Girlfriend In A Coma*
Kurogiri's earliest memories are for the most part, hazy to non-existent.
He just remembers meeting AFO and pledging his loyalty to the man right from the start. He has served his master for quite a number of years. When he agreed to follow and obey AFO, he had expected to encounter Yakuza, underworld crime lords, already hardened criminals, murderers, and escaped convicts.
However, what he hadn't accounted for was acting as care giver to a deeply traumatized child, being surrounded by broken young adults, hikikomori's, the mentally impaired, and outcasts of hero society for simply being born with the "wrong" quirk. The truth of why so many citizens turn to villainy was laid before him not as a choice for the wicked and greedy but as a last resort for survival. Looking at his grown ward he regretted in having a hand in his corruption from a tender young age but seeing the care he showed to the unconscious girl (while not part of the plan or his programming) Kurogiri realized that little boy was still inside.
After, the league of Villains exited the warp gate into the hideout, everyone leaped into action. Shigaraki dropped his façade as the cold villainous boss. A stretcher was waiting in the hideout and Twice placed Midoriya upon it, while arguing with himself about why he was doing it. Shigaraki at once came over and with two fingers, checked that she was still breathing and had a pulse. He closed his eyes in quiet gratitude. Dabi retrieved his jacket back and put it back on, as blood didn't bother him. He often bled after all. While, Kurogiri spread a blanket over Midoriya gaining a look of gratitude from his boss and surrogate son.
"Were you able to find a doctor? I don't want her to see that doctor of Sensei's." Tomura said firmly eyes focused on the girl.
"Yes, Tomura Shigaraki. Giran has a contact with a doctor who works with the underground he will remain quiet so long as he is paid." Kurogiri told his young ward.
"Pfft, of course. Everybody's in it for the money." Tomura said with a snicker before rolling his eyes.
"I am sure the young lady will be fine. Giran led me to believe he is highly skilled." Kurogiri said ignoring Tomura's comment.
"He better be." muttered Tomura masking his nerves by narrowing his eyes and clenching his fists.
Kurogiri placed a parental hand on Shigaraki's shoulder letting him know they were ready he nodded and Kurogiri opened another warp gate. They pushed the gurney through to the treatment room where the doctor was ready along with a couple of nurses. They were instructed to treat a badly injured individual quietly and discreetly by any means necessary. The doctor assured them he would do all he could for the patient(after receiving his payment, of course) just give him time. Before Shigaraki left the operating room, when no one was looking, he lifted up Midoriya's hand and placed a gentle kiss upon it.
Tomura had received a communication from All For One he was in his quarters in front of the monitors when his image appeared on one of the screens. "Hello, Tomura how goes your plans for your next mission?" he asked his long time pupil from prison.
"About that Sensei, their is someone who needs me right now, they could be instrumental in my future plans. I need to put any and all of my current missions and plans on hold for the moment until they are well again." Tomura told All For One.
"Oh, this is the first time I am hearing about any of this. You are my successor and it is now your time. It's imperative to never delay a mission regardless whom." All For One said assessing his successor. "You know this plan has been in the works for sometime and continued delays will jeopardize the mission. Especially since the heroes may begin to tighten up their security and presence if any other villain organization's continue to "stage attacks." All For One told his student. "But I also understand never underestimate your allegiances they can be useful pawns."
"Yes, I understand Sensei and I am considering all of those factors into our future plans. I understand I have had my set backs and my failures. Which is why I need this time to plan and consider all outcomes before I orchestrate our next move in the game." Tomura told his master determined to sound confident in his decisions so as not to attract doubt.
"Very, well Tomura you are my successor so I trust your decisions. How go the Nomu's at least?" All For One asked deciding to change the subject for now.
"The Nomu's go about as well as expected. We have had a few setbacks with some of the quirks not adapting to certain Nomu but it will only be a matter of time, till we have a more intelligent Nomu. They will be easier to instruct and control." Tomura replied.
"Very, well sounds as though you have all under control then. I need to go before the heroes detect my communication with you. I will check back in with you at a later time. Good-bye Tomura." All For One said and signed out.
