~Chapter 14
After that day when they had made the cupcakes Louis had really started showing three weeks later and at twenty five weeks he had a proper baby bump. Even though he was six months he looked like he was only on his fifth one making it easier for him after Gemma had told him she had had trouble moving around when she had been pregnant. He would spend his free time sitting on the couch at home with a bowl of food on top of his belly watching movies on Netflix looking like he had a small basketball underneath his shirt.
With time he slowly started getting worried when his baby wouldn't move at all trying to keep it to himself not wanting to worry Harry who was busier than ever with work. A few days later he lay awake in bed sighing when he noticed it was almost three in the morning and Harry had a tight hold on him cuddling him to death.
He tried to move but whenever he did, Harry would move with him following him all over the bed like a small puppy. He turned to face him placing his head on what to him was Harry's toasty warm chest when Harry suddenly moved making his head slip and his face land right on his armpit. He struggled for a bit trying to move away and when he finally did he sat up gasping for air then nearly choked when he felt it.
He sat there not moving at all for what felt like hours but were only minutes trying to feel it again, he was starting to think he had imagined it when he felt the small flutters again. He put a hand over his stomach feeling the tears already stinging his eyes feeling his baby moving over and over again even though he couldn't feel him with his hand yet. He turned his head to the side to look at Harry who was still in a deep sleep trying to decide if it was worth waking him up for knowing he wouldn't be able to feel him yet.
"Harry." Louis shook him and when he didn't wake up right away he continued shaking him, "Harry, wake up!"
"What?" Harry mumbled trying to get comfortable then groaned when Louis pulled the covers away making him shiver realizing it had been a bad decision to just sleep in briefs.
"The baby's finally moving!" Louis exclaimed not even wincing as he turned the light on when Harry sat up faster than lightning.
"What! Really? Let me feel." Harry quickly put his hand on Louis' stomach pushing his smaller one out of the way waiting for something to happen.
"I don't think you can feel it yet, I felt like small flutters." Louis said seeing Harry's disappointed face, "But the baby is finally moving, that means he's alive."
"Louis!" Harry exclaimed almost horrified, "Of course he's alive, has been all this time."
"What? Its the truth...I was starting to think something weird was going on. Now I know he was just lazy." Louis explained now lovingly rubbing his stomach with his hand making Harry smile when he noticed.
"We need to ask Dr. Freeman if that's normal, him just starting to really move now." Harry said and seconds later yawned making Louis yawn too.
"Okay, but now lets go back to sleep. I'm actually tired now." Louis said turning the light off then lay down underneath the covers letting Harry spoon him unable to stop the biggest smile ever on his face when he placed his hand on his stomach almost covering the whole bump.
By Louis' twenty sixth week they had learned that not feeling the baby moving earlier was completely normal since it was his first pregnancy. They left the hospital holding hands with new pictures of their baby intending to give out some to their families and make a scrapbook, something that had been Harry's idea. Like always, Harry had gone back to work while Louis had decided to go home but instead ended up going shopping for baby things with Gemma since he had nothing. She had picked him up wanting to show him how good she could drive now and be an independent woman now that she could see.
"Hello Gemm." Louis greeted her as he got in her car and buckled himself up, "Where did you leave the kids?" Louis asked with a slight frown when he couldn't see them.
"Look at you, already properly showing and everything...so so cute and small." She gushed, "And they're at school and daycare, Meli insisted on going even when I kept telling her that she didn't have to go." Gemma sighed already missing her baby girl.
"Attendance is important to her." Louis said trying not to laugh.
"Oh you have no idea." Gemma chuckled, "So what do you have left to buy?"
"Uh...everything, it totally slipped our minds." Louis rubbed his hands on his face.
"Oh...well you still have time." Gemma gave him a reassuring smile.
