~Chapter 16
Sorry for not updating earlier (again), I didn't have any internet until earlier today. I don't think this son even matches with the chapter but I was listening to it while writing! :) I hope you guys like the chapter and please don't forget to comment and vote. Enjoy! :)
With time and with Harry's care Louis started getting better enough to actually get up and do a few things around the house. Harry had taken a whole week off to stay home with him and make sure he was getting better then had taken him to the appointment with Dr. Freeman to make sure the baby was doing fine.
Louis' pregnancy symptoms started getting worse when at thirty three weeks morning sickness came back full force leaving him unable to at least drink water. His feet and face had started swelling leaving him in a bad mood whenever he would look at himself in the mirror and when the cravings started in the middle of the night along with a sudden increase in his sex drive he felt like crying.
"Harry? Styles? Edward?" Louis poked Harry's side with his index finger trying to wake him up.
He looked at the clock groaning when he noticed it was two in the morning and he wanted cheesecake for some reason. He poked him again and when Harry didn't even move he finally decided to go buy it himself leaving a note on Harry's nightstand telling him where he had gone to. He was about to pull out of the garage when Harry walked out still wearing pajamas like him as he rubbed his eyes.
"Where are you going?" Harry asked, "It's like two, you're supposed to be sleeping."
"Get in loser, we're going shopping for food." Louis raised a perfect eyebrow then smiled in satisfaction when Harry did as he was told without arguing.
"What kind of food?" Harry yawned looking like the cutest bunny out there and Louis wanted to snog him right there.
"Cheesecake. Baby Ian and I have been craving it for hours...oh! Cheesecake with oreos, imagine all that goodness." Louis smacked Harry's arm, his mouth watering just by thinking about it.
"Focus on the road, you're gonna kill us!" Harry exclaimed when the car swerved a little.
"Relax. See, I'm focusing." Louis grabbed the steering wheel with both hands then made a show of focusing by leaning a bit forward.
Harry only shook his head but said nothing letting Louis ramble about the different kinds of cheesecake out there and how he would like to try them all. When they got to the store Harry had to help a pouty Louis out of the car when he got stuck then intertwined their fingers together and made their way inside.
"I swear I'm only here for the cheesecake." Louis promised as he grabbed a basket seeing Harry narrowing his eyes.
"Okay, only the cheesecake. You know I don't like it when you eat a lot of candy, especially at night when you could get sick." Harry gave him a stern look.
"Fine daddy." Louis rolled his eyes then seconds later smirked pulling Harry closer to him so he had his arm wrapped around his smaller shoulders, "You know, I think I'm gonna start calling you daddy from now on."
"Please don't." Harry begged knowing how childish Louis could get yet this wasn't childish to him at all.
"Why not Harry bunny, I think that way Ian will know who you are." Louis said as he scanned the area looking for the cheesecakes.
"Harry bunny...what?" Harry furrowed his brows.
"It's a nickname for god's sake!" Louis exclaimed getting the attention from a man who gave Harry a sympathetic look.
"Oh, so that means I can call you Loubear?" Harry gave him a goofy and sleepy smile.
"If you want to." Louis blushed looking down at his stomach wishing he could still see his feet.
"Look, Oreo cheesecake." Harry said opening the door to the refrigerators getting two cheesecakes that had Louis nearly drooling, "Okay Loubear, time to go home."
By the time they made it to the cashier Louis had the basket filled with two small cheesecakes, chocolate milk and hot cheetos ignoring Harry's disapproving looks. When they were paying Louis tested his luck by adding Twix, skittles and a Hershey chocolate bar to the pile not daring to even look at him as he did so. Before Harry could say something the cashier had already put them in a bag that Louis snatched right away holding it close to his chest for dear life.
Harry had decided to drive on the way back while Louis ate the cheesecake with a plastic fork he had gotten with the containers. As soon as they got home he put the extra cheesecake and chocolate milk in the fridge then followed Louis to their bedroom who was still eating like there was no tomorrow. He smiled and felt his chest warming up when he noticed him slightly waddling but said nothing knowing it would only upset him.
