~Chapter 11
I would like to thank google and my mommy for some of the info in this chapter. Thank you all so much for the lovely comments, they make me happy! Hope you like the chapter! :)
Louis fiddled with his hands already a nervous mess watching the doctor removing the bandages and as soon as they were gone he waited for him to remove the taped ones from her eyes. Once they were gone the doctor stepped back telling her to slowly open her eyes and as soon as she did all the way Louis frowned when she blinked a few times then her eyes filled with tears and her bottom lip trembled before she let out a heartbreaking sob.
"Gemma? Gemma..." Louis' eyes filled with tears taking a step closer to her ready to comfort her then wrapped his arms around her, his heart breaking just by hearing her crying the way she was.
He fought hard to hold back the tears but failed when they rolled down his cheeks and Gemma's grip on him tightened. He kept holding onto her as hard as he could to let her know everything was going to be okay but she pulled away and her eyes focused on him seeing her blinking way too many times.
"I- you're just like Harry described you." Gemma sobbed trying to get a better look at Louis placing her hands on his cheeks trying to wipe the wetness away with her thumbs.
"You mean you..." Louis trailed off as a smile slowly made its way on his face finally seeing her focusing her eyes on him.
"I can see you...you're still a bit blurry but I can see you." Gemma gave him a watery smile still holding onto the sides of his face.
"Oh thank god." Louis smiled then turned to look at the doctor, "Is that normal? Her seeing a bit blurry."
"Give her eyes a bit of time to fully adjust, she might not get her full vision back but she can see. That's what matters." Dr. Arnold smiled.
"Thank you Dr. Arnold, this means a lot." Gemma smiled at him seeing him nodding then went back to Louis unable to stop watching him seeing just how blue his eyes were hoping for Louis' and her brother's future kids to have them as well.
"When can she go home?" Louis asked.
"Tomorrow morning once I make sure she's doing well." Dr. Arnold said and after checking Gemma's eyes he finally left leaving them alone.
"Lou, do you have a mirror?" Gemma asked, "I want to see what I look like."
"A nurse left a small one in case you asked." Louis smiled walking up to a table then came back giving it to her.
Gemma took it in her hands then gasped as soon she saw her reflection touching all over her face, "Wow, I am old." She laughed making Louis chuckle.
A few hours later Gemma was allowed to walk around for a bit while Louis couldn't stop watching her with a smile on his face at the way she was touching everything wanting to look at it closer. By night the blurriness had slowly gone away and she couldn't be any happier literally skipping all over the room and even twirling Louis around telling him how independent and free she felt.
"I have pictures of the kids on my phone. Do you want to see them?" Louis asker her watching her freeze on her spot.
"I- I want to wait, I want to see them in person for the first time. And I can't wait to see Christian and Harry and my parents...your family, everybody." Gemma happily sighed.
"Tomorrow." Louis smiled.
"Thank you." Gemma said taking a seat on the couch next to Louis just loving the way she could now walk around without her cane or help at all. She felt free.
"You don't have to thank me Gemma, I'm happy to be here with you and then tomorrow you're finally going to see everyone. I can't wait to see their reactions." Louis said.
"Soon." Gemma smiled.
Saturday morning got there faster than ever and soon Gemma was ready to go fully dressed after taking a shower while Louis waited for her. She still had to wear her sunglasses so the light wouldn't hurt her still sensitive eyes and while Louis drove them back to Anne's house where everyone was she couldn't stop looking out the window never losing her smile. As soon as they started getting closer she started fiddling with her hands wiping the sweat off on her jeans every few seconds.
"I recognize these streets, they're still the same." Gemma said glancing at Louis before she went back to looking out the window.
"We're here." Louis said after a few minutes of silence.
Gemma took a deep breath then waited for Louis to open her door still a little nervous of what was about to happen then walked together towards the front door. Louis opened the door and Gemma couldn't help but look around seeing they had completely renovated the entire house making her feel like a stranger but pushed the thought away knowing it was still her house no matter what.
