A Couple of Misfits*
All For One had slowly started Tomura's education into becoming his successor it started with watching news coverage and super hero interviews on tv. Little Tomura would climb onto the couch or into All For One's lap and watch in fascination at the heroes he saw.
"What do you think of these heroes Tomura?" All For One would ask.
"I think their quirks are amazing and their really strong and brave." Tomura would reply.
"Well, what if I told you these "Heroes" were the ones who were supposed to protect and save you? Then what would you think of them?" All For One would ask.
Tomura would think deeply he still wore the bandages and stitches from his abuse then with a serious look on his face he would say "I don't think I like them very much anymore."
"And why is that Tomura?"
"Because I was scared and alone and in pain and no one came to save me. Except you Sensei,le your my hero." Tomura said looking up with a smile.
All For One chuckled "While I am very far from being a hero, I am flattered nonetheless. However, your right Tomura. These heroes are false you can't believe them. They only pretend to save "All" people but they can't save everyone. Do you know who the worst hero is of all?" he asked his pupil. Tomura shook his head.
The T.V. then flicked to a commercial featuring an interview with All Might.
"That One" All For One pointed out in disdain. "He claims to be a symbol of peace for all and is proclaimed the number one hero but is the biggest phony of them all. He could have saved you but did he?, no. So in the end he failed his mission and let you down."
Tomura looked at the screen his once favorite hero forever destroyed with only a few sentences by his benefactor at a tender young age.
Of course this was only the beginning in time he would be trained on how to better control his quirk, weapons, fighting techniques, science, computer technology, and other skills necessary for his future. As the years progressed so did the intensity of his training and his self-discipline grow. As a result he became further detached from others isolating himself in his room where he would conduct lessons on his own or play videogames. He stopped all forms of physical contact with anyone except when he needed medical attention. Sometimes during his training he became injured and needed the odd bandage, stitches, or ice pack.
He also saw his Sensei as he truly was. Where as before he had been sheltered due to his young age and innocence.
It was one day Shigaraki was excited he had completed a successful mission for a beginner and as a reward he was presented a new video game which he was in a hurry to get to his room to try out. Usually everyone cleared a path for the teen with the decaying quirk as he could be a lose cannon at times still prone to temper tantrums after all these years. Except for one cocky new member who had been hanging around hoping to get on All For Ones' good side he continued his determined stride. That was until he knocked into Shigaraki knocking his new video game from his hands infuriating the pastel haired teen.
"Look what you've done." snapped Shigaraki to the meat head.
"Watch where your going you little shit." Meathead sneered down at this punk kid who acted like a big boss.
"Do you HAVE any idea who your speaking to?" Shigaraki challenged the adult.
"Yeah, I do a spoiled brat who could stand a lesson in manners." he sneered he then backhanded Shigaraki across the face knocking him across the room with the force of his quirk. Then for added measure he lifted his left leg in the air and smashed it down destroying the video game.
Shigaraki lay prone stunned on the ground he could feel blood seeping on his face and had a flashback from the last time his face had bled all those years ago . Obviously the Meathead had rings on his hand that had cut his delicate skin. Worse thing of all a strange person had touched him without his permission and had hurt him as well. And to add insult to injury he had destroyed his new video game that he had wanted for months. He felt defeated as he lay in a crumpled heap. That was until he heard Sensei's voice.
"Tomura are you alright, my son?" All For One asked resting a hand on Tomura's arm.
"Yes, Sensei." he weakly replied flashing a disturbed grin as he no longer cried anymore.
All For One then turned on the Meathead "Who gave you the right to harm my ward and heir in that manner?" All For One asked his voice cold with rage.
"Well, you... see the thing...is I thought he was just some punk kid who needed to be reminded of his place so I thought I'd do ya' a favor as his old man and teach him a lesson." the Meathead replied confidence slipping.
"If anyone needs a reminder of their place it is you Meathead, yours is not secure. Meanwhile, Shigaraki is my heir but has proved himself in his training and successful missions. I see how you treat your Seniors and I feel it is necessary that "You be put in your place" Now." All For One said.
He then reached out his arm which was laden with stolen quirks and extended it towards Meathead.
"Wait! a minute what are you gonna do with that, Boss?" Meathead asked anxiously when he realized what was happening.
