see, and you investigate. Yes I'll marry you my dear, you may not apprehend it, but when the tumble-drier goes, it's you that has to mend it."
"You have to face the neighbour, should our labrador attack him. And if a drunkard fondles me, it's you that has to whack him. Yes I'll marry you, you're virile and you're lean. My house is like a pigsty, you can help to keep it clean. That sexy little dinner which you served by candlelight, as I do chipolatas, you can cook it every night! It's you who has to work the drill and put up curtain track. I do see great advantages, but none of them for you. And so before you see the light, I do, I do, I do!" Niall finished smiling when everybody laughed.
He went back to his seat and as soon as he was sitting down, the priest started talking again about marriage and whatnot but Louis and Harry only had eyes for each other.
"We're all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness–and call it love–true love. Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song." The priest said as he smiled, "I understand that you have written down your own vows." He said and when both Louis and Harry nodded, he motioned for Harry to take Louis' hands and start.
"I promise you, Louis, until my very last breath, to fight for life, for joy, for us, to never take your actions, words and kindness for granted, to start and keep leaving you secret notes when we are away from each other. I vow to grow with you and not apart, to make my accomplishments, ours, and your challenges, mine, I will always love you deeply and honestly, as your equal and your partner. I fiercely want to grow old with you; so we can sit on our front porch on a warm summer's eve, so we can hold our frail hands together and laugh about that fateful day we met in September two years ago, so I can simply be with you, and know that I am home."
By the time Harry was done, Louis as well as half of the guests were in tears too. Louis wanted to kiss him senseless and tell him how much he loved him but held himself when it was his turn to say his vows.
"I, Louis, take you, Harry, to be my husband. I promise to always be your biggest fan and your partner in crime. I will delight with you in happiness, comfort you in sorrow, and conspire with you in mischief. I promise to keep creating and supporting a family with you, in a household filled with laughter, patience, understanding and love. I vow not just to grow old together, but to grow together. I will love you faithfully through the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there, each one believing that love never dies. As I have given you my hand to hold, so I give you my life to keep. My love is yours today, tomorrow, and for all the days before us." Louis said unable to stop smiling feeling his eyes filling with tears seeing Harry's eyes shining more than usual.
"Now for the exchange of rings." The priest said watching Gemma and Christian come forward to give them to them.
Harry was the first to take the ring then Louis' hand feeling how warm it was as well as small and dainty, he loved his hands.
"I Harry give you Louis this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." Harry said while putting the ring on Louis' fingers then kissed his hand after it seeing Louis grabbing the ring for him after he let go of his hand.
"I Louis give you Harry this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." Louis spoke sliding the ring down Harry's finger never letting go of his hand even when Gemma and Christian went back to their spot..
"At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet. A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. Let there be spaces in your togetherness, and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it be rather a moving sea between the shores of your souls." The priest finished the closing of the ceremony then looked at Louis and Harry with a smile on his face.
"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss."
Harry didn't have to be told twice when he pulled Louis closer to him and kissed him like never before but still trying to keep it PG when there were children present. He could barely hear the guests applauding when all he could feel were Louis' lips on his and his dainty hands on his cheeks to keep him in place. When they finally pulled back they only looked at each other until the priest started speaking again.
"I present to you the newly married couple, Harry and Louis."
They smiled when the guest started applauding then walked out of there with them following ready to go to the reception where they would spend the rest of the afternoon until it was time for them to go on their honeymoon. As soon as they stepped into the reception, they were introduced and soon enough Harry had the microphone making a speech for Louis and all the guests.
"I want to thank you all for being here with us celebrating our marriage and our second anniversary all at once. I want to say a few words to my husband, Louis. He's over there holding our hyper child, Ian." Harry said waving at Louis who only smiled while trying to keep Ian in place when his son only wanted to get down and explore the place.
"I met Louis at some club in Las Vegas and I swear, and for some reason, I wanted to marry him right then and there. Of course me being me, messed up our first meeting and we ended up disliking each other until we bonded over our misfortunes. We barely knew each other before we got married but I guess that when you know then you know and no high power will ever stop you." Harry said seeing Louis just staring at him with shiny eyes and a pout on his lips still trying to hold onto a squirmy Ian.
"I don't regret our first wedding and the many moments after that, the only thing I regret is never having our first dance as a married couple. We never got to have one but that's going to change. Now, I didn't know Louis back when we were eighteen but I wish I had 'cause I missed all those years with my love so Louis..." Harry smiled at Louis extending his arm towards him so Louis could take his hand, "Would you like to finally have our first dance?" He asked sighing in relief when Louis quickly gave Ian to his mum then took his hand.
Harry led him towards the dance floor and when 18 by some band Louis' sisters were obsessed with started playing, they could hear every guest cooing when they heard the first line.
"I got a heart and I got a soul, believe me I will use them both. We made a start, be it a false one, I know. Baby, I don't want to feel alone. So kiss me where I lay down. My hands pressed to your cheeks."
They slowly danced holding the other close and feeling like they were the only ones there and when they looked at each other, Louis slowly leaned forward having to get on his tippy toes to reach his husband better. He kissed him slow and sweet pulling back when the song ended and all they did was blink realizing time was too short when they were in each other's arms.
They slowly pulled away then walked back to their table holding hands while their friends got ready to make toasts having decided to keep them short when Louis and Harry's parents wanted to say something too as well as their siblings. When they were finished they were left laughing when all three of them talked about their adventures with the couple. Liam and Niall sharing the story of when they went camping and ended up with poison ivy after Harry had guided them to it without meaning to. Then Zayn sharing the story of how he and Louis met saying how lucky he was to have him as a friend.
After that, their parents gave speeches followed by their sisters and finally they danced their mother and son dance. When they got to cut the cake, Ian had to absolutely be with Louis after pictures were taken of just the couple then with Ian included. He had gotten a taste of the cake silently asking for more and when Louis didn't budge, he moved on to Harry who gave him all the cake he wanted until Louis made him stop.
They danced and laughed at the many jokes just having a good time until the reception was over and it was time for Louis and Harry to leave to Ibiza. Louis almost cried when he had to leave a sleeping Ian with Anne and Des after they had offered to watch them while the couple enjoyed their week long vacation. Of course they will be calling everyday and skyping to see their little boy who they already missed even if he was still in his arms.
Louis had a bit of trouble giving a sleeping Ian to Anne and when he finally did it was after he and Harry had kissed their son and hugged him close to them. When they were finally in the airplane they looked at each other and smiled as if they were a pair of teenagers running away to a magical place.
Thoughts? :)
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