60th Hunger Games tribute info
here's a description of all the tributes that I wrote before/during the actual story.
pictures are all picrews, and have the watermark of the original artist. if you want the link to them, I've got it
there are also mentions of actors or celebrities I think fit their descriptions. if you want to see a particular character you can look them up, but otherwise I won't put in those pics unless asked (can only have so many pictures per chapter)
it's very unedited, so some things may be inaccurate, and a lot of the paragraphs are definitely very chunky, so have fun, I guess!
(this little info log is 8,832 words. read at your own risk!)
SPOILERS - says when each character dies, personalities, their entire life stories (and after their death in some cases)
setting: most of the arena is covered in a large forest, as many arenas are. this forest includes many different kinds of trees, including oaks, maples, and pines, like none found in the wild. about a third is dedicated to both the original field with the cornucopia and a stretch of beachy sand, behind it a large ocean (-like body of salt water, not actually big enough to be an ocean of course), with a small island in the center, about a hundred feet offshore. the island is pretty much a large mound of sand, dotted with two palm trees and a few choice boulders and scrawny plants. the overall arena isn't very hostile, although there really isn't a way to distinguish between poisonous flora/fauna and the safe type.
"One--Mei, seventeen, and Vulcan, sixteen. Both incredibly dangerous, and absolutely terrifying. Both I'll want to stay away from."
girl - Mei (may)
"Mei is strong and heavily muscled in the way that suggests she could pick even Orion up and throw him over her shoulder. She shore off her dark hair not long ago, tossing it into the fire with a smile, which proves that she's impulsive and willing to go to the extremes."
weapon of choice: battle axe
killed by taura (ten)
kill count - laine (1)
15th place
dies in chapter 16 - you killed her
Mei grew up poor, but when she was fourteen her mother married her rich stepfather and then promptly died from an incurable illness--or maybe the capitol just didn't want to cure her. Mei was alone most of the time and tried to spend it training for the very real possibility of her games. she offered the other children money to let her volunteer and only a few of them took it, so she resorted to other ways, drugging some to keep them away from the reaping and threatening others. in the games, she was confident she was going to win and wouldn't let anyone stop her, not even her own district partner.
author opinion: Mei is such an amazing character! probably not an amazing person, but I love her as a character. she's deep, a mix of other character's I've made and seen: amethyst, my character, and Johanna, from whom she got her little 'hiding the violence' trick, plus a whole lot more, because of course. she's so, so complicated, and is the way she is for many different reasons--more than just 'she was mistreated as a child so now she's mistreating children'.
boy - Vulcan (vull-can)
"Vulcan is tall and blonde, thin but not to the point of weakness. He carries himself with an air of confidence, his posture straight, sword soon washed in the ocean but never leaving his side. His eyes stray towards me occasionally, but it's not often, and the look in them is not kind."
12th place
weapon of choice: longsword
killed by apollo (four)
kill count - lun, vidi (2)
played by Bryn Chapman-Parish
dies in chapter 19 - his last moments
Vulcan grew up middle class, and endured sword fighting lessons from his doting father every other day after school. he was smart and got good grades, and although he wasn't too sure about the games and if he wanted to go into them, with much insistence from his parents about how wealthy and important it could make them, he fought tooth and nail to volunteer at only sixteen. when he didn't return home his parents grieved for exactly a month before moving on to his younger sister, Vera, Glimmer's best friend. Vera never did end up in the games, but did grieve for her brother when she discovered his death, and never really shook off the impact of that, running away when she was seventeen to district thirteen in an attempt to get away from the games, but being caught along the way and promptly executed.
author opinion: Vulcan is a dickhead, but I love him. he's meant to represent probably about half of the male population (to my male readers out there, no hate, love u guys) in that he takes the opportunity to gain power and abuses it. he's also very canonically hot, which makes him even more complicated, and more difficult to form a logical opinion on him, really. something I added early on in the book was Vulcan's insanity--if you look closely, he didn't really have it in the first chapters he was in (although I don't think he's a very sane person in general), but slowly the pressure of the games begins to get to him and he just loses it. he laughs uncontrollably in places where it's very much not necessary, hallucinates, and idolizes violence. Vulcan also gets much more confident during his insanity, though he was already a pretty confident person, having been encouraged his whole life, being a career and also a hot guy.
