~Chapter 19
I finished earlier and was going to wait until friday but I can't! I don't know when I'll be able to update again and I hope you guys like the chapter. There's a scene from the What Happens in Vegas movie that is just my favorite. Enjoy and please don't forget to comment! :)
Ian woke them up every four hours like clockwork needing to be fed, a diaper change or just because he felt like it already so attached to both of his parents. By five in the morning both Louis and Harry were already so exhausted and on the verge of crying having figured out that Ian was a crier, his strong set of lungs didn't help at all with the situation.
Harry was trying not to fall asleep as he changed Ian's poopy diaper while Louis slept having already fed him an hour earlier. He smiled shaking his head as he did so when he saw Ian was already asleep not even bothering to move when Harry picked him up from where he was on the couch on top of a blanket. He gently set him down in the bassinet making sure he was comfortable and asleep before he cleaned up, went to wash his hands then fell asleep on the couch.
The following morning he was trying to keep sleeping when he heard Ian crying for a few seconds before he calmed down. He heard hushed voices and when he opened his eyes he saw Zayn standing next to Louis who was holding Ian already feeding him again. His son had quite the appetite tending to get irritated and fast whenever they took longer than necessary to start feeding him.
"There there, you're eating now." Louis said in a hushed tone, "No need to cry now, pumpkin."
"What a cutie." Zayn happily sighed from where he was standing next to Louis watching Ian eating, "I got him one of those plush giraffes, saw it last night and thought about him so I got it as a welcome to the family gift. My parents and siblings can't wait to meet him, mum and the girls might come see you later today." Zayn said handing Louis a gift bag.
"Thank you Zee, I'm sure Ian is going to love it and love meeting your family." Louis smiled noticing Harry was already awake. "Morning."
"Hey, sorry I didn't wake up to get him." Harry said then covered his mouth when he yawned, "Morning Zayn." He said sharing a knowing look with him and when Zayn nodded at him, Harry felt a bit better.
"Its okay, Zayn got here just in time." Louis said.
"Morning. Yeah, Ian is quite loud." Zayn chuckled giving Harry one last reassuring look before he went back to look at the baby.
Harry got up to brush his teeth, wash his face and go to the bathroom and after he was done he checked his phone reading a text from Christian. His heart started beating faster when he read that the DNA results were ready and minutes later a nurse walked and greeted them handing an envelope to Harry that he was quick to open, read it, then put inside Ian's bag.
"What's that?" Louis asked while Zayn step aside to let them see each other wondering what else Harry had planned.
"You'll see soon enough." Harry said.
Zayn wanted to ask what was going on but was interrupted by a knock on the door and his jaw tightened when he saw Collin walking into the room with a doctor following him. He wanted to go up to Liam when he saw him trailing behind the lab technician holding a gift bag and looking as confused as ever not knowing what was going on.
"What are you doing here?" Harry groaned making sure to go stand in front of Louis and their son, "We were going to call you with the results."
"I asked to be notified whenever the results were ready and here I am." Collin smirked showing them the already opened envelope making Louis feel a bit dizzy, "And according to these results, I am indeed the baby's father, sorry to disappoint you Louis."
"W- What?" Louis' voice trembled then the tears started rolling down his cheeks looking down at his son desperately trying to find any resemblance to Harry, "That's not..that's n- not possible."
"Oh but it is, you better get used to the idea of having me around." Collin smirked just as Liam made his way to stand next to Zayn right behind Harry not knowing what to do and feeling completely clueless.
It was quiet for a few seconds before Harry burst out laughing followed by Zayn who was holding onto Liam and Louis watched them just wanting the floor to swallow him and Ian whole. He wanted to get up and leave, disappear with his son where no one, not even Harry and much less Collin, would ever find them.
"That's actually really funny...I'm sorry but this is so funny." Harry continued laughing.
"Harry..." Louis trailed off seeing him walking to where Ian's bag was grabbing the envelope.
"Do you really think I'm stupid enough to only let you get tested? I knew you were going to pull shit like this and when Zayn texted me saying he had seen you talking to a lab technician well, it only confirmed my suspicions. I was also notified by said lab technician and Ian's pediatrician." Harry smugly said taking the results out of the envelope, "You really thought the lab technician would risk losing his job for you?"
"What the hell are you talking about?" Collin glared.
"Really asshole? You're not only a cheater but also a liar, you thought that by paying Mr. Walker here to tamper with the results you were going to get away with claiming a child that isn't yours." Harry spat then looked at the lab technician who looked as uncomfortable as ever, "You can leave now, thank you for your help Mr. Walker. You did the right thing."