All For One was disappointed at this news. Tomura had been a faithful student of his since he had taken him under his care all those years ago. This was the first time he said he would be unable to follow through with missions and plans. At least without a good enough reason because of 'someone who needs me now'. He would need to get to the bottom of this and soon. His time was running out. He did not know how much time he had left whether it was months or years but it was only a matter of time until he would need to pass on his quirk to Tomura to continue his legacy.
All For One then made a call. 'I'll need a mole to check on the leagues' hideout see who is distracting Tomura from his missions as of late'. I have worked too hard for too long to see everything fail this is my legacy at stake.
'Time could be cruel' he thought. 'As he only had so much of it.'
The gymnasium at UA was panic filled and a commotion when it was brought to the attention that Midoriya had fled campus. Iida and Uraraka had went and searched out All Might at once since they knew how much Izuku idolized him. If anyone could find and convince her to come back it was him.
All Might was at the gym with the wounded acting as faculty: helping with police reports and standing by as students were loaded into ambulances. No one had told him of the recent fight between Midoriya and Bakugou as it seemed it was a common occurrence with the two. At the moment everyone was too busy dealing with the disaster and would be dealt with in the morning.
"All Might!" Uraraka and Ida came running up to him in a panic.
"Yes, I am here. What is troubling you?" he asked the panicking students.
"It's Midoriya! She's gone! She ran away." Uraraka said tears filling her eyes.
'WHAT! Midoriya, my girl? Why?" All Might asked looking broken hearted, after all the girl had came to be like a daughter to him.
"She was attacked by Bakugou. Who accused her of being a traitor and being in league with the villains." Said Iida after he removed his helmet and tucked it under his arm.
"That's impossible." All Might said "Where is young Bakugou right now? I must speak to him later. For now does anyone have any idea where Midoriya could have gone?"
"Principal Nezu and Mr. Aizawa have him in custody at the moment." Iida said not wanting to go into further detail.
"I'll try calling her mother." volunteered Iida. "As class representative I have a list of emergency contacts."
"I'll check her dorm." Volunteered Uraraka.
"We'll start a sweep of the campus." Volunteered Kirishima and Mina who had been eavesdropping the whole time and immediately ran around looking for volunteers.
All Might closed his eyes in despair. What was he going to tell Izuku's mother that he lost her daughter. Granted it wasn't all his fault but after all the problems this class has faced he knew he would receive the blame. In his weakened form their was little he could do. After, all she carried One for All now, and with it the future of peace. But it wasn't just that he had grown to love the little green haired girl like the daughter he never had. Now his daughter was lost, scared, and probably injured somewhere in the city and he was in the role of the worried father. He never felt so helpless in his life as he watched the students and future heroes take action to find their classmate.
Still regardless of what shape he was in he would do everything in his power to bring Izuku Midoriya home safe to her mother.
He pulled out his cellphone and made a call "Hello, it's me. I need to report a missing child and I'm going to need your help to find them." he replied into the phone. He could trust the one he called as being discreet and courteous.
Hours later in a private quirkless, cell on campus. Bakugou was once again in the muzzle and restraints from the sports tournament and still making a fuss and putting up a fight. Incapable of using his quirk he struggled. It had been several hours but he was still pissed off. Not necessarily at stupid Deku after all it probably wasn't her doing she was just easily manipulated. 'She was so much like a child so easy going and trusting of everyone. Why the fuck All Might trusted her with his quirk no less.' he would never know. He slammed his restraints against metal again and fumed. When he got out of here he was gonna find that Deku and knock some more sense into her.
It was then the cell door was opened and Mr. Aizawa and All Might came in a solemn expression on both their faces. They watched and waited. When they saw the explosive blonde had simmered down they removed his muzzle.
"About fucking time I was suffocating in that piece of shit. And what the fuck locking me up in a goddamn cell for?" Katsuki seethed at his mentors.
Aizawa was about to speak when All Might interjected. "Bakugou, my boy, something has happened and I was hoping you would be able to help me, well help us." All Might said looking truly defeated.
Bakugou read the room being intelligent he knew something was up. "Hey, what's up with you two? I know the campus was attacked but that's nothing new. Why you acting like someone died." he said tactless as always.
"Because Bakugou the confrontation that you and Midoriya engaged in earlier resulted in her running away from campus. As of now she has been missing for eight hours and was badly injured might I add." Mr. Aizawa said assessing his pupil who would be receiving anger management classes asap in addition to detention.