"Two is Terra and Orion, sixteen and eighteen. She is gorgeous, straight blonde hair framing her face nicely, and he is scarred from years of battle--with who? I don't know. There's no wars going on currently."
girl - Terra (tear-uh)
10th place
weapon of choice: bow and arrow
killed by taura (ten)
kill count - tupelo, roselle (2)
played by: asher yasbincek
dies in chapter 23 - ...and war
daphne's friends-to-rivals-to-lovers plot twist; love interest; when she dies Daphne stabs herself but doesn't die bc Apollo saves her
When Terra was young, her father set off to try to find a better life for his family or, in other words, try to find a better life for himself. she doesn't know where he went and doesn't really want to. her mother, though, has held up hope everyday that he would return, saving him a seat at the dinner table and always making just a little bit more food than they really needed, just in case he returned. because of how much her mother held on to that doomed relationship, Terra has always been a little bit scarred by that and, while willing to create and participate in relationships, is very scared to trust anyone, lest they run away like her father did.
author opinion: terra! she's amazing and also incredibly toxic, which, along with a bunch of other reasons, is why I didn't let her survive with Daphne (mainly bc she couldn't handle a capitol-controlled relationship, and would probably run away or smth). though really, terra knows what she wants and what her boundaries are, which is incredibly impressive and mature of her as a sixteen-year-old. she knows that Daphne is not good for her in the games, which are already incredibly stressful (of course). she has her terrible person moments, and then she's consoling Daphne on the rooftop and I'm thinking that she's way better than everyone ever thought. love her though <3
Boy - Orion (oh-rye-uhn)
11th place
weapon of choice: broadsword
killed by apollo (four)
kill count - nicola, bran, lionel, merino (4)
dies in chapter 16 - his last moments
"Those scars must have came from battling his friends and neighbors, which isn't good. If he'd fight even them, what reason would he have not to kill the rest of us?"
Orion was an orphan who fought every day for food and shelter. although district two's conditions were rumored to be perfect and pristine, on the inside people were starving everyday, and career tributes were beginning to become less common. although Orion wasn't formally trained, he learned bloodlust in a different way than the other tributes and isn't afraid to fight without hesitation. the other tributes had a secret pact that if Orion suddenly decided he wanted to win and turned against them, they would work together to kill him once and for all. Terra was secretly terrified of him, for good reason, and had never been more anxious then when she had to stand beside him right before the games, having already known of his reputation.
author opinion: ohh Orion's complicated, though ig most of these tributes are. he's mainly complicated because no one rly knows the real him--as I mentioned before, he's generally this big beast who is just a killing machine and everyone is terrified of, even terra, who seems to not mind spending time w him, at least in the beginning of the story. Orion doesn't want to be this beast, though, he wants to be accepted and loved, but with who he is forced to be, that isn't really possible. for that reason I have pretty mixed feelings about orion--I wouldn't want to meet him irl, mainly bc there's no way he's ever getting that adorable little personality out with how deep he's buried it, but he's a sweetie and a great character, at least I think so.
girl - Lua (loo-uh)
weapon of choice: spear
killed by daphne (four)
kill count - zero
2nd place
dies in chapter 36 - i don't blame you
"Three brings the youngest tribute this year: Lua. Her hair is haphazardly cut, meaning she probably did it herself, and this proves she's no good with blades."
Lua grew up as an only child with a pretty average family, loving but not overly generous. in an act of rebellion against what she believed were strict rules set by her parents, Lua cut her hair and ran away for two full weeks, returning with an empty stomach and homesickness. she was distraught when she joined the games, knowing she would never be able to see her parents again, never be able to apologize for all that she put them through.
author opinion: ahh Lua! what a little cutie. or not--she's kind of a menace sometimes, although it's all fueled by adrenaline and confidence in her friends. Lua relies heavily on allies during her games, which isn't a flaw because she honestly could not survive without them. she's a little bit based on rue, but honestly not very much, they're pretty different characters. alternatively, she's a little based on autumn, but she's my original character from a different hunger games fanfiction, so that's okay.
boy - Hermes (herm-eez)
weapon of choice: none
killed by laine (eight)
kill count - zero
20th place
dies in chapter twelve - let the games begin
"The male tribute from three is Hermes. I recognize and love the name, though not its human owner--Hermes seems to be snotty and disgusting, with greasy hair and dirty clothes that went out of style years ago. His smile is a triangle as he walks up to the stage, shaking hands with Lua. She wipes her hand on her skirt a moment later."
Hermes was a history nerd, focusing hard in his history classes and reading late into the night without his parents' knowledge. deep down, he knew how others saw him and felt about him, but changing it would be so hard--such a hassle--that he didn't. and anyways, changing how he looked would never change his personality or make others forget about the unfortunate period of his life where he looked a bit less than normal. his favorite time period to focus on is the 2050s, only a few decades before the First Rebellion, as he likes reading of people who went about their lives in freedom and bliss, inventing new things and progressing as a society. to him it seems like a utopian world, one that will never exist again, and it's nice to get lost in the chapters of a good (nonfiction or historical fiction) book.
author opinion: I don't rly like hermes. sorry guys. he's based after a guy I know irl (not the god, I have more respect for greek myths than that) and is kind of annoying. I'm sure everyone knows those greasy boys at school, the ones who have long hair but don't know how to take care of it, or don't like showering in general. if you don't know them, you might be one. (just a small tip: washing your hair is important, but if you do it everyday, it will just get greasier. 2-in-1 doesn't work (please don't use pantene), you need shampoo and conditioner--only if your hair's long--and you need to put them on different parts of your hair. comment for more hair advice by cora!) anyways. hermes is a cool god but I don't really like this character. sorry guys!