She drove them to Babies R Us smiling when Louis got out of the car looking like a little kid at the candy shop, he had one hand on his tummy as they walked to the entrance not wanting to waste any time. He grabbed Gemma's hand taking her to the newborn section then the boys section of it already eyeing a few onesies. Louis already had a few onesies in his hands along with the boring white ones while Gemma had all the cute ones already planning on spoiling her nephew.
"Let me go get a cart, we still have a lot to get." Gemma said giving Louis the clothes she had been carrying.
Louis hummed in agreement and continued looking through the racks when a white and black bodysuit with faux tie, suspenders and belt with a tiny CEO hat caught his eye. He walked up to it and reached for it when another hand reached for it too but he was faster snatching it and holding it close to him. When he looked up he saw a pretty green eyed blond woman older than him smiling at him with her own cart full of baby stuff.
"Quite a popular outfit, huh." She said reaching for another one putting it in her cart.
"Yeah, its pretty cute if I'm honest." Louis agreed wondering how far along she was since she already looked huge, "I see you're set then." Louis gave her a smile looking inside her cart.
"Pretty much, I still have two more months to go and I feel ready to explode." She sighed putting a hand over her belly.
"Really? I'm two months away too...well, a week away from my seventh month mark." Louis said then smiled when he started feeling the tiny flutters remembering how Dr. Freeman had told him his baby was going to start responding to his and Harry's voice.
"No way! You look like you're four or five months. Is it your first baby?" She asked.
"Yeah, it was a bit of a surprise so that's why I'm just starting to get stuff for him." Louis said as he tried to rearrange the clothes hanging from his forearm.
"You're here with your husband then? I don't know where mine went." She looked around.
"I'm here with his sister, he's working." Louis said then turned his head around when he heard someone coming and smiled seeing Gemma.
"I had to go all the way outside." Gemma said as she eyed the woman standing in front of Louis.
Louis only smiled quickly putting all the stuff in the cart about to ask the woman for her name but froze when he heard his father's voice. He slowly turned around still holding onto the onesie he had snatched from her seeing him making his way to her holding a pack of diapers in one hand and baby bottles in the other.
His eyes started stinging with unshed tears just by seeing him glad that he hadn't noticed him yet wanting to get out of there. He took a step back hitting his backside with the cart feeling anger running through his veins just by seeing the way he was doting over her as if she was the fucking queen of England.
"Lou, are you okay?" Gemma asked and Louis squeezed his eyes shut when he paused what he was doing and slowly turned to look at him.
"Louis?" Aaron, his father said then seconds later smiled as his gaze settled on his stomach then back on his face, "Louis, look at you!" Aaron reached to hug him frowning when he felt him stiffening and never hugged him back.
"Lou?" Gemma said getting worried when Louis said nothing and was only staring at the woman.
"You're so grown up now and about to have your own baby boy." Aaron continued as if nothing was wrong still holding onto Louis.
"Please don't touch me." Louis' voice trembled taking a step away from him letting his hands fall to the sides while Louis held onto the onesie.
"Lou-" Aaron started.
"Is this what you left my mum and sisters for? No wonder why you never bothered to contact us again." Louis glared at him then at the woman who was looking down at her bloated stomach, "Not even a fucking call."
"Louis that's not-"
"I get why you never bothered to call me, I'm not your son after all, but my sisters are your daughters. I see they mean nothing to you, you're gonna have your own kid with this homewrecker after all." Louis interrupted once again.
"Watch your mouth." Aaron snapped then raised his eyebrows when Louis bitterly laughed throwing the onesie in the cart rather harshly then took a step closer to them.
"You left my mum pregnant and with three more kids to take care of on her own for this woman, don't fucking tell me to watch my damn mouth. You have no right to tell me what to do." Louis snapped trying not to cry, "You didn't give a fuck about us, didn't give a fuck about your other two baby daughters you left behind, Lottie was only six and Fizz four...you didn't give a fuck about my mum."
"Baby daughters?" Aaron gulped.
