~Chapter 18
Hello! I listened to Photograph by Ed Sheeran while writing this, hope you guys like this chapter. Please don't forget to leave your thoughts. Enjoy! :)
Father's day got there faster than ever and when Louis got to Anne's house almost ready to pop and as soon as Gemma had seen him, she rushed to him followed by Melissa. She helped him walk to one of the sofas where Louis sighed in relief as soon as he had taken a seat hugging Melissa when her niece tried to hug him. Gemma took the gift bags he and Harry had gotten for Des placing them on the coffee table in front of them picking Melissa up when she lifted her arms up.
"How have you been feeling, Lou? How's my little nephew?" Gemma asked and just when Louis was about to open his mouth Harry ran by chasing after two screaming little boys trying to get away from uncle Harry.
"He's been doing great, Dr. Freeman said I'll probably go into labor by next week." Louis said with a smile on his face then frowned, "And I've been having these Braxton Hicks since late last night, it's getting annoying."
"Are you sure? I mean...you're pretty close." Gemma started getting worried.
"I'm sure. Now, where's everybody?" Louis asked.
"They're outside. Christian and dad are wearing these t-shirts mum made for father's day...with 'Father Of The Year' written on them." Gemma chuckled, "They made one for you and Harry too."
"Really? Thank you, that means a lot." Louis smiled.
"There you are." Anne said walking into the living room going straight to hug Louis, "Look at you, you are glowing."
"Hi Anne." Louis hugged her back.
"Do you want to go outside? Jay and the girls just got here and they're dying to see you." Anne asked and when Louis nodded she and Gemma helped him get up.
He slowly made his way outside with their help and as soon as he stepped outside his mouth watered at the smell of food. He then hugged his sisters when they all tried to hug him and rub his belly at the same time. The twins were the first to go back to play with the kids while Fizz and Lottie went with Gemma leaving Jay alone with Louis.
"How have you been feeling, love?" Jay asked him as she hugged him letting go to let him take a seat on one of the chairs.
"About to explode, ready to have this baby." Louis sighed as he rubbed small circles on his belly smiling at Harry who smiled back when they made eye contact. Louis shook his head in amusement when he flipped Mason upside down holding tight onto his little ankles while the little boy laughed and screamed at the same time.
"Just one more week and you'll have him in your arms." Jay happily told him ignoring the way Louis squirmed knowing that soon he would know who was Ian's biological father.
"Yeah, I really can't wait." Louis sighed smiling at his mother.
He never mentioned he had talked to Aaron since he hadn't called him at all still not feeling ready to talk to him. By the time they sat down to eat Louis was still feeling as uncomfortable as ever and when Harry pulled him down to sit on his lap after their meal, he wanted to go home and rest. Maybe have Harry rub his back and his feet like he had been doing lately but instead rested his head on his shoulder feeling a bit hot and the stupid Braxton Hicks that kept getting stronger.
"You okay, Lou?" Harry asked him as he ran his fingers through his hair then pressed his lips to his forehead finding it a bit warm.
"A bit hot." Louis mumbled enjoying the feel of Harry's lips against his warm skin.
"Let's go back inside, babe." Harry moved to help him get up and just when Louis moved, he felt his jeans getting soaked by a warm liquid realizing that Harry was completely soaked as well.
"Oh no." Louis mumbled then hid his face on the crook of Harry's neck completely mortified, "I'm sorry! I didn't know I had to go, I didn't..."
"Hey hey, it happens love. It's okay, we're gonna go inside and borrow dad's clothes then go home." Harry tried to get up motioning for everybody to turn around and stop looking when Louis started tearing up. Once he started, there was no one stopping him.
"Harry, I don't think he had an accident." Christian spoke up out of nowhere making everybody look at him including Louis.
"What do you mean?" Harry asked seeing him making his way over until he was standing in front of Louis assessing the situation.
"Louis, are you feeling any contractions?" He asked.
"I...a bit, but I don't-"
"We need to get you to the hospital now, okay. Your water just broke, you're gonna have your baby now." Christian said trying to get him to get up.