girl - Daphne Amphitrite - Main character :) (daf-nee am-fit-trite)
weapon of choice: none
kill count - lua (1)
1st place
obsessed with greek mythology - remove this part?? greek mythology's cool but you're kinda overdoing it girl
(don't need much. this whole story is her description)
trust issues + that whole thing (mainly before the games but certainly doesn't stop during or after) (why am I giving all my characters trust issues?)
author opinion: okay I feel rly bad saying this bc I made her and I always try to make my main characters at least somewhat likable so people will actually read my stories, but terra had some gooddd points when she said that daphne's always switching up and just going from sobbing her heart out to screaming at Vulcan within like two seconds. honestly, that's probably because Daphne is the main character and so it's hard to write her consistently, without any character deviations--because I also write other books, and other characters in this book, and read other books, so it's very very easy to absorb the personality of other characters and forget what her own is supposed to be. also, when I'm coming back to this story after a little bit, often I'll forget what I wrote before but be too lazy to read it, so sometimes the chapters get a little bit chunky. my bad guys! i'm working on it.
boy - Apollo Theodoros (uh-pawl-oh thee-oh-door-ohse)
dies in chapter 30 - he's dead
weapon of choice: spear
killed by taura (ten)
kill count - vulcan, orion, freiya (3)
played by: hugh laughton-scott
9th place
Apollo was born in the Capitol to a Capitol citizen mother and a father from District Four. Before he turned one, Apollo's father convinced his mother that the Capitol was no place for a child to grow up, and the whole family returned to four. Apollo believes that this was a mistake on their part, and that he would have loved to grow up in the capitol. though he would never say it, he is also afraid of the games and what it may mean for his future (and the end to it). he is egotistical outside and in, believing that while what others say may hold some merit, what he says should always be taken as the truth. having never been reprimanded or even reminded of these behaviors, they never stopped. when he entered the games, Apollo truly believed he could win, despite his lack of experience with weapons and survival in general. his mother came from a fairly wealthy family, bringing loads of money with her to district four, and so Apollo grew up privileged and spoiled. after his death, his mother, who loved him more than she loved everything else in the world, took her own life, and, devastated, his father lapsed into a period of mourning for two years, eventually escaping the darkness. the first thing he left the house for in two years was to go on a date with a woman half his age.
author opinion: apollo is another very complicated character. you'll see in this story how earlier on, I write him as cockier and less likable because i hadn't defined him as a friend yet, and don't need him to be nice, I just need him to be there and to be named apollo. later on I really work on his personality and overall storyline in the game, and that changes how I write him. but Apollo's a cool character, however terrible of a person he may be. I'd totally want to meet him in real life though, just because he'd be annoying, not dangerous, and also pretty hot (I'm making all of the guys in this book pretty oops).
"Five is Nicola and Wyatt, two fifteen-year-olds who both stare out into the audience their whole reaping ceremonies, preoccupied. Nicola blows a kiss off into the crowd as she leaves. I wonder who visited her."
girl - Nicola (nih-cole-uh)
weapon of choice: dagger
killed by orion (two)
16th place
dies in chapter 14 - it all happens in a moment
Nicola was a self-centered girl who was pretty and knew it. with a flick of her healthy brown hair, she could make boys swoon, and not only was she aware of this fact, she embraced it. on the day of her reaping, Nicola had on a full face of makeup and her fanciest dress. "if I'm going to be on the news, might as well look pretty," she announced to paparazzi interviewing her leaving the tribute train, not a tear in her perfect green eyes. secretly, though, beneath all her layers of confidence, Nicola didn't think she'd win. she spent the nights in the capitol crying beneath her covers, knowing that her death was coming soon and there was nothing she could do to stop it. during her last visiting session, many people visited her. secret admirers, not-so-secret admirers, her best friends, her parents. they hugged her and told her they loved her. she told them she loved them back, but she would be back soon so they didn't need to worry. during those secret tragic nights Nicola wondered about her younger brother, who looked up to her greatly, and how he would be affected by her imminent death. she was selfish, yes, but to the people whom she loved, she was selfless.
author opinion: I actually really like nicola! she's not unique at all, in the world or even within the tributes, but I think she's cool and pretty interesting. as written in the backstory/description/whatever I'm calling that, she hides her fear behind a mask of confidence, as with a lot of the other tributes in this story. although I guess she's not exactly like the other girl I was comparing her to earlier (Oakley from seven) because people actually like her. she's a pretty miserable person and I wouldn't want to be friends with her, but because of her status and appearance, people want to be her friend and want to talk to her for her, not just for the girl she seems like she is. maybe it's because she has layers--they want to find out what's beneath the 'popular girl' part of her, as a little spy mission--okay that sounds weird, idk rly, I'm kinda winging this
boy - Wyatt (why-at)
weapon of choice: mace (stolen from zea)
killed by arena
kill count - zea, oakley (2)
6th place
dies in chapter 31 - long-sought revenge
Wyatt and taura romance. huddle for warmth, tend to each other's wounds. Wyatt gets lost and Taura befriends Tiberius. Lua scares Taura away while Wyatt hunts for the others and tries to find Taura. Taura is cornered by Tiberius but convinces him not to kill her and then kills him. Wyatt refuses to kill other girl alive. Wyatt tries to escape the arena but dies. girl convinces Taura not to kill her and then murders Taura.