"Gemma? Louis?"
Gemma froze when she heard Harry's voice getting closer and closer and soon her brother was standing in front of them seeing he looked completely different yet still the same. He was still her little brother but now he looked so much older and definitely way taller than her when they used to be the same height. His hair wasn't as curly as it used to be and now it was much longer leaving her wondering how many products had he put on to make it look that good.
"Where's everybody else?" Louis asked seeing Gemma too stunned to talk.
"Kitchen." Harry said getting closer to them then looked at Gemma with worried eyes, " Are you okay Gemm? You're being really quiet."
"I...I'm just a bit tired." Gemma managed to say seeing her brother smiling and nodding glad that she was still wearing her sunglasses not wanting her brother to see the tears in her eyes.
"Come on, everybody's in the kitchen waiting." Harry smiled moving to stand in between them then wrapped an arm around their waists taking them to the kitchen where the kids kept whining wanting their mum while Christian struggled to keep them on their chairs and Anne cooked their lunch with Des helping her.
When they walked in Gemma stopped right by the doorway and her eyes filled with even more tears and her bottom lip trembled seeing everybody looking back at her with smiles on their faces. She watched Harry and Louis moving to stand to the side with Harry's arm still wrapped around his waist. She looked around until her eyes settled on the three little kids who hadn't noticed her yet sitting around the table with a blond man kneeling down next to the blond little girl.
She slowly took her sunglasses off unable to take her eyes off of him and when bright blue eyes met green and a smile slowly made its way onto his handsome face just for her she couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out crying. Christian was fast to get up and go to her while everybody else watched wanting to know what was going on and when he was almost close she didn't hesitate to meet him halfway there wrapping her arms around his much bigger frame.
"Gemma? Love what's wrong?" Christian asked trying not to cry himself feeling her pulling away then her hands on his cheeks.
He looked at her seeing her focusing her eyes right on him almost as if she was trying to memorize his features touching his nose, his lips, everywhere she could. He felt his bottom lip trembling the more she watched him until she finally spoke surprising everyone and himself.
"You're just like I imagined you...so handsome, I love you." Gemma said rubbing circles on his cheeks with her thumbs then her gaze focused on the three small children who were looking right back at her.
"You three are just like mummy imagined you, so so beautiful." Gemma made her way to them glancing at her parents and brother who were speechless then bent down in front of them, "Mummy can finally see you, she can finally take care of you."
Gemma started crying again picking Melissa up kissing her cheek then all over her face as she did so then let her sons get up to hug her surprising them when she could tell them apart just by hearing their voices.
"You can see me too, mummy?" Mason asked her placing his tiny hands on her cheeks.
"I can, love." Gemma said wanting to stop crying but couldn't.
"We can play tag mummy!" Chase cheered wrapping his skinny arms around her neck.
"Mummy...pretty mummy." Melissa grabbed a strand of her hair to play with it.
"Not as pretty as you." Gemma kissed her forehead then the twins.
"Gemma what's going on?" Des finally asked.
"You can see? B- But how?" Anne continued.
"Our trip." Gemma answered still looking at her kids feeling Christian's arms around them, "I asked Louis to help me, and I had surgery and...here I am. I just wanted to surprise you."
Gemma finally looked up seeing her parents already in tears and seconds later got up to hug them while Harry tightened his grip around Louis' waist. She stayed there for a few minutes until she turned around to look at Harry who froze as soon as her eyes settled on him and slowly made her way to him while Louis moved to stand next to Christian picking Chase up.
It was as if everybody had left the room when it was too silent just watching her getting closer to him until she was standing in front of him and wrapped her arms around him. Harry let out the most heartbreaking sob he had been holding in for almost eight years the moment he felt her arms around him and he wrapped his around her. They stayed there just holding each other for what felt like a long time until she pulled back to get a better look at his face placing her hands on his cheeks wiping his tears away.
