~Chapter 12
Thank you all so so much for the comments, they mean a lot to me! :)
Hope you like this chapter and don't forget to comment and vote!
Harry couldn't really concentrate on what he was doing always checking his phone for a text after he had told Louis to call him or at least text him after his appointment but so far he hadn't done so making him worry. When lunch time came around he decided to just accept Liam's and Niall's invitation to go have lunch with them and as soon as they were in their favorite restaurant they immediately ordered making conversation while they waited for their food.
"I met Zayn's parents this weekend." Liam said before taking a drink.
"How was it?" Niall asked while Harry nodded wondering the same.
"It was great!" Liam exclaimed smiling like a fool, "Both his parents are lovely and so are his three sisters, his oldest sister Doniya threatened me and his youngest sister Safaa is such a cutie, Waliyha sort of threatened me too but it's understandable. And his brothers didn't threaten me at all which was good 'cause they're just...huge."
"I'm glad they liked you. When is he meeting your parents and sisters?" Harry asked once again checking his phone sighing when he had no texts from Louis.
"This weekend." Liam said noticing he was still looking at his phone, "Is there something wrong? You keep looking at your phone."
"Just waiting for Louis to call or text me, he was sick all weekend and he was supposed to go to the doctor today. About Louis, you guys are not gonna believe what he and Gemma did." Harry said already getting excited at what he was about to tell them.
"What?" Niall asked.
"Gemma had surgery last thursday and Louis was with her so it was quite a great surprise when they showed up at my parents house saturday and she..." Harry trailed off trying not to cry, "She can see, she's- she's not blind anymore and you guys have no idea how happy that makes me."
"That's wonderful!" Liam exclaimed happy for her, "I'm gonna go see her one of these days."
"I'm so happy for her and for you too." Niall smiled reaching to hug him.
"Louis took her and he's so wonderful, mum, dad and Christian couldn't stop thanking him. I honestly would never forget what he did for her." Harry smiled like a fool not noticing the looks his friends were giving him, "When I met him I thought he was a brat but he's amazing." He happily sighed.
"He is great." Liam agreed.
"Yeah, great with babies too." Niall nodded.
"He's anyone's dream husband." Harry sighed smiling at the waitress when she placed their plates in front of them.
"You're falling for him." Liam stated.
"Huh?" Harry gave him a confused look.
"Oh my god yes!" Niall exclaimed smacking Harry's arm, "About time."
"You're falling in love with your husband." Liam smiled so wide his face might split in two.
"No I'm not." Harry quickly denied it blushing a bit.
"You are blushing, you fell in love with him. I thought this day would never come." Niall smiled like a fool.
"I am not in love with him and it doesn't matter because by next september we're going to file for a divorce and all of this will be over. He and I will go back to being alone." Harry shrugged trying to hide the fact that that wasn't what he wanted at all.
"But you don't want that Harry." Niall gave him a sad look.
"Maybe if you talk to him and tell him how you feel then maybe he'll give you a chance, anything is possible." Liam insisted just wanting the best for him.
"I don't know." Harry sighed, "You guys think he would like to..you know, try it out?." Harry asked just as his phone went off.
"I'm sure he will." Liam shrugged.
"Just ask him Harry." Niall smiled.
He picked up the phone with a smile on his face when he saw it was a text from Louis but his smile quickly vanished when he read it.
We need to talk, come straight home after work please. Its important.
"What is it?" Niall asked.
"It was Louis, he said we need to talk." Harry shrugged not saying anything else.
They continued eating until they finished then went back to work and by the end of the day Harry was a nervous mess as he drove home while Louis wasn't doing any better. Louis was sitting on the couch waiting for Harry with an ultrasound picture in hand hoping for Harry to do what he had planned. He tensed up when he heard the door opening and seconds later Harry walked in taking in the closed curtains and a lamp being the only source of light.
"What did the doctor say? You're not dying, are you?" Harry asked taking a seat next to Louis who looked like he had been crying making him worry.