Wyatt volunteered for a boy he had known only about a month. the boy had transferred from district seven to district five, and, although he was thirteen, was in the same class as Wyatt. Wyatt hadn't talked to him much, but seeing the way he shook as he walked up to the stage to face his death, he knew he had to do something. Wyatt did not think of himself as selfless. he thought of himself as just another average person. average looking, average thinking, average acting. he knew that, in the arena, he would blend in. he knew that, in the arena, maybe he should blend in. and yet, when he met Taura, he thought that maybe that wasn't needed. maybe he could blend in... but have a friend. Wyatt was unflinchingly loyal to those he called his friends, never having one of them betray him, even in the slightest. after hearing of Taura's death from the daily night-sky projection, Wyatt threw himself off the tree he was sleeping in. the boy he volunteered for never quite worked through the guilt, living alone the rest of his short life, which was ended thirteen years later in a fatal bus-driving incident, in which the boy, who was driving the bus, zoned out and steered it off a bridge, drowning his twelve passengers.
goes insane and murders someone with a mace/brick
author opinion: Wyatt is a sweetie! he's one of my favorite characters, though oh my god, he never had a chance in the games. however much he loved taura, however much I love taura, she would've chosen her own life over his anytime. but, to everyone out there: SELFISHNESS IS A VIRTUE. IT'S IMPORTANT. if humans weren't at least a little bit selfish, the world would fall into pieces, because while selflessness is great and also a virtue, it's not the only thing important on that spectrum. but anyways, back to Wyatt! at this point in time I haven't killed him off yet but I think I might cry when I do. especially bc he's got a long and tragic future, even when he's dead, living through the boy he volunteered for and his terrible and violent death. love wyatttt he's the best (no he's not, he's a tribute, they're all murderous) </3
"And lastly, Six brings out some of the strongest tributes: Tiberius and Freiya. They both look strong from years of loading trains and working in factories, confident from compliments and cheers from their District's crowd.
"But, overall, they look like the type of people to join the careers and pick off the rest of the tributes before a day has even passed."
girl - Freiya (fray-uh)
weapon of choice: sword
killed by apollo (four)
kill count - zero
played by: dior goodjohn
17th place
dies in chapter 13 - behind me, a massacre
Freiya was born poor, and stayed that way the rest of her life up until the games. she was chosen, not volunteered, although she definitely looked like the type of person who would want to volunteer--strong and athletic, although not proficient with weapons or killing in any sort of way.
author opinion: honestly i feel like i don't know freiya at all rn because she died in the bloodbath and i never really got to develop her character at all, so i feel bad writing this so early in the story, but also i really doubt she's gonna come up again, so here it is: my opinion! i'm sure you were allll (all 3 of you) interested in this. but freiya was originally going to be a career, so that would've been interesting, right? look, i'll make a picrew for her rn, so she's not totally left out. sorryyy freiya i've rly done you wrong in this book havent i : (
boy - Tiberius (tih-burr-ee-us)
weapon of choice: crossbow
killed by taura (ten)
kill count - zero
5th place
dies in chapter 32 - it is still murder
Tiberius was handsome and used to it, liking the attention he got purely on his looks. he wasn't particularly trained in combat, but he was good enough, with a honed figure from long hours in factories and the occasional workout session, to keep up his muscles. he was always the type of guy to keep up with his friends and try out for all the sports teams, to flirt with girls but never actually date any of them. when he was reaped, he wasn't quite confident, but knew that the best he could do was try. he wasn't cocky, or overconfident, but he was sure of his own abilities, although he knew their limits and didn't try to push those boundaries. he could also be caring and forgiving, offering taura mercy when she begged for her life from him, although that eventually backfired, with her killing him instead once he left himself vulnerable.
author opinion: tiberius's cool, ig. he's not really anything special (lmao no offense tiberius). he seems sweet, but not really the type of person i'd want to meet irl, so idk. not my type of person, but these games reach across the entire continent, so i'm trying to include as many different types of people as i can. he'd probably be more interesting if i developed his character more, but he dies before daphne has any real encounters with him, so--although, i guess when i write my taura chapter, abt her relationship w wyatt and her eventual death + killing of this guy right here, we'll get to see some more of him. he's a big softie at heart, haha
boy - Tupelo (too-pell-oh)
weapon of choice: javelin
killed by terra (two)
kill count - zero
18th place
dies in chapter 12 - let the games begin!
