~Chapter 20
When Ian officially turned two weeks old, Louis was officially done staying home all day and just wanted to get out of the house. He loved being with his son all day, everyday as well as holding him close to him as he could, but as much as he loved him, he still wanted to go out and get some fresh air.
He would sometimes take him outside to the backyard once the weather wasn't too hot and sit on one of the chairs they had out there with him in his arms talking to him as much as he could. While Louis talked Ian would stay as still as he could as if he was trying to hear and was hanging onto every word his daddy was saying. Louis was the happiest man alive.
"That's a birdie." Louis pointed out when he heard the chirping coming from one of the trees, "He's saying hi." Louis chuckled kissing Ian's tiny hand hearing a tiny grunt sound coming from him as he wriggled.
Ian continued wriggling around in his arms letting out a squeak that had Louis smiling like a fool and holding his baby closer giving him all the love he had just for him.
When Harry offered to stay with Ian so Louis could go out with Zayn when he invited him out, Louis had kissed all over his face thanking him for doing so. That saturday Harry had stayed with their son watching football games with him telling him all about the sport while Ian would stay still then wriggled every time Harry would stop talking.
He had changed him into a black soccer onesie that he had picked and was so proud of it loving what it said on the front. Step one: crawl, step two: walk, and on step three had a football ball. He had also gotten a football beanie completing the outfit with tiny white socks and after pondering for a few seconds, he took a picture and sent it to Louis.
He only got a He looks soo cuteee!!!! Take more pictures! as a reply then went back to watching tv still holding him and when his arms started going numb he lowered the back of the recliner and placed him on his chest. He chuckled when he wouldn't stop wriggling now that he was more awake and when he started rubbing his tiny back, Ian stopped moving and sighed in content.
"Are you hungry yet, baby?" Harry softly asked him.
Talking to his son was an important thing for him to do, especially when Ian's brain was already developing at a fast rate and absorbing everything.
"I think when you get older grandpa Des and I could take you and your cousins to play football. Would you like that? We're gonna play all you wa- well, that's if you like it which I'm hoping you will 'cause all of us like it. Maybe you're gonna be more like daddy Lou and you're gonna like other things too. He likes a lot of stuff and sometimes I can't keep up but I'm glad I met him." Harry said then kissed the top of his tiny head.
"He was a right brat at first but now I love him and thanks to him I have you and I love you too." Harry kept talking until Ian's tiny palm landed against his lips squeezing a bit, "Fine I'll shut up." Harry chuckled.
A few minutes later Harry knew Ian was hungry when he started fussing and after preparing a bottle he sat down on his old spot to feed him loving the way his son would place his tiny hands on the side of the bottle. He never took his eyes off of him watching him pause to take a deep breath before he would continue eating as if that was the last bottle he would be getting in years.
When he was done and Harry had burped him he was happier until he fell asleep still in his arms and that's when Harry decided to put him in his crib so he could properly rest. He spent the rest of the day lazing around and eating whatever junk food he would find until he was full and could barely move.
He didn't know when he fell asleep but when he woke up again it was to someone gently shaking him then a hand running through his hair making him shiver in a good way. When he opened his eyes he saw Louis looking right back at him holding a bag of takeaway, Louis put it on top of the coffee table then sat down next to Harry. Harry looked around noticing it was starting to get dark wondering how long he had slept then rubbed his eyes still trying to wake up.
"You look exhausted. Did Ian give you a hard time?" Louis asked him taking a seat next to him then leaned against him placing his head on his chest, "You know what he's like."
"No, he was actually well behaved and after he went to sleep I fell asleep too." Harry explained then stretched before putting his arm around Louis.
"Did he eat?" Louis asked.
"Yeah, he should be waking up anytime now." Harry yawned.
Just when Harry had stopped talking they heard Ian's cries that kept getting louder until Louis got up and ran to Ian's bedroom where his son was in the middle of his crib. His face was red and his arms were up by his head with his hands balled into tiny fists. Louis picked him up and cradled him against his chest making sure to wrap his blanket around him so he wouldn't be cold until the smell hit him.
