Just Call*
Previously after Midoriya woke up earlier.
Midoriya was in apart of the hideout that Shigaraki said would be fine to place a phone call without being overheard or traced. She knew her mother was worried sick about her and she felt the guilt growing. She hated to upset her mother yet that seemed to be all she ever did. She listened to the ringtone until the click of pickup.
She heard her mother say "Hello?"
Midoriya drew in a breath and replied "Mom, it's me Izuku. I-I'm sorry I ran away from school and didn't tell you anything."
"Oh, thank God. Izuku honey where are you? I've been worried sick ever since the school called. I've been talking with the police and All Might." Inko said started to tear up.
"Mom, I'm ok, I'm with...friends?" Midoriya thought deciding best not to tell her mother who she was with. "I was hurt for awhile so I couldn't call you sooner."
"That's fine sweetie. Just...Where are you? I can come and meet you right now I'll call a cab." She heard her mother say excited.
Midoriya sighed she couldn't leave not now, not yet. She knew it would hurt her mother but she felt she was needed here more. "Mom, remember how I wanted to be a hero? Well, their is someone or someone's who needs my help right now. I-I have to help them so I can't come home yet."
"Oh, Izuku come home if this person really needs help bring them with you. I'm sure we can find a way to help them." her mother pleaded on the phone.
Midoriya thought to herself of introducing her mother to Tomura and a fantasy happened in her head. 'Hi, mom this is my good friend Tomura Shigaraki he's the leader to the league of villains but don't worry about it.' Yeah, that would go over well. As she thought of worst case scenarios happening.
"I-I'm sorry mom I need to stay and I can't tell you where I am but I am still in the city and I am safe." 'For now' Midoriya thought morbidly.
She could hear her mother on the other end and she knew she was crying. "Izuku I'm not mad at you. You aren't in trouble you can come home it's alright. I've spoken with Katsuki's mother and she's spoken with him."
"I promise I will call Mom. It's...things are complicated right now." Izuku said staring around at her setting.
"Oh, Izuku promise me you'll be safe and come home soon." She heard her mother beg.
A few tears slipped through her eyes. "Mom I'm really sorry. I-I don't mean for these things to happen they just..." at a loss for words. "As soon as I am finished I will come home. Goodbye Mom. I'll call you."
Izuku broke down in tears she felt awful for putting her mother through this and lying to her felt even worse. Her mother was such a kind and understanding soul.
After, that Izuku made a mental note call her mother every few days so she would know she was safe.
The next person she needed to call would probably be harder to convince. When she had a chance. She breathed in a deep breath and dialed the number.
"Hello, I am here. On the phone." replied the enthusiastic voice of All Might.
"Hi, All Might it's me Izuku. I'm just calling to let you know I am safe and I am with friends." Midoriya told Her mentor over the phone. She felt anxious gripping the phone and her palm began sweating.
"Young Midoriya your mother has been absolutely worried sick about you. Not to mention all of Your teachers, classmates, friends, and I have been worried sick about you. Where have you been all this time?" All Might asked.
"I'm with a friend. Remember how I talked to you about having a friend I wanted to save and to protect, well that is who I am with. I'm sorry I just can't tell you anymore than that." Midoriya said.
"Well can you at least tell me who this "friend" of yours is?" All Might asked.
"No, I-I can't do that not yet at least. I need more time to convince hi-them that they can trust me and that he will be safe with me. With us. All Might I need your help." Midoriya pleaded.
"Of course Midoriya my girl what do you want me to help you with?" All Might asked.
"Remember how you talked about not being able to save those you couldn't see. Well I found one of them. A group of them actually. They are victims of society who need help." Midoriya said.
"But it's kind of complicated." Midoriya mumbled.
"Oh, what sort of complication? You know as a former number one I do have certain perks I could put to use."
"I need you to help me shelter a villain." Izuku said. "A group of them actually."
"WHAT?" cried All Might in a state of shock. Why on earth would his predecessor want to help a group of villains who had chosen a life of villainy terrorizing innocent citizens. He was completely dumbfounded but on the other hand if it got dangerous criminals off the street. He couldn't argue with that.
"I don't know about this young Midoriya...this is highly unusual." All Might said skeptical.
"But All Might your the symbol of peace isn't this the better way to bring about justice and peace then to have to fight for it. You can change a young man's life and save him from himself. Be the hero I believe you to be." Midoriya pleaded.
