~Chapter 13
I hope you guys like this chapter since I had trouble writing it. This band just exhausts me and after what happened with Lilo and the pinata I just felt like dropping everything. Lets just say I was hurt but here it is. Enjoy! :)
On Harry's birthday Louis had finally gotten the courage and had woken him up with a blowjob letting him come in his mouth loving the way Harry had praised him. His birthday was celebrated in Anne's house where they had announced Louis' pregnancy and upon finding out, Niall and Liam had jumped Harry hugging the life out of him congratulating them. Louis hadn't been able to take his eyes off of Harry seeing how happy he looked as he talked about the baby showing them the ultrasound picture he carried everywhere telling them all about him and how he couldn't wait to meet and hold him.
Louis had helped Anne bake the two cakes for Harry blushing when Anne had announced it and after singing happy birthday to Harry and opening a few presents was when Harry was finally left alone.
"Happy birthday." Louis said as soon as he was next to Harry sitting on a chair in the backyard.
"Thank you, the cakes were delicious." Harry smiled showing his dimple.
"That's 'cause your mum did most of it." Louis shrugged fiddling with the strings of the gift bag he was holding.
"But you still helped." Harry insisted leaning back and wrapping an arm around Louis' shoulders.
"I got you something else." Louis said giving the gift bag to Harry who took it and opened it taking out the present.
"Daddy's little man. This is cute, thank you." Harry said observing the tiniest baby blue onesie then held it close to his chest.
"You are his daddy." Louis said feeling a rush of warmth when Harry's eyes started shining and seconds later nodded and just like that leaned forward to kiss him, it was fast but it left Louis feeling a tingling sensation on his lips.
By Louis' twenty second week he was scheduled for a new appointment and Harry was ecstatic unable to wait and when the day got there he was the first one out the door. When they got there Louis quickly checked in then took a seat next to Harry who was reading a magazine and was on the childbirth section carefully reading the side of the page meant for male pregnancies.
"Lou?" Harry mumbled after a few minutes of silence.
"Yeah?" Louis looked up from his phone where he had been looking at baby clothes and blankets already obsessed with them.
"How are you gonna have peanut? Are you gonna push him out?" Harry asked wanting to laugh when Louis' eyes widened.
"No, I'm having a c-section. There's no way I'm gonna push him out, that's not even possible." Louis shrieked then looked around making sure no one had heard them.
"Oh yeah, it would be like squeezing a watermelon through a keyhole. Sounds painful." Harry shuddered then smirked, "Plus we gotta keep that ass- I mean bum, bum is the word now that peanut is in there. Anyway, gotta keep that bum intact."
"You and bums." Louis said shaking his head and trying to hide a smile.
"Your bum is great." Harry said dead serious making Louis laugh just as a nurse called his name.
She led them through a corridor then into a room where she proceeded to check his vitals and as soon as she was done she left telling them Dr. Freeman would be there in fifteen minutes. Almost fifteen minutes later they heard a knock interrupting Harry when he kept asking what everything in the room was for.
"Hello Louis." Dr. Freeman smiled then looked at Harry, "You must be the other father, I'm Dr. Freeman, nice to meet you." She said extending her hand to shake his.
"Nice to meet you too, I'm Harry." Harry shook her hand letting go as soon as she did.
"Alright Louis, before we start with the ultrasound, have you experienced any new symptoms, any that went away?" She asked him.
"Nausea and vomiting finally went away a few days ago but now sometimes my legs cramp in the middle of the night but that's about it." Louis said.
"Stretching exercises can help stop cramps before they strike. Before you head to bed, stand about two feet away from a wall and put your palms flat against it. Lean forward, keeping your heels on the floor. Hold the stretch for ten seconds, then relax for five. Try this three times. Putting your feet up as often as you can while sitting also helps as well as drinking enough fluids, at least eight glasses a day and a good diet that includes enough calcium which can help with constipation later on in the pregnancy. Magnesium could help too, make sure you eat plenty of bananas and keep a healthy diet." She explained smiling when she noticed Louis blushing a deep red after hearing the word constipation
"I'll make sure he eats only the best." Harry said from where he was sitting next to Louis.