"Look at you, so handsome...so grown up. What happened to those chubby cheeks and that baby face, huh?" Gemma nearly cooed making Harry chuckle even though he still couldn't stop crying.
"I...you can see, y- you can see." Harry started crying again not caring who saw, he could care less when his sister could finally see again.
"I can." Gemma chuckled as she nodded hugging him again feeling him hiding his face on the crook of her neck, "And I never hated you okay, I hated that you were always blaming yourself." She started rubbing his back to try and calm him down a bit feeling him pulling away from her.
"But it was my fault, if I hadn't-"
"It wasn't your fault, you weren't the one who was drunk and it's in the past, what matters is the present." Gemma smiled then frowned when Harry's eyes flickered towards their father, "And I think you and dad have a lot to talk about." She said loudly then looked at Des seeing him looking down at his feet.
"You're right Gemma." Des finally looked at them and just like that everybody made their way out of the kitchen to give them time.
"You don't have to say anything, dad." Harry quickly said.
"I do, I've treated you so bad these past few years. I was so caught up on the fact that your sister ended up blind that I never bothered asking you if you were okay and I blamed you for something that wasn't your fault." Des said too ashamed to even look Harry in the eyes, "I figured out way too late that you weren't the one to blame and by then you were already so distant, you barely talked to me and it was all my fault."
"What you said, all those things that you told me really hurt but they're in the past now. I want us to start over and actually have a father and son relationship." Harry said, his face full of hope it made Des' heart hurt knowing how much he had hurt his own child.
"Anything." Des nodded taking a step closer to his son.
A few seconds passed by before Des slowly wrapped his arms around his son while Harry did the same hooking his chin on his father's left shoulder letting out a shaky breath when Des started rubbing his back. They stayed there for a few minutes until they pulled back looking at each other and smiling as soon as they did then went to the living room where everybody else was.
When they walked in Louis was sitting on the recliner while Gemma was on the couch with Christian and their kids giving them all her attention while Anne was on the loveseat looking at her with love filled eyes. Harry was quick to go to Louis surprising the smaller man when he grabbed him by the hand and pulled him in into a hug cupping the back of his head wrapping the other around his waist as he murmured thank you's over and over again. When they finally pulled back they slightly blushed seeing the rest of the family looking at them with smiles on their faces.
"Thank you." Harry said once again giving him such a bright smile it made Louis feel all warm inside.
"You don't have to thank me, it was actually an honor...she trusted me enough to ask me." Louis blushed a deeper shade of red.
"Still, you're the best you know." Harry said giving Louis such a fond look everybody could see it from miles away making Louis squirm under his gaze just wanting those damn butterflies in his stomach to stop annoying him.
Louis wanted to say something when he felt the same old damn nausea making him want to puke but lucky for him he held it in and forced a smile but Harry was already looking back at him with a worried expression.
"Are you okay, Lou? You look a little green." Harry said placing his hands on Louis' shoulders to get a closer look.
"I am, I'm just really tired." Louis said.
"Then we won't keep you here!" Anne exclaimed getting up from her spot making her way to hug them, "Thank you so much Lou, we will never forget everything you did for Gemma. We're so lucky to have you." Anne hugged him tight while Louis did the same.
"Don't thank me Anne." Louis said.
"We want to." Des said reaching to hug him too, "You've done so much for Harry and now for Gemma so thank you."
"Dad, mum, you're gonna suffocate the poor lad." Gemma said making her way to her with Melissa in her arms and Christian following holding the twins.
Anne and Des chuckled quickly letting go of Louis protesting when Gemma hugged him followed by Christian who thanked him so many times.
"Thank you so much Louis, I don't know how I will ever repay you." Christian said.
"Just take care of her yeah." Louis said.
"Of course, now we're gonna go home and watch all those home videos I have." Christian winked at Gemma who blushed.