"Alright, young Midoriya I will help your friend or friends as you call them. Since you are my disciple and I have trust in you. I only ask if you trust this young man so much do you think he can change?"
"Thank you All Might. I will be the hero who saves those with a smile." she said a grin on her face.
All Might grinned himself. "I have no doubt in your abilities that is why I chose you Young Midoriya. I believe you will surpass even me one day."
"Thank you again. I think I should leave you and get back to my friend." Midoriya said.
"Young Midoriya their is something I must tell you. Tomura Shigaraki he is the grandson of my mentor Nana Shimura from whom I obtained One For All from." All Might said feeling guilty for having withheld this information for so long.
"All Might why didn't you tell me sooner?" Midoriya asked in total and utter disbelief.
"Because I didn't want to trouble you anymore than you already were. You are a student in high school still learning to control One For All. I felt it was my responsibility as a hero to protect you. After all I could wait till you were more proficient with your quirk or seek another pro-hero to assist me in apprehending Young Tomura Shigaraki." All Might said. "You know he is most likely going to seek you out for your quirk one day. It is what his master is obsessed with."
Midoriya leaned against the wall defeated she closed her eyes.
"All Might it's time for me to tell you the truth as well. My friend I have know him since I was young a child with skinned knees. He was always kind and gentle towards me. I know he would never hurt me and I love him. That is why I want- no need to save him. I don't believe what people say when they say he is too far gone. To me he will always be the boy who helped me stand up and put band aids on my knees.
She then opened her eyes determined. "Well. All Might I don't know if you think I'm ready or not but I need your help and I need it now. Help me save Tomuchan. I mean Tomura Shigaraki from himself." Midoriya said. "As a hero and the new symbol of peace I cannot turn my back on someone who clearly needs help even if they are a villain, All Might." Midoriya said as tears fell from her eyes.
All Might smiled thinking of his predecessor "I knew I had made a wise choice in selecting you as the next holder of One For All. You are caring and empathetic to the plight of others putting yourself second. That I can tell from the look in your eyes the first time I met you. Now you are a young woman in love willing to risk all for the man she loves. Young Midoriya I will help you where I have failed." All Might pledged.
News at U.A. spread like wildfire Izuku Midoriya who had been missing for weeks had contacted her mother despite the investigation being kept quiet by the police. They were unable to trace the call so her location was unknown but it was hopeful.
Things at U.A. were no better the entire campus was still on lockdown. Attendance was taken multiple times a day and all students were on curfew to be in their dorms by nine o'clock. Class 1-A was not doing well at all. Bakugou was a social pariah no one spoke to him or had anything to do with him after the night of the attack when Midoriya ran away. Kirishima was the only one who had anything to do with him partnering in class assignments, eating meals, or studying. The so-called Bakusquad would include him in study groups but mainly ignored him.
Bakugou wouldn't admit it but he felt guilty for attacking Deku. He didn't realize it had been the last straw for her. After, all they fought all the time or at least he started the fights. He did it out of self-doubt with himself and because he wanted her attention. He wanted her to smile at him and only him. No he would not tell anyone his true feelings for the green haired nerd.
He also wouldn't admit he didn't like the cold shoulder he was being given by the entire class. Even Mineta was more popular then he was at this point. The grape boy had actually improved his quirk he had also mellowed out a bit since all the drama in the class imploded. He was able to be mostly respectful with all the girls in the class.
It was one study session with just Bakugou and Kirishima when he finally cracked.
"Oi Shitty hair, I need to get something off of my chest and this is the only time I'm gonna say this so pay attention alright." He said as though he were giving an order to private.
Kirishima looked on surprised "OK, Bakubro this sounds serious. What's up?"
"I-I was wrong alright. I fucked up in a big way." he said scrunching his eyes shut.
"Uh, well your not wrong dude but what exactly are you copping to fucking up exactly?" Kirishima asked because admittedly the blonde had an explosive personality and done a lot emotional damage to a lot of people.
"tch, With stupid Deku. I mean Izuku Midoriya." Bakugou said correcting himself.
Kirishima was shocked because this was the only time Bakugou had used her full name or anyone of their the classmates name for that matter.
