A Heroes Journey*
This came out when I was in high school thought it fitting to add that and David Bowie's Heroes.
The next morning Tomura had a call from his Sensei the monitor springing to life. Miraculously Tomura didn't have a hangover.
"Hello, Tomura. How are things going with your plans?" AFO asked of his pupil.
Tomura had his hoodie on the hood tugged over his face along with strands of blue hair peeking out. "Well, Sensei my plans are going well..." Tomura muttered.
AFO then said "Tomura, could you please show me your face."
Tomura grimaced a moment not wanting to reveal his eyes but he was his Sensei after all and Tomura tended to be amenable to his requests.
He tugged his hood down revealing a disheveled head of angel blue locks, red blood shot eyes (as if he had been crying), and a demented grin on his face. "You were right Sensei. All along your were right." Tomura said teeth on full display.
"Oh?" AFO asked curious as to what his pupil had come to realize. "And what would that be, Tomura?"
"Personal relationships, having friends are a waste of time and distract me from my end game. From now on I am focusing on to my mission. I want my dream to become a reality, Sensei."
AFO smiled widely evil satisfaction flowing through him, his plan was still going according to plan.
"That is a wise decision you have made. Better to not let people stand in the way of your dream. People have their uses just that in mind but it is for the best not to get emotionally attached." AFO said sagely.
"Yes, Sensei." Tomura said. Even though he felt as though his heart was breaking all over again.
Shigaraki and Midoriya then went on their separate ways after that night, it would be months till the two would cross paths again. Shigaraki dove into his training even deeper becoming leader of the League of Villains. As All For One had been slowly withdrawing from his pupil over the years only communicating via cellphone or skype in preparations for his ultimate plans for his heir. Shigaraki established an evil villains hideout in a former dive bar in the bad part of town. Where Kurogiri ambitiously took over as bartender. He also busied himself developing his ultimate plans in eliminating All Might and destroying the hero association.
New recruits to his league came in to join the league: Dabi a mysterious twenty something who was covered in purple scars and surgical staples, black hair, who had the quirk cremation. Who emitted blue flames that were as equally blue as his eyes from his body. Also, Toga Himiko a psychotic school girl with an obsession for knives and blood. Though he wanted to kill them at first and the feeling was mutual they maintained an uneasy alliance with lots of insulting, mocking, and getting on each others last nerve. But really they were all beginning to bond over time.
Only problem was many of his new members were followers of Hero Killer Stain who didn't exactly get along with Shigaraki (and he had the scars to prove it) and Shigaraki didn't get along with Stain.
This included another one of his new recruits an anthropomorphic mutant who was a gecko named Shuichi Iguchi but went by the nickname Spinner. He was a hikikomori who had similar tastes in video games Tomura soon discovered. Kenji Hikiishi who went by Magne she had a magnetic quirk. Atsuhiro Sako, a former stage magician who had to turn to villainy after an illusion went wrong. Muscular who wasn't very bright but had a muscle quirk and signed up mainly so he could get in fights. Mustard an adolescent boy who was the youngest member in the league as his costume consisted of his junior high uniform and a gas mask. He had a toxic gas quirk. And finally Moonfish who was a homicidal maniac (well more so then the rest of the weak) on death row and he was a cannibal, which was how he disposed of his victims.
However, all his plotting, scheming, and recruiting did not prevent him from keeping tabs on Izuku Midoriya. He watched her compete at the sports festival alone in his room sitting in the dark as he was prone to do often. What shocked him the most was the quirk she had newly acquired and a powerful one at that. All throughout their young life she had been quirkless and to suddenly appear on national tv with such a powerful yet self-destructive quirk left him shocked. When she appeared on screen he felt a racing in his heart but he squashed it by scratching at his neck. He was anxious as he watched her compete part of him wanting her to win part of him wanting her to lose. He wanted "His Midoriya" the same quirkless girl who had been his friend all his life and together they had made an awkward pair. The Midoriya who looked at him adoringly with big emerald green eyes and a smile he thought forlornly, that he had forsaken out of duty.
He thought back on a past discussion he had shared with Midoriya it was after she had been bullied yet again by Bakugou and the other kids with quirks. Midoriya was in tears and inconsolable at the time and Shigaraki felt helpless.
"Ka-Kacchan is so mean to me. I just don't understand why? H-he is my bestfriend." Midoriya sobbed into Shigaraki's shoulder as he awkwardly attempted to console her mindful of his fingers.
"Well, you know Midoriya. I may not be the best judge of people or friends. Since I don't really have any... well apart from you but, I don't think friends are meant to hurt you and drive you to tears. Maybe "Kacchan" isn't your "bestfriend" after all." he said being careful with his words.