He quickly changed his diaper and after washing his hands he went back to the living room where Harry was still on the same spot watching Regular Show. He laughed as he wordlessly took Ian in his arms when Louis gave him to him so he could make a bottle since it was time for him to eat again.
When he was done Ian was already crying and getting more irritated the longer Louis would take to get there while Harry tried to calm him down by holding him upright against his chest patting his back. Louis couldn't help but coo at the sight when Ian rested his tiny forehead against Harry's left cheek and grabbed his jaw with one of his tiny hands. He knew it was just reflex after he had been the one to help his mum with the twins.
"I am here! Food's ready." Louis sat down next to Harry taking him in his arms where he started feeding him completely silencing Ian's cries.
They stayed silent for a few minutes as their son ate until Harry changed the channel to animal planet getting completely absorbed in a documentary about pythons. He only looked at Louis when he was done feeding and burping Ian then scooted closer to them seeing Louis placing the baby down on his lap. Ian only flailed his arms around a little until he settled down and started sucking on his thumb closing his eyes soon after.
"Is he asleep?" Harry asked seeing him not moving at all.
"Ye- no." Louis said just when Ian opened his eyes again but never focusing them.
Louis brought him closer until his little face was a few inches away from his as he kissed the tip of his tiny nose cooing at him when he brought his tiny hands up to his face. Next to him, Harry was already fixing his tiny sock that was starting to come off and when he was done they spent the next half hour doting over their son. Ian finally fell asleep again and that's when Louis got up to put him in his crib so they could eat their dinner that he had brought and was now cold.
When he got back Harry was already heating it up as he grabbed two plates and two cups deciding to use the tv tables so they could continue watching the documentary. When everything was set up they took a seat on their old spots not noticing how hungry they really were until they took the first bite of their food.
They finished in record time putting the tables aside to continue watching tv just like the perfect family Louis knew so well they were. He snuggled up closer to Harry as he smiled knowing he was the perfect husband and the perfect father. He knew and was a hundred percent sure that he would never leave them and that's when he started thinking about his dad wondering if he had been too cruel to him.
He shut his eyes thinking that no, he hadn't been cruel at all because what his father had done to them was far more cruel and despicable. He then thought about all the times he had been there for him, how he had always considered him his own even though he wasn't.
The many times he had told him he was lucky to have him as his son and how much he loved him even if he ended up leaving him for another woman. He thought about him spending time with his new son who happened to be his sisters half brother and his step brother quickly snapping out of it when he realized that that child was not related to him at all.
"What's got you so worried?" Harry suddenly asked startling him a bit.
"I'm not worried, just thinking." Louis said then continued when Harry gave him a questioning look, "I was thinking about my dad. Do you think I should call him?"
"If you want to and you're comfortable enough to do so. You don't have to if it's gonna be too hard on you."
"I just...I still love him you know. My biological dad ran before I was born and Aaron stepped up and raised me as his own. I keep thinking that I was a bit mean to him but then I remember what he did and it confuses me." Louis confessed letting Harry pull him onto his lap.
"Do you want to rebuild your relationship with him?" Harry asked him.
"Sometimes." Louis shrugged, "I want my dad back."
"If you're comfortable, Lou." Harry kissed the side of his head feeling Louis nodding.
When Ian turned a month old was when Louis finally called his dad after thinking it through for almost a month even though they had only spoken for a few minutes. He had made sure to let his mother know and when she mentioned the girls he had let her know that he wasn't going to force them to see and meet him in the twins case. Jay had agreed with him that only if the girls wanted to see him then they would do so and when Lottie refused followed by the rest, he had left it at that.
They finally brought their son outside the comfort of their home when Des organized another one of his famous cookouts inviting everybody. When they got there Harry went to get Ian's car seat making sure to get his plush giraffe Zayn had gotten him after finding out it brought comfort to him and was now his favorite.
As soon as they had stepped into the house, Des came rushing in to greet them and take his grandson with him who he hadn't seen for a whole week. That had been eternity for him when he was used to seeing his grandchildren every two or three days and everytime he would see Ian, he swore he only kept getting bigger.