"Alright." Dr. Freeman said, "Louis, could you please lay down and lift your shirt up."
Louis got up laying down and as soon as he lifted his shirt up Harry's eyes immediately focused on his baby bump that was only getting bigger and bigger as the days passed by. Louis winced a little when he felt the cold gel on his warm skin then his and Harry's eyes focused on the screen trying to see the small baby.
"Its a proper bump now, still a little small but you're getting there." Dr. Freeman commented then went silent for a few minutes.
"Is the baby okay?" Harry asked already getting nervous when a few minutes passed by and she stayed silent.
"Of course, I was just going through a mental list." Dr. Freeman said then pressed a button and the sound of a fast heartbeat filled the room surprising Harry who held onto Louis' hand while Louis smiled.
"Wow, it feels so real now." Harry beamed, "And he looks so so tiny."
"How is he doing?" Louis asked.
"He's eleven inches and almost one pound like the size of a spaghetti squash and is just starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct and he's developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes already formed but his irises, the colored part of the eye, still lack pigment." She explained, "Overall your baby is a healthy baby."
"Oh thank god." Louis sighed in relief, "Do you know a due date by now?
"Can we have some pictures?" Harry asked pouting a bit when she pulled the wand away and the baby disappeared from the screen.
"Of course!" She smiled then turned to Louis handing him a paper towel, "Around June twenty fourth but you could go into labour earlier or deliver that day if it doesn't happen. You're free to go Louis but remember to get enough sleep and eat healthy, take your prenatal vitamins daily and call me if any abnormal changes occur. You are going to start getting bigger soon, just letting you know what to expect."
"Thank you." Louis said.
When they got out of there Louis scheduled another appointment for his twenty sixth week then drove back home while Harry was busy looking at the pictures pointing out his tiny limbs to Louis putting one in his wallet and giving the other to Louis.
Louis only dropped Harry off so he could get his car and head off to work while Louis went back to work buying a fast breakfast from a fast food restaurant on his way there. When he got to his office his mouth was already watering at the heavenly smell of pancakes then took a seat where he devoured them noticing he had been eating more than usual.
His mind went back when he had started doing it now knowing why then felt his cheeks heating up realizing why he had had those sexual urges and now that he and Harry hadn't done anything since he found out he was pregnant he was starting to miss it, to miss him. He was licking the syrup off of his fingers when he heard a knock and after he told whoever was at the door to come in, Des walked in with a smile on his face holding a stack of papers in his hands.
"Hello Lou, how are you? How's my grandson doing?" Des asked taking a seat in front of Louis.
"Great! Edward is officially eleven inches long and weighs a pound, everything is okay." Louis proudly informed him taking out the ultrasound picture from his wallet to show it to him smiling as soon as Des took it and the biggest of smiles formed on his face.
"Wow, he's so tiny and delicate. Really, can't wait to hold him, I never thought Harry would ever make me a grandfather...kinda had lost all hope there but now- I'm just really happy. So proud of him at how far he's come and..." Des trailed off feeling a lump forming in his throat, "Now I'm always going to make sure he knows how proud I am of him."
"He just lights up when you do." Louis said not knowing what else to say, "I think he would love to spend this weekend with you." Louis hinted smiling when Des gave him a knowing look.
"I think I know what to do." Des said then put the papers on Louis' desk, "These are a few proposals for a few residential houses, I need you to make a budget to give the clients an idea of how much everything is going to cost."
"Okay." Louis nodded already going through them, "When do you need them?"
"In a week if you can, I don't want to stress you out too much, it's not good for you or my grandson." Des said.
Louis nodded and after Des left he got to work finishing two out of five when he had worked with no distractions and by the end of the day he was exhausted. When he got home he almost jumped up and down in excitement when he went to get the mail noticing a key to the bigger mailbox and when he opened it he grabbed two packages closing it again and dropping it where he was supposed to.
He held them close to his chest and as soon as he was inside their apartment he dropped his things on top of the kitchen table before opening the packages. He smiled when he took out the light blue four piece footed cardigan, tiny pants, a bodysuit and a bib seeing how tiny they were having already decided that it was going to be his son's going home outfit.