By the time he finished it he fell asleep with the small empty container resting on top of his chest and a bit of cheesecake smeared on the corner of his lips. He grabbed a tissue and as slowly and gentle as he could, he wiped it off startling Louis who woke up and looked around in confusion.
"What?" He mumbled as he rubbed his left eye with a small fist.
"You had cheesecake smeared on your face. Were you saving it for later?" Harry stifled a giggle.
"Yes, you caught me." Louis sighed then scooted closer to Harry as much as he could, "Cuddle me you giant. Ian's about to start playing footie again...or at least try, it's getting a little cramped in there." He got comfortable in Harry's arms as soon as he had them around him then smiled when he felt Harry's warm hand caressing his belly.
"Hey baby, you have to let daddy sleep." Harry said as he rubbed circles on it going as far as sliding his shirt up a little feeling the warm smooth skin with his rough fingertips.
"He listens to you, especially when you sing to him." Louis said then his eyes widened realising what he had just blurted out getting nervous.
"You know about that?" Harry said sliding the shirt back down then wrapped his arm around Louis again running his fingers through his hair feeling him relaxing a bit.
"Yeah...I'm sorry Harry, I know it's your private time with him. But I love your voice and he loves it too, helps me sleep better." Louis confessed.
"It's okay, I don't mind if you listen too. It's hard not to when he's inside you." Harry kissed Louis' temple making his face burn and his heart beat a little faster.
"Can you sing to us now?" Louis shyly asked.
He smiled and got comfortable closing his eyes when Harry agreed, he sighed in content when he heard his deep and soothing voice singing those words he knew by heart. When Harry was done singing he was already asleep with a content and peaceful look on his face only moving a bit when Harry kissed his forehead.
"I'm bored." Louis said out of nowhere the following weekend while they were watching a movie in their living room.
"Do you want to watch something else?" Harry asked looking down at Louis who had his head on his lap, "We have Netflix, we can watch anything you want babe."
"We already watched everything." Louis groaned.
"We can go out, didn't you say you still have to get a few things for Ian." Harry suggested helping Louis up when he saw him struggling to do so now that he was almost thirty four weeks and was starting to get bigger.
"Yeah, we need diapers and wipes...all those shenanigans to clean his bum." Louis said reaching for the popcorn bowl on top of the coffee table.
"Bum cleaning items." Harry nodded as he typed on his phone.
"Oh! And bottles, lots of those because Dr. Freeman said I can't lactate." Louis sighed, "That's weird though, what if we were living in the eighteen hundreds, how the hell would I feed him." Louis said scandalized then his eyes widened.
"Cow milk." Harry shrugged.
"Newborns can't digest cow milk and it doesn't have all the nutrients they need. How would I give birth to him!? Oh my god." Louis said furrowing his brow watching Harry picking up and opening a book he had been carrying around ever since he had gotten it in the mail, "What's that?"
"I'm studying." Harry said.
"Studying what?"
"Dad jokes, I found this book on the internet and just had to get it." Harry gave him a goofy smile, "Listen. Why did the Clydesdale give the pony a glass of water?" Harry raised his eyebrows expecting Louis to say why.
"Why?" Louis sighed starting to smile when Harry started giggling.
"Because he was a little horse!" He exclaimed then burst out laughing while Louis just stared wondering why he liked him so much.
"That was terrible." Louis said, "Can we go now before my back starts to hurt again?" Louis asked.
"Course, just let me change and put my shoes on." Harry said putting the book back on the side table then got up to change his clothes.
As soon as Harry was gone Louis slowly got up and made his way to the side picking up the book. He started reading it and soon enough was a laughing mess until Harry walked out raising his eyebrows in surprise when he saw him.
"What? They're funny." Louis shrugged.
When Louis put his shoes on they made their way to Babies R Us intending to buy only a few things and when Harry stopped Louis from buying things they didn't need, Louis was left in a bad mood. They spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get everything done so they didn't have to do it later when they knew they weren't going to have time at all.