"The child is mine." Collin insisted just when the man walked out of there as fast as he could after giving Harry a polite smile.
"Wow Collin." Zayn laughed, "I see you really lost it. Tell me something you ass, when were you going to tell Louis why your ex husband left you."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Collin clenched his jaw.
"Ex husband?" Louis asked looking between Zayn and Collin.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before babes but when you told me this asshole kept thinking Ian was his I remembered you telling me something when we were in Las Vegas. This is gonna be too much info and I'm sorry but funny how you slept with him and the condom broke once and you never got pregnant but then Harry comes along and it happens. You get pregnant right away."
"Zayn, what are you on about?" Louis asked lightly bouncing Ian up and down when he started fussing.
"I had Ashton and Luke dig a little, you know how it helps that they work for the government. Anyway, I don't know when this asshole was going to tell you he used to be married and his ex divorced him because he's not only a cheater and a liar...but sterile too." Zayn smugly said.
"No!" Louis gasped then turned to look at Collin wearing a shocked expression, "And you had the nerve to demand I give you children soon after getting married. You can't even have babies!"
"You know I could sue you, what you did was illegal." Collin threatened trying to save the last bit of dignity he had left.
"So can Louis and Harry when you dug around for their private information and stalked them for months so don't threaten me." Zayn glared, "If I were you I would just leave now before I tell daddy dearest and Louis here why you want Ian. You know...go back to your zoo or wherever you come from."
"You don't tell me what to do." Collin glared at him making Liam stand in front of Zayn wearing the same threatening expression as if daring him to do something.
"You're willing to steal Harry's rights as Ian's biological father just so your poor ill father can leave everything to you. Without a male son everything will go to your brother as soon as he has a son. You're nothing but a piece of shit."
"That's not true." Collin said taking a step forward.
"Oh but it is. Your private information and government files don't lie." Zayn glared.
"Collin I think it's best if you leave and leave me and my family and friends alone. You've done enough." Louis finally spoke up holding his baby tighter against his chest. His and Harry's baby.
"Zayn and I are gonna wait outside." Liam grabbed Zayn by the hand pulling him towards the door while Zayn dragged his feet on the floor.
"But I..." Zayn started.
"It is none of our business babe, and Niall should be here at any moment now." Liam interrupted ignoring Zayn's complaints until they were gone and Harry and Louis were left alone with Collin.
As soon as they were gone Harry looked at Collin expecting him to leave and when he did nothing he rolled his eyes. He looked over the test results wondering if he should read them out loud then sighed figuring out he had nothing to lose.
"Harry Styles is not excluded as the biological father of Ian Styles. See asshole? 99.9999%, I am Ian's father and you can't have babies."
"Collin just leave before I sue your ass and notify your parents about this, I know Natalie can be a bitch when she wants to and your dad is going to disown you." Louis rolled his eyes, "You've done enough...I can't believe at some point in my life I believed I was in love with you, I was so blind. Get out."
"Both of you will pay for this humiliation. I'm not done with you yet." Collin spat before he turned around while Harry mimicked him.
Louis and Harry were still watching him as he opened the door to get out of there not expecting what happened next when it was enough to make them flinch. As soon as he stepped out, Zayn who was kneeling down in front of the door, punched him as hard as he could in the balls making sure to get the right spot where it would hurt the most. Liam and Niall flinched jumping up a little while Collin groaned in pain and fell down on his knees gasping for air at the same time he was trying to talk.
W- Why?" Collin finally spoke watching Zayn getting up and dusting off his hands.
"You know why...asshole." Zayn glared pushing Collin out of the way to get into the room followed by Liam and Niall closing the door soon after.
Seconds passed by where no one said anything but soon after they all burst out laughing almost unable to control themselves until their stomachs started hurting. Harry took a seat next to Louis wrapping an arm around his shoulders looking down at their sleeping son. The rest took the hint and ended up leaving them alone for a bit to go and get food and bring them something back.
"You knew...before Collin got here. Why didn't you say anything?" Louis asked resting his head on Harry's shoulders.
"I was a bit surprised and happy when I saw he's mine but...but nothing changed. It didn't make me feel any different, I already am so in love with him. He was my son from the very beginning but now you're sure he's mine." Harry said grabbing one of Ian's tiny hands smiling when he yawned.
"You have no idea how relieved I am, I wouldn't have been able to stomach it if Ian had been Collin's. I..." Louis trailed off and seconds later started crying.
"Lou, why are you crying? We're supposed to be happy and shitting rainbows." Harry hugged his family as tight as he could.
