I Know In Darkness I Will Find You*
And this is the song that brought about the inspiration. VNV Nation: Further
Kurogiri watched as his young ward escorted a wobbly Midoriya as they ascend the stairs. Apart of him wanted to stop them as he thought they were much too young to share a bed. Them being hormonal teenagers filled with angst. On second thought He was pleased to see that the little, traumatized boy his Master had taken in all those years ago had grown up.
While, Kurogiri knew he had to obey AFO. What his Master wanted was for the boy to remain in the same angry, traumatized headspace he had been much of his life. He knew his Master had plans for the boy. He truly did worry for the boy at times not sure of what his Master's plans would be in the end.
While, He had raised the boy much like a son of his own. It looked as if Young Tomura Shigaraki was growing and maturing. Kurogiri was pleased to see the boy getting over his past traumas, dropping down his guard, letting others in, and moving on. For the first time in Young Tomura Shigaraki's life he had banded together a group of social misfits who had experienced similar troubles to his own. Now he had people he could identify and communicate with. Aside from himself, his master, and the doctor.
He decided to allow the boy his freedom as he was finally experiencing love for the first time in his young life. There would be times later for missions and goals. Watching the two slowly ascend the staircase. He thought how lovely it was to witness young love blooming a warmth stirred in his misty heart. All he could think to himself was: 'Must have done something right.'
Tomura carefully helped Midoriya up the stairs. Though in all honesty they had both been drinking heavily so they were both leaning on each other. Tomura being more used to it. Led an unsteady Midoriya over the top step. Careful she wouldn't trip and then they made their way down the hallway, leading towards his private quarters.
They reached the door which had been left unlocked by Tomura. He held the door open and allowed Midoriya to pass through before he shut and locked the door.
Last thing he needed was a drunken Toga breaking into his room. Demanding to have a goddamn sleepover, with shitty pillow fights, and demanding to give him a makeover as well. Then again it wouldn't be the first time.
He did not care to have his sleep/gaming sessions interrupted. Which was unlikely since few wanted to mess with Shigaraki when he was unconscious and defenseless.
While, asleep he tended to lash out with his quirk.
Tomura removed his red tennis shoes dropping them by the bedroom door. He then turned towards his darkened room, the only light coming from the computer and tv monitors at the back of the room giving off a subtle blue glow. He kept a large dark curtain near his bed so the monitor lights wouldn't keep him up as he tried to sleep at night. Granted he rarely slept well suffering from insomnia and frequent nightmares.
He couldn't help but give a startled jump, when he saw Midoriya perched on the edge of his bed. Her legs were on full display, whilst slowly removing her red high heels and rubbing her fishnet, stockinged feet. She took no notice of him too busy making herself comfortable completely naïve to the fact that she was alone in a man's bedroom, the alcohol dulling her senses. She looked up and smiled at Tomura before going back to removing the other shoe.
Tomura had had enough. First the girls had prevented him from escorting Midoriya downstairs only for them to dress her in the sexiest dress he had even seen. Then it had been a long evening of (sexual) frustration on his part, unable to get anywhere close to being near Midoriya. He watched as all sorts of eyes were raking all over her body and it had angered him to no end. Sure he had wanted the league members to be accepting of her but not, 'That accepting' he thought. He looked on as they plied her with alcohol and begged her for Stain stories, demonstrating their quirks, and don't even get him started on Dabi.
That fucker.
He was practically all over her since she entered the bar and sat on a stool. Giving off his indifferent flirtation act the whole night, rubbing it in Tomura's face. Smirking and crooked, grinning the whole night. He kept getting closer to her too. Starting with casual arm brushes, then resting his hand on her arm, next thing he knew his arm was wrapped around her. Hand trailing down her bare arms and back. It took all of Tomura's patience and self-control not to run over and grab him by the throat and leave him as a pile of dust on his bar stool. That asshole with the messy black hair, the smooth pale skin marred by scars, and those blue eyes he heard enough women gush about.
That fucker.
'Well not tonight' Tomura thought.
He moved across the room (fueled by liquid courage) determined. Towards Midoriya causing her emerald eyes to look up in surprise as Tomura approached her. He then climbed on to the bed, pinning Midoriya beneath him and holding her arms above her head gently with a finger raised on both hands. Breathing heavily his scarlet eyes bore into Midoriya's malachite eyes with a sadness and longing buried deep beneath his determination.