Louis was still working from home after Des had insisted and after agreeing on letting him return when Ian was at least four months old, Louis had agreed to keep working from home. He took him outside where the rest were already waiting including Liam, Niall and Zayn who were trying to help as much as they could.
The atmosphere and weather were perfect after it had been raining the whole week putting everybody's mood down a little. Louis and Harry greeted everybody then after helping with what was left to do, they finally sat down to eat chuckling when they sat down seeing Gemma trying to get Des to let her hold Ian.
"Dad, please let me hold him." Gemma whined, "You're like Harry! You never let anybody hold him."
"Gemm, he's comfortable in my arms." Des said not even bothering to look at her when he was looking down at his grandson.
He cooed at him seeing a smile on his tiny face but said nothing knowing it was just a reflex and when Ian stared at him he kept going, his voice going a higher pitch making Ian wriggle in his arms. He was wearing a short sleeved plaid navy romper matching with the shirt Harry was wearing making them look absolutely adorable in everybody's eyes. Soon he started fussing until Louis gave him his plush giraffe and his pacifier calming him down making Zayn lose his shit because he was already attached to it.
They couldn't help but take pictures when Louis wrapped his tiny arm around the plush toy and Ian left it there cuddling it close to him until he started getting drowsy. When Des finally gave him to Gemma he was wide awake when there was too much noise around him and the kids kept touching and cooing at him.
When they finally left Harry gave Ian a bath as soon as they got home then fed him after and when he was done he sung to him while walking around his bedroom with him in his arms. He then showered after Ian fell asleep while Louis finished a report for Des and when he was done he took a shower coming out feeling a bit better after the long day.
"What are you doing?" Louis asked while taking a look at Ian through the baby monitor now that he was sleeping in his own crib.
After a month, Louis had finally decided it was time for him to sleep on his own now that he was older and because he and Harry had no privacy even though their son was still a baby and didn't know what was going on. He was completely passed out just like Harry had left him wearing his tiny Batman footed pajamas Liam had given him before he was born.
"Bills." Harry responded without looking up, "Why are they charging us...this electricity bill is through the roof! What the actual fuck."
"Oh...who knows, probably a mistake." Louis slowly crawled towards Harry as soon as he was on the bed then straddled his thighs hating when Harry didn't even react already used to him randomly doing it.
"Then the cable bi- oh wait that's a bundle, internet, cable and phone." Harry frowned feeling Louis' tiny hands on his sides going up and down.
"I told you not to get home phone service, that's why we have cellphones." Louis said picking up a random one seeing it was a reminder for Ian's next appointment with his pediatrician. He made a mental note to add it to his calendar.
"I'm gonna go prematurely grey with all of this." Harry groaned, "You were right about their shitty home phone service, we don't even use it."
"I told you." Louis sighed folding the piece of paper.
He set it back down next to the pile of bills then refocused his attention back on Harry seeing his lips moving as he read over a paper. He was starting to chicken out and just go to bed but decided to fuck it and smirked as he tried to lower Harry's shorts. He pulled as hard as he could managing to lower them down just enough hearing the fabric ripping a bit, his mouth watering at the sight of Harry's cock and without warning wrapped his hand around it.
"Oh my god, Lou!" Harry exclaimed in complete surprise dropping the piece of paper he had been holding . "Shit, okay. We're doing this."
Louis smirked as he stroked him leaning forward to peck his lips going from a sweet simple kiss to a heated one when Harry wrapped his hand around his neck. Harry was already so addicted to his warm lips letting out a groan the more Louis stroked him using his precome as lube. Louis pulled back kissing down Harry's neck then his chest until he was right on his waistline, he looked up at him with a mischievous smile then kissed the top of his right thigh slowing down his hand.
"Louis..." Harry looked at him through hooded eyes.
"What?" Louis teased seeing him grabbing a pillow to cover his face with it already so hard it was starting to throb.