He opened the second package taking out a striped then a gray hooded rompers seeing the words Handsome written on the front of the gray hooded one leaving them on top of the table to go and throw away the small boxes they had been delivered in.
He then made his way to the bedroom and into their closet where he had already made space for Edward's clothes grabbing four of the tiny hangers he had gotten a few days ago then put the clothes away to keep them from wrinkling up. He was still admiring when he heard the door opening then Harry calling his name yelling that he was in the bedroom. When he walked in his gaze immediately followed Louis' seeing the small space in the closet they already had for their son making it even more real then smiled when he noticed the new clothes.
"You ordered those?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, they just got here today and look," Louis grabbed the four piece light blue outfit, "This is going to be his going home outfit. Do you like it?"
"I love it, it's so adorable. And now he has a total of six outfits!" Harry goofily smiled.
"They need more clothes and a lot of other stuff but we'll get those later, we need a day to go shopping for all his stuff." Louis said putting the outfit back.
"We could go this weekend." Harry nodded.
"I was thinking..." Louis trailed off looking around their bedroom, "We need to make space for the crib, I don't think we should get a changing table but a crib is necessary. I'm not saying we should get it now but we're gonna have to at some point."
"Yeah, when you're closer to your due date." Harry said seeing Louis nodding, "How are you feeling?"
"Great! starving already but I feel great." Louis smiled following Harry when he walked out of the closet and into the kitchen.
"I stopped by my mum's house to drop off a few things and she gave me spaghetti and meatballs. You want to eat that?" Harry asked.
"Sure! Let me get the plates and glasses." Louis made his way to the cabinets taking out what he needed setting them on the kitchen table while Harry heated up the spaghetti.
They ate in silence when all Louis could do was stuff his mouth with the food already hungry again and because Anne's cooking was just the best. When he finished his second serving he felt like he was going to explode just barely moving enough to go and sit on the couch to continue working. He was almost done when he felt Harry sitting next to him fully showered only wearing a simple shirt and basketball shorts.
"Dad just called me, wanted to know if we could spend this weekend together. Like a father and son thing." Harry said turning the tv on.
"What did you say? You said yes, right?" Louis asked hoping for a yes.
"I...did. I'm sorry Lou, I know I promised to go shopping for the baby this weekend but dad and I never spend time together and I really want to since he does too." Harry fiddled with his fingers until Louis grabbed his hands to stop him.
"That's alright, I'm glad he's trying you know. He cares about you unlike my stepfather so I'm happy for you." Louis tried to smile but it quickly faded away.
"I'm sure he cares about you." Harry said trying to make him feel better.
"No, he-" Louis paused and after pondering for a few seconds he continued talking, "He left us when I was fifteen, he abandoned us for another woman younger than my mum and since then he never bothered to contact us ever again. I get it if he didn't want to talk to me anymore since I'm not biologically his but my sisters are his daughters. We're better off without him."
"Is that why you were hesitant when I told you I want to raise Edward as my own if he turns out not to be mine?" Harry asked already knowing the answer when Louis looked down and his bottom lip trembled.
"I'm sure my stepdad always considered me his own but not his family, many of them always made me feel like I didn't belong there and I don't want that for my baby. I don't want him to go through what I went through." Louis said.
"He won't Louis, I'm going to love this baby and so will my family. I'm sure that if they knew they would love him the same, they won't care." Harry wrapped an arm around Louis and seconds later the other bringing Louis forward into a hug.
"Maybe, maybe not...you don't know that Harry." Louis pulled back to look at Harry in the eye.
"All that matters is that we're gonna love him and I'm gonna spoil him rotten." Harry nodded to himself like a small child ignoring Louis smiling as he rolled his eyes.
"I don't want him to be spoiled, don't want him to be a brat." Louis fiddled with the collar of Harry's shirt.
"Our son will never be a brat, he'll be too cute to be considered one." Harry argued.