"Phoebe and Daisy, but of course, why would you know that when you fucked off before my mum even found out. You're a piece of shit and a perv. What is she? Twenty years younger than you." Louis looked at her again then at his father before he turned around to face a wide eyed Gemma, "Lets go."
"Louis wait." Aaron grabbed his arm getting startled when Louis pulled it away from him.
"Fuck off! You didn't even divorce my mum and you let this woman call you her husband, you're a hypocrite. Act like you didn't see me and go back to your little family and let me shop for my baby's stuff in peace."
"Your mum and I are divorced, she signed the papers a few weeks later after I...I left. Louis we need to talk, we can't just leave it like this." Aaron begged, "Give me a chance to explain."
"You're a liar, she never signed anything!" Louis glared trying not to strangle him, "You had your chance years ago and you let it go. You have no idea how many nights my mum stayed up waiting for you to come back, how many nights I blamed myself thinking I was the reason you left them. You're a shit father...and I feel sorry for that kid." Louis spat then walked away with Gemma following after him leaving the couple behind too stunned to even move.
Louis continued walking until he was all the way to the other side of the store then pulled out his phone looking for that website with the checklist he had found so he could get what he needed once and for all. Gemma didn't say anything for the rest of their time there seeing how quiet Louis was knowing he was upset. It wasn't until they were getting the last items which were a car seat and a stroller that Gemma finally spoke up seeing Louis pushing his cart while she pushed another one, both of them almost full with stuff.
"Louis, are you okay?" Gemma asked.
"I am now, just a bit upset but it doesn't matter...he doesn't matter anymore." Louis shrugged, "Are you ready to go? I think I have everything he's going to need."
"Yeah." Gemma nodded not saying anything else so sure of herself that he would talk to Harry and instead tried to cheer him up, "You guys really didn't have anything for Edward."
"I know, I'm kind of embarrassed that I let it get this far. We still need a crib but we're gonna come buy it together." Louis smiled feeling a little better just by talking about his and Harry's baby.
"I don't want to be nosy...oh you know I am!" Gemma chuckled, "My mum and I are nosy and she was worried about you guys. Your apartment is small and only one bedroom and well...as you can see babies need a lot of stuff." Gemma blushed a deep red.
"Oh...I think we'll fit. I'll make us fit." Louis said giving her a small smile to let her know he wasn't offended.
"I trust you can." Gemma nodded as she made her way to the check out line.
Louis made a face when he saw them again two checkout lines down waiting for their turn and ignored them as he started getting the smaller stuff first out of the cart. When the cashier was finally done and told Louis the price, his and Gemma's eyes widened and he was left trying to decide if it was a good idea to use his and Harry's shared credit card or just pay with his own. He ended up using their shared credit card already imagining how upset Harry would get if he didn't get to pay for their son's stuff too.
They had one of the workers helping them load their stuff in Gemma's car and after Louis tipped him he went back inside wishing them a good afternoon. He and Gemma spent the rest of the ride to Louis' house talking about anything and after she helped him bring it all up to his apartment she finally left to pick her kids up. He went for a shower leaving everything by the door and after he was done busied himself making dinner.
After that was done was when he finally sat down on the couch to sort through the piles of baby clothes he and Gemma had gotten also waiting for Harry to get home. He already had in a pile the ones he was going to hang and in different ones all of his little pants, folded nightgowns and blankets as well as his tiny socks, mittens, towels and washcloths. He was still folding a few pants when Harry walked in smiling when he saw all the stuff Louis had gotten.
"Hey! You have everything then?" Harry said taking his shoes off then took a seat next to Louis.
"Yeah! We still need a crib and the bedding stuff but we're pretty much set." Louis nodded as he smiled letting Harry look at the clothes then all the bottles. "Look at this, his CEO outfit!"
"That's so cute! And we can go get it this weekend. Do you need help putting all this stuff away?" Harry asked quickly getting up to help when Louis nodded.