"I'm just so happy that he's yours. I spent my whole pregnancy wishing he was and now we're a hundred percent sure that he is yours and I'm so overwhelmed and so happy I'm about to shit rainbows." Louis lifted his head up to look at Harry finding him already looking at him and seconds later leaned forward to kiss him, "I love you, I love you so much."
"I love you too. I thought I was never going to find the one and fall in love and now here I am so in love with you and with our son."
"I am fucking special, of course you were going to fall in love with me." Louis said before kissing him again.
"Gosh I'm such a bad influence, you weren't such a potty mouth then. I love it!" Harry paused then kissed him even harder.
"You know what they say, when you love someone you become them...sort of." Louis said getting interrupted by Ian's cries and when he looked down their son finally had his eyes open revealing a stunning greenish gray color.
"Oh you poor thing, you just want attention don't you." Harry cooed at him leaning down to kiss all over his tiny face making him let out the tiniest and cutest sneeze.
"He has your eyes." Louis commented lifting him up a bit to kiss him too taking turns with Harry to do so until Ian started getting fussy.
They watched him for a few more seconds until his face scrunched up a bit then he pouted his tiny bottom lip before his face relaxed again and let out a content sigh. Louis felt his heart filling up with even more love when Ian placed his tiny hand against his chest and try to nuzzle his face against it but the moment was ruined when Louis felt a tiny fart on the palm of his hand.
"Someone's gassy." Louis chuckled then wrinkled his nose when the smell hit him, "He just took a dump, no wonder why he was making that face."
"He shat rainbows." Harry nodded more to himself before walking to Ian's bag to get the necessary items.
Louis set him down on the bed in between his legs and began to undress him sighing when he started crying not liking the cool rush of air on his tiny legs. When he removed the sticky tabs to see how bad it was he almost gagged at the mess but stopped himself knowing he was going to get used to it sooner rather than later. Harry watched him hooking his chin on his shoulder seeing their son crying until Louis was finished and put his tiny pants back on making sure to button the plain white bodysuit first.
"There. All done!" Louis said letting Harry pour some hand sanitizer on his hand before he picked Ian up giving him to Harry so he could hold him.
"My dad said he looks like me when I was a baby when he first saw him." Harry commented as he gently rocked him from side to side so he would fall asleep.
"I've never seen pictures of you when you were a baby." Louis frowned.
"Wait till mum and Gemma go visit him at home, they're gonna bring all the albums they have." Harry chuckled lifting Ian up a bit to kiss his forehead.
"My mum's probably gonna bring them too." Louis said.
"We need to start one ourselves." Harry suggested, "Take lots of pictures and video, we don't want to miss anything."
"When we get home that's the first thing we're gonna do." Louis smiled watching the way Harry was so gentle and careful with Ian.
Louis was released the following morning after making sure he and Ian were a hundred percent okay and with no complications. When they got home the house was empty but there were flowers and blue balloons everywhere to welcome them yet had opted with letting them be alone for the first few days.
Ian had gone home in the outfit Louis had picked for him and as soon as they had gotten home he and Harry had showed him around even though he had slept the whole time. Once they were in his bedroom Louis proudly told him how they had decorated everything and the many gifts his aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins had given him.
Their first night home Ian slept in their bedroom in the moses basket their friends had given them after Louis had insisted it was better if he was close to them. Harry had only smiled knowing Louis was right but also that he didn't want to separate himself from Ian and wanted to have him as close to him as he could. Louis had argued that he was going to miss him after being so close to him for the past nine months even if he didn't know for a while that he was pregnant.
In the middle of the night Harry ended up waking up startled when Ian started crying right by his ear and when he looked down on his side, he found Ian there. He sighed starting to get annoyed at Louis for letting him sleep there without telling him knowing he could roll over on top of him, he then picked him up trying to shake the nasty thought away.
He made his way to the kitchen to get a bottle ready for Ian after putting him back in the basket and when he was done he went back to the bedroom picking him up again. He sat down on the bed against the headboard and started feeding him trying not to fall asleep while Louis slept still exhausted when it had been him doing most of the feeding and diaper changes.
When Ian was done eating he started patting his tiny back until he heard a tiny burp making a face at the small amount of spit up he found on the burp cloth. When he was sure Ian was asleep at least for four more hours he went to bed seeing it was only four in the morning and his kid was already eating. He was such a Styles, half of him.
When he opened his eyes again the room was already too bright for his liking and Louis and Ian were nowhere to be seen. He checked his phone for the time finding out it was only nine in the morning then got up to the bathroom to take a shower wondering where Louis could be. When he was done showering and had brushed his teeth he made his way to the kitchen finding Ian on his baby bouncer on top of the counter and Louis in front of the stove making pancakes and talking on the phone.