"No, its nothing serious." Louis tried to smile but failed.
"So what is it?" Harry nervously asked, "It must be serious, you've been crying."
"We have to tell your parents the truth then file for the divorce." Louis said not wanting to beat around the bush.
"What? why!?" Harry exclaimed seeing Louis looking down at his lap holding something in his hands.
"We can't keep lying to them Harry, I- I thought I was going to be able to do this but they're great people. They accepted me, a complete stranger, into their family and I can't keep doing this to them." Louis started crying as soon as he had looked at Harry's almost heartbroken expression.
"You said a year." Harry nearly mumbled.
"I slept with Collin the day before I caught him cheating and two or three days later I slept with you, both of you used a condom and-" Louis said getting cut off by Harry.
"And what does that have to do with us? What? You got back together with him, is that why you want to divorce me? To go back to the asshole who cheated on you." Harry said trying to mask the anger building up inside of him.
"I'm pregnant and he might not be yours!" Louis yelled not caring if he had been too loud seeing the way Harry's eyes widened.
"What?" Harry's eyes widening then flickered down to Louis' stomach.
"I'm already eighteen weeks and he might not be yours, that's why we have to tell them the truth and get a divorce. I can't and won't lie to them anymore especially when there's a child involved." Louis said.
"He? Its a boy?" Harry asked completely ignoring what Louis had told him.
"Yeah, its a boy." Louis nodded.
"What if he's mine? What then?" Harry asked.
"Then I'm not going to keep you away from him but...Harry what are the chances that he could be yours. For all we know he could be Collin's." Louis wiped away his tears.
"He's not Collin's." Harry said out of nowhere.
"Harry..." Louis rubbed his hands on his face.
"When I found the condom that morning I- I didn't even bother checking it but there were a few cum stains next to it where I threw it the night before so the baby is mine." Harry said trying to convince Louis and himself.
"Don't do this to me!" Louis started crying again throwing the ultrasound picture at Harry, "That doesn't mean anything, the one Collin used could have broken too and it was three days before you. I don't- I don't want this baby to be his so don't you dare get my hopes up."
"Then he's mine! If I'm not his biological father he'll still be mine." Harry desperately said grabbing Louis' hands in his.
"I can't believe you." Louis pulled his hands away then got up to pace back and forth in front of Harry, "You're willing to raise a child that might not be yours just so we don't have to tell your family how we really got married. I never thought you would be capable of doing that. I know it's hard but we have to tell them the truth." Louis insisted.
"No you don't understand!" Harry exclaimed quickly getting up to stand in front of Louis.
"I think I did, Harry." Louis rolled his eyes.
"We tell them the truth, we tell them everything but we could- we could..." Harry trailed off not wanting to face rejection.
"We what?" Louis asked.
"We tell them the truth and we stay together. I know it sounds crazy but we could do it and we'll raise him together and if he's not mine I'll still raise him as my own." Harry nearly begged.
"You're crazy." Louis' bottom lip trembled, "Why would you want to raise a baby that might not be yours and with someone who you don't love, what about your family?"
"I like you okay, I- Liam told me I was falling for you and who knows, maybe I am and I don't care about what they think. Its my life and if I want to raise him as my own even if he's not mine then that's my decision. Don't forget that there's a possibility that he could be mine." Harry said hoping to convince Louis.
"Its not that easy Harry, I wish it was but what about Collin? If this baby is his I'm gonna have to tell him, I can't keep his son away from him."
"Then you tell him but not until we're sure who the father is." Harry said, "Please, at least try. I know you don't like me like that but please, we could make it work and maybe with time you'll like me too, at least a little."
"And if it doesn't work out?" Louis asked afraid of the answer.
"It will, trust me." Harry said taking Louis' hand in his then seconds later pulled him into a hug feeling Louis wrapping his arms around him too.
"Your parents are not gonna like this, you raising a kid that's probably not yours." Louis sighed then tried to smile at least a little, "You're still crazy."