Suddenly he realized he had no other plan, and was racking his brain for what to do so he wouldn't look like an idiot. Thankfully Midoriya came to his rescue.
"Tomuchan what's wrong? Please tell me." Midoriya asked calmly feeling the sadness resonating through his touch.
Shigaraki heaved in a breath and lowered his head allowing his angel blue hair to mask his face and quietly he began to speak. "For so long, I was afraid to tell you how I felt about you because I was afraid to touch you. Even now I am scared of what you will say. Will you see me as a monster as everyone else has seen me or do you think you could find it in your heart to care for me as much as I care for you." he confessed raising his crimson eyes up to look her in the face.
"I-Izuku, I'm in love with you. I have been for a very long time. I never told you because of Sensei, my mission, my quirk, the league, they always came first. I never felt I was allowed to care or value others. Especially after, what became of my family. I felt like I was being punished. paying penance. I-I never felt I was allowed to love... but...you have changed me. I thought denying how I felt for you would cause these feelings to go away. Then I thought absence would help. We had grownup Izuku and had chosen different paths so I thought I would be free of you finally." Tomura paused to take in a breath for his raspy throat.
"But I was wrong so terribly, terribly wrong. I was miserable without you and was barely able to function. You-you help keep me sane. Izuku even if you do not feel the same as I feel for you. I just wanted to have this one chance. Please would you just... allow me hold you and may I have this one kiss?" Tomura finished his confession with a plea.
He finished speaking then he anxiously leaned in closer to Midoriya till he was only inches from her lips quietly asking if this was ok. Midoriya looked into his scarlet eyes so full of hope, melancholy, and vulnerability that it almost broke her heart. She closed her eyes and shyly ended the separation by placing her lips against his.
Shigaraki's scarlet eyes widened in shock at the feel of Midoriya's soft, warm lips against his own chapped, scarred lips and then closed his eyes savoring the sensation. She tasted of lemons and the alcohol she had been drinking earlier. His lips began to move against hers and he pulled one of his hands down placing it against her left cheek gently caressing the soft skin there. When her lips parted at one point, feeling emboldened, he slipped his tongue inside of her warm mouth. His tongue felt about Midoriya's mouth eliciting an excited squeal. He couldn't help but smile devilishly but was taken by equal surprise when he felt Midoriya's own small tongue begin to invade his own mouth.
Midoriya moved her arms from above her head to embrace Tomura above her.
They remained like that not in a battle for dominance but more in a dance of two friends studying each other and longing to be lovers. They pulled apart at one point and Tomura embraced Izuku's small, lithe body against his own tall, lanky one. They breathed in each other's company.
Midoriya began to speak running her fingers through his soft hair gently. "Tomuchan I love you as well." Her cheeks a deep crimson from bashfulness. "I would never leave you and I have never thought of you as a monster." she said looking into his ruby red eyes. "I only want to help you and I will stay by your side. As your friend. Your lover." she told him with a soft smile on her lips.
She then pulled him in for another kiss. When she first kissed him it had felt shocking at the roughness of his lips but shock turned to excitement at the novelty of it. As the kiss grew more heated it became an after thought. Their own saliva's and alcohol soaked mouths had softened his lips to the point it no longer mattered to her. She loved him scars and all, as he loved her scars and all.
They separated from the kiss again and Tomura laid on his side pulling her to his chest.
"Please just let me hold you like this. Let me love you, Izuku." He whispered in her ear lovingly as he laid on his side and pulled her closer to himself.
"Yes, Tomuchan I am yours." she said snuggling up close to him.
Izuku leaned over and pressed her lips against his and they engaged in another gentle make out session. Sweet murmurs and sighs filled the air.
Tomura held Izuku close to himself breathing in the scent of her hair, she smelled of the rose oil she preferred. Izuku had fallen asleep her lashes fluttering against her eyelids, freckles kissed across her cheeks and the slow rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. He admired these small details before pulling on a pair of artist gloves to block his quirk. Even though he no longer disintegrated the bed in his sleep he wanted Midoriya to stay safe. Gazing down at her once more he pressed a kiss to her cheek, whispered goodnight. Then pulled up the black comforter on his bed and laid it about Midoriya and then himself. He continued to admire her before he fell to sleep.