"Next comes Tupelo, the fourteen-year-old with an older brother and no other family or friends. He seems shy, yet when his name is called in the reaping, fear only flashes across his face for a brief second. Then it's gone, replaced by confidence and a strange sense of surety.
"I make a note to beware of him. Tupelo may not seem like anything dangerous, but within that shy demeanor there is something more, something maybe the other tributes won't recognize.
"He looks strong enough, so I hope the careers will take him. Maybe he'll kill them all in their sleep, get rid of four or five enemies, bring me four or five steps closer to winning."
tupelo is a vain person, though skilled. he often overestimates his own abilities, an example of that being him taking his shirt off during the bloodbath, thinking that the thin fabric wouldn't protect him at all. he made the choice to go shirtless in front of the camera and make himself all the more vulnerable just for a little bit more camera time and public attention, which really says a lot about his character, i think. although--he's not all evil. no one is, really, obviously, but because we see so little of tupelo, he probably seems more evil than some of the others. but, again, he's not evil, just driven to desperation (quickly, though, he was only alive for maybe like thirty minutes in the Games).
author opinion: tupelo's cool, i guess. i didn't rly give him too much book time--though he did get a whole scene w daphne and terra, which is tons more than most of the characters who died in the bloodbath, so there's that! he might've been a cool character had he been developed more, but it's the Hunger Games, and a bunch of them have to die : (
update: OKAY SO HE DOESN'T GET MORE BOOK TIME BUT GUESS WHO DOES? his brotherrrrr!!! be excited lathe is a cool guy you're gonna love him (no you're not you're probably gonna hate him but he's cool i swearrrr!)
girl - Oakley (oke-lee)
played by hunter schaefer
dies in chapter 31 - long-sought revenge
killed by wyatt (five)
kill count - zero
weapon of choice: throwing knives
7th place
"The first tribute that comes up is from District Seven--they must have already passed my District.
"Her name is Oakley. She has a younger brother, a mother, and a father. She left her boyfriend behind in Seven; there's an interview with him about how he would be lost without her, but I can see the smile behind his eyes. She is fifteen, and from her reaping, terrified, yet trying to hide it beneath a thin layer of confidence."
Oakley was a popular sort of girl, blonde and blue-eyed, pretty and friendly. she had a long list of exes and an even longer list of friends, and because of her gossiping habit, no one really liked her, though didn't say that to her face. she was smart, and planning to do things with her brain, but school was annoying and so she kept skipping and never really got any good grades or had good relationships with her teachers. she liked the idea of popularity and being cool, and obsessed over her looks to the point where it was almost all she ever thought about. most guys only dated her to say they dated her or to get in her pants, and then dropped her soon after with no regard to her feelings. this hurt her, deeply, but she didn't have any close friends she could talk to about it, because she talked shit about all her friends behind their backs and they did the same to her, too.
(she's changed she's brunette now but i didn't rly feel like changing all the words so yeahhh)
author opinion: I did in fact name her after another character's mom from my other hunger games book, but that's okay, we don't care. Oakley is like Nicola a lot, their main difference being that people like nicola--they only tolerate Oakley, or if they do like her, it's for her status and power. she tells everyone everything, including her scores on tests and her plans for the future, so most people don't think there's anything else about her that even matters. a lot of people are also annoyed at her for bragging about her brain, which just adds to the general Oakley-hate that's going on in district seven. her boyfriend, which I shortly mentioned, was only with her because she was a hot (BRUNETTE) and so he could brag to his buddies that he got with her (sorry Oakley </3).
girl - Laine (lane)
laine doesn't get a photo bc i can only have 20 per chapter : (
weapon of choice: knife
killed by mei (one)
kill count - hermes (1)
19th place
dies in chapter 12 - let the games begin!
laine was born in district twelve, but her parents died in a mining explosion as a baby, and her aunt snuck her on the train to eight, where her aunt worked. she was then raised by her aunt and her aunt's wife, who were excellent parents, but she always felt like there was something more out there for her, and she wanted to find her mother's family, because her aunt was her dad's sister and had never met very much of her mother's family. laine never got to act on her ideas of self-discovery because she was reaped when she was thirteen, and although she probably never would've been able to go anyways with all the capitol's rules, her moms had promised that she would be able to visit twelve once she turned sixteen. after her death, a relative in twelve recognized her name and tried to get in touch with laine's aunt. they talked for a bit, but her aunt was in grieving and didn't feel like talking to anyone, and so they fell out of touch and the connection was pretty much severed.
author opinion: like lun, laine did not really have enough book time for me to develop her character past anything more than a paragraph. i probably didn't need to write out all of these unmentioned characters--but that's okay! i'm trying to pretend they're real people, and deserve their small moment of fame, or at least acknowledgement of their death--and the life before it. they're all kinda sad, though. laine's is, at least. she doesn't have a photo bc i can't have more than 20 in a chapter, but i promise, she's rly pretty guys. use your imagination!
boy - Lun (loon)
lun doesn't get a photo bc i can only have 20 per chapter : (
weapon of choice: none
killed by vulcan (one)
kill count - zero)
21st place
dies in chapter 12 - let the games begin!
