***Seamus’s POV***
“For the last time, I was high and drunk!” I said angrily. Alex was glaring at me in school. My head was pounding violently from my hangover. “You still kissed me!” she said angrily. “Well you kissed back!” I shot.
I was so pissed off. I hate when people talk to me when I’m on a hangover. I remember one time I got drunk and had sex with some girl. The next day she tried to make out with me and I told her that if she didn’t leave me alone I was going to cut her skin off and wear it to my grandmother's birthday party.
I rubbed my temples and moaned. “God you stupid fag,” Alex said. I stood up angrily. “Shut the fuck up you god damn prep! I’m not a fucking fag! I’m a person!” I stormed away from her and went to find Richie.
“Hung over?” Richie asked. I nodded and slid to the ground painfully. “Seamus?” Alex was nervously standing in front of me. “What?” I asked, annoyed. “Am I still going to your place? For the project?” “Yea.”
She flipped her hair and strut away. My eyes were fixed on her ass. God damn! “Dude, Addie,” Richie whispered. I snapped my eyes away from Alex’s ass sadly. Addie came and sat next to me. “Hey Shame,” she said and kissed me. “Sorry Addie, I’m on a hangover. Can we talk later?” I asked sadly. She gave me a sad smile. “Yea! Just….text me?”
I nodded and she walked off sadly. “I take it she’s not a keeper?” Richie asked. I shook my head. “Probably not. But she’s damn hot.” He laughed and then moaned and clutched his head. “Skip today?” he offered. I shrugged.
We skipped and I went off to find Alex at the end of the day. “Where were you?” she demanded when I found her at her locker. “Skipping,” I said with a shrug. She rolled her eyes and we got on the bus.
We got off at my house and went inside. “Hey Seamus?” she asked nervously. “What?” I asked with a tired sigh. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to call you a fag.” I raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t?”
She sighed. “Well, I did. But I didn’t know it hurt your feelings like that.” I laughed, ignoring my throbbing head. “Emo means emotion. I have emotions, just like you. Sensitive emotions.” A small smile took her face. “You are the last person I would call sensitive.”
I shrugged. “No one really knows me that well.” She sat next to me on the couch. “Seamus…where is your dad?” she asked softly. “Why do you want to know?” I snapped. “Because I want to understand you.”
I believed her.
“My dad is missing. He went on a business trip out of state and never came home. They found his car crashed and blood on the scene, but they couldn’t find my dad. No one saw anything and no one has seen my dad since.”
I went emotionless as I spoke. There would be some serious wrist slitting tonight. She took my hand gently. “You were close. I remember him from elementary school.”
***Alex’s POV***
Of course I remembered Seamus’s dad. He had been so nice and Seamus had always seemed to demand his attention.
***9 Years Ago***
It was the father’s day picnic at school. Daddy was sitting with me outside on the picnic blankets. Paige and her dad were sitting with us along with Rachel and her dad and little brother, Richie. The whole school was outside today with their dads.
Seamus ran over to Richie eagerly. “Richie! Can we sit here?” Richie nodded. “Yea! Right dad?” Mr. Collins smiled and nodded. “Of course!” He put a loving arm around Richie.
Mr. Fitzpatrick sat down with Seamus. I had seen him before. He was tall with Seamus’s amazing green eyes and red hair. His skin was pale and he and Seamus had the same facial structure. He smiled at us. “Hello!” he said in his super thick Scottish accent.
He began to talk to daddy about work. “Dad?” Seamus said impatiently. “Dad!” Mr. Fitzpatrick appeared to not hear him as he talked to daddy enthusiastically. Seamus looked around and his eyes landed on me.
He crawled over to me and began to pull my hair. “Ow! Seamus!” I cried. Mr. Fitzpatrick spun around and gasped. “Seamus Anthony! Stop!” he said. Seamus grinned at me before turning to his dad. “Sorry dad!” he said with a cocky smirk.
His dad sighed but gave him a small smile. Seamus eagerly crawled into his lap. I nearly laughed watching how desperate he was for his dad to hold him. His dad chuckled and ruffled his hair affectionately.
“Quite some red hair,” daddy commented with a whistle. Mr. Fitzpatrick laughed and ruffled Seamus’s hair again. “Yea, little tomato head here has the nicest shade of red in the family,” he said proudly. Seamus nodded. Mr. Fitzpatrick wrapped his arms around Seamus, his eyes full of love as he glanced at his son.
***Current Time***
I watched Seamus carefully. Poor guy. “How old were you?” I asked gently. “10,” he said quietly. Oh yea. That was the year he dyed his hair black and started to go emo. “So Lizzy cares for you?” He nodded. “She came to live with us after college to care for me. My mom prefers to stay at work all day. I remind her too much of dad,” he said bitterly.
He sighed at last. “I’ve never told anyone that before,” he said silently. I smiled lightly. “Well, I’m glad you told me.” He turned to me and slowly leaned in, giving me time to pull away.
When I didn’t, he gently placed his lips onto mine. He didn’t try to speed it up or take it farther. He kept it at a gentle kiss.
***Seamus’s POV***
I sighed as the doorbell rang and pulled away from Alex. “I’ll be right back,” I said softly. She gave me a small smile and I hesitated.
But I cannot stand to turn away. When I do, she’ll be gone. It’s frightening…
As those lyrics danced around my brain, I forced myself to turn away and head towards the door. I sighed as I grabbed the handle and opened the door. Something shot out and caught my face.
The world blurred as my head made contact with the ground.
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