Louis only looked at him feeling the tears stinging his eyes because there it was, our son, and it made Louis want to cry forever. He wished so hard for Edward to be Harry's because if he could pick who the father of his children was, he would always pick Harry over anyone.
He was still looking at him when he started leaning forward barely touching Harry's lips with his own until Harry closed the tiny space between them kissing him with all his might. Louis placed his hand on Harry's cheeks deepening the kiss letting Harry put his laptop somewhere else then felt his hands lifting him up by the back of his thighs to straddle him.
Before Louis could register what was going on Harry had already taken his own shirt off attempting to do the same with Louis' who felt a bit uncomfortable but let him anyway. He started moving his hips against Harry's wrapping his arms around Harry's neck when he got up with him in his arms rushing to their bedroom. He gently set him down on the bed following when Louis didn't let go from around his neck smiling as he trailed kisses down his neck careful not to put too much pressure on his belly.
Louis was surprised how fast he started hardening the moment Harry started grinding against him reaching down to stop him and palm him through the thin fabric of his shorts hearing breathy fucks coming from Harry the more he touched him. Louis whined when Harry pulled away seeing him taking them off then reached to take his pants off and once they were off he pulled him towards him by the ankles over to the edge of the bed .
"Fuck Harry, find the lube!" Louis exclaimed feeling like he was going to explode if he didn't have him inside of him soon.
"I am prepared Louis, I was born ready." Harry smirked showing Louis the small bottle of lube already in his hand.
"Oh god, please don't say that." Louis groaned covering his face with his hands feeling Harry's hand ghosting over the skin of his inner thigh spreading out his legs for him without even thinking, he relaxed before he felt Harry's finger entering him.
"Wait!" Harry loudly gasped stopping what he was doing to look at Louis with wide eyes, "Do you think this will hurt the baby? I really really want you right now but if its gonna hurt the baby then maybe we should wait until after he's born."
"That's months away Harry! Middle of june!" Louis exclaimed, "I asked the doctor and she said it was okay, Harry I'm dying here."
"Okay then..." Harry shrugged then lifted Louis' legs over his shoulders continuing what he was doing.
He searched for that spot smirking when he quickly found it then spent the next half hour fingering him sometimes avoiding it pissing Louis off who would still jerk him off to keep him going. When he felt that Louis was ready he reached for the condom freezing halfway when he figured out they were out then looked back at Louis who was waiting for him.
"Now what?" Louis asked almost out of breath.
"Umm...we don't have any condoms." Harry said.
"We don't need it, I'm already pregnant. Its not like I'm gonna get pregnant again." Louis shrugged grabbing Harry's hand to pull him to him kissing him as soon as Harry was close enough.
Harry only nodded like a fool and as fast as he could he lubed himself up seeing Louis turning around on his hands and knees making Harry's mouth water at how good he looked. He slowly lined his cock against Louis' hole unable to tear his gaze away seeing the way it looked as Louis took him all in wanting to make it slow until Louis pushed his hips back against him until he was flushed against him.
"You feel so good." Louis moaned hiding his face against his arm then lifted his head up to look back at Harry finding him staring right there making him blush.
He slowly moved his hips forward then backward again setting up his own rhythm until Harry finally reacted and grabbed him by the hips thrusting in and out then rolling his hips in circles. Louis almost came like an inexperienced teenager when Harry found his spot making sure to hit it every time while Louis let out uh sounds every time Harry would thrust into him.
"Fuck Lou, thi- this feels so much better." Harry groaned leaning down to trail kisses from Louis' lower back to the back of his neck moving a bit faster.
"Oh my god! I'm gonn- fuck fuck fuck." Louis suddenly sat up painfully clenching around Harry who slowed down.
"Relax, Louis rela-" Harry stopped moving.
"I'm cramping!" Louis said almost in tears reaching for his left leg trying to massage it.
"What?" Harry asked still confused.
"My leg...my- my calf, ow." Louis cried out in pain massaging as fast as he could and when he started hitting it only making it worse he felt Harry pulling out of him then his arms around him lifting him up and setting him down on the floor.
"Try to use you leg, Louis use your leg." Harry urged still holding onto him.