"I don't care." Harry said then pulled back giving Louis a goofy smile, "Didn't I tell you crazy is my middle name."
"No, you failed to disclose that information to me." Louis said spotting the ultrasound picture on the floor by the couch.
He walked up to it and slowly picked it up once again turning around to face Harry jumping a bit when he was already standing in front of him looking at it expectantly. Louis handed it to him and as soon as Harry saw the tiny baby clearly seeing it was indeed a boy his chest filled with some kind of emotion he had never experienced before.
"Is it too late to nickname him peanut?" Harry asked still looking at the picture.
"If you want to call him peanut then his nickname shall be peanut." Louis said somehow feeling a whole lot more comfortable with the pregnancy.
"How come you're not showing yet. Is the baby okay?" Harry asked, his eyes flickering from the picture to Louis' stomach.
"Doctor Freeman told me a lot of reasons but I think its because its my first pregnancy plus the baby is a little on the small side but he's healthy." Louis shrugged.
"I'm gonna make something to eat, you must be hungry." Harry said then headed to the kitchen taking the picture with him.
Louis walked behind him and just as he was about to ask for the picture he pursed his lips into a thin line seeing him pinning it on the fridge already looking so proud making him forget reality for just a bit. Harry ended up making spaghetti and meatballs since it was fast to make and it was getting late. While eating they finally decided on telling the truth to Harry's family as soon as possible and even the truth about the baby.
That night they finally went to bed after taking a quick shower and after making sure that Louis was in a deep sleep, Harry finally placed a hand on Louis' stomach feeling the tiny bump. He left it there for what seemed like forever until Louis turned around on his side facing him and curling up into a ball and seconds later Harry wrapped his arms around him knowing he was falling for him. He just hoped for Louis to do the same, at least a little bit.
The next day Harry was a nervous mess since it was the day he was going to tell his parents everything and he could see Louis wasn't doing any better. He could see him fiddling with the hem of his shirt and even though he had started taking something for the nausea he still had thrown up as soon as he had woken up. He wasn't able to eat anything other than crackers after Harry had remembered that they were good for nausea.
"I can't do this!" Louis said out of nowhere as soon as Harry had stopped at a red light.
"What?" Harry looked at him already worried.
"We can't tell them I'm pregnant, they're gonna think I'm a whore and that I'm only using you to give my baby a father." Louis said already sweating buckets, "Maybe I should go away until the baby is born then we do a DNA test and if he's yours then we tell them."
"And what are we gonna do if he isn't? They're gonna find out anyway when you come back with peanut." Harry gave him a duh look slowly stepping on the gas as soon as the light turned green.
"I'm ashamed, what kind of person am I. They're not gonna like you raising a kid that isn't yours and I know you don't care but I do, they're gonna think the worst about me and what if they make my baby feel like he isn't part of the family if he turns out to be that douchebag's. I don't want that for my baby, I went through it with some of my dad's family...I'm not biologically his and even though he said he loved me some of his family still made me feel less." Louis confessed surprising Harry.
"Then we don't tell them, we keep that to ourselves and just tell them everything else." Harry shrugged trying to keep his eyes on the road.
"I don't want to lie to them anymore." Louis started tearing up.
"It doesn't matter Louis, peanut is still my son whether he's biologically mine or not. I already told you I want to stay with you and I know you don't have feelings for me but I'm hoping one day you will." Harry gave him a tiny smile.
"Harry..." Louis trailed off wanting to fall in love with him and have the perfect family but couldn't when he was still afraid.
"We don't have to tell them about the baby's situation, we can tell them he's mine and that's it." Harry said and when he parked outside his parents house he turned to look at Louis waiting for an answer.
After a few minutes of silence Louis finally nodded then got out of the car after Harry nodded too to let him know he had understood. Harry was quick to take Louis' hand in his and together walked inside the house not even bothering to knock and just let themselves in going straight to the kitchen where he could hear their voices.