"If it wasn't bad enough with All Might." Bakugou grit his teeth and scrunched his eyes "Now I fucked up with my own friends and L-. I went about all this wrong now I don't know how to fix it."
Bakugou brought his fist down on the table top shaking everything.
"Fuck! She actually SAVED my ass and what am I doing? Sitting here feeling sorry for myself while, being worthless. If I was any better I'd ditch campus and go looking for her."
"Well, that's the problem dude no one can get off campus we're on lockdown. You don't think the rest of the class is just as frustrated. Hell you don't think I'm frustrated I goaded her into coming with me that night and she had a broken arm of all things." Kirishima said. "Besides it's not like we haven't already talked about this and been warned by Mr. Aizawa, All Might, and Mr. Nezu.."
"Wait, hold the fuck up "We" talked about this? Who the hell is this "We" your talking about?" Bakugou asked.
"The class we were warned after we rescued you that night and we were going to talk about going after Midoriya but Mr. Aizawa called a meeting with the principal. We were told if we did anything even if only one of us, we would all be expelled. So that's why we're doing what we can on campus." Kirishima said.
"Why wasn't I apart of this meeting?" Bakugou started but then he remembered the aftermath of the fight and waking up in restraints.
"It was brought up after they took you away after that night. They assumed you wouldn't be involved that and most of the class was in the hospital anyway. I talked to Todoroki, Iida, and Momo and we all agreed to leave it to the heroes it wasn't worth costing the whole class their shot at being heroes. That and no one really wants to talk to... well you." Kirishima replied.
"Tch, don't make me think I haven't noticed." Bakugou said. "It's not like I care what these extras think of me but..."
"Yeah, dude I know." Kirishima said sympathetically patting Bakugou's back. He knew the words Bakugou couldn't speak the fact that the class had come to care for him in the wake of his kidnapping and how he had destroyed his progress of having close friends. The fact he was jealous that Izuku had no interest in him for the first time in his life after years of hero worship from her. Despite the cruel things he had said and done to her when he had felt so confident and she still came to his aid in the end.
He was a young man who had never gotten to properly process his emotions from the start he had been praised all his life and everyone assumed who he was. Without actually knowing him as a person. He had assumed Izuku would always be their even after their fights. He was just biding his time to he would confess.
How was he supposed to confess his own feelings when the object of his hearts desire wasn't actually available or worse interested in him. Worse thing of all she had feelings for a crusty faced villain who looked like he was hundred years old but behaved like a child. If that fucker laid a single finger on her he would blast his ass to outer space in a heartbeat.
Kirishima was a lot more observant than most people gave him credit it for. He had grown to befriend the angry blonde. He found there was more to him than what meets the eye. Hell he had feelings for the guy. "Well if anything, dude. I'm still here. I got your back Bakubro." Kirishima said wistfully.
Bakugou grunted and went back to his homework.
Izuku was getting to know the women of the league of villains better they were having some bonding time. Magne had her makeup box out and was giving manicures and they were dishing the dirt on the league.
"How long have you know Shigaraki, Midoriya?" Magne asked as she was filing at Izuku's nails.
"Since we were kids. I met him at the playground and we've for the most part kept in touch most of our lives." Izuku replied allowing her hands to be filed and soaked.
"Really Izu-chan has Shigaraki always had those scars?" Himiko asked curiously while wearing a mud mask.
"Well, uh, yeah." Midoriya said feeling unsure if she should answer that.
"Never mind the scars I'm dying to get my hands on him so I can give him a proper facial. Mmmh, maybe a chemical peel?" Magne said excitedly at the prospect of doling out cosmetic services.
"I'm impressed he lets anyone close. He always shoots me down when I ask to drink his blood." Himiko pouted lifting the cucumber slice from her eye.
"Honey, who HAS let you drink their blood?" Magne asked turning her head to peer over her sunglasses at Toga.
"Well, that's besides the point. You'd think as equal partners in the league he'd share." Toga said crossing her arms over her chest.
"You just need to find the right one that's all and I'm sure they'll give you all the blood you want." Magne said with a wink and a smile on her face.
Midoriya decided it was time to change the topic after being on the questioning end for blood from Toga too often. "So Magne who else would you like to give a makeover to in the league?"
"Oh, Honey don't even get me started these boys are hopeless they should all be moisturizing as it is and don't even get me started on their fashion sense. The only one who isn't a total lost cause is Kurogiri now he is a man of fashion." Magne replied giving her critique.