The two lovers embraced in each other's arms slept.
That night for the first time in a long time he slept peacefully not a single night terror or bad dream to disturb his slumber.
The next morning, Shigaraki opened his eyes to an angel laying in his arms.
Midoriya was sleeping peacefully in his arms her emerald colored hair spread out across the pillow. She had a small sweet smile on her face as she slept. He couldn't help but smile down at her and lean in and plant a small kiss on her forehead. He gently got out of bed so as not to wake her and stretched his arms out. He was tired and groggy from drinking last night as he walked the few feet to the other side of his room and opened a mini fridge opening a bottle of water and taking a long drink.
When he thought of the sleeping nymph in his bed he pulled out an extra water bottle. Setting it on the night stand along with whatever headache tablets he happened to have. He pulled the curtain farther to block out the light. Then went over to the right hand side of the room and began consulting emails and social media accounts for any recent news. He saw a message on his phone from his Sensei. He looked across the room towards where Izuku was sleeping, peacefully, he didn't want to wake her so he decided to take the call in to his private bathroom.
"Yes, Sensei." He asked when he called the number back on the phone after shutting the door.
"Ah, Tomura it has been awhile now. How have you been?" AFO asked.
"Oh, I've been well, keeping busy." Tomura said ensuring his voice was steady as usual.
"That is good to hear. How go your plans at the moment? Are you preparing any other missions?" All For One asked his student.
"Well, I've been busy as you know taking care of the league members of mine" he lied. "I had a question for you, Sensei." Shigaraki asked feeling anxious because he knew the answer.
"Oh, what is it Tomura?" All For One asked having a feeling where this conversation was leading.
"I-That is remember a long time ago when I was a child. I had asked you if you would take my quirk from me. You told me "no" since you didn't want me to be without a quirk." Shigaraki said.
"Yes, I do and I stand by that decision to this day." All For One replied firmly knowing where this was going.
"Sensei, since your quirk is capable of taking quirks. I want to know if it was possible to trade my quirk for a less destructive power or if you could give me a power that would offset my quirk. That way it would be possible for me to touch objects and people without hurting them." Shigaraki asked as confidently as he could.
"What has brought this about? Tomura, you haven't asked to alter your quirk in years in fact you have controlled and embraced it in all this time. Suddenly you want to make a change?" All For One asked feeling skeptical.
Shigaraki was hugging his knees at this point he leaned his head back against the bathroom door and closed his eyes. "Sensei, their is someone I very much care for. For- for the first time in my life I think-No, I feel love for this person and I don't want to hurt them. Even if by accident. True, I have had control over my quirk and it is mine but at the end of the day it is a destructive quirk. It has harmed those I have been close to in the past." Images of a severed hand flashed to the forefront of his memory.
All For One rubbed what had been the bridge of his nose and sighed 'What am I going to do with this boy'.
"Tomura, you are so close to achieving your life long dream. Don't throw it all away because of a "crush" you have on a "friend." Anyway is this friend of yours putting you up to this? Because if they are what kind of a leader does that make you? You are leader to the league of villains. You should be the one calling the shots." All For One coached his student.
"No, Sensei she's nothing like that, she would never try to make me change." Shigaraki said and then grimaced as he didn't want to share this much information with Sensei.
"She? Tomura." AFO grinned as he was getting to the gist of the conversation with his student.
"Oh, then why not recruit the girl. Bring her into your organization then you can keep her close. You never mentioned her joining before." All For One said.
Shigaraki sighed how could he explain this to his Sensei "Well, you see the thing is she was studying to be a hero but..." he was attempting to explain till he was cut off.
"I see which direction things are heading for you Tomura and you will not be happy. If she wants to be a hero she will never emphasize with a villain. In fact for all you know she could be working for the heroes. Acting as their undercover spy trying to bring you in and destroy all you have worked for." All For One pointed out.
"Sensei no, she wouldn't do that I have known her for years." Shigaraki protested.
"Yes, Tomura but what would you do if you were to find yourself in Tartarus? Locked up with no fair trial, hidden away from the world, restrained for the rest of your days. Think about it as a "Boss" villain would, I know I would. If anything else try and recruit the girl. If she cares for you as much you seem to think she does then she would support your cause, don't you think?" All For One finished.