"You have videos of the kids?" Gemma asked getting closer to hug him.
"A lot actually. What? I knew someday you will see again you silly beautiful girl." Christian said.
"Stop!" Gemma blushed even harder, "You've been calling me that since our second date."
"And I'm never gonna stop." Christian shrugged making her smile while everybody else watched with smiles on their faces.
Louis and Harry ended up leaving taking their own cars and as soon as Harry had unlocked the door Louis bolted towards the bathroom leaving Harry in the living room completely confused. It wasn't until he heard him throwing up that he realized why he had been looking sick and rushed to the bathroom trying to open the door but finding it locked.
"Louis?" Harry knocked on the door, "Lou, are you okay?"
He tried to open the door stopping when he heard him flushing the toilet then water running and finally Louis opening the door still looking a bit sick. He ignored Harry as he made his way to their bedroom taking his shoes off and getting on the bed curling up into a tiny ball with his hands against his chest.
"What's wrong?" Harry asked sitting next to him brushing the hair out of his sweaty forehead.
"I think I ate something that wasn't good anymore." Louis groaned refusing to open his eyes, "And I'm getting so fat, I've been eating a lot and look what happened. I'm going on a diet as soon as I get better."
"You are not fat so get that out of your head." Harry said then got up, "I am gonna go make you something to eat, all that throwing up can't be good for you."
"I'm not hungry and I feel nauseous, I'll eat something later on." Louis got up trying to get under the covers.
"Then I'll save it for later." Harry stubbornly said getting up to go the kitchen and cook something for Louis.
He spent the next thirty minutes trying to think of something that would help settle down Louis' nausea and in the end ended up making a simple chicken broth. Once it was done he checked on Louis finding him asleep then moved to close the blinds leaving the room a bit darker knowing the bright light was going to bother him when he woke up.
He spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning their apartment then sat down on the couch to watch tv until Louis walked in still half asleep with a blanket wrapped around himself. He took a seat next to Harry watching the tv and seconds later leaned against Harry trying to wake up feeling a bit disoriented.
"Smells good. What is it?" He finally asked moving closer to Harry.
"Chicken broth, is supposed to help with the nausea. You should go to the doctor." Harry said as he grabbed the remote to change the channel.
"I'll get better." Louis shrugged.
"Want to eat now?" Harry asked ready to get up doing so when Louis nodded.
While he waited, Louis looked around their living room smiling when he saw the coffee table and the side tables remembering Harry telling him he had built them himself along with the bar. He went back to paying attention to the tv still thinking how cute they were and were special since Harry had built them himself.
"Do you want apple or orange juice?" Harry called from the kitchen.
"Apple!" Louis responded.
A few minutes later Harry came back with a bowl in one hand and a glass filled with apple juice in the other setting them down on top of the coffee table. He took a seat next to Louis and just as Louis was about to pick up the bowl Harry did intending to feed him.
"Come on, open up." Harry cooed bringing the spoon closer to Louis.
"Harry, I can hold the spoon and the bowl, my hands aren't broken." Louis sighed trying to take the spoon from Harry.
"But I wanna feed it to you so open up." Harry insisted.
"Harry." Louis groaned.
"Louis." Harry whined smiling when Louis rolled his eyes and slowly opened his mouth accepting the spoonful of chicken broth, "See, wasn't so bad was it."
"If you say so." Louis shrugged yet opened his mouth again waiting for Harry to feed him finding it a bit weird since Collin would've never done that for him. He was always on his own with him.
When Louis finished it he was feeling so much better and after thanking Harry he took a shower intending to watch tv but as soon as he had sat down on the couch he fell asleep once again leaving Harry to take him to bed. He woke up the next day feeling so much better until he smelt the bacon Harry was making sending him straight to the toilet where he spent most of his morning while Harry tried not to freak out seeing how sick he was. He ended up making an appointment for him the following day not caring if Louis didn't want to go and had yelled at him for it.