"What do you think I'm doing!" Louis snapped trying to put pressure on it until the pain slowly started going away.
"Better?" Harry asked.
"Yes." Louis mumbled then looked down hating how hormonal he was getting when his bottom lip trembled, "But I ruined it, I was so close and I ruined it...I bet I ruined it for you too."
"Doesn't matter, we can try some other day." Harry kissed Louis' cheek making him blush a deep shade of red.
"No. You're gonna lay there and let me do all the work." Louis said in a determined voice waiting for Harry to do as he was told and when he did he smiled getting on top of him.
He straddled him grabbing Harry's cock pumping a few times before lining it against his hole sinking down on it and as soon as he was all the way in he started moving up and down. He held onto the headboard then kissed Harry letting his tongue trace Harry's bottom lip loving the way he would hold on to his hips tightening his grip on them the closer he would get.
He threw his head backwards when Harry wrapped his hand around his cock getting closer when he nipped at his skin leaving a few red marks behind on his chest. He was still bouncing on Harry's cock feeling closer and closer when he felt him cumming inside of him without warning with him following a few seconds later. He slowed down until he was still letting Harry wrap his arms around him smiling when he gently kissed him almost as if he could break at any moment. Louis found it endearing, Harry was endearing.
"Fuck that was good." Louis said against Harry's neck then started leaving small kisses up and down before lifting himself up to go and clean himself up, "I'm gonna go take a shower then go to bed, I am exhausted."
"Mind if I join you?" Harry raised his eyebrows in a suggestive manner quickly getting up when Louis nodded.
The shower lasted longer than usual when Harry kept kissing Louis always wanting to have his arms wrapped around him touching his baby bump. When Louis finally managed to finish showering he dressed into warm and comfortable pajamas letting Harry spoon him falling asleep rather fast.
The following saturday Harry was up bright and early making breakfast while Louis was still in a deep sleep just wanting to leave breakfast ready before Des could pick him up. They had decided on going to a football game when Harry had insisted that he wanted to start getting into the sport again after years and Des had immediately agreed just happy to spend time with his son. Harry left soon after Louis had woken up and eaten breakfast having made sure he wasn't going to be alone at all.
"Ready?" Des asked as he smiled as soon as Harry had gotten in the car.
"Yeah! You better start getting that money ready, I am gonna win." Harry grinned.
"Not a chance son." Des chuckled pulling out of the parking lot.
When they got to the stadium it was already crowded but soon enough they found their seats making conversation while they waited. When they game started they were focusing only on it making conversation here and there when Harry noticed Collin sitting a few feet away from them with a young man next to him. He rolled his eyes when he saw him already looking right back at them and decided to ignore him not wanting him to ruin his day with his dad.
They got through the whole game and the more Collin stared the more it pissed Harry off trying to decide if it would be a good idea to confront him. He then thought about how he would only make things worse and chose to keep ignoring him.
"Son, don't look but that man keeps looking at you." Des said out of nowhere making Harry groan when he saw his father was trying not to grin.
"Dad, I'm married...with a son on the way." Harry rolled his eyes yet couldn't help the amused smile slowly growing on his face.
"Yeah. I don't know...he's just been doing that for a while now and if I'm honest he's creepy." Des said in a worried tone making Harry sigh.
"He's probably looking at me like that because he hates me, he's Louis' ex fiance." Harry said trying not to glance Collin's way.
"Really? He looks just as dumb as I thought he would, I mean, he had everything with Louis." Des shook his head.
"Yeah...and don't tell Louis but I'm glad all of that happened or right now Louis would be married to him and probably expecting their first child. If I'm honest, I wouldn't want anyone near him and starting a family with him after what Louis told me and after what I experienced myself." Harry looked down at his shoes then back at his father who was giving him curious looks.
"Did I miss something?" Des asked already worried.
"Its just...Louis hates talking about it now because he got to experience it, that man is a psycho, a cheater and a liar. He cheated on someone as perfect as Louis and he's just a liar. He's still after Louis and won't take no for an answer, doesn't get that Louis is now my husband and is going to have our baby. He even thinks the baby might be his since Louis got pregnant right away and I'm worried." Harry gave Des the saddest look.