"Tch! Is that all? Stupid Deku she probably just went running home to her mommy, she's such a little crybaby." Bakugou muttered slouching in his chair with his legs spread as wide as he could manage.
"You see that was one of the first places we considered but Inko Midoriya has not heard from her daughter in two days. She is currently at home with a squad on site and we are currently receiving updates every thirty minutes if she has returned or not." Mr. Aizawa told Bakugou.
"Hearing this made Bakugou a little uneasy "Then she's probably at a hero shop buying more figurine's or geeking' out somewhere." he said rolling his eyes.
"It's early in the morning. The shopping districts are closed." said Mr. Aizawa.
"Also, we have been in touch with your parents and neighbors no one's seen her. However, a security camera caught a reflection of her in a window at about nine-fifteen downtown heading towards the bad part of town." All Might said.
"Well, duh she went to find her boyfriend." Bakugou said rolling his eyes.
"Boyfriend? What boyfriend? she never mentioned one in the past." All Might said confused. Then caught himself "Not that she would tell me or anything." The hero said with a mild blush.
"Bakugou, I highly doubt she has a boyfriend she is very serious about her studies and becoming a hero." Mr. Aizawa said tired from being up all night and Bakugou's shit.
"Wow! You really don't know much about Deku do you? Great job! All Might you just passed your quirk over to a villain lover." Bakugou snickered.
"Bakugou your getting out of line. Now instead of picking a fight can you provide us with some information on where your classmate is?" Aizawa demanded getting sick of his shit.
"Sheesh, alright but your not gonna like it. She's rubbing elbows with that hand freak. You know the one who attacked us at the dome, who kidnapped me of all people, and Midoriya "rescued me" from. Please she probably was an accomplice." Bakugou said smugly.
All Might and Aizawa both shared looks then looked back at Bakugou. "You mean to tell us Young Midoriya is friends with Shigaraki Tomura the 'Leader of the League of Villains' and 'Heir of All For One'?" All Might said in disbelief.
"Yeah, pretty much." Bakugou said.
"Do we have any leads on where the League of Villains is right now?" All Might asked Aizawa. Still not quite believing Bakugou but a lead was a lead.
"No, after their last hideout was found out and raided in the rescue attempt of Bakugou they have gone underground. In fact not much has been heard of them. We have been hearing more about Over Haul though. Lot's of smaller villain gangs have been springing up as well causing mayhem. The police force is stretched thin at the moment combatting crime rates and growing villain activity. I'm afraid a missing girl is just one of another statistic. Their are many missing kids right now." Aizawa said quoting what he had been hearing from the police department.
The two adults were concerned and Bakugou was rolling his eyes at the stupidity of it all.
As soon as morning dawned Izuku Midoriya's picture was being posted everywhere in hopes someone would find her. Flyers of her hung everywhere. She was an amber alert for a week straight, which had no luck. She was brought up on the news and various talk shows that featured missing children. Yet it was silent no one had seen nor heard from her in days. Then it turned to weeks.
Classes eventually resumed but campus security increased. It was hard on class 1-A because everyone looked at the empty desk and knew. Bakugou became a social pariah no one wanted to be near him or interact with him after what he had done. The rumors were out of control about him as well. He wound up eating alone at lunch. No one wanted to pair up with him in class. He worked alone or was assigned to someone. Even Kirishima was laying low in public, at least he got together with Bakugou in private to study or talk, even so things were strained with the two friends.
Cards, flowers, and teddy bears were appearing at the gates to the campus from well wishers hoping for her safe return. After four weeks missing, a candle light vigil and march was staged across campus in honor of Midoriya and other missing children. An award was posted for her safe return by a generous unnamed benefactor. Anything that might draw attention. Her classmates were active in her search as well using social media.
"We have to do something. I mean Midoriya helped rescue Bakugou, she's always jumped in when the class was attacked, and even when our campus was attacked she was helping with the wounded afterwards." Kirishima argued when the class was being denied permission to leave campus and look for her.
"Leave this to the pros this time or else their will be consequences." Aizawa stressed to the class.