"I'm not going." Louis stubbornly said watching Harry getting ready for work the monday morning he was supposed to go to the doctor.
"Well I already told dad you're not gonna go to the office until after lunch and if you don't want to go all I have to do is call him again and tell him I'm gonna be late because I have to take you." Harry shrugged smirking when Louis threw a pillow at him then got up going straight to the bathroom to take a shower.
He thought his puking sessions were over and he was actually getting better until he heard him throwing up again making him sigh rather loudly hoping for it to just be a bug. Almost an hour later Louis walked out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist making Harry do a double take noticing he had put on a little weight but it was mostly on his belly choosing to keep his mouth shut not wanting to upset Louis.
"Aren't you gonna go to work?" Louis asked putting on a shirt then his briefs before dropping the towel quickly grabbing a random pair of jeans.
"I'm going with you." Harry simply said.
"You don't have to, I'm going by myself." Louis rolled his eyes trying to put on his jeans then his eyes widened when they no longer fit, "What the actual..."
"What's wrong?" Harry asked.
"My jeans won't fit anymore. This is getting ridiculous." Louis said getting on the bed on his back trying to button them up, "Motherfucker!"
"Just wear sweatpants." Harry suggested seeing him struggling as he cursed.
"No! I'm not gonna go out dressed like that." Louis glared at Harry.
"It's no big deal, Louis. Hurry up or we're gonna be late." Harry pointed at his watch.
"Don't rush me." Louis kicked his jeans off then got up to try and find new ones.
Four pairs of jeans later and a lot of screaming at Harry, Louis finally got out of the apartment after convincing Harry that he could go on his own and that he wasn't a child anymore. He got there ten minutes before the actual appointment finding out it was the Styles' family doctor and after waiting he was finally called in going through the same old boring process of checking his vitals then his weight cringing at how much he had put on. He was then taken to a different room where he was told by a nurse that the doctor would be there soon.
"Hello, I'm doctor Reynolds." A tall man with graying brown hair walked in after knocking shaking hands with Louis as he introduced himself.
"Louis, nice to meet you." Louis smiled.
"According to Mr. Styles you've been nauseous and vomiting. Any new symptoms?" Dr. Reynolds asked.
"Not really, that's pretty much it and I've been feeling like this since thursday last week." Louis explained.
"There could be many causes but to be sure I'm gonna have one of the nurses do a blood and urine tests." He said getting up to wash his hands then opened a drawer taking out a test tube and a small test cup giving it to Louis.
After the nurse was done with the blood test, Dr. Reynolds sent Louis out for the urine test and after he was done he was left waiting getting more and more nervous as time passed by. He thought he was going to die right there when Dr. Reynolds walked in with an already open envelope looking at Louis with a bright smile.
"Nothing serious then?" Louis asked.
"Nothing life threatening but you will have to take really good care of yourself for the next few months. According to these results," He showed him the envelope taking out a paper, "You are pregnant. Congratulations Louis."
"I'm sorry, what?" Louis raised his eyebrows waiting for the punchline.
"You are pregnant, I'm gonna have to do an ultrasound to see how far along you are but you are pregnant." Dr. Reynolds said watching many emotions passing through Louis' face, "Are you okay?" He furrowed his brow.
"A- Are you sure that's what's wrong? Its not a bug or something else?" Louis asked trying to stay calm but couldn't when there was a baby growing inside of him.
"I am a hundred percent sure, we can do an ultrasound if you want to. We need to find out how far along you are then send you to an obstetrician so he or she can help you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby." Dr. Reynolds explained.
"O- Okay but I- I'm probably less than four weeks." Louis stuttered realizing it had been a bad idea to have sex with Harry.
A baby was just going to complicate everything.
"Alright, now if you'll please follow me." Dr. Reynolds gave him a reassuring smile.