Anne, Des and Gemma were already in the kitchen and as soon as they walked in Gemma was quick to go and hug them giving them each a kiss on the cheek followed by Anne. Des gave them a hug too smiling as he did so only making them more nervous than they already were.
"Now what's that important thing you have to tell us?" Des asked them, "Oh! And Louis, from now on Gemma will be working with us."
"Really? That's wonderful." Louis genuinely said giving Gemma a smile.
"I am lucky dad gave me the opportunity. I'm slowly turning my life around and it's wonderful, you have no idea how great it feels to be able to help Christian around and the kids are just the cutest things ever." Gemma happily sighed at the end.
"So what is it that you have to tell us?" Anne asked gesturing for them to sit around the table were tea cups were already waiting for them.
"Its- Its something serious, about our whole wedding in Vegas." Harry said trying to keep his nerves down as he pulled a chair for Louis and Gemma then took a seat next to Louis holding his hand in his.
"What about it?" Anne asked sensing something was wrong.
Harry looked at Louis feeling their hands sweating yet made no move to let go needing to hold it bringing him some sort of comfort then rubbed circles on Louis' hand with his thumb.
"What I'm going to tell you...please don't interrupt me, just listen until I'm done talking. Please." Harry said seeing them nodding taking a deep breath before he started talking.
"Louis and I met in Vegas when I went there after dad fired me and we- we got drunk together, we woke up the next day already married and at first we were going to annul it and never have to see each other again but then Niall had to open his big mouth. I said we had been dating for a while because I didn't want to disappoint any of you more than you already were, I didn't want to give dad the satisfaction of knowing that I am really a fuck up so I convinced Louis to help me and we- I made up that whole story of how we met. Louis didn't want to keep lying to you when you welcomed him with open arms and he finally convinced me to tell you the truth. I- I'm really sorry." Harry finished then looked down not wanting to see the disappointment in their faces.
"So you're- you're not married at all? I'm confused." Anne finally spoke.
"We are married, but we got married when we were drunk." Harry explained.
"Son..." Des sighed rubbing his hands on his face while Gemma only stared at them with a blank expression snapping out of it when he heard Harry sniffling.
"I didn't want to disappoint you anymore than I already had, I wanted you to be proud of me dad." Harry's eyes filled with tears feeling Louis tightening his grip on his hand.
"Does Jay know?" Anne asked and Louis felt a lump in his throat.
"I went there with my friend Zayn after- after I caught my fiance in bed with a woman." Louis confessed.
"Oh god." Anne hid her face with her hands.
"I- I used to be engaged and he cheated on me...that's when my friend convinced me to go to Las Vegas to distract myself. We dated for two years and were engaged for six months. My mum knows but she's the one who convinced me to tell the truth, she had nothing to do with this other than keep the secret and this probably means nothing to you anymore but she appreciates your friendship, she's been on her own for a while ever since dad left us. I'm so sorry." Louis looked down at his lap knowing that by now Anne no longer considered Jay her friend.
"Your mum and I need to talk but now tell me something. Are you both going to get divorced now that you told us the truth?" Anne asked.
"We had agreed to stay together for a year but last night we decided to stay married, try and make it work because...because..." Harry looked at Louis seeing him gesturing him to go ahead.
"Harry." Gemma finally spoke expecting her brother to keep talking.
"I'm gonna be a dad." Harry mumbled feeling his face heating up.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" Des asked expecting Harry to start talking until Louis loudly sighed and started talking.
"I was sick all weekend and yesterday I went to the doctor and- and I'm...pregnant. Already eighteen weeks and it's a boy." Louis blushed.
"Condoms can't do their job right, especially when you're that drunk." Harry said seeing Louis smacking his forehead with his hand.
""This- This is a lot to take in." Des sighed already starting to get frustrated.
"I understand if you want nothing to do with us anymore and-" Harry started.
"No, don't think that we're disowning you son. We just need time to assimilate all of this and...I'm going to be a grandfather again. Another boy." Des interrupted.
"But you're not even showing yet." Anne said, her eyes looking teary already.