Time seemed to pass by faster than ever for all of them and every time Harry did something nice for Louis, he was left knowing he was so lucky to have Harry in his life. By the time Louis was thirty five weeks he had gotten the urge to clean everything and wash all of the babies clothes because according to him they were already covered in dust particles. Harry had only shrugged it off and had helped him with things Louis couldn't do himself when he had his belly on the way.
Two days later Louis laid in bed in the middle of the night still trying to fall asleep after eating banana slices covered in syrup and drinking a glass of milk. Harry was next to him completely passed out after running around town trying to find him the damn bananas regretting ever eating the last one when Louis had yelled at him for it.
He fell asleep dreaming of Harry and himself getting old together with many children and grandchildren, of spending the rest of his life with him with the perfect family like he had always dreamed of. It was getting to the good part which included a beach house where they would go and spend their summers together when he woke up sweating buckets and looking around.
He wiped away the drool from the corners of his lips with his fingers then turned on the lamp looking back at Harry who was covered all the way up to just below his nose. He gently pulled the covers down a bit seeing the way his nose wrinkled and pouted his bottom lip a little making him smile at just how cute he was. After struggling he moved to his side and started running his fingers through Harry's hair loving the way he sighed in content even in his sleep.
It wasn't until Harry subconsciously wrapped an arm around his middle and scooted closer to him enough that his head was right by Louis' shoulder that it hit him. His blue eyes widened and as slow as he could sat up then got up almost running out of the bedroom being careful not to trip. He went straight to the kitchen pacing back and forth hating how difficult it was getting to even walk for short distances.
He took a seat on the kitchen table thinking of all the times he had spent with Harry and all the memories they had made together realizing that none of them were bad at all, quite the opposite actually. He smiled remembering each and every single one of them they had made for the past eight months and when his baby moved he reached down rubbing circles on that spot.
Almost half an hour later he was still sitting there wondering why he had ever fallen in love with Collin or at least thought he was when now everything was different with Harry. With Harry he could be himself without getting judged, he could care less about what he looked like or what he wore when that's all he used to do back then.
Harry was never one to put him down for anything and his eyes filled with burning tears realizing that that's what Collin would do passing it off as him teasing him or just joking around. He wondered if Harry felt the same wishing for him to do and when he felt a tiny kick he wished for Ian to be Harry's only wanting his baby to have the best father and not a poor excuse of a man like Collin was.
"Please be his." Louis whispered looking down at the top of his belly, "That's all I want."
"Louis?" Harry walked in startling Louis a bit whose world brightened a little just by looking at him.
The way his eyes were swollen with sleep and his hair were wild messy curls going everywhere, the way he had pillow creases on his left cheek from sleeping on that side for way too long. The way he held worry in his eyes and the look of relief crossing his features as soon as he had spotted him sitting down at the kitchen table like it was the most normal thing to do in the middle of the night.
"What are you doing here? Are you feeling sick?" Harry asked going straight to him kneeling down in front of him.
"No, I just came to get some water." Louis grabbed Harry's hands playing with his fingers fighting the sudden urge to kiss his hands.
"M'kay, we should go to bed...you look so tired." Harry gave him the sweetest smile then helped him get up.
As soon as Louis was standing, Harry wrapped an arm around his waist and helped him to their bedroom where they went straight to bed falling asleep minutes later. The next morning Harry was up bright and early ready to go to work while Louis was still sleeping and not wanting to wake him up he only left a note. After pondering for a few seconds he finally leaned down and kiss him on the forehead then on the side of his belly leaving a few minutes later.
Louis ended up waking up almost at ten a bit disoriented and after eating something light and taking a shower he grabbed his laptop and sat down on the couch wanting to get some work done. By noon he changed out of his pajamas and into a pair of jeans and a shirt of Harry's wanting to have lunch with him after sending him a text asking him if he had time. He ended up meeting him at a restaurant after Harry had flat out refused to allow Louis to step into a construction site and after an argument, Louis had finally agreed.
"Sorry I'm a bit late, Trent wanted me to sign a few things and he wouldn't stop talking." Harry said almost out of breath taking a seat in front of Louis after hugging him.
"Its alright, I just got here a few minutes ago." Louis shrugged, "Everything going alright?"
"Yeah, his wife just had triplets and he won't shut up about it." Harry said.