All For One clamped his hand down on the Meathead and then began his quirk which was to drain the other of his quirk. Meathead begged, pleaded, screamed, and cried for it to stop but All For One was ruthless and out for vengeance. He refused to allow an underling to disrespect himself or his heir within his earshot. He could feel his power grow as he acquired the meathead's quirk and flexed his arms and fingers.
Meanwhile, the Meathead drained of his quirk collapsed to the ground he was sapped of energy and blacked out upon impact. All For One made arrangements with his underlings to have the Meathead "Taken care of". This was how All For One often dealt with difficult subordinates.
Later, that day Sensei gave Tomura two video games. One to replace the destroyed one and one that was on his list.
Shigaraki was fifteen and Midoriya had turned twelve, he had a surprise for her. He felt both excited and anxious hoping she would like it as he scratched his neck. The gift was a memento of their friendship as Midoriya would be starting Junior High school and Shigaraki was becoming busier with training with his Sensei. The two friends were still able to meet at least once or twice a week.
However, they were older now and life would only become busier for the two.
Whenever, the two friends got together it always started with a friendly embrace. The fact of the matter was Shigaraki was touch starved, whether he realized it or now. He had voluntarily isolated himself from all forms of physical human contact over the years due to his quirk. Sensei also thought it would make him stronger and encouraged his behavior.
However, Midoriya was his one exception to his rule. In fact he found he needed it whenever he was around Midoriya he always felt calmer and more rational. His anxiety was at rest when around her, he could feel his heartrate literally slow down as soon as he put his arms around her, and he could be at ease.
He could be a human being.
Not a monster as others saw him.
He could feel alive.
"Midoriya, I want you to have something. Something to help you think of me." Shigaraki spoke feeling slightly awkward as he fumbled in his hoodie pocket and pulled out the small ring box.
Midoriya looked on in curiosity wondering what was inside the small box. When Shigaraki opened the box it revealed a small silver ring of two hands, cradling a heart, wearing a crown. Midoriya had recalled seeing rings similar to it before and smiled, It looked beautiful.
Shigaraki blushed "It's a Claddagh ring" he explained. "They come from Ireland it's away for people to tell others their dating status. If the tip of the heart is aimed towards you or towards your heart it's supposed to mean your taken. If the tip of the heart is pointed away it means your single and looking."
He pulled the ring out of the velvet of the box and held it out gently and bashfully asked "Would you like me to put it on your finger?"
Midoriya grinned at Shigaraki and held out her right hand "Of course, Tomuchan." she said.
Shigaraki then carefully slipped it onto her ring finger with the tip of the heart pointing out he looked at her hand and a small smile came upon his face. "I knew it would look good on you as soon as I saw it. It's made of real silver and comes from Ireland as well." he added.
Midoriya admired the ring on her finger but then slipped the ring off her finger which caused Shigaraki to frown until she flipped the ring around and slid it back on her finger. He gulped when he realized the implications of what the ring would mean. "I-Izuku are, are you seeing someone?" He asked her anxiously.
Midoriya looked up surprised and said "No, I just wanted to see how it would look in this direction that's all."
"Oh, of course." Shigaraki said chuckling, feeling like an idiot over nothing. Midoriya was about as awkward as he was around people not to mention she was far too young to be dating anybody. Right?
"Well, when your older you'll probably appreciate the significance more. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to." he said dismissively.
"Of course I'll wear it. How could you say that Tomuchan you gave me such a beautiful present. I only feel guilty that I have never given you anything before worthy of this." Midoriya said.
"Please don't worry Midoriya. I want for nothing. You just being yourself and talking to me is all the gift I could ever ask for." Shigaraki said blushing when he realized how cheesy that sounded.
Midoriya smiled and embraced him in a hug placing a quick peck on his cheek which only caused his cheeks to redden more. He couldn't understand why he was feeling so flustered and awkward around Midoriya he had known her for years. What had changed?
"So" he asked clearing his throat. "Are you ready for your new school?"
Midoriya let out a sigh "I guess so. It's just that school is tough. I don't have a quirk so I'm bullied a lot...especially by Kacchan." Midoriya said averting eye contact.
Shigaraki looked up. "What that self-inflated firecracker is going to be at your new school?" Midoriya nodded yes in answer. "That brat needs to get knocked down a peg or two. Midoriya why don't you let me talk to him? I can be very convincing." Shigaraki threatened a sadistic look flashed on his face for a moment.