There was a fraction of a second when it was too quiet until Louis finally got up with Christian's help, and that was when Harry completely lost his shit. He sat up ignoring how wet his jeans were and started walking around trying to do something but didn't know what ending up just walking in circles.
"Now!?" Louis exclaimed, "I don't have our bags here." Louis said looking at Harry for help.
"Oh my god! I'm gonna be a dad, I'm gonna be a dad now." Harry looked around unable to believe it until Des stepped forward grabbing him by the shoulders.
"I know son, and you need to change into clean pants...so does Louis." Des chuckled seeing Harry finally looking down at his jeans and muttering an 'ew'. He was glad that Anne had rushed inside to get them as soon as Christian had announced Louis had gone into labour when it was clear Harry wouldn't be able at the moment.
Harry quickly changed then helped Louis while Christian went to get the car and Jay had left to get their bags. It was all a blur for Louis who spent the whole ride to the hospital leaning against Harry wanting to cry when the contractions started getting stronger.
He heard Christian telling Harry his sisters had stayed behind with the kids and Anne, Des and Gemma were following them. After that he stopped paying attention until they got to the hospital and Harry carried him inside not wanting to let go of him at all.
Dr. Freeman was already there waiting and as soon as she had him on a gurney she rushed him to the OR leaving Harry and Christian behind. Louis only calmed down as soon as Harry was back by his side seeing the way he was watching everything that was happening behind the curtain. He had a tight hold on Louis' hand looking a bit green then a few seconds later looked at Louis with teary eyes.
"We have to meet him together." Harry said kissing the top of Louis' hand then his lips and all Louis could do was nod feeling the tugs Dr. Freeman had warned them about.
He expected to feel something when he heard his baby's sharp and strong cries fill the room but when all he could see was Harry already crying his eyes out, reality slapped him hard on the face. His eyes filled with tears that rolled down his temples when Harry kissed his forehead murmuring thank you's now knowing they didn't need a DNA test, Ian was Harry's no matter what.
"He's beautiful." Harry said as soon as a nurse showed them the crying baby that had yet to be cleaned up making Louis turn his head to the side to look at the tiny human being.
He wrinkled his nose seeing the gray looking and somehow bloody baby screaming his tiny lungs out and instead of agreeing with Harry like any normal parent would, he found him to be the ugliest little thing he had ever seen. But his baby was his precious ugly little thing he had carried for nine months and didn't regret having, Ian was his world now. Soon the nurse took him away to clean him up a little before letting him hold him and that's when Louis finally looked at Harry.
"The DNA-" He started.
"We don't need one, Collin can kiss my ass. He's mine Louis, I know he's mine...I- I can feel it here." Harry pointed to his chest right over his heart.
"He's always been yours." Louis nodded closing his eyes and kissing Harry when the other man did.
"Here you go, all clean." The nurse interrupted them gently placing the now calm baby on top of Louis' chest.
Harry gently placed his hand on his tiny chest and when the cutest button nose peeked out of the blanket he smiled like a fool loving him to pieces. Soon his tiny pouty lips trembled and he started crying again and that's when Louis finally reacted lifting his head up to get a better look.
They took in their son's little wisps of brown hair evenly spread out over his small head, his tiny arms and legs then his tiny feet and hands complete with ten tiny toes and fingers. When he lifted his small arm up close to Louis' lips he was quick to kiss his hand seeing Harry kissing his other one.
"Hi baby, it's your daddy." Harry whispered leaning close to him smiling as soon as Ian calmed down, "And your daddy Louis, he's so happy that you're here and so am I. We waited a long time for you, you know. I love you."
"You can hold him, you know." Louis smiled and it only got bigger when Harry picked him up into his arms still staying close to him making sure Louis could still see him, "I love you baby." Louis finally said it because that's what he felt towards his and Harry's son, love.
"Alright Louis." Dr. Freeman spoke up, "All done stitching you up, we're gonna take you to a recovery room and your baby will be given back to you after he gets a full check up and you're well rested." She informed him and when Louis nodded they were allowed to kiss his tiny forehead before he was taken.