"Oh god, that's a lot of babies at the same time." Louis' eyes widened.
"Like three Ian's, triple the poop and the crying." Harry held back a laugh as he scanned the menu.
"He must be really happy, bet you're gonna be like him once Ian is born." Louis fiddled with the hem of his shirt already knowing what he was going to order.
"Yeah you're right, he's always smiling when he talks about them." Harry put the menu back on top of the table then looked at Louis with excitement in his eyes, "Five more weeks!"
"Could be less, you never know with these things...or he could take longer."
"We need to learn how to install that car seat, mum and Jay told me they're not gonna let us take him until they're sure we know how to properly install it."
"Yeah..." Louis sighed looking around hearing Harry sighing and when he looked back, Harry now had on a serious expression.
"Your mum told me you've been avoiding her." Harry stated.
"I...I can't stop thinking about what my stepdad said, that my mum gave him the divorce and she never mentioned it to me. I had the right to know and she lied to me, could have saved me all that pain thinking that he never looked back...never cared about us." Louis finally confessed trying not to let it get to him.
"Talk to her, you deserve to know what really happened." Harry reached to hold his hand smiling when Louis met him halfway.
"I won't even know how to start, I can see that it still hurts her to talk about it. I just hope he doesn't show up, I don't want him near my sisters." Louis said.
Just when Harry was about to say something a waiter showed up and when they were done ordering they talked about anything that would come to mind. By the time the food got there Louis was starving and started eating as soon as the waiter had left never letting go of Harry's hand. When they were finished Harry paid for the meals after Louis had insisted to pay for them then walked to Louis' car holding hands.
"What are you doing after this? Going back home?" Harry asked opening the door for him after Louis had unlocked it.
"I think I'm gonna go talk to my mum." Louis said just when his phone went off.
He frowned when he didn't recognize the number but opened the text message anyway while Harry watched him with curious eyes.
'I know that baby is mine. Don't think I'm gonna let it go Louis, if I have to go to court to get what's mine then I will. Just thought I should warn you, darling. ;)'
Louis felt like passing out when he read it then his eyes filled with tears and his hands started shaking making him drop the phone. Harry managed to catch it just in time and when he looked up, Louis was as pale as a sheet. He didn't have to ask what was wrong when he had already read the message making his blood boil with anger.
"Get in the car." Harry said through gritted teeth.
He grabbed Louis by the arm and pulled him along with him towards the other side of the car and opened the door expecting him to get in. When Louis didn't even move he was quick to wrap his arms around him and hold him close only getting more furious when Louis started crying.
"Listen to me Louis." Harry pulled back placing his hands on Louis' cheeks wiping away his tears, "He's not gonna do anything, he can't do anything."
"If Ian turns out to be his then he- he can, he's going to take him a- away." Louis sobbed seeing the anger on Harry's face.
"No he won't, he'll have to kill me first. And I don't think a court would give him custody, he's a psycho and you- we can actually give Ian the family he deserves because that's what we are Louis. We're a family...you, Ian and I." Harry leaned forward to kiss Louis' forehead then pulled him close to him once again into a hug feeling Louis nodding against his chest.
"I'm scared..." Louis mumbled wrapping his arms around Harry's waist going as far as taking a deep breath inhaling Harry's scent.
"Come on," Harry pulled away, "I'm gonna drop you off at your mum's if she isn't working then I'll pick you up again in a few hours."
"Are you going back to work?" Why don't you just take your car?" Louis asked furrowing his brow when Harry looked away.
"I have a few things I need to do and I'm gonna talk to dad so I'll pick you up in a few hours." Harry said trying to make Louis to walk and get in the car.
"No. Harry what are you gonna do?" Louis crossed his arms over his chest.
"Something. Now get in the car." Harry insisted then groaned when Louis didn't even move.
Louis observed him for a few seconds then sighed rather loudly before walking the rest of the way to the passengers side. He struggled for a bit when trying to get in but when he was finally buckled up Harry got in the driver's side and pulled out of the parking lot driving towards Jay's house. As soon as they were there he helped Louis out and into her house leaving without any explanation whatsoever.