"Yes, Sensei I will work on it right away." Shigaraki finished feeling defeated.
"Good-bye, Tomura. I must leave you now my time is up."
"Good-bye, Sensei" Tomura said reluctantly.
All For One smiled. He knew his student too well. All he had to do was plant the small seed of doubt and it would bare fruit. You didn't get to be the number one villain without having to manipulate masses of people. Still he would need a spy to keep an eye on Tomura and this "friend" of his. A girl was it. He wasn't about to let all of his plans and aspirations fall to ruin because his student suffered from delayed puberty. No, she may need to be taken care of if she got in the way.
Shigaraki was tempted to disintegrate his phone, out of anger. He resisted since the league was laying low after, All For One's defeat and the relocation to the new hideout. That and he didn't want to have to explain to Midoriya about his phone so he shoved it in his pocket. He stood up and opened the door and entered his bedroom. Midoriya was still asleep so he grabbed a sheet of paper and hastily scribbled a note stating that when she was ready, to meet him down in the bar and he left.
He came downstairs it was dark and quiet for the most part, as everyone was still in bed. Though he saw a past-out Twice sleeping in a booth. His legs dangling off the bench. He rolled his eyes and headed over to the bar where Kurogiri was cleaning up after last night. The smell of coffee hitting his nose.
When Kurogiri saw Shigaraki, he stopped what he was doing and went over to the coffee maker and poured a mug of coffee. Bringing it over to Shigaraki since he knew how unbearable he could be without his coffee in the morning.
"Thanks, Kurogiri." Shigaraki grumbled sitting on his usual stool and added sugar to his coffee then stirring it with a spoon and taking a long drink. At least the coffee was still good. Wherever, Kurogiri got it he was never one to pay attention to those details. As he sat there with his coffee the side door opened and Dabi wondered in. Shigaraki groaned well there went his morning he thought.
Dabi took a seat at the bar two stools down and Kurogiri brought him a mug of coffee as well. Unlike, Shigaraki he drank his coffee black.
"Morning, Kurogiri." "Boss" Dabi said in greeting to them as he took a sip. He then looked over towards Shigaraki and smirked.
"Seemed awfully quiet walking by your room last night. What's the matter couldn't seal the deal?" Dabi said sarcastically.
"Fuck you, Burn Unit. What happens in my bedroom is none of your business." Shigaraki grumbled.
"Geez, why do you have a rod up your ass. Thought you'd be more bearable now that your getting laid." Dabi muttered as he took a long drink of his coffee
"So how is Miss Midoriya this morning, Tomura?" Kurogiri asked cutting off Dabi and Tomura, hoping to change the subject.
"She is still sleeping. I thought I would come down here for a moment and have a cup of coffee and see if any news has arisen." Shigaraki replied starting to feel less groggy with caffeine in his veins.
"Well, so far all remains quiet since the incident of bringing in Miss Midoriya, Tt has remained fairly quiet in the territory. They have closed the case ruling it as an accident as no evidence of casualties or property damage was caused as a result of the fire." Kurogiri said.
"Your welcome." sang Dabi smugly as he sipped from his coffee mug and looked at his phone.
"Is there ever a moment where you don't have something to say?" Shigaraki asked bitterly.
"Can't say their ever is, it's a part of my charm." Dabi replied back with his trademark smirk.
Shigaraki rolled his eyes took a last sip of his coffee and stood from his stool. "Thanks for the coffee, Kurogiri. I'm going to check on Midoriya." Shigaraki said.
Shigaraki reentered his chambers where he saw Midoriya beginning to stir and she did not look well at all. In fact her face was almost as green as her hair.
'Uh-oh' Shigaraki thought to himself as he walked over to Midoriya. "Hey, Izuku how are you feeling?" he asked in a gentle voice.
"Oh, Tomuchan I-I think... I'm going to be sick." Midoriya replied looking worse by the moment.
"Come on let me help you up. I'll take you to the bathroom." Shigaraki said as he helped her stand from the bed. As he held her up and walked her over to his private bath he could feel her trembling and gagging.