The little green haired hero student while a walking disaster and troublemaker, was beloved by her peers and teachers. Even Recovery Girl was upset she was missing. As she had grown used to seeing her so often in her office to treat wounds and lecture her and All Might about her injuries.
While they awaited the doctors prognosis and treatment of the patient. The villains were gathered in the bar area of the hideout as it acted as a sort of common room, the living room of the damned. Everyone was sitting about drinking, a game of cards going on quietly none wanting to upset their boss who was fuming and pacing.
Even Dabi didn't want to mess with the freak he had never seen him so furious and so in control at the same time. It was admirable at best and off putting at worst.
Shigaraki was a bundle of nerves while she was being treated. Unable to sit down or sit still awaiting word of the outcomes. 'Why was she there in the first place?' 'Would she live?' Would she be alright?' 'What if those bastards had damaged her beyond who she was?' He started to regret allowing Dabi to kill them off so soon. 'Should have left those bastards alive to suffer the same fate they had caused Izuku to suffer.' he snarled to himself.
Finally, Kurogiri returned with the doctor emerging from the warp gate. It was obvious the doctor had come from an operating room, his scrubs were stained red with blood. Toga had to be held back when she picked up the scent. The doctor appeared troubled, tired while whiping sweat from his brow. "She is in very, very rough shape I am afraid." the doctor said knowing he better get to the point . "It looks as if she lost a fight with an armored tank. I mean I know I was sworn to secrecy and to be discreet but my God, no teenage girl should have to suffer the way she has." the doctor said deeply concerned.
Shigaraki grimaced he knew she had looked bad when he saw her in a security camera feed in one of the monitors of his room, while he was performing research online. When he saw the small figure limping in pain with the similar hair and uniform he had known most of his life. Not to mention faced off with in the past while heading the league of villains and going against the future heroes of UA.
He was angry at who had done such a thing to his Izuku. Yet at the same time felt hope bloom in his chest that one of his wishes was being granted. Midoriya had given up on heroics and was coming to him in her moment of need. He remembered all those times he had told her if she changed her mind he would still be their. Until, he saw the thugs following behind her and the frightened expression on her face which he had never seen on her before. He became enraged and livid at once and summoned the league.
Which brought him here listening to a doctor talk about his childhood friend, who had needed him and he had turned his back on her for far too long.
The doctor cleared his throat and began to go down his diagnosis sheet. "I have used my quirk to the best of my abilities. However, she has multiple fractures and contusions across her body. I have her arms and left leg in a cast. Her ribs are bruised and fractured so I have wrapped those up as well. I lost track of how many stitches I had to give her she looks like a rag doll at this point. She needed a blood transfusion because she had suffered severe blood loss, so far she is on her second pint. Not to mention all the evidence of burns and exposure to explosives all across her skin."
When Shigaraki heard explosives, that caught his attention. He only knew of one such individual who had an explosive quirk and none of those low life thugs had such a quirk. Surely the gang wouldn't throw an explosive at an already injured girl, it would draw too much attention from patrolling pro-heroes or the police for one thing. He gritted his teeth. Bakugou Katsuki the one he tried to persuade to join their organization but refused was clearly the one responsible.
He was all to aware of the brat's "short fuse" and explosive temper especially when it came to Midoriya. Shigaraki also, knew all about the long and dysfunctional relationship that was Midoriya's friendship with 'Kacchan' as she insisted on calling him. Shigaraki had always viewed the friendship as one-sided and more as hero worship from Midoriya to feed that pompous brats ego. Which he did not need anymore to further inflate his already massive ego. Shigaraki clenched his fists. Later, he would deal with the so-called "King Explosion Murder hero". For now Midoriya needed him more.
The doctor continued "Their is also mild head trauma which means she will probably remain unconscious for the next few days. Till my quirk repairs the damage. Also, she is experiencing some anemia and a case of mild malnourishment, it would seem she has not been eating properly. I have an IV giving her fluids to replace what she is lacking. When she becomes conscious you'll need to make sure she begins eating again. Their is also evidence of her body being under severe stress. I have seen this before persons under stress do it self-consciously, she needs rest and to relax and remain calm."