"Well, he did help raise Tomuchan so he is probably the most mature one here." Midoriya offered.
"Oh? I had a feeling he has a kind of fatherly aspect about himself borders on motherly in fact." Magne said setting one of Midoriya's hands down to soak. "Just too bad he couldn't do anything about his sense of style even his Master wore Armani. He'd look good with a facial, a haircut, and something that isn't a hoodie. He has that natural beauty mark at least."
"Well, I like his hair as it is." Midoriya said with a blush.
"You know who else I'd love to get my hands on? Dabi, he DEFINITELY needs moisturizer or better yet a plastic surgeon. Though he has those darling blue eyes. Maybe switch up the goth look make him more sophisticated. I would style his hair." Magne past her judgment.
"You've really thought of everyone haven't you Big Sis?" Toga asked curiously.
"Well, can't think of missions and villainy all the time." She dismissed with a shrug.
"Who else do you want to do?" Midoriya asked out of curiosity.
"MMmh, Spinner ditch the bandana, get a wardrobe upgrade and style and cut the hair." She said as rubbed moisturizer into Izuku's hands.
"Mr. Compress can't complain too much, though a change up in wardrobe would be good. Nix the hat. Mostly I just wonder what's under the masks he wears. Is he hiding his scars like most of them league or just concealing his identity so we can't see his cute face." Magne said with a smile.
"Then theirs Twice enough of the black already. I mean I know we're villains but would it kill us to have some colors." Magne said shaking her head.
"What about Togachan?" Midoriya asked curiously.
"HEY!" Toga shouted.
"Oh, she's adorable get her out of the school girl outfits and ditch the Sailor Moon hair she'd be a total Jean Harlow." Magne said with a smile.
"Hey, I chose that dress for Izu-chan." Toga argued.
"Yeah, after I gave it to you!" argued Magne back
"Anyone a lost cause?" Midoriya asked hoping to quell an argument.
"Moonfish put a paper bag on him and call it a day." Magne said shuddering, the room erupted with laughter.
"Well, obviously Midoriya is spoken for. How about you Little Sis anyone catch your fancy?" Magne asked out of curiosity as she dug out her stash of nail polish.
"Whoever, is willing to share their blood with me." she said as she started washing off the mask.
"What about Jin? I think I caught him oogling you the other day." Magne said with a tease shaking a bottle of pink nail polish.
"I-I am not talking about that." Toga said turning red.
"I understand blood drinking is apart of your quirk Toga but why so insistent on drinking blood of those you know?" Midoriya asked. Her ever constant curiosity and quirk obsession coming out.
"I want their blood to show how much I love them. By having their blood and becoming them that is how I show my devotion. Typically it is unrequited and I have to take but if it is ever offered...then I know I am cared for." Toga said a far off look on her face.
Midoriya sighed she always did want to help people at the cost of herself. "I might end up regretting this but...Toga hand me one of your syringes."
"What? Are you for real?" Toga said perking up with excitement.
"Uh, I like Little Sis too but I'd rather not share my DNA." Magne said cautiously.
Toga presented Midoriya with a syringe who gulped and rolled up her shirt sleeve. "Why should only certain people be allowed to embrace their quirks? It should be democratic no one should be punished for how they were born." Midoriya said.
She jabbed the needle in her arm and watched the dark red liquid fill the chamber. Then she pulled it out and presented it too Toga. "Your my friend Toga and I want to show you what you mean to me. Promise me you won't use my double to do anything incriminating or mess with Tomuchan."
Himiko took the syringe with trembling fingers for the second time in her life she felt acceptance from somebody. "Izuku I promise to do no wrong with your blood." Then she took a taste and her appearance morphed into Izuku.
Midoriya's eyes widened at her doppelganger. "Wow it really is me. You even have the scars from my arm." Midoriya said excitedly.
"Yeah, I'm an exact double. I'd wear your clothes as well but I'd have to strip and figure you wouldn't be comfortable with that." The Himiko-Midoriya clone spoke.
"You have my voice too? That is awesome." Midoriya said excitedly.
Magne looked on and smirked "I wonder what Shigaraki would say when he realizes there are two of you? Double trouble." she winked.
Toga dropped the façade and said "Yeah, that is not happening I may be bi but he is not my type."
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