Midoriya looked up towards him with a tearstained face that made him feel strange inside and said "If I was only born with a quirk I would be treated equally as everybody else" she said.
"You know Midoriya having a quirk isn't exactly all it's cracked up to be. Do you know there are moments I would give just about anything to have a normal life like yours with no quirk, able to go to school, have a mother , and a fath- You know what never mind I'm sorry I ever brought it up." Shigaraki said shutting down.
"Tomuchan, I think your quirk is amazing and I want you to know you are my bestest-best friend." She said smiling as the tears dried on her face she then embraced Shigaraki in a hug causing the young boy to stiffen up in surprise but he soon relaxed and returned the embrace.
But...yet he couldn't help but feel the growing happiness in his chest form. Izuku finally got what she had always wanted a quirk and to become a hero. Someday he too would get what he always wanted. And even if they could not be happy together at least they could be happy apart he thought or at least that's what he told himself.
He felt outrage and concern at the outcome of the sports festival upon seeing Midoriya so badly injured and being thrown across the stadium as a result of the Todoroki boy. He knew their was nothing he could do about it. They were living separate lives now and on separate paths but that was not going to stop him from paying a visit to the shopping mall when rumor of Midoriya's class would be there in preparation for their camping trip. Well, he would know since he stole a copy of the class itinerary.
He was in his usual casual attire red tennis shoes, black pants, and a black hoodie with the hood pulled up and his pale blue, silver hair obscuring his face. Nonetheless he carried "father" in the pocket of his hoodie that he could clasp onto for reassurance and calm his growing anxiety as he passed the many civilians out for a day of shopping. He looked at them all in disgust completely oblivious to the social ills of society. Not caring of the social corruption that was just beneath their noses or easily out in the open if they would stop their narcissistic past times and open their eyes. He gripped onto "father" tighter as he scanned his eyes across the crowd seeking his prey.
His eyes soon locked on his target a head of viridian hair tied up in a messy ponytail, a sadistic smile fell across his face as he casually made his way across the malls rotunda to where the petite girl stood. Once he stood behind her he spoke:
"Is this the Izuku Midoriya that was at the UA sports festival?" he said with mock enthusiasm.
He watched her shoulders seem to jump with surprise. Till she turned around and he saw the familiar freckles and the large green eyes looking at him once again and for a fraction of a second he lost his nerve as she took his breath away.
"T-Tomuchan." she said in shock.
Midoriya didn't know how to feel in that moment. Whether, to be happy to see her childhood friend once more or frightened that her new enemy stood right before her in the middle of what was supposed to be a secure shopping mall, with all of her classmates around.
Shigaraki smiled and slung an arm about Midoriya's neck causing her to flinch at the sudden contact. "Come along Midoriya how about you and I have a cup of tea and a chat." he said jovially as he guided her towards a bench beneath a potted tree.
"Your not afraid of your old friend are you now?" he asked teasingly as they sat down together.
Midoriya was a bundle of nerves the last few times she had seen of Tomuchan no, Shigaraki flashing through her mind. The night of the kiss beneath the fireworks and he said they would need to be distant from one another. Then the attack at the dome where Midoriya thought he was going to injure or kill her classmates and teacher. Yet despite all of these horrible occurrences over the past few months the happy memories they shared went through her mind as well not to mention the kiss and how briefly happy she had been in that moment.
"N-no" she said her confidence slipping.
"Come on now we're old pals, old buddies you don't need to treat me like a stranger." he said flashing her a grin while keeping his arm over her shoulder.
"I heard about your run-in with Stain the Hero Killer and I was curious what did you think of him?" Shigaraki asked.
"Well h-he was dangerous, violent but I could see where he was coming from with his conviction and his ideals. He is not just committing acts of violence for carnage but for his mission his beliefs." Midoriya said.
"So what your saying is one should have a mission in life and not just act out spontaneously?" Shigaraki questioned.
Midoriya gulped steeling her nerves and gathering the bravery to speak her mind "To-Tomuchan what is this about? Why are you here now of all times?" she asked.
"What can I say seeing you compete at the sports festival inspired me to want to come pay my bestie a visit. Not to mention I was curious about this quirk you suddenly have after all these years." He said brushing his fingers across her bare arm he grinned when as a result he felt her flinch and jump moving in closer next to him.
"We-well about that I was a late bloomer that's all. You knew I was going to UA so naturally I would be competing in a UA related event such as the sports festival." She replied gathering her composure and supplying the stock answer she had rehearsed with All Might.
"Mmhh, you know what Midoriya I don't believe you but keep your secrets. Either way that's not why I'm here." he replied.
"It's not?" she asked curiously.
"No, I'm actually here on a recruitment mission looking for a new recruit for the league of villains. Have you heard I am their leader after all." Shigaraki said feeling confident as he spoke in Midoriya's ear causing her to fidget in his arms.