"Its his first pregnancy mum, the doctor told him that could be the reason why." Harry proudly said.
"I bet you're gonna have the cutest tummy ever. May I?" Gemma said wanting to touch his belly.
When Louis nodded Gemma quickly got up and made his way over to him placing her hand on his stomach squealing and announcing that she could feel a small bump that only made Anne rush over to him putting her hand next to Gemma's. After pondering for a few seconds Des finally made his way to him too touching Louis' stomach after Anne and Gemma finally let him.
"You're eighteen weeks so that means you're already five months, only four more months and we get to meet him!" Gemma smiled, "Do you guys already have a name?" She asked looking at both Louis and Harry.
"We haven't tho-" Harry started.
"Edward." Louis interrupted him making Harry look at him with a surprised yet happy look, a tiny smile slowly making its way onto his face.
"You're naming him after Harry, that's just wonderful." Anne smiled, "When's your next appointment?"
"February sixteen, I'll be twenty two weeks by then." Louis said and slowly brought his hand up putting it over his stomach feeling the tiny bump feeling happy about it.
"Son," Des started, "Remind me by then so I can let Liam know he's in charge while you're gone, you don't want to miss Louis' appointment, you get to see little Edward." Des smiled putting his arm over Harry's shoulders.
"Of course dad, wouldn't miss it for the world." Harry returned the smile, "Well, we better get going, gotta go back to work."
After saying their goodbyes they went back to work while Louis ignored his mum's texts wanting to know what had happened until she stopped and three hours later he finally called her back when she texted him that she had talked to Anne.
"Please tell me she didn't cut you out of her life." Louis said as soon as she had answered.
"Hello to you too dear, now how about you tell me why Anne told me she's going to be a grandma. I thought you weren't sure." Jay said expecting an explanation.
"Edward is Harry's, mum." Louis lied feeling awful yet kept doing so, "Harry told me the condom he found that morning was broken and since he didn't know I could get pregnant and I never told him he never mentioned it. We're sure this baby is his, the asshole was always careful anyway so Edward is Harry's."
"Edward? Baby that's a wonderful name!" Jay exclaimed already tearing up, "My first grandbaby, gosh, I can't wait."
"Is Anne mad at you?" Louis asked surprising himself when he found himself rubbing small circles on the side of his stomach.
"She was at first but after a long talk we're back to being friends, I'm glad she understood and now we're gonna get a grandbaby out of it." Jay said.
"I know, hopefully I'll get a due date by my next appointment. I'm still worried that I'm not showing that much, maybe he's gonna be a small baby." Louis sighed.
"You were a small baby too, sweetheart. He probably gets it from you and he's going to be beautiful, I just know it." Jay beamed and Louis smiled at hearing how happy she sounded.
"Maybe, but I rather him get Harry's height...I'm too short." Louis chuckled.
"You are only a few inches shorter than Harry, not much difference." Jay giggled, "Besides, as long as Edward is healthy his height shouldn't matter."
"You're right mum, as long as he's healthy. Have you told the girls?" Louis asked.
"Not yet love, I thought you would want to tell them or if you want to I could tell them."
"You can if you want to, that's fine to me." Louis shrugged knowing she was going to tell them anyway.
"Then I will love, I gotta go and please take care of yourself and my grandbaby." Jay said.
After exchanging a few more words Louis finally hung up and got back to work not stopping until it was time for him to go back home waiting for Harry to make dinner together. As the weeks passed by Louis found himself getting bigger and bigger out of nowhere while Harry wouldn't stop fawning over it and bragging over how big his son was getting. To him it was as if his tummy was just waiting for him to know he was pregnant to start getting bigger even though it was still a little on the small side.
"So you're pregnant...and he's Harry's?" Zayn asked from where he was sitting next to Louis on his couch in his apartment.
"Yeah, I'm almost twenty two weeks." Louis nodded.
"Twenty two weeks!? And you waited that long to tell me?" Zayn almost shouted lowering his voice when Louis covered his stomach with his arm.