Since Louis was a compassionate person and his husband was literally about to explode after a little over a month of not doing anything, he finally licked a long stripe from the base all the way to the tip. He felt Harry's hand on his hair gripping rather tightly somehow finding pleasure on it as he moved his free hand down and inside his own sweatpants wrapping it around his half hard cock.
He swirled his tongue around the tip drawing out a few moans from Harry then wrapped his lips around it slowly taking him in inside his mouth as he stroked himself wrapping a hand around what he couldn't fit of Harry in his mouth. He was careful not to let it touch the back of his throat knowing he still couldn't take him all the way in and instead pressed his tongue flat against the underside of his cock then bobbed his head up and down.
He looked up at Harry finding him already looking down at him, his lips glistening with saliva and so red when he kept biting on them trying to suppress his loud groans. Harry almost lost it at the sight of Louis' shiny blue eyes and shiny red lips wrapped around his cock sucking him off so good like only he knew how to, his hand wrapped around what he couldn't feet in his mouth.
Louis stroked his own cock faster and when Harry pulled harder on his hair trying not to buck his hips up, and Louis flicked his wrist, he came all over his hand with a muffled moan. He continued sucking Harry off while stroking him at the same time hearing his groans getting louder until he came right in Louis' mouth who swallowed every single drop. When he finally pulled away he tried to wipe away the string of saliva coming from his mouth just staring at Harry's now soft cock glistening with saliva and some cum.
"Fuck." Harry mumbled still unable to take his eyes off of Louis who looked completely wrecked and he hadn't even fucked him.
"Was I good?" Louis asked wiping the corner of his mouth where he had a bit of cum then licked it off of his finger driving Harry crazy.
"So so fucking great, amazing!" Harry pushed him back on his back kissing on his neck and sometimes nipping on the skin. "You look so fucking sexy." Harry trailed his hand down Louis' side until he was cupping Louis' groin finding out he wasn't even hard then frowned.
"I already came." Louis shrugged wanting to kiss him again but instead smiled when he saw him pouting.
"But I wanted to suck you off too." Harry said leaving a small kiss on the corner of Louis' lips.
"Next time, okay?" Louis kissed him again, "We need to buy condoms, I don't think another baby so soon would be ideal at the moment."
"I know." Harry said then stared at Louis loving the way his blue eyes were shining.
Harry wanted to properly propose to him and marry him again, give his Louis a proper wedding like he deserved and knew he had always dreamed of.
"Earth to Harry!" Louis snapped his fingers grinning when Harry's attention was once again on him.
"Do you want to take another shower?" Harry asked and when Louis nodded he picked him up and ran to the bathroom with him in his arms laughing when Louis squealed and yelled at him to put him down.
They took longer than necessary when Louis initiated a make out session after they no longer had time for one, only for quick kisses during the day or before going to bed. By the time they got out they only had two hours left before it was time for Ian's next feeding glad that he actually stayed asleep while they waited.
Two hours later it was Louis who got up to feed him and change his diaper having to stay longer than necessary when his son wouldn't go down to sleep. He finally went to sleep when Louis sat down on the rocking chair and sang to him the song Harry always sung and soon, Ian was fast asleep with his tiny hand resting against Louis' chest.
A few days later Louis found himself walking into a restaurant with Ian fast asleep in his car seat glad that he was so he wouldn't fuss over the car seat canopy. They still would laugh whenever they would remember the first time they had put it on when he had been awake, only a few seconds had passed before he had burst out crying then calmed down whenever they had uncovered him. Harry being the little shit he sometimes was had covered him again making him cry again and when Louis smacked his arm, he had uncovered him and picked him up to apologize kissing all over his tiny face.
He still wasn't happy at the fact that he had to bring Ian but when he couldn't find anyone to watch him, he had had no choice but to take him with him since Harry was working. He looked around the restaurant until he spotted Aaron already waiting for him and drinking from a glass of water then stood there until his father spotted him quickly getting up. Louis snapped out of it and walked up to him trying to figure out where to put the car seat.