Shigaraki could only look down at Izuku in disbelief. 'What has been going on with her lately? Not eating, under stress? She appeared in the bad side of town late at night alone injured so she was unable to defend herself from a petty street gang?' He was glad he had seen her on the camera feeds earlier any later and he would have regretted it.
After the doctor provided them with care instructions and medications, he left, and Izuku had been transferred through the warp gate to a private room in the hideout. Tomura went up to the vulnerable form comatose in the bed connected to wires, tubes, and a beeping heart monitor. Tomura bent down and pressed his scarred lips to her forehead. He then sat on a chair next to the bed and gently took her hand in his careful to keep a finger lifted out of habit.
"Izuku, I don't know if you can hear me but I want you to know. I never wanted to see you like this. Even though I have been responsible for you ending up in the hospital in the past. For that I am deeply sorry. You are the last person I ever wanted to hurt. Seeing you like this reminds me how I abandoned you all those years ago. You needed me and I turned my back on you. Also, seeing you like this reminds me how I need you. That I have a heart and it belongs to you, it always has, and it always will." He then lifted her hand and placed his lips upon it careful of the IV tubes protruding from her arm.
Several days after the campus attack, Kacchan's assault, being attacked by the street gang, and being brought to the League of Villain's hideout. Midoriya opened her eyes and began to awaken. The first thing she noticed was she was not in her dorm room with All Might posters on the wall. No she was in a barely lit room with exposed duct work. She was confused by this till she looked down and then noticed the casts, bandages, and IV that was trailing from her arm. 'Strange this does not look like a hospital room either' she thought looking around carefully, relieved when she found she was able to move her neck.
Her eyes looked about the room in confusion still. That is till the door opened and she saw Shigaraki come through with Father obscuring his face. In a panic she sprung up from the bed being barely awake. "Oh my god." she said out loud sitting up but then grimaced in pain and laid back down..
Shigaraki pulled father from his face in a panic and ran to Midoriya "Don't move! Your still recovering." he said worry and concern was all over his face.
"To-to-Tomuchan?" she said confused. "Wh-where am I? What happened?"
"You mean you don't remember?" Tomura said in concern. "You were found beaten half to death in a nearby alleyway. I saw you on one of my security monitors. A sad excuse of a quirk street gang had attacked you but don't worry they will never hurt you or anyone else ever again." He gave a sort of demented grin for a moment.
"Your in my new hideout right now. I've been taking care of you for the past four days. You were really starting to worry me." He confessed.
"FOUR DAYS? I've been asleep for four days?" Midoriya cried out in shock. She almost sprung up again but Tomura gestured for her to stay down.
"Well my doctor did say you might have suffered from a concussion not to mention all the blood loss." Shigaraki said. "Do you remember anything that happened to you?"
"Yes, UA...we were attacked by a new group of villains their leader went by the name of Overhaul. His quirk was unlike anything I had ever seen before. A lot of my classmates were badly injured. I stepped in to help but wound up taking a beating myself." Midoriya attempted to remember through her hazy memory.
"After, the attack. I know, I helped recover my injured classmates and was about to go seek first-aid for myself until Kacch-" Midoriya paused gripping the blanket and bowing her head.
"You don't have to tell me Midoriya if it's too much for you." Shigaraki said placing a hand on hers keeping one finger up.
"No, I-I'm ok. Anyway K-Kacchan saw a picture of us on my phone and he accused me of being a "villain lover" and a-a traitor so he attacked me. It was so bad. After that I just felt so hopeless and weak what kind of hero am I anyway?" she said pausing and looking down.
"Every time I turn around my body is damaged or broken now people are doubting my allegiance. It was just too much for me so I ran away to find you. Which may or may not have been a good idea at the time. I just remembered what you said in the mall that day: "That I could always count on you." She said anxiously glancing at Tomura. True, he had been her friend when they were younger but now they were on opposite ends of the spectrum. Two sides of the same coin and enemies by definition.
Shigaraki carefully took her hand up in the air "Of course you can count on me and I will always be their for you. Izuku you don't know how happy I am to know you are here. Well obviously I would prefer you weren't in a hospital bed but I will take care of you till you can get out of this bed. You can stay here as long as you like." he pledged looking down at her sincerely.
"Thank you Tomuchan. I-I don't know what I would do without you." Midoriya said tears running down her face.