"District Eight has two terrified and skinny tributes, Laine and Lun. Laine is thirteen, Lun one year older than her at fourteen. But they both curl their arms around themselves when they are called, staring out into the audience with hope, as if someone will volunteer.
"But no one does. Lun sheds a tear quietly while their Capitol announcer leads them into District Eight's Justice Building. Laine doesn't look at him long enough to notice.
"Those two won't last a moment in the games, and I feel bad for them."
Lun was born in district one with a peacekeeper father. When his father was relocated to eight after he made a mistake that ended up killing his boss, the Capitol permitted his family to go with him, and Lun began his life in eight as a 12-year-old boy, right as he was able to be reaped for the games. Lun's peacekeeper father made another very fatal mistake, which resulted in a short-lived riot and the death of two more peacekeepers. of course, Lun's father was executed for this, which left Lun, his mother, and his new one-year-old sister in a state of disrepair. his mother tried as hard as she could, but Lun knew that even though he didn't have a chance in the Games, at least life would be easier for his mother back home, with one less mouth to feed. after his death, his mother never remarried, raising Lun's sister well, barely ever mentioning the brother she'd once had.
author opinion: lowkey wish i could have an opinion on lun bc he seems cool but he purely did not have enough book time for that. he died in the bloodbath, js like laine, and he was probably too scared to do anything interesting in the story, anyways. anyways, though--he's named after a character from my original hunger games story, amethyst's story! in that story he falls out of a tree and his twin sister (also with a similar L name) jumps out to save him, so they both die which is rly sad. amethyst wins in the end (spoilers ig but you're probably not gonna read it and if you were you could probably guesss) <3
girl - Zea (zay-uh)
weapon of choice: mace
killed by wyatt (five)
kill count - zero
8th place
dies in chapter 30 - he's dead
"The two tributes from Nine are so vastly different I almost laugh. The girl, Zea, is seventeen, like me, and volunteers for a girl just a bit younger than her, roaring with happiness when she's selected as tribute.
"She's going to be a competitor. She's going to join the careers, and she's going to hunt down every last one of us until she wins, bringing glory for her District."
Zea grew up moderately middle class, and never had a very good relationship with other kids her age, never understanding social trends or jokes and sarcasm. she hides her loneliness and sadness behind a mask of roaring happiness and confidence, because she's sure that no matter what else she is, everyone likes a confident person. zea would never admit it, but she only volunteered because the girl she'd had a crush on forever was selected, not because she truly wanted to fight. the girl visited her during the short visiting time, and zea confessed her crush, but it wasn't reciprocated, and the girl was honest enough to admit that. zea then decided that she was going to push herself to her limits to win the games so that she could be even cooler and maybe convince the girl to like her back, or even just talk to her. deep down, she doesn't believe she can do it, but she's going to try.
author opinion: zea is cool! she's badass fr. she's also a lesbian, which i'd like to mention bc it's cool. i wouldn't call her masc, but she's definitely got the masc kind of personality, even if her style is more fem. she totally would've gone far if she hadn't been reaped, even if it wasn't with her crush. might've even made it to mayor, or the capitol--honestly, one of the rare tributes in here that could actually do anything with their life, if they'd had the chance. i'd totally want to meet zea irl, though. she'd be chill : )
boy - Bran (bran)
bran doesn't get a photo bc i can only have 20 per chapter : (
weapon of choice: knife
killed by orion (two)
kill count - zero
24th place
dies in chapter 12 - let the games begin!
"Bran, the boy, is the opposite--twelve, and like many others, terrified. He curls into himself like Laine and Lun, but unlike them, does not cry.
"Zea shakes his hand hard and rumbles off into the Justice Building. Bran flinches, sends one last longing gaze off into the crowd, and follows her."
bran was the oldest of five, two of them being twins and one being the adopted child of his mom's late best friend. since his father left after the third and fourth were born, he provided for the entire family, with the slight help of his mother. he took out six tesserae, for his entire family, which put his name in the bowl way more times than was usual for his age. unsurprisingly--but still pretty surprisingly--he was picked, to the dismay of his mother, who didn't know how she'd survive without at least one child to help her out around the house. two years after his death, his mother remarried, and while her new husband wasn't rich, he was resourceful and helped her raise her children--now at three, one of the twins dying during a particularly terrible winter. she was too old for more children at this point, which was probably for the better. they survived, and her children lived to have good lives, none of them particularly impactful, but good all the same.