He was completely passed out with the almost empty bottle of formula right next to him underneath his tiny arm making him want to laugh at the cute sight. He grabbed his phone and took a picture then went through the many he had taken the day before starting with them leaving the hospital until they went to bed. He leaned down to kiss his tiny forehead freezing when Ian moved and slightly opened his eyes knowing Louis was going to kill him for waking him up.
"Breakfast's ready babe, I made pancakes, bacon and eggs." Louis smiled making his way to him wrapping his arms around Harry's neck just as Ian went back to sleep pouting his lips a bit.
"That sounds delicious. How long have you been up?" Harry asked tracing the small dark circles under Louis' eyes.
"Since eight, it was my turn to feed Ian and he's been asleep since then. Gave me the time to make breakfast." Louis happily said leaning forward to kiss him.
Harry returned the kiss just as eagerly as Louis had initiated it but sadly both of them had to stop before it got too heated since Louis was a bit sore and his stitches could reopen. When Harry finally looked at Louis again he was surprised when he wrapped his arms around him and rested his head on his chest sighing in content.
"Your mum and my mum called me, the whole family wants to come over later today so the kids can meet Ian." Louis informed him taking a deep breath at the end.
"Should we prepare a big meal then?" Harry asked as he rubbed Louis' back, "The house is gonna be so full."
"Yeah, and I know but it will be like officially welcoming him into the family. He's two days old and so popular already, and your dad keeps gushing about how he was born on father's day. He's so proud of you." Louis pulled back to look at Harry's face smiling when he saw how wide he was smiling.
"He's excited that he has a new grandson." Harry chuckled.
"But he's also proud of you, I can see it in his eyes." Louis insisted, "You'll see once you see him and he tackles you down into a hug."
"Okay then, if you say so." Harry smiled then let go of Louis grabbing his hand instead and pulled him towards the table after making sure Ian was okay.
They sat down to eat making conversation here and there and when they were done Harry insisted on cleaning everything up while Louis focused on Ian. Later that day Louis got everything ready for Ian's first ever bath while Harry undressed him resisting the urge to poke his cute pudgy belly. When Ian was finally in his baby bathtub his eyes widened in surprise as soon as Louis passed a wet wash cloth through his head then his body and seconds later his little face scrunched up letting out a loud wail.
"He cries a lot." Louis frowned, "I bet he's gonna be so moody when he gets older."
"Maybe it's because everything is still so new to him. How would you like it if someone rubs a wet washcloth all over you, and then undresses you when you pee or take a dump." Harry quickly defended his son.
"I get it, I was just saying." Louis rolled his eyes trying to hurry up for his son's sake as well as his and Harry's ears.
"You know, I've been wondering what happened with the condom. It probably broke or I didn't put it on right." Harry wondered then shrugged it off going back to playing with Ian's tiny feet.
"You mentioned cum stains so it probably broke." Louis shrugged looking back at Harry when he snorted, "What?"
"We made him in Las Vegas...he's a Vegas baby." Harry giggled grabbing Ian's towel then wrapped it around his tiny body when Louis gave him to him.
Louis only shook his head in amusement letting Harry dress their baby up while he busied himself with tidying up a bit around the house. By the time Jay and the girls showed up, Ian was already taking his afternoon nap forcing them to be quiet and Harry waited next to the basket already impatient and wondering when he was going to wake up again.
When the rest showed up Louis only gave Harry a knowing look when Des hugged him telling him how proud he was of him then went straight to Ian. He held him for a while until Anne demanded he stop hogging their grandson taking him from him so she, Jay and Gemma could dote over him.
"Lou, when do we get to hold him?" Phoebe asked already annoyed while Daisy and Gemma's twins nodded wondering the same.
"Soon Phoebs, you gotta let the adults hold him first." Louis bent down pulling her hair out of her face.
"Uncle Lou, can I hold him next?" Mason asked then pouted his bottom lip for emphasis.
"No, I get to hold him first." Chase pushed him out of the way getting pushed back by Mason just as hard then started shoving each other.
"Boys!" Christian made his way to them to separate them while Melissa clung to Gemma already looking down at the tiny baby completely ignoring her annoying brothers.
"Daddy I wanna hold him first." Chase insisted then stuck his tongue out at his brother.
"Well if you both keep acting out then none of you get to hold him, only mummy and Meli will get to." Christian raised an eyebrow shutting them up immediately.