He drove past the speed limit until he reached his destination and got out of the car after turning the engine off slamming the door shut as he did so. He glared at the building wanting to set it on fire then stalked inside looking around with an angry expression. Just when he was about to go up to the receptionist and ask for the asshole, he spotted him coming out of the elevator acting as if he was the king of the universe.
"Sir? Sir you can't go there." The receptionist said as soon as Harry had started walking towards him.
Collin had just noticed him smirking as he did so but it was quickly erased when Harry punched him across the face right on his nose then again managing to hit his left eye. Harry grabbed him by the collar slamming him against a wall feeling everybody watching them.
"Stay the fuck away from Louis and my kid!" Harry said through gritted teeth somehow satisfied as soon as he saw the blood on his face.
"Your kid?" Collin laughed trying to push him away, "How do you know it's yours, for all we know that baby could be mine."
"Fuck you!" Harry spat letting go of him, "Stay away from them."
"What? You're pissed I got to fuck him first and now he's gonna have my baby." Collin taunted him and that's when Harry saw red.
He once again grabbed him by the collar and harshly pushed him against the wall landing punch after punch until he was pulled away by a security guard. He thrashed in his hold until he calmed down satisfied with Collin's bloody face watching another guard helping him.
"Stay away from my family. If you know what's best for you, stay the fuck away from them! You don't know what I'm capable of doing for them." Harry glared at him before he was taken away and thrown out the building.
He made his way back to Louis' car somehow glad that they didn't call the police yet couldn't help but worry about Collin and what he could be planning. He got in the car then started the engine before speeding away thinking about asking his dad for help already worried out of his mind. Instead of driving to Jay's house he drove straight to his dad's office needing his advice and because he knew Louis needed to talk to his mum.
"Want to tell me what's going on?" Jay asked taking a seat next to Louis on the couch who was sprawled on it trying to get comfortable.
"Collin." Louis shrugged hearing his mother gasping, "He knows I'm pregnant and thinks Ian is his. I don't know how he got my number but he texted me and basically told me he's going to do everything in his power to take him from us."
"You need to get a restraining order against him, I never trusted that man...there was always something wrong with him." Jay wrapped an arm around Louis' shoulders.
"I think that by now Harry already did something, he wasn't too happy if I'm honest and I hope he fucks him over." Louis angrily said.
"Louis! Watch your mouth, I know you're an adult about to have your own baby but I'm still your mother and we don't use that kind of language here." Jay scolded him.
"Its the truth." Louis shrugged just wanting Harry to pick him up already.
"Louis what's wrong? You're being so distant and like you rather be somewhere else." Jay said taking Louis' hand in hers fighting tears when he quickly pulled it away.
"Why didn't you tell me you gave Aaron the divorce?" Louis finally asked her watching the way her eyes widened then filled with tears but that didn't stop him, "And eleven years ago! You never told him you were pregnant with the twins, no wonder why he never came back...you made sure he never did."
"You saw him? He talked to you?" Jay asked.
"Gemma and I were out buying clothes for Ian and I saw him there with that homewrecker, mum...he's gonna have a baby." Louis said and his eyes filled with tears quickly reaching to hug her as much as his belly would allow him.
"I signed in exchange for him to leave us alone, to not take you kids away from me." Jay sobbed on his shoulder.
"What do you mean?" Louis tried to pull back but stopped when she held tighter onto him.
"He wanted to take you all with him and...and her, I was desperate and I didn't know what to do so I gave him the divorce in exchange of that. I couldn't let him take you and the girls from me, Louis you have to understand me." Jay finally looked at him.
"He wanted to take me too?" Louis asked completely flabbergasted.
"You are his son Louis, he always considered you his and when he tried to take you too I lost it. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and even if he's your father he had no right to take any of you away from me."
Louis only looked at her now understanding why she had done it, why she had let him go when he knew how in love she had been with him, not anymore but she had been once. She had done it all for them and now he understood, he knew how it felt because he would do it too for his son.
"He won't bother us anymore, I made sure of that and I promise the girls are safe." Louis kissed her forehead then sighed when he remembered the big mistake he had made, "I need you to forgive me...I- I accidentally told him about Daisy and Phoebe. How did you manage to give them his last name if you divorced him?"