Turns out Louis had been wrong when he had told Gemma he was going to make everything fit when they didn't have enough space in the closet for all his stuff and when they had tried to empty out a few drawers, they had ended up stuffing some to the brim. Louis was starting to get frustrated until Harry suggested eating dinner and after they were done he went for a shower leaving Louis still trying to make everything fit.
This is so stupid." Louis said as soon as Harry was out of the bathroom.
He was sitting on the bed against the headboard with his hands resting on top of his belly and a few of the baby's stuff still scattered on top of the bed and the dresser. Harry looked around seeing the stroller and car seat on a corner of the bedroom trying to think of a way to make a crib fit without everything looking too crammed up.
"Dad thinks we should move to a bigger apartment...or at least a house." Harry blurted it out thinking back to the conversation he had had with his dad after he had gotten back from Louis' appointment.
"Gemma said something about it too, your mum's been worrying about it." Louis said then started chewing on his bottom lip, "Do you think we have enough money to look for a bigger place? I mean, only if you want to, I'm not gonna force you to move out of your apartment." Louis blushed a deep red feeling his baby moving more than usual.
"I don't mind, if it means we're gonna fit then we should look. We can always ask my dad for a loan and we can pay him back as much as we can, he said he and mum could help us if we want to." Harry took a seat next to Louis smiling at the way Louis was rubbing his stomach suddenly feeling the urge to touch it.
"I've got some money saved up so if you want to and you can do it then I think we shou- woah." Louis sat up straight with his hands still over his stomach.
"What?" Harry asked already getting worried.
"He kicked!" Louis exclaimed and soon started smiling like a fool, "You have to feel it, he kicked." Louis grabbed Harry's hand putting it over his stomach waiting for their baby to kick.
They waited for what felt like forever until he kicked again startling Harry a bit who felt the small flutters that to him weren't fully strong kicks yet but that to Louis they were. He couldn't help but smile and out of nowhere leaned down to kiss it and murmur a soft hello looking at it with such a loving look it made Louis remember his father and how he hadn't been a father at all.
He started feeling overwhelmed hoping for his baby to be Harry's too not wanting his son to go through what he went through while watching Harry murmur words he couldn't distinguish as he rubbed small circles on the top of his stomach. His eyes stung with tears making him wipe them away when he heard Harry telling their son that he was his other daddy and that he already loved him.
"I think he recognizes my voice." Harry said looking up at Louis frowning when he saw his eyes were filled with tears, "What's wrong?" He asked him moving to sit right next to him putting a hand over his shoulder bringing him to his side so he could lean on his chest.
"Gemma and I were shopping and we saw my stepdad, he was there with some woman shopping for stuff. He and that homewrecker are going to have a baby and it makes me so angry and I hate them. He left my mum right before she found out she was pregnant with the twins and now he's so happy with her and that baby while we struggled to make ends meet. And my mum struggled so much to raise us, Harry I hate them. An he keeps lying, he- he told me he and my mum divorced and now he's married to her." Louis couldn't hold it in anymore and started crying.
"Did he try talking to you at all? Try to at least apologize." Harry asked wrapping his other arm around him rubbing his back.
"Yeah but I told him off, I'm not gonna let him go near my sisters if he looks for them." Louis sniffled.
"Hey, its okay. Don't cry, it's not good for Edward or you...it's gonna be okay." Harry kissed the top of his head then his left temple.
"Promise me you're never gonna leave us, it doesn't matter if he's yours or not, just promise me you're not going to be like him." Louis looked up at him letting Harry wipe away his tears.
"I promised you then and I'm promising you now, we're going to stay together and raise our son together. Maybe we should look for a house with a big backyard, that way he'll have space to play and run around." Harry said hugging him tighter.
"Thank you...I'm so glad I met you. Zayn had the best idea ever when he convinced me to go to Las Vegas." Louis smiled.