"Lou, thank you for coming." Aaron made his way to him seeing Louis looking around, "I could ask for a booth." Aaron suggested and when Louis nodded with a small please, he asked for one.
Once they were seated on a booth Louis put the car seat next to him making sure Ian was still asleep not wanting him to start crying in the middle of his meal. They didn't say anything while they ordered their food and when the waiter was gone, Louis cleared his throat finally looking up at his father.
"How have you been?" Aaron asked sensing that Louis wasn't going to talk anytime soon.
"Good, a bit busy with the baby but good." Louis said smiling a little when he glanced at his still sleeping son.
"He is such a handsome little boy." Aaron smiled looking at his grandson, "He looks like his father but has your nose."
"Yeah, he does look like Harry." Louis finally fully smiled, "How's your son?"
"He's great! Already getting so big...time passes by fast. How are the girls?"
"They're doing great. Lottie is already looking up at a few universities and Fizz still has two more years." Louis answered not really wanting to go into detail.
"And Phoebe and Daisy?" Aaron asked hoping for Louis to tell him about them.
"They're doing great, turned ten a few months ago and they're just...amazing." Louis said trying to fight a smile but couldn't.
He carefully watched his father seeing how he tried to smile but it quickly turned into a grimace and some part of him was glad he was feeling the way he was. Another part of him wanted to reach out to him, hug him, and tell him everything was going to be alright but couldn't when he had left them for Stephanie.
"How come you just had Gavin, don't you have more kids?" Louis asked trying to steer the conversation somewhere else.
"After I left...for a while I was set on getting custody of you kids and didn't want anymore kids. Jay and I kept fighting over it until she snapped and told me she would give me the divorce if I stopped the process. I refused at first until she called me...she called me crying and begging me to just leave her alone. I had already done enough to her that I signed and moved to Leeds. I didn't want anymore kids then and still didn't want them now but Stephanie got pregnant." Aaron explained.
"That's bullshit." Louis said pausing to let the waiter place their plates in front of them then continued talking as soon as he was gone, "You could have at least called...or visit us."
"I would've had if Jay hadn't moved away without letting me know." Aaron quickly said, "I went back wanting to see you and the girls but you were gone and no one knew where you were, nobody would tell me either."
"We couldn't afford the house anymore so we had to move to a smaller one on the other side of the city. My mom could only work part time and when the twins were born she couldn't work so I...I would work in whatever I could. Wasn't easy but we made ends meet...my mum's parents helped out a lot too." Louis shrugged then took a bite out of his food.
"I'm sorry Louis, I should have never-" Aaron started.
"Doesn't matter anymore, it's in the past." Louis interrupted him, "What matters is the present."
"Still, you have no idea how much I want to go back and do everything differently. I messed up and now...now my own daughters don't want to see me and I don't know the two younger ones. My own kids hate me but I brought it on myself." Aaron looked down at his food he had barely touched.
"I can't force them to see you, if one day they do then I'll make sure to let you know but now they don't. They're still hurting and the twins don't know you, they're easily influenced by Lottie and Fizz." Louis said seeing him nodding then heard a tiny whimper coming from the car seat.
He looked at Ian seeing him moving a little then opened his green eyes for a bit before he closed them again yawning as he did so. Louis quickly gave him his pacifier when his tiny face scrunched up not wanting him to cry right there because once he started, there was no one stopping him until he was fed or done crying. He knew it wasn't time to feed him yet and when Ian just stayed silent sometimes waving his tiny arms and legs up into the air, he relaxed.
"Everything okay?" Aaron asked.
"Yeah, just don't want him to cry, once he starts no one can stop him." Louis chuckled fixing his son's tiny grey hat.
He was wearing tiny grey Monster Inc. overalls with a light green striped onesie after Louis had spent a little more time than he should have picking out his outfit. He only wanted his baby to look his best so sue him! Ian stayed quiet hugging his plush giraffe close to him allowing Louis to keep eating and talking to his father and after a few minutes of nonstop conversation he found himself getting comfortable.