"Oh, who is this recruit your looking for? Is it someone who works here in the mall? Perhaps they work at the Gap or maybe the Pretzel stand?" she said nervously making lite conversation.
Shigaraki began to burst into laughter with his scratchy voice "Oh, Midoriya I have so missed our talks you could always make me laugh. No, I'm not looking for someone who has a quirk to fold jeans or wrap pretzels around hotdogs. The person I want to recruit is you Izuku. My bestfriend and potential partner nothing would make me happier then to have you by my side. We would be a force to be reckoned with the heroes would never see it coming." he said with a wide grin.
"Oh, is that what you wanted?" Midoriya said, feeling strangely excited that he still thought of her but she knew she would have to turn him down. Even though it would break her heart all over again.
"Yes, Izuku not a day has gone by where I don't think of you. It's been hard being separated from you for so long. I hate to admit I attacked the dome knowing you would be their just to see your face again. Not that it isn't apart of my ultimate plans mind you." he corrected himself. "But I had to see you which is what brought me here even now. Izuku I beg of you come away with me. We can be happy together and never apart." Tomura almost pleaded.
"I want us to be together Tomuchan but, why don't you leave the league? Come with me I can help you start a new life. That way we can be together you and I." Midoriya said in return.
The two star-crossed lovers looked at one another longingly they were inches away from their lips touching once more and having a close embrace their rivalry and troubles disappearing. Until a voice interrupted their moment.
"Dekuchan" cried Uraraka. "Is that a friend...No...Shigaraki, get your hands off of her."
Shigaraki looked away towards Midoriya's classmate for a split second if looks could kill Ochacho would be a goner and sighed under his breath "Well, time to play the part of the villain I suppose. Relax Izuku I would never hurt you." since he had not got his answer.
"Oh, sorry didn't see you had a friend their." he said in mock laughter. His hand went to grasp Midoriya's neck causing her to gasp in shock. "Don't come any closer or I'll apply all five fingers and you can watch her turn to dust." he said steeling his voice.
Uraraka gasped and backed off immediately. Shigaraki whispered in Midoriya's ear "Until we meet again Izuku remember you can always come to me. I'll be waiting with arms wide open for you to fill that void."
He then stood up put his hands in his pocket and began to walk away. "Don't follow me I might get destructive." he threatened.
Midoriya in her shock cried out a question she needed to have answered "Tomura Shigaraki wait, what does All For One want?"
Shigaraki turned, shrugged, and said "Who knows? I don't." and then he blended into the crowd and disappeared.
It was a few hours after the incident at the mall, and Midoriya was exhausted she wanted to pretend nothing had happened and go home but Uraraka insisted on contacting mall security and the police. Paramedics also came to check on Midoriya's neck and ensure his quirk had not caused any injury, despite Midoriya's protests it was not necessary. Midoriya couldn't lie but at the same time she couldn't tell them the truth of their conversation so she embellished a few things. That Shigaraki had seen her at the sports festival (which was true), they discussed the hero killer Stain (a slight embellishment but still true). After answering the same questions over and over again. It was then All Might arrived.
"Young Midoriya, I have heard all that has happened how are you? Are you hurt?" his black and blue eyes showing signs of worry and concern for his "adopted" daughter. He then gripped her in a crushing hug.
"I-I'm fine All Might just exhausted from questioning is all." she replied to her mentor as she patted his back to release her from the death grip he had on her lungs.
Midoriya was dropped off at her apartment by a squad car her mother was beside herself with worry as soon as she walked through the door.
"Oh, Izuku my poor baby are you alright? are you hurt anywhere?" Inko cried out with worry as she embraced her daughter in a motherly hug.
"Mom I'm sorry to worry you but I'm alright I wasn't hurt. I'm just really tired right now." she said.
"Oh, of course poor thing come in, come in. You must be hungry too I have dinner waiting for you just let me warm it up." Inko said leading Midoriya to sit down on the couch where she draped a throw blanket on her lap before entering the kitchen.
Even though Midoriya wasn't hungry she still managed to make a show of eating some of her dinner to prevent her mother from further worrying about her daughter. She told her mother about the incident leaving out certain details so her mother would not worry then she excused herself for the night explaining she was tired and wanted sleep before the camping trip.
When Midoriya entered her room she flipped on the light seeing everything as usual the All Might posters all over the walls and the figures on the shelf but what caught her eye was the large bouquet of flowers on her desk. She walked across the room admiring the colors and fragrance that filled the room when she saw the card she picked it up. Once she opened it and began reading she gasped in shock.
Dear Izuku,
I wanted to apologize for what happened at the mall today and that I was sincere in my offer. I would never hurt you. I care for you too much. If you ever need me, if the heroes ever turn their backs on you remember you have me as a friend and partner. Call the phone number on the back if you change your mind.