They ran to Des as soon as Christian let them go and as soon as everybody had held him including Melissa, they finally took turns holding Ian until it was time to feed him. They sat down next to Louis watching him eat until Christian decided to take them outside to the backyard to let Louis have some space when they wouldn't stop asking questions.
After Ian was done eating he fell asleep again soon after much to Harry's annoyance who wanted to spend a little one on one time with him. He wanted to run away when his mum pulled out the baby pictures as well as Jay who had brought them all the way from home.
"Harry, you were a blond!?" Louis asked in surprise then grabbed the sides of his face then his hair running his fingers through it, "And you didn't have curly hair at all...I hope Ian gets it later on."
"I think Ian will have Louis' hair." Gemma commented while looking at a baby picture of Louis.
"I agree, but who knows." Des shrugged, "He has a little bit of both of them."
"He's just as tiny as Louis was when he was born." Jay sighed remembering when she had first held him.
"Mum, I was not that tiny. You're acting like I was the size of a bean." Louis' cheeks tinted a nice rosy shade.
"Sweetheart, you were as tiny as Ian is." Jay insisted.
They keep arguing back and forth until Jay started showing the pictures and Harry cooed at all of them and when It was Anne's turn to show his, he couldn't do anything but suck it up. When they finally left they were already exhausted going to bed soon after. They couldn't keep enjoying their peaceful sleep when Ian woke up crying in the middle of the night and no matter what they did, he wouldn't stop.
Almost an hour later Louis found himself pacing back and forth in front of the bed with Ian in his arms trying to calm him down while Harry was still in bed with a pillow over his head. Louis could feel a headache coming in and when he sat down on his side of the bed leaning against the headboard, he burst out crying.
He had tears rolling down his cheeks and his shoulders would shake a few times before he let out a whimper and set Ian don on the bed in between him and Harry. He watched him as he screamed his lungs out and his tiny face was only getting redder and redder the more he cried until Harry turned on his side bringing Ian closer to him.
"Do you think we should take him to the doctor? At least call Christian?" Louis sniffled.
"Come here, lay down next to him." Harry motioned him over with his head then yawned.
"Harry..." Louis groaned.
"Love, just do it." Harry insisted smiling a little when Louis loudly sighed but did as told.
He waited until he was next to them then brought the bedsheet over them before he started rubbing Ian's tummy making sure to be careful around his umbilical stump. Out of nowhere he started humming a lullaby noticing Louis getting even more frustrated when more tears rolled down the side of his face. He was quick to wipe them away lifting his head up to kiss his forehead and wincing when Ian's cries were right by his ear.
"Why are you so grumpy, huh? What's wrong grumpy pants." Harry cooed at his son before settling back down.
"My head hurts." Louis said then let out a shaky breath.
"Do you remember that song I always used to sing when you were pregnant?" Harry asked.
"Sing it with me, he would always stop kicking whenever I would." Harry said.
"Okay...but I suck, just don't laugh." Louis snuggled up closer to them.
"I've heard you sing before, you have such a lovely voice." Harry said making Louis blush and giving him the confidence to start singing too.
"Wise men say only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you." They started singing together looking at Ian when his cries weren't as loud as they had been before they started singing, "Shall I stay, would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you. Like a river flows, surely to the sea, darling so we go. Some things were meant to be."
They stopped singing the moment Ian's cries stopped and started falling asleep bringing his tiny hands close to his mouth where he started sucking on his thumb. Louis wanted to take a picture but the moment was ruined when Ian once again opened his eyes and his face scrunched up again before he let out a loud wail.
"Take my hand, take my whole life too, if I can't help falling in love with you. Like a river flows, surely to the sea, darling so we go. Some things were meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole life too, 'cause I can't help falling in love with you, 'cause I can't help falling in love with you. But I can't help falling in love with you."
By the time they were finished, Ian was fast asleep in between them without a care in the world and that's when both Louis and Harry sighed in relief. Harry got up and picked him up as gentle as he could not wanting to hurt his tiny son he still couldn't believe he had helped make.
He placed him in his bassinet and his eyes widened when he lifted his tiny arms up before he lowered them again and continued sleeping. When he was sure he was going to stay asleep he went back to bed finding Louis already passed out then smiled as he turned the light off laying down next to him careful not to hurt him. He brought the covers over themselves and made himself comfortable as he wrapped his arm around Louis snuggling close to him.
"Goodnight, I love you." Harry mumbled even though he knew Louis was already asleep, he then opened his eyes when Louis placed his head near his chest snuggling closer to him.
"I love you too." Louis sighed in content loving the way he would hold him close at night.
It was the best thing to ever happen to both of them.
Thoughts? :)
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