"You're gonna scare him...I need to ask if he should be moving soon. I haven't felt a thing." Louis said but more to himself already getting worried over it.
"I think it's closer to twenty five weeks, read it somewhere." Zayn shrugged then smiled, "But, congratulations Lou, I bet Harry's so excited."
"He is, even more when I told him I'm gonna name him Edward, Harry's middle name is Edward and I'm letting him pick a middle name." Louis smiled.
"I'm happy for you Lou. See, I told you one day you were going to find someone else and you did and now you're also going to have a baby." Zayn's smile only got bigger making Louis feel guilty for lying to his best friend but it was best if he kept it to himself at least until his baby was born and a DNA test could be done.
He stayed there for almost an hour wanting to catch up with Zayn and talk like how they used to before and ended up leaving when Liam showed up to invite Zayn out to eat. When he got home he did a double take seeing Trevor standing outside their apartment holding a bag in his hands and as soon as he saw Louis his eyes immediately wandered down to his stomach. Louis tried not to smirk glad that for once he was wearing a shirt that was a bit too tight on him.
"What are you doing here?" Louis asked as soon as he was standing in front of him.
"Is Harry here?" Trevor asked completely ignoring Louis' question.
"You didn't answer my question." Louis crossed his arms over his chest.
"He left a few things back in my apartment and I came to give them back. Is he here?" Trevor said almost gasping out loud when Louis snatched the bag out of his hands.
"No he's not but don't worry, I'll give them back to him." Louis said as he unlocked and opened the door walking in then turned to look at Trevor, "Thank you." Louis gave him a sweet fake smile then closed the door locking it as fast as he could.
He turned around then dumped the bag on the couch dropping his own messenger bag next to it then opened the bag Trevor had just given him finding only already washed and neatly folded clothes. He put them all back in there then grabbed the bag taking it to their bedroom putting it next to the closet door.
After taking a shower he took a seat on a chair at the table looking up clothes for pregnant men until he stumbled on a section for baby clothes smiling at all the tiny baby rompers and onesies. He was too focused already purchasing a few he just couldn't live without that he didn't hear Harry coming in until he felt fingers poking his sides and Harry's voice.
"There you are!" Harry poked his sides making Louis let out a scream and jump up a little.
"Harry what the hell!" Louis snarled after a few seconds of trying to calm down and one hand over his chest and the other on his belly.
"What?" Harry laughed.
"You scared me!" Louis screamed and soon his eyes were filling with tears before his bottom lip trembled and just like that started crying out of nowhere.
"Shit! Lou...Louis don't cry." Harry knelt down in front of him trying to make him stop crying, "Lou, I'm sorry, I won't do it again but please don't cry."
Harry sighed in relief when Louis nodded as he wiped away his tears taking a deep breath and that's when he noticed he had been looking up for baby clothes making him smile a little.
"I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me. Maybe it's just the pregnancy, mum would cry all the time too for no reason." Louis explained and finally raised his eyebrows when Harry said nothing.
"Don't be sorry, I shouldn't have done that." Harry said then got up bringing a paper shopping bag, "Look what I found at this store Gemma told me about."
"What?" Louis asked and when he saw the bag with baby blue strings he smiled opening it when Harry motioned for him to do so.
He smiled when he found a light blue onesie with Daddies Little Boy written on the front then as soon as he had seen the second one he burst out laughing while Harry did the same.
"What is this!" Louis said after he had calmed down but started all over again when he read it again.
"It's cute." Harry shrugged.
"Ah good sir, I seem to have shat my pantaloons. Who even calls them pantaloons these days." Louis laughed again and just like that wrapped his arms around Harry holding him tight, "Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me."
"You don't have to thank me Lou, they're the first of many we're gonna buy for our son." Harry said.
"Our son." Louis nodded then hid his face on the crook of Harry's neck kissing it just once but it was enough for them.
"Yeah, our son." Harry agreed.
Thoughts? :)
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