Love Your,
Tears came to her eyes out of exhaustion and frustration but a small part of her felt they were out of happiness. The entire time of being so close to Shigaraki she strangely wasn't frightened at all it had felt nice. In fact apart of her wanted to melt into his warmth but knew it was unwise she had to remain on guard. As she lay in bed that night she reflected on past memories of Tomuchan when they were young children to only a few years ago and she knew for a fact everything that he had told her that day had been the truth.
Later at the league of villain's hideout Kurogiri approached his newly appointed boss.
"Sir?" Kurogiri asked while he was wiping down glassware behind the bar.
"Yes, Kurogiri what is it?" Shigaraki asked he was finally relaxed at the bar with a drink in hand his second in fact, a bandage on his neck from anxiously clawing at his neck for most of the evening.
"Will we often be invading young ladies bedrooms to deliver messages at night as part of your leadership, now?"
Shigaraki spluttered on his drink and shot a death glare at Kurogiri in that instance. Kurogiri turned away smiling as he continued to polish the glass in his hand with a towel. 'He has it so bad I wonder if he even realizes it.' Kurogiri thought to himself remembering what occurred earlier.
Shigaraki had returned from his walk determined and refreshed no longer bogged down about the defeat of being foreshadowed by Stained. He began making plans eagerly at once and even motivated the league members who had been at the bar. Their was a spark in his crimson eyes that Kurogiri had not seen in a very long time. He was taken by even more shock when an agitated Shigaraki emerged from his quarters later on his neck scratched raw and his presence requested to help his boss. Kurogiri was happy to oblige after seeing the newly invigorated Shigaraki and entered his quarters expecting to help with future missions and plans. What he didn't expect was a dozen open windows on flower arrangements and bouquets on his bosses various computer monitors and laptops.
"If you tell anyone about this your dead got that?" Shigaraki threatened in his agitation.
"You know me Shigaraki I have always been one for confidentiality in all your affairs." Kurogiri said suppressing a laugh.
"Help me Kurogiri! I-I've never bought flowers before-" he said almost panicked his red eyes manic. "Let alone for someone." he said in a whisper.
"Well it might help if I knew what the occasion for the flowers was for. Are they for All For One?" he questioned.
"Don't be absurd I would never send Sensei flowers." Shigaraki huffed crossing his arms but thought better of it "Should I?"
"Ok, are these perhaps for a young lady than?" Kurogiri questioned and upon seeing the look on Shigaraki's face and his flustered reaction he knew he was correct in his questioning. "So is it a get well bouquet are they sick in the hospital?"
Shigaraki mumbled "No."
'Well he's not denying they are not for a girl at least so must have guessed right at least.' Kurogiri thought. "A birthday gift? Are you declaring your undying love for them?" Kurogiri asked.
"What? Oh, God, No it's...their for a friend to say I am...sorry." Shigaraki said after his outburst looking away sheepishly.
"Well, alright so you want flowers for a "young lady" who is a "friend" of yours to say your sorry." Kurogiri paraphrased he glanced at Shigaraki who he could see was close to having an all out temper tantrum if he didn't get to the point soon.
"Well, those won't do lilies scream funeral and white is more for brides and weddings." Kurogiri said as he scanned over the various screens. "Too old lady, too simple, too romantic, mmmhhh"
All the while Shigaraki was growing more agitated scratching his neck till he heard Kurogiri speak.
"Well, then you should go with these, Sir." He pointed to a particularly colorful bouquet at the center of the computer monitors which, wasn't too small or too large.
"You think so?" Shigaraki questioned once again becoming insecure.
"Yes, this is a perfect selection. It would be hard for anyone to stay mad at someone for receiving such an arrangement. Your also avoiding a cliché or saying too much by sending all roses which most men tend to make the mistake of doing in your situation. By sending a bouquet with a few roses your saying "friends" with a possibility of more. Also, pink carnations mean you appreciate the person and chrysanthemums represent friendship." Kurogiri finished.
"Kurogiri how do you know so much about so much?" Shigaraki asked curiously wondering how on earth a long time villain's henchman knew the hidden meaning behind flowers of all things not to mention childcare, bartending, and first-aid.
Kurogiri just remembered giving him a fond smile and replied. "I had a life once before the league of villains."
Now, here sat his young boss getting into his third drink of the evening. He debated on whether it was wise to allow him to continue as he could become destructive with the barware but decided to let him be. After all whoever, this "Friend" of his was must have been the one to bring back the life to his eyes and motivate him. So if stealing a few flowers and teleporting his junior about the city is what it would take to make him happy, then so be it. He only hoped he wouldn't take it too hard if the feelings weren't all together mutual.
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