Louis was taken to a room and was left alone while Harry changed into clean clothes Jay had brought him and informed the rest of the family about Louis and Ian. When he got there Liam, Zayn and Niall were already there congratulating him as soon as they had seen him by jumping on top of him until a nurse told them to be quiet. Harry was in pure bliss still unable to believe he was a father to the most beautiful baby boy he had ever laid eyes on.
When he went back to Louis' room he found him peacefully sleeping with a hand over his tummy where their baby used to be. He watched him for a few minutes then left heading to the nursery where he had been told Ian was while Louis rested and as soon as he was in front of the glass window he carefully searched for him.
He frowned when he saw the sea of babies then ended up asking a nurse where his was smiling when she showed him the tiny sleeping baby swaddled in a white blanket with blue lines wearing a tiny blue beanie. He doesn't know how long he stayed there watching him until someone new showed up to see their baby and when he turned his head to the left he almost choked on his spit when he saw the same man Louis had been talking to at the grocery store. His father. He saw him looking at one of the babies wondering if he should say something until the man cleared his throat and finally looked at him.
"How are they?" He asked still staring straight ahead.
"Umm, they're- they're doing great. Which one's yours?" Harry asked not really knowing what else to say.
"That one." He pointed to the baby at the very back who was right next to Ian wearing a white beanie and were the only ones in that row, "His name is Gavin...he was born last night. The doctor is still keeping him here to let his mother rest. Which one is my- yours?"
"They baby boy next to Gavin, his name is Ian." Harry said wondering if telling him was the right thing to do seeing him smiling.
"He's beautiful." Aaron said then finally looked at Harry with teary eyes as he swallowed the lump in his throat just by having seen his grandson even if it was from far away.,"Take care of them, yeah. I can tell you're a good man and my son and grandson are safe with you."
Harry was left speechless not really knowing what to say and when he heard the unmistakable voices of his and Louis' family and friends, Aaron gave him a sad smile before he walked away. He watched him until he disappeared then went back to looking at his son and Gavin, he then thought about how Ian now had an uncle his age.
"Harry, the doctor told us Ian was still in the nursery." Anne went up to him to hug him.
"He's right there, last row, the one wearing the blue beanie." Harry proudly said, "Everybody, meet Ian."
He proudly smiled hearing them talking over each other unable to understand what they were saying when all he could focus on was his son. He felt like the luckiest parent when he saw him opening his eyes and seconds later his tiny face scrunched up and he started crying alerting one of the nurses.
"He's a beauty." Jay said sharing a smile with Anne then Gemma.
"And so tiny, I just wanna hold him and squeeze his cheeks." Gemma gushed.
"He looks a bit like Harry when he was a baby. Don't you think, Anne?" Des commented then looked at Anne sharing a smile with her.
"He has a bit of Louis too." Jay said after Anne had agreed with Des.
"Wow Harry." Niall gave him an incredulous look, "I can't believe you have a son."
"Niall." Liam groaned smacking the back of his head.
"What? Its true..I never thought he would be the one out of the three of us to have a baby first." Niall shrugged making Harry laugh.
"Well I got married first." Harry raised his brow.
"I think they're gonna take him to Louis now." Zayn interrupted them and when Harry looked back inside, a nurse was wheeling him out of the nursery.
"Go to him, we'll wait in the waiting room." Des smiled then pulled him into a hug, "Congratulations son, I know you're going to be the best dad ever along with Louis."
"Thank you dad." Harry hugged him tighter then let go to go back to Louis' room.
When he got there Louis was just waking up and when he noticed him he was quick to extend his arms out to him wanting Harry to hug him. Harry rushed to him wrapping his arms around Louis' frail body and kissed the top of his head multiple times.
"Where's Ian?" Louis finally asked looking up at Harry smiling when he kissed his lips before answering.
"I think they're gonna bring him in a few minutes." Harry informed.