author opinion: bran seems chill! he died in the bloodbath (and got last place? damn bran mb i did you dirty) which is sad. but, it also makes sense, in a morbid way--he was twelve, and not twelve in the lua way, twelve in the twelve way, you know what i mean? bran was young. his story is pretty sad, especially after his death--imagine losing your twin. i could never (not that i have a twin, but you get what i mean.) sorry bran! all my fault. you would've been cool </3
"Ten has Taura, fourteen, and Merino, eighteen. Merino doesn't seem all that dangerous, but there's something about the confidence in Taura's eyes that worries me."
girl - Taura (tore-uh)
weapon of choice: throwing knives
killed by hawberry (eleven)
kill count - mei, terra, apollo, tiberius (4)
4th place
played by Sophia Lillis
dies in chapter 32 - it is still murder
Wyatt and taura romance. huddle for warmth, tend to each other's wounds. Wyatt gets lost and Taura befriends Tiberius. Lua scares Taura away while Wyatt hunts for the others and tries to find Taura. Taura is cornered by Tiberius but convinces him not to kill her and then kills him. Wyatt refuses to kill other girl alive. Wyatt tries to escape the arena but dies. girl convinces Taura not to kill her and then murders Taura.
Taura is a very complicated character. she's an older sister with two younger twin brothers, and struggles to provide for all of them in the livestock district, where she often works in slaughterhouses. because of this, she has become all but immune to death and gore, but still internally winces when she sees it outright. taura's mother died when she was very young, and lives only with her dad, who believed that no one should ever show weakness. taura got it bad because she was the oldest, and eventually learned to always keep her expression either neutral or confident, but her younger brothers got it much worse, being boys. when taura was reaped, she knew that she had to win this, to come back and help her brothers thrive--as well as they could, in their situation. and still, deep down, taura knew that a part of her didn't want to get back to ten--not to die, really, but js to escape somewhere far away, where she would never have to deal with her father again. because of those many years bottling up her feelings so that none of it would show in front of her father, she tends to be eager to spill them anywhere she can, particularly the anger she never let her father see. after her death, her brothers mourned, and went on to live their entire lives in ten, one eventually marrying and moving elsewhere with his new husband, and the other staying at home with taura's father for the rest of his life, neither having children.
author opinion: I love taura! she's actually a lot like terra in that she's selfish and confident in her abilities (in a good way, though), but taura is way more vicious--which is ironic, because terra's the one in the careers. taura is used to violence and gore, working in the slaughterhouses of district ten from a young age, and terra is used to fighting, being trained from the same young age. they fight in different ways, but their characters are very, very similar (and their names--oopsies). taura would do anything to win, even kill Wyatt--not because she doesn't care for him, but because she sees love as a weakness, an obstacle in her journey to victory. taura went down fighting, and wouldn't have done it any other way. maybe it's kind of bad to love taura, because of how shitty she gets in her last chapters, but i think at the very least, she's interesting. i wouldn't want to know her in real life, but i love to write her.
boy - Merino (mer-ee-no)
weapon of choice: broadsword
killed by orion (two)
kill count - zero
23rd place
dies in chapter 12 - let the games begin!
merino kept to himself more often than not, distracting himself with menial labor and getting stronger. he was excited this year because it was his last possible year to be reaped, and then he would be safe, forever. he lived with his only mother, who knew that he could never survive the games, despite his older age. when the games started, merino tried to fight his way out of it, grabbing a broadsword as he knew that he was strong enough to wield it, but was almost immediately killed by a career. his mother will never be the same, and will live a long, mournful life, remembering forever the only child she could never have saved.
author opinon: aww merino. not much is rly going on in his life (at least in this story) bc he died second out of all the tributes, but he seems like he'd be a nice guy. he never had much of a plot or story designed for him, so honestly idk what to put here. hey! you're cool. have you read all of this? if you have that's impressive bc it's currently more than 8000 words (which is a lot of words). you probably haven't, but that's okay. i rly liked writing it, so it's all worth it : ) love you!
"Both of the tributes from Eleven--Hawberry and Roselle--are intensely skinny and afraid. Roselle has a pretty face and long blonde hair. Hawberry has brown hair, shaved down to the skin.