"No. Tomuchan I can handle it. It might make things worse." Midoriya said anxiously as she fiddled with the ring on her finger.
Shigaraki sighed and lifted his friends chin gently with two fingers. "Midoriya I only want to help you. I don't want these hero wannabes abusing you anymore. They are what's wrong with hero society you know that right?"
"I'm sorry, Tomuchan. I know not all people are equal but I still think heroes can do a lot of good to help people. I'm just not ready to give up on them or my dream." Midoriya said rubbing her right forearm anxiously.
Shigaraki sighed they had this conversation or similar variations several times in the past and it always ended the same way. Yet neither could bare to be separated from the other so they engaged in the endless cycle of these debates. Neither side willing to back down. Till they gave up and changed the subject or decided it was time to part from each other's company. Then they would meet up a couple to several days later acting as though nothing ever happened or having the same conversation yet again.
"Alright, Midoriya I am here for you if you ever need me please don't hesitate to call on me." he said. It was then he got a chime on his phone alerting of a text message he pulled his phone out and sighed.
"I'm sorry Midoriya but its time for me to leave you. I'm always here for you remember that." he said pulling Izuku into a farewell embrace. The two remained embraced for sometime before they separated.
"Thank you once again Tomuchan and goodbye I will see you at a later time." Midoriya said sadly. They so seldom had time to spend together anymore always separating so soon it seemed.
"Goodbye Midoriya, I will see you later as well." Shigaraki said walking away tugging his hood over his head hands stuffed in his pockets.
"You know Midoriya heroes aren't all their cracked up to be." Shigaraki said.
"What do you mean?" she asked her friend quizzically.
"Come on you really think it's possible for them to save everybody? There are lot's of people out there in the world who need saving but no hero is coming for them. What do you have to say for that?" he challenged his friend.
Unfortunately, this was not the first time the friends had a discussion or argument in regards to heroes. It seemed to happen more and more when the two met. Izuku sighed she only wanted to spend time with her friend since she was busy with schoolwork and the bullies made her life hard. Why did Tomuchan have to be like this?
"But Tomuchan there are lot's of heroes surely there are enough to save all the people." she said playing into the same argument.
"Well, what if they are underground? How is a hero going to save somebody underground, huh?" Shigaraki argued.
In truth he didn't want to have these stupid arguments with Izuku but he did want to have her on his side. So if trying to get her to see his point of view by debating and arguing then so be it. He would try till she saw it from his perspective. He knew she would make a great ally someday. He would gladly protect Midoriya from anybody no matter they were. Hero, villain, civilian. He'd be damned before he saw her in tears again.
"If they are underground well a hero with a mole quirk can save them then." Izuku said. "Tomuchan what are these arguments really about anyway?"
"Who says I'm arguing? Maybe I just want to hear your opinion on the matter that's all." Shigaraki said.
They were older still and busier than they had been then when young children. Shigaraki was beginning to take on leadership roles in the league of villains planning out missions. He had a costume of his own the hallmark being "father" an inanimate hand that covered his face. He hated showing his face to others often obscuring his features with his blue hair or the black hoodies he wore so often. After, all the years of awkward stares and comments he wore 'father', whenever, he was around others. The rest of his costume consisted of fourteen inanimate hands that covered his head, neck and arms places he remembered being harmed and grabbed from his early years of abuse by his own father.
He also tended to avoid social interaction, unless absolutely necessary. He preferred his darkened room where he played video games, kept an eye on security monitors, the news as well as current events, and interacted with Sensei more and more. Rarely now did the two meet face to face anymore. He refused all physical contact with anyone at this point. He refused to allow anyone to touch 'father' as well. The only times he made physical contact was to threaten others to get his point across. He very rarely needed to use his quirk anymore as his reputation usually was enough alone to prevent people from wanting to get in physical interactions with him. His anger had grown worse and he would freely destroy objects around him. When he was particularly anxious or things weren't going his way he scratched at his neck frantically.
Even Kurogiri had a difficult time reining in his temper and mood swings.
Izuku was busy in Junior high her plans to enter UA at the forefront of her mind as she studied hard completing all of her assignments and even taking on extra credit. She still dealt with being in the shadow of Bakugou. Who continued to bully her even though she idolized him and his quirk to this day. Many felt pity for the poor girl in her hero worship of him thinking an unrequited love was in their midst. Though they would be wrong as Midoriya had nothing but respect and friendship for her Kacchan.