"I hope I'm not being too nosy but how did you and Harry meet?" Aaron asked after they had already finished their meal and were waiting for dessert.
He raised an eyebrow when Louis choked on his own spit then picked Ian up when he started making little gurgling sounds extending his arms out as soon as he had Louis' attention. He smiled at them once Louis had him in his arms seeing his grandson already so alert to everything around him and wanted to coo at how cute he looked with the outfit he was wearing.
"We uh..." Louis paused wondering if he should tell him the truth then decided that fuck it, he and Harry were a happy family and so in love, ""I used to be engaged to someone else and he cheated on me. Zayn, my best friend convinced me to go to Las Vegas and I met Harry there. We got married and here I am...with a baby." Louis blushed a deep red.
"Well that's..." Aaron paused, "That was a little unusual but you look happy, and Harry, I've only talked to him once back when Ian was born but I could tell he's a good man and he loves you."
"He's wonderful." Louis smiled then looked at Ian kissing his chubby cheek then at his father chewing on his bottom lip, "Would you like to hold him? He's still your grandson..." Louis trailed off hoping he hadn't said something wrong when Aaron's eyes started watering.
"I would love to." Aaron smiled and as soon as he had Ian in his arms, his smile got bigger holding him close to him.
Ian looked at him for a few seconds sucking on his pacifier every now and then, then settled down in his arms sometimes squirming. Aaron held him until the waiter brought their desserts and Louis watched him seeing the way he was so gentle with him. He felt a sudden emotion when his father introduced himself to Ian as his grandfather then kissed his cheek giving him back to Louis so they could eat their desserts.
"He's just like you when you were a baby. You would never stay still and always wanted to be facing the front, you had my heart since the first time I met you." Aaron said as he grabbed his fork, "Took Jay three months to let me meet you and by then you were already seven months."
"Didn't it scare you? Having to raise a kid that wasn't yours?" Louis asked as he placed Ian back in his car seat.
"My family told me I was crazy but I didn't care, you are my son Louis. I didn't father you but you are and will always be my son." Aaron said with such sincerity Louis wanted to believe him.
"You're not lying?" Louis asked.
"I know that after everything you don't believe me and you have a right not to but I would never lie to you about this. If Jay and I split, that had nothing to do with you. I would never forgive myself for leaving you believing that it was your fault because it wasn't, I'm the only one here to blame and I promise you I'm gonna do everything in my power to earn your and the girls forgiveness. I don't care how long it takes."
Louis leaned back wanting to believe him yet didn't want to set himself and his sisters up for disappointment if it didn't work out and they were left behind again. He didn't want to go through the same pain he went through and now even more when he was a father and would never understand how someone could leave their children behind.
"I...I haven't forgiven you yet but...please don't let my sisters or I down." Louis finally said.
"I promise you I won't, not again." Aaron said and this time he would do anything to get his children back.
They continued eating and after they had split the bill when both of them kept insisting on paying, they finally left the restaurant. Louis let him hug him returning the hug with only one arm since he had the car seat and his bag over his shoulder. He stayed there for a few seconds longer than necessary having missed his hugs and when they parted ways, it was to the promise to keep in touch.
When Louis got home that afternoon, Harry was still at work and he went straight to make a bottle for Ian who was for once patiently waiting. When Louis took longer than necessary to feed him so he could send a text to Harry telling everything had gone well was when Ian finally started crying.
"Don't cry sweetheart, I have your bottle ready. See?" Louis cooed at him while shaking the formula and once he was sure it was ready, he picked Ian up from his car seat and took a seat on the couch fastening a bib around his little neck then placed a burp cloth next to him.
He hummed their song while he fed him watching how relaxed he looked and how droopy his green eyes were getting, he couldn't help but think they were the exact same shade as Harry's. He took his hat off gently running his fingers through his light brown strands of hair silently promising to always love him, to always protect him and to always be there for him. He kissed his tiny forehead murmuring a small I love you then kissed his tiny hand soon after Ian had placed it on his cheek. He smiled holding him closer to him never wanting to let go.
Thoughts? :)
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