"Good, I can't wait to hold him and kiss him."
"I have to tell you something first." Harry started letting go of Louis to sit on the bed next to him then grabbed his hands holding him in his bigger ones, "Your dad, he was at the nursery when I was there." He said feeling how tense Louis got at the mention of him.
"Why was he there? You let him meet Ian?" Louis asked.
"His son Gavin was born last night and when he showed me which baby was his I told him that the baby next to his is ours." Harry explained.
"Why did you do that!? I don't want him near us...at least not yet." Louis tried to take his hands away from Harry's but Harry only held on tighter.
"I know and I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to upset you, I'm really sorry." Harry apologized.
"It's fine." Louis sighed, "It just upsets me, he's out there with his new family and he left my mum alone just 'cause he fell out of love. Its stupid."
"He told me to take care of you and that he knew both of you were safe with me." Harry confessed.
"We are and we love you too, babe. I am gonna tell you that we love you until Ian learns how to tell you himself then again until all the babies we're going to have learn how to say it too." Louis said smiling when Harry did.
"You want to have more babies with me?" Harry asked still unable to believe that the perfect creature in front of him was his, and that he had given him the perfect child.
"As many as we can, want to have so many mini Harry's running around the house getting in trouble. That's how I finally realized I love you, you know. I slowly fell in love with you and then I dreamed about us growing old together and spoiling our grandchildren. And I wanted all of that with you, only you and no one else." Louis confessed blushing a deep red letting Harry hug him.
"I fell for you too quickly and decided to keep it to myself hoping for you to one day feel the same. I had never been in love before so I was confused at first until I heard someone talking about their significant other and it just hit me." Harry said as he rubbed Louis' back careful not to hurt him.
"They need to hurry up." Louis loudly sighed nuzzling his face on the crook of Harry's neck.
Harry chuckled running his fingers through Louis' hair about to kiss him again but was interrupted by a knock on the door. A cheerful nurse slowly poked her head in then fully opened the door wheeling in a plastic bassinet with their baby in it looking tinier than ever. Louis tried to fully sit up to get a better look at him just wanting to have him in his arms and never let go but winced feeling his abdomen hurting.
"He's been restless wanting to be with his daddies already." The nurse cheerfully said picking the baby up then gently gave him to Louis, "I'll bring him his bottle in a few minutes. Do you need anything?"
Louis only shook his head no hearing Harry thanking her while he focused on his son that looked cuter than ever now that he was all cleaned up and dressed. He let Harry hook his chin on his shoulder so he too could watch their son while the baby slept without a care in the world finally comfortable in Louis' arms.
"He's cute." Louis finally said feeling Harry's arm slowly wrapping around his waist.
"He is beautiful." Harry agreed reaching to hold his tiny hand getting a bit startled when Ian whimpered.
"I...I feel awful 'cause when I first saw him I thought he wasn't cute at all." Louis confessed trying to hold back his laugh when he heard Harry gasping, "He just looked so wrinkly and grey."
"What!? No." Harry let go of Louis wanting to hold Ian then started cooing at his son making his voice as high as it would go when Louis finally handed him over to him, "You are the cutest baby I've ever seen, you look like your daddy."
"Which one? Louis or I?"
Louis wanted to die then punch something when he heard Collin's unpleasant voice coming from the doorway wanting to know how the hell had he found out. He took Ian in his arms holding him close to his chest trying to hide him with his blanket while Harry stood protectively in front of them.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Harry said through gritted teeth trying not to punch him seeing him trying to get a better look at Louis and Ian, "You can't get close to us, we have a restraining order against your sorry petty ass."
"Keyword: had. It was revoked this morning and now you can't keep my son away from me, I know everything...know that that baby could be mine and I'm not gonna stop until I have what's mine." Collin said taking a step forward.
He clenched his jaw seeing the way Louis was holding onto Harry's shirt with one hand and holding the baby with his other arm close to his chest. When the baby started crying he made eye contact with Louis smirking when he saw the fear in them as he tried to calm the baby down.