"Neither of them seem rather dangerous--both are just a bit younger--but to me everyone is a danger, so I'll watch out for them."
boy - Hawberry (haw-bare-ee)
weapon of choice: scythe
killed by arena
kill count - taura (1)
3rd place
dies in chapter 33 - I regret all of it
hawberry is the type of person to keep to himself, although not without consequence. he was raised by his single mother, an only child. she was beside herself when he was reaped. hawberry wasn't completely confident in his abilities to win, but he was sure he would try, so that he could come home to her. during the start of the games, before he comes into daphne's story, he stayed on the outskirts of the arena, skirting the force field and surviving off small animals and the occasional foraged berries. hawberry did the best he could to avoid the careers, knowing that however good he was, he couldn't beat vulcan or orion, and so didn't try. he also didn't plan any sort of attack mission, although his character is very similar to that of foxface, in the original books. hawberry's hope was to stay off to the sides when he could, but attack when needed--which worked pretty well for him, getting him third place overall, which is really good.
author opinion: aww, hawberry. he's a sweetie. honestly, i didn't really mean to get him into the final three, i just killed off the tributes i was more interested in not having make the final three, and then eventually, hawberry was still alive. he's chill, though. relatable, i gotta say. and, in case you were wondering--no, nothing caught him in the water, he just drowned. he's from the inner part of eleven, meaning that he wasn't ever near enough to water to learn to swim. during his and daphne's fight, he decided that swimming couldn't be too hard, right? and leaped into the water, but when the wind began to pick up and the waves got worse, he got pulled under and eventually drowned. rip hawberry! u were cool : (
girl - roselle (roze-ell)
weapon of choice: lance
killed by terra (two)
kill count - zero
13th place
played by dove cameron
dies in chapter sixteen - you killed her
(roselle didn't do much and i'm lazy maybe i js won't write her a personality/life description like she didn't do much anyways)
author opinion: roselle was originally going to be the love interest for daphne! that's why she ended up being so much like terra. but eventually i decided that i liked the story of daphne accidentally getting into the careers more than a random little love story so roselle's dead now (sorry girl it was fun while it lasted)
"Twelve is the weakest and poorest District. This year they've brought up a healthy-looking boy who looks like he wouldn't last a day in the games, and a girl who looks like she wouldn't last a day back in Twelve.
"She's thirteen, he's fifteen. Young, but not the youngest of the tributes."
girl - vidi (vee-dee)
weapon of choice: spear
killed by vulcan (one)
kill count - zero
played by jenny wals
22nd place
dies in chapter 12 - let the games begin!
Vidi is the second-youngest of seven children to two tired parents. her mother is amazing, but her dad works long hours in the mines and comes home around 11 PM, sits down on the ratty couch in the living room, and drinks. he's never sober and Vidi has never seen him as a father figure, instead idolizing the oldest of her siblings, one of whom (Lysa, the oldest girl at 27) is going to get married within the next few months. Vidi's really looking forward to lysa's marriage and although her father doesn't support it, is willing to sneak out of the house or even run away to attend her older sister's wedding. vidi and lysa are close and lysa would have volunteered for vidi if she had been of age. vidi's other sisters, two fifteen year old twins and a seventeen year old, look away and don't take her spot as tribute. in the games, vidi bonds with Lua, who has a similar situation and is an overall interesting person, which vidi likes, having stuck to the same daily routine for her whole life. she dies smiling, knowing that even though she'll never go to her sister's wedding and see her family again, that would never have led to a happy end anyways. now, at least she got to have a real friend and experience the world in ways not many other people do.
author opinion: vidi : ( i didn't do very much with her character bc she died really early on in the bloodbath (22nd place, if you didn't read that already) but she looked cute. a little bit like merino in that she had a lot of big plans that were all ruined by her being chosen as tribute. from what i know of her character (which is quite a lot, i did create her) i think she wouldn't have done very big things when she grew up, but she wouldn't have faded off into the distance, either. maybe she would've been a teacher. not the mayor or a leader of any sort, but a teacher. that seems right.
boy - Lionel (lee-oh-nell)
lionel doesn't get a photo bc i can only have 20 per chapter : (
weapon of choice: bow and arrow
killed by orion (two)
kill count - zero
14th place
dies in chapter sixteen - you killed her
lionel was a sweet blond boy who had been in a relationship with his childhood best friend since he was thirteen. they were excited to live out the rest of their lives together, but when he was reaped, those dreams were torn away, and she was devastated. lionel really did try his best to win the games and go back to her, even teaming up with roselle after hiding during the initial bloodbath, but knew how unlikely it was, with there only being two district twelve victors, ever. after his death, his girlfriend mourned, but they had only been together two years, and so eventually, she got over her first love, and moved on. it look a long time, but she was able to almost forget about him, and lived a long and happy life with another guy, eventually taking his last name, becoming carine everdeen. they had two children together.
author opinion: he's a sweety! dunno what would've happened if he lived--but, honestly, lionel never really had a chance, because although this book obviously isn't very canon, i'm gonna try and make it as close as i can. adding another district twelve victor wouldn't make it very canon, so. he's nice, though. honestly didn't develop his character at all until i published this chapter, which makes him the last of the tributes to actually get a personality. you're cool though lionel! a chill guy!
bloodbath deaths:
hermes, district three
freiya, district six
tupelo, district seven
lun, district eight
laine, district eight
bran, district nine
merino, district ten
vidi, district twelve
eight dead, sixteen remain
The bloodbath occurs in chapters 12 (Let the games begin!) and 13 (Behind me, a massacre)
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