The two wound up embracing as they had missed each other during their time apart.
It had been a couple days now and Midoriya was finally recovered enough to the point where she could walk on her own, return to U.A. go back to her life. That is if she had the motivation to do so. Running away from school and being badly injured had been damaging to her mental state. She was depressed and felt like a failure. She felt she had let everyone down: Her mother, All Might, Kacchan, her classmates, her teachers, UA, the heroes association the list went on and on of those she had let down. It was so bad that when food was brought to her it was left untouched. All she did was sleep and when she was awake she was listless and vacant of emotion the very picture of jaded.
Shigaraki was beginning to worry about his longtime friend he had never seen Midoriya like this before. She was always Even when she was crying and upset about not having a quirk she had this childlike innocence and optimism about her. Shigaraki was anxious and scratched at his neck. He didn't know what to do he was torn from being the cold, unfeeling leader he aspired to be like his mentor to wanting to show his friend all the bottled away feelings he kept hidden from her. True, he had confessed to her his feelings but she had been in a coma at the time.
Toga and Big Sis Magne had picked up on all of this and was bringing it up with Shigaraki. As the only females in the league they had been helping Midoriya with bathing and hygiene during her recovery. If they didn't already have fond feelings for the little greenette before well, they sure did now.
Midoriya was in bed sleeping after they had convinced her to eat a bowl of miso soup (finally!).
They were in the bar with some of the other members of the league and as they were sitting around talking about weapons and missions. Toga brought it up.
"You know Tomuchan when are you going to invite Midoriya to hang out with the rest of us?" Toga said playfully.
Shigaraki gave an exasperated huff "I thought I told you to stop calling me that or I'd kill you." he threatened. "I'm waiting for the right time for when she is recovered."
"Well, she is recovered and has been. Plus she's feeling depressed you know if your not careful it will only get worse." Magne said looking sad. "She's probably feeling isolated and lonely. You don't spend enough time with her either."
Shigaraki felt his shoulders stiffen. "How do you know all this?" he asked in an attempt to deflect the feelings of guilt he was feeling. It wasn't that he was neglecting her on purpose he was giving her some breathing room and recovery after all they had parted on bad terms. Not to mention Sensei had been back in communication lately.
"Because we're girls, duh. I've been noticing when I go to bring her clothes or help her in the bath." Toga said further teasing him that she had seen Midoriya in various stages of undress (while he hadn't).
Shigaraki scowled (in an attempt to mask his blush at the idea of Midoriya in the bath) at Toga and then heaved in a sigh "Alright, is all of what you two are saying is the truth or are you just trying to fuck with me as usual?" he growled.
"Oh, it's the truth. Anyway I've grown to like Izu-chan quite a lot. It's nice having another girl around." Toga said all she needed were heart eyes to show the blood villain had gained a new crush.
"I agree with Toga. Midoriya is a delight very polite unlike some of the people I associate with". Magne gave a pointed look towards Dabi who was leaned back in a chair, feet propped up on a table and smoking a cigarette. "She didn't even blink when I used feminine pronouns." Magne said pleased.
"Yeah, when you going to bring out 'Sleeping Beauty', Freak show? The way you keep her hidden away makes me wonder if she's already left you or if you held her with all five fingers already?" Dabi asked smirking.
Shigaraki turned on Dabi with a death glare. "You want to die Frankenstein's monster? Don't you dare talk about my quirk and her in that way." he threatened.
"Hey, take it easy I was just kidding. Come on you want her to join us in the league, right? Invite her to the bar tomorrow night well have the whole gang there make it a proper party." Dabi said smiling.
Twice mumbled "I hate parties. I can't wait should I bring chips and dip. This is a horrible idea."
Toga perked up "Oh, yes, please let's have a welcome party it will be so fun. I have just the outfit for her and everything." she squealed.
Dabi stuck a finger in his ear after her squealing and rolled his eyes "Ugh, chicks."
Well the league was eager for fresh blood (literally) it couldn't hurt to have Midoriya meet the members of his league (could it?). No, if Midoriya wanted to know his way of life it was best she saw it warts and all. Tomura smiled at the idea of having Midoriya by his side they could tear down hero society together. It was as though fate were glancing him a second chance.
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