"When are you gonna get it through your head that Ian is my son. And who the fuck let you in, you need to leave or I'm gonna call the hospital security to get you the hell out of here." Harry threatened.
"I'd like to see you try." Collin spat then looked at Louis, "Are you seriously gonna let this foul-mouthed good for nothing raise our son?"
"He is not your son!" Louis nearly shouted as tears rolled down his cheeks startling the baby making him cry at the sudden noise.
"Leave." Harry glared, "I'm not gonna tell you twice."
"Not until we get that baby tested. Don't make me go to court and force you." Collin threatened just as the same nurse walked in holding a bottle in her hands.
"Sir, you can't be in here." The nurse said opening the door wider so he would leave.
"Louis...you choose." Collin insisted.
"Fine we'll do it but leave. I'll let the nurse know so don't leave until they get your sample, now leave the room. Now." Harry pointed to the open door and as soon as Collin was gone he turned back around going to Louis who was trying to calm the baby down only doing so as soon as he started feeding him with the nurse's help.
"If you need anything else just press the call button, sweetheart." She said before leaving.
Harry took a seat next to Louis watching him feeding their son and after a few seconds placed his hand over Louis' hand when it started shaking. He left it there until Ian was done eating then grabbed the empty bottle putting it on a table going back to his old spot next to him.
"Why did you tell him we're going to do it?" Louis asked finally looking up at Harry.
"I rather do it willingly than have him take us to court." Harry explained.
"But what if Ian is his...he'll want to have rights over him." Louis started tearing up, "I don't want him to be on the birth certificate."
"He won't." Harry said then continued when Louis gave him a confused look, "We're going to register him now as my son, Collin can go fuck himself and it won't be that easy for him if we do now."
"Okay...yeah, lets do it now." Louis nodded.
Harry was fast to call a nurse over and while they filled the birth certificate they held hands sighing in relief after the nurse left with it to make it official. Louis hated every moment of it when another nurse came by to get a sample of Ian's and Harry's saliva knowing to keep it between them that Harry would also be getting tested. When they were finally left alone, Louis let Harry hold Ian while he took a nap already exhausted.
When he opened his eyes again he found his mum, Anne, Des and Gemma all hunched over around Harry watching and cooing over Ian. He moved trying to get comfortable catching his mum's attention who rushed to him followed by Anne to congratulate him.
"Sweetheart, he is gorgeous!" Jay exclaimed, "How are you feeling?"
"A bit sore but good." Louis smiled, "I see you've all met Ian."
"Yes love, and he is beautiful...can't believe I already have four grandbabies." Anne happily said.
"Congratulations boys." Des said making his way to Louis to give him a hug then went back to Harry and Ian.
"Now if Harry would just let me hold him, he's been hogging him this whole time." Gemma complained as she made her way to Louis giving him a quick hug.
"He's sleeping and I don't want to disturb him." Harry glanced at her then went back to only paying attention to Ian sometimes making conversation with Des.
"He's not even gonna notice." Gemma insisted, "I'll even let dad hold him first but let me hold him."
"Fine." Harry sighed handing the baby to his dad who was smiling so wide when he finally got to hold him, "Here you go grandpa, fresh out the womb."
"Oh my god." Gemma groaned hiding her face with his hands, "Why is he like that."
"He's perfect." Louis sighed rather dreamily and smiled wrapping his arms around Harry's waist when he took a seat on the bed next to him.
"You guys are so sappy." Gemma tried to fight a smile but ended up smiling anyway just seeing how happy and in love they were.
They looked at Des already so whipped with his newest grandson telling him all the things they were going to do along with his cousins. Ian was so calm in his arms feeling comfortable and when Gemma finally got to hold him, his little hand twitched a little then continued sleeping.
When Jay and Anne got to hold him they spent even more time with him until he started getting fussy then crying as loud as he could until Louis was holding him. Harry had proudly announced he was already such a daddy's little boy and later after their parents left, the rest of the boys showed up with flowers and balloons.