"I'm gonna thank him when I see him...maybe we should bake him some cupcakes but not the strawberry ones." Harry tried to fight a grin but ended up grinning when Louis poked his dimple.
"I've always wanted to do that." Louis finally confessed only getting mouthfuls of Harry's old shirt when he pulled him forward into a warm embrace.
"As soon as we can we need to start looking for a new place, I think a house would be better. What do you think?" Harry asked loosening up his hold on him to let him talk.
"A house, it's better." Louis said then tried to get up but couldn't when Harry didn't let him go, "I have to take a shower."
"Okay, I'm gonna try and organize a bit, see if I can fit the stroller and the car seat on the top shelf in the closet." Harry said finally letting Louis go then got up picking up the box.
"Do you like them? They got cute owls and everything." Louis eyed the boxes with a glint of something in his eyes.
"They're pretty cute, he's gonna look so handsome strolling through the park with his bottle of formula under his arm and nice shades on. I saw a cute pair on the internet." Harry grinned like a fool, like as if he was the happiest man on earth.
"We need to order them." Louis nodded then grabbed his pajamas and made his way to the bathroom not even bothering to close the door, something both of them had been doing lately.
When Louis got out of the shower he found Harry just finishing ordering tiny sunglasses for their son and after Louis ate three oreos, they brushed their teeth and went to bed. Louis woke up at three in the morning feeling his baby kicking against the side of his stomach then got up to the bathroom feeling his bladder about to explode. When he was done he made his way to the kitchen wanting cocoa krispies and as soon as he had a big bowl he went back to bed sitting on his side of it against the headboard.
"I know baby, I know. You wanted cereal too." Louis spoke as he rubbed a spot on his stomach suddenly pausing as he realized that that was the first time talking to his baby and he couldn't help but smile.
He continued eating only wincing a few times when the baby's kicks got stronger happy that he was active yet wanted some relief. He was halfway finished when Harry stirred in his sleep and moved to face Louis searching for him with his hand which made Louis smile. When Harry's hand finally settled on the top of Louis' belly he slowly lifted his head looking around the dark room feeling small flutters against his palm.
"Lou? Lou...what are you doing?" Harry groggily asked still trying to open his eyes.
"Eating. Baby and I wanted some chocolate cereal." Louis shrugged.
"He's moving a lot. Does it hurt?" He continued asking.
"Not really, just feels weird. He wasn't kicking then but now he won't stop." Louis put his spoon down so he could touch the side of his stomach.
"I used to sing to Gemma's kids when they wouldn't stop kicking. She would stay here with me while Christian, mum and dad were working, the twins would always kick up a storm and Melissa was more calm." Harry yawned as he spoke.
"Really?" Louis asked as he chewed on his bottom lip suddenly wanting Harry to sing to their baby too.
"Mhm." Harry softly smiled, "Gemma would always fall asleep on me."
"That's cute." Louis said frowning when Harry fell asleep again.
He put his almost empty bowl on top of his nightstand then lay down poking Harry's chest with his finger then closed his eyes when Harry didn't even move. He fell asleep minutes later when the baby finally stopped kicking probably going to sleep too.
When he woke up again too early for his liking due to the baby starting to kick again he wanted to get up and do something to make him stop for at least a little bit when he felt a hand on it. Seconds later he felt Harry scooting down then heard Harry's deep and still raspy voice humming something and seconds later smiled when he heard him singing.
"Wise men say only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you. Shall I stay, would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you. Like a river flows, surely to the sea, darling so we go. Some things were meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole life too. If I can't help falling in love with you. Like a river flows, surely to the sea, darling so we go. Some things were meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole life too. Cause I can't help falling in love with you. Cause I can't help falling in love with you. But I can't help falling in love with you."