He followed him through a long hallway then walked in into a room where he gulped upon seeing the ultrasound machine. He followed his instructions and lay down on the exam table lifting his shirt up flinching and hissing when he felt the cold gel even though the doctor had warned him. He was starting to get impatient yet couldn't look at the screen when he heard the doctor mumbling something.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" Louis asked finally looking at the screen where he could see an almost perfectly formed baby making him furrow his brow in confusion.
"You said you think you're less than four weeks but what I'm seeing right here is a seventeen almost eighteen week old fetus. You're almost eighteen weeks pregnant." Dr. Reynolds said.
"No, no, that's not possible." Louis looked back and forth between the doctor and the screen, "I started sleeping with my husband again about four weeks ago unless..." Louis trailed off.
He suddenly remembered his night with Harry when they had gotten married in Vegas and with that a more horrific thought crossed his mind. His eyes filled with tears and his bottom lip trembled letting out a sob when he remembered sleeping with Collin just two or three days earlier and both of them had used a condom.
He covered his face with his hands trying to stop crying just trying to take in the fact that Harry might not be his baby's father and in that moment he wished he was, the thought that Collin could be the father was enough to make him sick.
Lucky for him Dr. Reynolds was fast enough to grab the trashcan holding it close to Louis while Louis was throwing up and crying at the same time wishing for all of it to be a nightmare. When he was feeling better a nurse brought him water so he could rinse his mouth and mint gum to get rid of the taste and after he was calm enough was when he finally looked at the doctor unable to believe the words that came out of his mouth.
"Is it possible to have a DNA test done on the baby and a possible father before it's born?" Louis asked looking down at his hands in shame hearing the doctor clearing his throat taking the towel so he could clean his belly.
"The only possible way is through an Amniocentesis test which is a test done by using a needle to enter the amniotic sac and remove a bit of amniotic fluid. An ultrasound is used as a guide to determine a safe location for the needle to enter the amniotic sac so the fluid can be safely removed. The procedure takes about 45 minutes, although the collection of fluid takes less than five minutes. The amniotic fluid, which contains cells shed by the fetus, is sent to the laboratory for analysis by comparing the DNA to the one of the possible father." Dr. Reynolds explained.
"I- Is it safe?" Louis asked closing his eyes for a brief second when Dr. Reynold gave him a sympathetic look.
"Although amniocentesis is considered to be a safe procedure, it is recognized as an invasive diagnostic test that does pose potential risks. Miscarriages can occur because of infection in the uterus, the water breaks or labor is induced prematurely. Following completion of the procedure, you may experience other side effects that include cramping, leakage of liquid and minor irritation around the puncture site. If I'm honest with you, I wouldn't recommend it but you can always get another opinion from an obstetrician." Dr. Reynolds explained watching Louis nodding.
"Would you recommend me one? I am completely clueless when it comes to all of this." Louis said rubbing his hands on his face.
"Of course, and if you want to I can try and schedule an appointment for you today as soon as possible." Dr. Reynolds suggested nodding when Louis nodded.
Turns out Louis didn't have to wait long and all he had to do was ride the elevator to another floor, two floors away from Dr. Reynolds and soon found himself in a room waiting for Dr. Freeman who Dr. Reynolds had told him was the best.
"Hello Mr. Styles, I'm doctor Freeman." A blond and short female doctor walked in wearing a big smile on her face.
"Hi." Louis forced a smile shaking hands with her.
"I have your file right here and according to an ultrasound done by Dr. Reynolds you are eighteen weeks pregnant." She said watching Louis nodding, "Could you please lay down for me so I can do another one and make sure everything's going alright?"
"I have a few questions." Louis said as he lay down lifting his shirt up once again then continued when she nodded, "I'm almost eighteen weeks, how did I not notice before? That's pretty far ahead."
"You're almost eighteen weeks which is five months and believe it or not some people go their whole pregnancy without knowing they were pregnant until they go into labour and according to the file you only started with morning sickness last thursday. Delayed symptoms is what we call them." Dr. Freeman explained, "It's gonna be a bit cold." She said.