They had spent the rest of the day with them until they had to go and Louis was left alone with Ian when Harry went to take a shower. He had Ian sleeping on his chest as he rubbed his tiny back with his hand waiting for Harry so he could put him in his bassinet. He looked up when he heard a knock then rolled his eyes so hard he thought they were going to fall out when Collin walked in wearing different clothes.
"What do you want now?" He asked careful not to be too loud for Ian's sake, "Don't you get tired of annoying the fuck out of me."
"I don't get how you can be in love with someone like him, he acts as if he was raised by animals." Collin said with hate and disgust etched on his face, "I saw the way you cling to him."
"Raised by animals." Louis said through gritted teeth faking a smile, "Are you sure we're not talking about you here."
"Oh darling, you know I'm just stating the truth. Once we get those DNA results and I prove that the baby is mine you can go ahead and file for divorce. I'm not gonna let that man raise my son." Collin said looking down at the sleeping baby lying upside down on Louis' chest with the man's arms wrapped around him, "Then you pack all your stuff because we'll be moving to New York."
"You're a crazy asshole, even if Ian turns out to be biologically yours his father is and will always be Harry, get that through your sick head." Louis glared at him then shushed his son and rubbed his tiny back when he whimpered.
"Ian...I'm not sure I like that name and if you think I'm gonna let that happen you're crazy. I don't even know why you're in love with him when he's just...him." Collin wrinkled his nose pissing Louis off.
"And that's why I love him you piece of shit, because he's him and not a fake asshole like you. Sometimes he leaves his dirty socks on top of the coffee table or shoves them under the bedsheets when he's too lazy to pick them up but I love him. He loves cuddling and sometimes he shoves my face right on his armpit when he's asleep but I love him. I love him and there's nothing you can do about it. He's all I ever wanted and I'm all he's ever wanted, he loves me just as much as I love him." Louis raised an eyebrow daring Collin to keep arguing with him.
"You know what, I don't really care, and if he turns out to be mine you better get used to the idea of having me around." Collin snapped then left leaving Louis alone.
"Harry's your daddy love, not that snotty ugly ass...ugly man." Louis cooed down at his baby lovingly kissing the top of his head, "You're too cute to be his."
"I thought you were going to rip his eyes out." Harry said coming out of the bathroom with his dirty clothes and towel in a bag.
"I was about to but baby is sleeping and I can't really move." Louis sighed smiling at Harry when he picked Ian up.
"Do you want me to get the nurse? I don't want you hurting." Harry asked already worried out of his mind over his husband's well being.
"Its bearable but I'll let you know if it gets worse." Louis said.
Harry nodded then carefully placed the baby in the bassinet watching him for a few seconds before he leaned down and kissed his tiny forehead. When he turned around he found Louis already watching him and just when he was about to go to him, his phone went off signaling he had a text. He furrowed his brow when he saw it was from Zayn then read it as he made his way to Louis sitting next to him feeling anger coursing through his veins after he was done reading it.
"Who is it?" Louis asked.
"Zayn. He said he's coming tomorrow to see you." Harry informed him choosing not to tell him about what he had just read not wanting to worry him when he was still delicate..
"Great! Now cuddle me...I love your cuddles." Louis looked up at him with wide blue eyes and pouty lips.
Harry never stood a chance.
"I'll cuddle you all you want you...magnificent creature." Harry lay down on the bed next to Louis.
"Like a fairy, I think I'll look so pretty as a fairy."
"The prettiest of them all." Harry agreed as he pressed tiny kisses on Louis' neck.
"That's what I like to hear, how pretty I am." Louis yawned giving Harry more access by tilting his head a little up.
"Go to sleep." Harry mumbled, "I love you, Lou."
"Love you too." Louis murmured feeling Harry kissing his cheek before he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
When Louis was finally asleep Harry got up to turn the lights off leaving on only one from the side table, he made sure Ian was okay and away from the door afraid of someone taking him. He fell asleep already feeling the exhaustion catching up to him and his last thought was how he had become a father on father's day.
Thoughts? :)
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