To Louis' surprise Edward calmed down then dared himself to look down just as Harry kissed the side of his belly then got up to go to the bathroom leaving him there too stunned to even move. He was falling asleep by the time Harry got back from the bathroom getting on the bed again and fell asleep again glad that he didn't have to go to work and could sleep in.
When Harry woke up Louis was nowhere to be seen and when he couldn't hear him he got up to look for him. Minutes later he was pacing back and forth in the living room with his phone in hand calling and texting Louis who wouldn't answer his calls or texts. He was about to call Jay when Louis walked in holding bags and with the mail under his arm.
"Where were you? I thought something bad had happened to you." Harry almost yelled making Louis stop in his tracks and that's when Harry noticed he was wearing one of his shirts.
"I tried to wake you up but you never did so I decided to go out and buy food and then I found this store that sells clothes for pregnant males. I of course had to go in cause my crap won't fit anymore and the ones I find are uncomfortable, I found a few things...god knows I need more clothes for work." Louis babbled dropping the bags on top of the coffee table then made his way to the kitchen to put away the food.
"You could have at least text me." Harry pouted as he followed him.
"I was driving when you started calling and texting, I couldn't get distracted Harry." Louis rolled his eyes, "I brought groceries now so we don't have to go later 'cause I want to go get a crib to have everything ready before I get too fat. Can you make crepes? We can eat them with nutella!" Louis exclaimed holding up the jar.
"Sure, let me go put on a shirt and wash my hands." Harry said grabbing the bags with the clothes on his way there.
When he got back he found Louis sitting on a barstool with a spoon in hand eating nutella straight from the jar as he worked on something on his laptop. Harry tried to ignore the thought of just how much sugar it had on it and instead started making breakfast seeing Louis way too focused on what he was doing enough to not notice the stain on his chin.
"You're gonna puke if you keep eating it like that." Harry grabbed a paper towel wetting it then cleaned the stain off barely getting his attention.
"I ate half a jar of grape jam the other day and I didn't get sick." Louis shrugged it off.
"You need to start eating more healthy, all that sugar can't be good for the baby. No wonder why he kicks a lot babe, you got him all hyped up on sugar." Harry chuckled when Louis slowly put the spoon down and slowly pushed the jar away.
"You're right..." Louis trailed off looking down at his lap.
"Hey...I didn't mean to upset you Lou. You're allowed to eat junk food but not that much." Harry finished mixing the batter then made his way to him hugging him from behind.
"I know, I've just been craving a lot of it and I can't help myself. It's like...like it calls my name and it's just waiting there for me to eat it." Louis drew imaginary circles on top of the bar with his index finger somehow still wearing his wedding band. "It's like, Louis Louis Louis."
"And I understand, so from now on we'll try to eat healthier." Harry nuzzled his face on the crook of his neck smiling when Louis nodded.
Harry kissed Louis' cheek making him blush then walked back to the kitchen to make the crepes and when they were done instead of adding nutella, he added fruit with a bit of whipped cream. They ate in silence until they finished then got ready to go out and buy the crib.
When they got to the store Harry wanted a simple white crib while Louis was set on a dark brown four in one insisting that that way they weren't going to have to buy a changing table since it came with it and a bed later on when he was older. In the end Louis had gotten his way smiling from ear to ear as they made their way out of the store. When they got home Louis had contacted a realtor that Anne had recommended wanting to start looking as soon as possible.
"So when can we start looking?" Harry asked after he had gone to put the crib in their storage space down in the basement.
"Next saturday. Thank god she agreed on that day, we can't really miss work...I feel like we're taking advantage." Louis took a seat on the couch rubbing the top of his belly with his right hand.
"My dad won't mind." Harry shrugged taking a seat next to him.
"Still..." Louis sighed then looked at Harry with a big smile, "I'm excited."
"Me too, it will be like starting a new life..and a family." Harry returned the smile.
"Yeah." Louis agreed reaching for Harry's hand smiling when he held it tightly in his bigger on.
Thoughts? :)
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