"That's gonna be a problem, I think you boys should get a restraining order...wouldn't want that man harming you or Louis and my grandson." Des chewed on his bottom lip, "In fact, I'm gonna go and have a chat with him."
"No!" Harry grabbed him by the arm stopping him, "Dad, I get that you want to help us but you're only going to make things worse. Let Louis and I handle this and if it gets worse then we'll get that restraining order...I think you should let mum and Gemma know about this but keep it between the three of you. I just want them to be aware of him if they ever go out with Louis. Maybe let Christian know too since they have the kids."
"Of course I'll let them know, like you do, we wouldn't want that man near him." Des quickly agreed.
"Thank you dad, I really appreciate it. My family always come first for me." Harry genuinely said even after he had told a few little white lies but Louis' well being and sense of security came first.
Des proudly smiled clapping Harry on his back then went back to watching the last few minutes of the game completely ignoring Collin. When it was time to go Harry followed his father towards the exit with the biggest smile after his team had won and his dad had lost the bet.
Des drove him back home unable to stop talking on the way back and even if they just talked about Harry's favorite cartoon when he was a child and the way he used to like watching cooking shows. When Harry waved goodbye and Des was gone he finally turned around making his way inside his building with the biggest smile on his face. When he walked inside he looked around noticing everything was too clean then made his way to the kitchen that was too clean seeing Louis kneeling in front of the oven trying to clean it.
"Lou, what are you doing?" Harry asked.
"Cleaning the oven, I was going to bake cupcakes but I can't when this oven is filthy so I'm cleaning it then I'll bake the cupcakes." Louis explained without even bothering to glance his way in favor of scrubbing as fast and hard as he could.
"Okay then...I think it's clean enough." Harry said when Louis wiped the soap off.
"No, it still has nasty shi- stuff on it. There are stains everywhere." Louis said going back to scrubbing getting frustrated when they wouldn't come out.
"Those are part of it, they're not gonna come out. Trust me, I've tried." Harry said hoping to convince him then knew he had when Louis loudly sighed then wiped it off again.
He finally got up and closed it dumping everything on the sink washing his hands before making his way to the pantry taking out everything to make the cupcakes. Harry only watched his every move with a smile on his face as Louis busied himself around only focusing on what he was doing.
"Need any help?" Harry finally asked.
"Okay, that way I can make them faster. I want vanilla and chocolate ones...I was going to make strawberry ones but they sound nasty at the moment." Louis said moving over to let Harry wash his hands.
"What? Strawberry ones are awesome." Harry gasped as he dried his hands.
"No, it used to be but now thinking about it makes me want to puke. Same with chinese food, Zayn and I went to get some earlier today and it just smelled so gross and its my favorite. This kid better love chinese food." Louis pointed to his well rounded stomach making Harry's eyes focus on it smiling as he did so.
That's the moment he realized that four weeks later after finding out about him he still hadn't taken the time to actually sit down and touch his baby bump much less talk to him. He felt a little less guilty when he also realized that Louis hadn't even done so either or that's what he thought.
"Yeah?" Louis paused what he was doing to look at Harry.
"Have you ever talked to the baby? I read that it's good for their development." Harry casually said as he set the oven on the desired temperature.
"Uh...no, n- not really." Louis stammered trying to focus on something else rather than Harry.
"Oh..." Harry trailed off.
"I just..." Louis trailed off setting the bag of mix down on top of the countertop, "Don't judge me but I just don't feel it...yet. I know that the baby is there but I just don't feel all paternal or maternal- whatever it is towards him.I do get excited buying all the baby clothes but I'm not just there yet."
"That's normal, maybe when you start showing more or when you feel it move, who knows." Harry shrugged.
"Yeah...maybe." Louis forced a smile.
With that he turned around trying to focus on what he was doing but with the ugly thought on the back of his mind that he didn't feel emotionally attached to his baby enough to talk to him like any other father and mother would. The thought that he might be Collin's was enough to keep him from getting completely attached, it killed him to realize it.
Thoughts? :)
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