"I gave him the divorce after they were born and I made sure to keep all of you away from him." Jay explained.
"And we'll keep it that way, they don't need him because they have us and...and they have Harry and his family too." Louis smiled pulling her into a hug that she happily returned.
"Now," Jay pulled away looking at Louis with a stern look, "Harry went after him?" She asked.
"I think so and that makes me feel safer." Louis said then smiled, "That's why the baby and I love him, he always makes me feel safe and he's the best."
"You're in love with him." Jay stated and seconds later smiled when Louis blushed a deep red, "Have you told him?"
"No, I'm scared because what if he doesn't feel the same. What if he doesn't love me and I make a fool out of myself, this was so sudden and I'm scared."
"Oh sweetie, I don't think it was sudden like you think. I think you slowly fell for him without even realizing it, I could see it every time I was around both of you. I'm sure Harry is just as much in love with you as you are with him."
"So a lot." Louis slowly said.
"Yeah love, a lot." Jay nodded.
When Harry picked Louis up he raised his brows at the way Jay had looked at him after hugging him then drove to their house in complete silence. When they got there Louis had immediately rushed to get the first aid kit then had made Harry sit on top of the toilet lid in their bathroom as he cleaned the dry blood off of his knuckles.
"You didn't have to punch him." Louis scolded him ignoring the way Harry hissed when the cotton ball touched his cuts.
"He deserved it, he can't go around threatening you just because he's obsessed with you and now with our son too." Harry said lifting his other hand to rub the front of Louis' belly seeing it was shaped differently, he figured it was only Ian who had probably changed positions.
"You still didn't have to go there and fuck up your knuckles, he's not worth it Harry. He can't do anything at least until Ian is born and even after that he's gonna need a DNA test to prove he might be the father, and that's something I'm not gonna allow." Louis said finally finishing what he had been doing. "And you heard Dr. Freeman, we can't get him tested before..."
"Could start labour earlier than usual." Harry nodded more to himself remembering her explaining when Louis had asked, he didn't know a male pregnancy could be more delicate."Dad and I got a restraining order, at least until the baby is born and Christian..." Harry trailed off pulling Louis down to sit on his lap.
"Christian what?" Louis raised his brow.
"Christian agreed to be Ian's pediatrician and- please don't be angry okay. This changes nothing because Ian is my son no matter what. Christian agreed to have Ian and I tested as soon as he's born and he agreed to keep it between just the three of us." Harry explained feeling Louis tensing up.
"You told him Ian might not be yours?" Louis asked feeling shame running through his body.
"Nono!" Harry hurried to explain seeing the way Louis' eyes quickly filled with tears and the way he kept trying to get away from him, "I told him Collin was a psycho and he agreed to only let us see the results and do whatever we want with them. I told him I'm sure Ian is mine and he is mine."
"And what if he isn't! Collin is going to want to claim his paternity and I can't let that happen, he's going to want to have his name on his birth certificate or worse, take my baby away from me. I don't want Ian growing up around him and if I have to take him and move to another country then I will." Louis finished already in tears only relaxing a little when Harry wrapped his arms around him and kissed the left corner of his lips.
"We'll move far away from here if it makes you feel better." Harry said knowing that if they had to then he would do it.
Louis wrapped his arms around him knowing that Harry would do anything for them, he wanted to tell him he loved him but the words seemed to get stuck in his throat with no way of forcing them out. Instead, he looked at him and kissed him taking Harry by surprise who kissed back as fast as he could feeling the way he was holding onto him as if he was his lifeline.
He felt the way Harry's lips felt against his own tasting him while Harry ran his hands up and down Louis' sides. They stopped when they felt light flutters against the side of Louis' belly and seconds later felt his kicks almost as if their son was announcing he was still there.
They only smiled knowing they were only going to get stronger like they usually did around that time and wouldn't stop unless Harry would sing to him. Louis sighed in content then hugged Harry as much as he could thinking that if they had to run forever then they would do it forever if that was what was in store.
Thoughts? :)
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