He brought her into the bathroom quickly. Sitting her towards the toilet where Midoriya began to vomit making horrid and retched sounds. Shigaraki held her veridian hair back from her face while rubbing her back. When she was done he shut the lid and flushed the toilet. Then helped Midoriya up. Leading her over to the sink where he offered her a toothbrush, glass of water to rinse out her mouth and to wash her face.
"Oh, that was so humiliating. I am so embarrassed right now. Why did you stay to witness, that?" Midoriya whined feeling hungover and embarrassed tears filled her eyes while her face and ears burned red.
"Because I wanted to help you. It was my idea to invite you to meet the league and they got you drunk so I felt I needed to take some responsibility. That and I meant every word I told you last night." Shigaraki told Midoriya placing a gentle kiss to her forehead.
Midoriya blushed once more.
"Do you think you need to be sick again? or is it ok to leave this room and I can get you something for the hangover?" he asked.
"I'm OK I think that was it." Midoriya said she did look somewhat better. Though still pale.
Now that Midoriya was hydrated and not vomiting. He noticed she still wore the black dress and fishnets from the night before. While he appreciated the sight and all. Now was not the time when his girl was hungover and feeling sick. He bent down scooping her off the floor and carried her back into the bedroom like a princess.
"Tomuchan! I can walk you know. I'm not broken." Midoriya said whining.
Shigaraki just smiled to himself their was something adorable about a whiny Izuku he thought to himself. He set her back on the bed.
"I know but I want to take care of you the best that I can." Shigaraki said a smile on his face.
He took the bottle of water from the nightstand and offered it to her along with a pain pill.
"Thank you." she said shyly as she drank water and took the pill.
"Now I need to get you some clothes." Shigaraki said. He began rifling his drawers for clean clothes. Till he found a pair of leggings he had got for Midoriya, the smallest t-shirt he owned, and a black hoodie. He handed the clothes to her.
"I'll go get breakfast are you hungry?" he asked.
Midoriya gave a shudder and gagged at the thought of food.
"I'll bring you something delicate for your stomach. The most important thing right now is to rehydrate and get some food. Meanwhile, you can change clothes and then well spend the day taking it easy?" he said with a hopeful smile.
Midoriya had changed into the clothes that Shigaraki gave her though the hoodie was fairly big so it hung off her shoulder exposing the freckles there. She was able to hold down crackers and water which was a good sign. Later, Shigaraki brought her chicken soup. They lay in bed together talking and then took a nap being tired from the previous evening. Midoriya was tucked underneath Shigaraki's chin while he embraced her tightly to himself.
At the moment they were on the couch cross legged playing videogames from one of Shigaraki's many consoles. Midoriya was not doing well.
"Oh, darn it. I died again. How do you do this?" she asked at one point.
Shigaraki laughed "Come on your a hero student you should be able to figure this out."
"Yeah, but I was too busy studying or helping with chores to go play videogames. Plus it's not like I had friends to play with." Midoriya said pathetically.
Shigaraki looked at his love and sighed he was trying to cheer her up by playing a game but this wasn't going very well apparently. It was then he had an idea he set his game controller off to the side, scooched across the couch putting his legs around Midoriya and pulling Midoriya against his chest. Then he wrapped his arms about Midoriya hovering his hands above Midoriya's.
"Do you trust me?" He asked in her ear.
Midoriya nodded and said "Of course."
Shigaraki then carefully wrapped his hands around Midoriya's own. Keeping one finger lifted he set his thumbs above her thumbs and then started a new game. As they began playing the game Shigaraki coached her through it explaining techniques and tricks to advance in the game. Talking in her ear the whole time. When they won the level of a game finally Midoriya smiled.
"Tomuchan! I won. I won. Did you see." Midoriya cried excitedly.
"Yes, I did." Shigaraki said.
However, he was paying no attention to the tv in front of him but to the beautiful girl in his lap. When Midoriya noticed she blushed and looked away. Till Tomura began to kiss her exposed shoulder surprising her. Shigaraki continued to kiss moving along her shoulder and up her neck his hands sliding up her arms and settling on her hips causing Midoriya to gasp in surprise. She could feel his lips and tongue as they moved about her neck licking and nibbling she relaxed her body laying back against his chest.
When his lips moved up along her jawline Midoriya turned her head to meet his lips and their tongues met in a dance. She dropped the controller the games forgotten. Sounds of the games soundtrack filled the room.
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