"I'm also not that big, my mom was already so big around this time back when she was pregnant with my sisters." Louis said waiting for an explanation.
"I'm assuming this is your first pregnancy." Dr. Freeman said then continued when Louis nodded, "There are many reasons. Being a 'first time' father, if your abdominal muscles have never been stretched before by pregnancy, your muscles will tend to be quite toned and tight. This can make you 'show' later and hold your baby very close and high, looking 'small'."
"Second one could be the position of the baby. The baby moves and changes position regularly, particularly up until around 32 to 34 weeks of the pregnancy. Depending on the position your baby is in, your belly may at times look smaller and at others slightly bigger. Even during very late pregnancy, your baby may move their back from one side of your belly to the other, also changing your shape."
"Third one, your height. People who are tall and long-waisted, with a large length between the top of their hip and the bottom of their lowest rib, have plenty of room for their baby to grow upwards. This will tend to make them 'look' smaller because their uterus is not pushed as far forward. The uterus moving the intestines. The growing uterus can push your intestines upwards and backwards, to tuck away behind the uterus making you look 'all baby' or like you've 'swallowed a basketball'. This is compared to the intestines being pushed around the sides of the uterus, giving your belly a rounder, fuller and bigger look." She explained.
"So I might not get that big?" Louis asked.
"Probably not...there it is." She said making Louis look at the screen wanting to feel something yet felt nothing.
"It is perfectly healthy and normal in size. Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" She asked.
"Sure." Louis shrugged, "Is it possible to find out the sex?"
"I can try but I can't assure you, it all depends if the baby lets me see its genitals." She said then went silent as she tried to look for it and seconds later smiled, "It's a baby boy. Now lets hear his heartbeat."
He expected to feel something upon hearing the baby's heartbeat and knowing that he was going to have a boy but felt nothing when all he could think about was how he was going to tell Harry he was pregnant and that it probably wasn't his. When she asked if he wanted pictures he nodded asking for two then he was allowed to wipe the gel off and sit on a chair waiting for her to bring the pictures so he could ask about a DNA test.
Her response was the same as Dr. Reynolds and after talking about a few more thing she sent him on his way with prenatal vitamins along with something to reduce the nausea. He drove around the city for almost half an hour until he drove straight to his mother's house and as soon as he had parked the car outside her house it wasn't long before he burst out crying looking down at the ultrasound. That's how she found him and after making him go inside she sat down next to him waiting for him to talk, to tell her what was wrong.
"Sweetheart, please tell me what's wrong?" Jay begged after minutes of Louis not saying anything, "Did Harry do something to you, did his parents and sister find out?" She asked only making Louis cry harder.
"I- I'm pregnant." Louis managed to say in between his sobs.
"Oh love..." Jay cooed.
"And he might not be Harry's, I- I'm almost eighteen weeks and he might not be his, he might be Collin's. I had to be such a whore and sleep with both of them and now I don't know who the father is." Louis wailed wanting her to hug him glad that she did as soon as he rested his head against her chest.
"Its a little boy?" Jay asked sighing when Louis muttered a quiet yes.
"I wanted to have a DNA test done on the baby but the doctor told me its not safe and now I don't know what to do. I- I don't want this baby to be Collin's and I can't tell Harry and his fami- oh god they can't find out!" Louis wailed.
"Sweetheart, baby look at me." Jay pulled back waiting for him to look her in the eye and when he did she saw his eyes already red and filled with tears.
"I don't know what to do." Louis muttered feeling more tears rolling down his cheeks that his mother was quick to wipe away.
"I think its time for you and Harry to tell them the truth, no matter how hard it is you have to tell them." Jay calmly said hugging Louis again when he looked down at his lap and nodded not wanting to lie to them anymore.
Don't hate me.
Thoughts! :)
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