It was after, Midoriya met All Might and broke down in tears when he told her she could be a hero, the slime monster attack and her futile attempt to save Bakugou, and then agreeing to become All Might's successor by eating his hair. It was spring and Midoriya was days away from starting UA high school when she saw 'Him' again.
It had been a couple years he had only grown taller but she recognized the relaxed, slouched posture, the slender build, and bright red tennis shoes against an all black wardrobe. The few wisps of blue hair that peaked out from beneath the hoodie. She felt her heart skip a beat and a smile spread across her freckled face. She then went up to the unsuspecting figure who was prepared to slip into a darkened alley until a name he hadn't heard in years was spoken.
He froze and his shoulders stiffened then turned around lifting his gaze to reveal his scarred and sleep deprived scarlet eyes to look upon the little, green haired, freckled girl who stood before him. He took in the leggings, miniskirt, and baby doll shirt that had a pair of breasts beneath it as well, it had been a few years. Little Midoriya had grown up.
"Midoriya?" he said in surprise. His red eyes widening at her nod and smiling face which shocked him since no one "ever" smiled at him.
Then she swooped in and embraced him around the middle in a hug he lifted his arms up in the air in surprise afraid he might break her. "Oh, Tomuchan I have missed you so much. How have you been?" she said her eyes squeezed tight as she continued to hold him in the alley.
Tomura breathed in a gulp and then gently with a finger raised brought a hand down to pat her hair gently and apply an arm around her shoulders and said. "I have missed you as well, Midoriya. I've been doing alright." he commented not wanting to tell her the truth.
Midoriya then pulled away a small blush on her cheeks when she realized she had been holding him a little too long.
Shigaraki cracked a smile and thought 'My god she is cute'.
"It is good to see you again." he said putting his hand in his hoodie pocket so he could hold father.
"Are you terribly busy Tomuchan?" Midoriya asked a look of hope on her face.
"No, why?" He asked.
"I was wondering if you might want to spend sometime together and get reacquainted" she said shyly.
Shigaraki thought to himself in all truth he was lonely. Yes, he had Sensei, Kurogiri, and various minions and pawns at his disposal but it was hard for him to be himself. He had a role to play, a part. Their was really no one he could talk to. Kurogiri was the sympathetic bartender but he could be jarring and prodding at times to deal with. Midoriya was another story he had always been comfortable around her and they had been able to talk so openly with each other in the past.
"I'd love too." he said a small smile obscured by his hoodie and hair.
Midoriya then said "Anywhere we should go? We're probably too old for the playground now." She said teasing.
Shigaraki thought a moment and then said "I know a place follow me."
They then began walking though the city getting far away from most of the people and the shops till they stopped at a small park compete with iron statues and boulders. They sat on a bench. "Most people don't know about this place since it's so isolated. Even those who do come here don't come around at this time of day, I find. They come in the mornings and for lunch and then stop coming towards dusk." he leaned back resting his elbows on the bench.
Midoriya smiled looking around "I didn't know this place existed. It's so hidden and beautiful." She said admiring the statue of two figures kissing and the elegant street lamps.
"I come here to be alone and think." Shigaraki admitted gazing at his childhood friend in the waning sunlight.
They then got to talking about what they had been up to (well aside from leaving out a few important details) their studies, interests in books, movies, and video games. Somethings had changed from childhood that they had grown out of but somethings remained the same they found i.e. red sneakers. Talking to each other was easy still. They both shared the same love of drawing and writing as they both kept sketch books and journals with them at all times. They shared sketches and drawings they had each done that they wanted the other to see. They shared snippets of writing Midoriya sharing her love of quirks and Shigaraki his writings on life.
It had grown dark the street light flickered on Shigaraki cast an eye up. "The freaks come at night." he mumbled under his breath.
"What was that Tomuchan?" Midoriya asked confused.
"Oh, nothing important, It's getting late I should walk you home." Tomura said.
"Oh, you don't have to do that I'll be fine." she said cheerfully.
Shigaraki looked at her up and down and said "It will be no trouble at all."
He stood from the bench and offered a careful hand to Midoriya keeping one finger raised and helped her stand up. Then they began walking through the city together as they walked along they continued talking both avoiding the topic at hand. The elephant in the living room.
Suddenly, a loud shrill, shriek was heard followed by an explosion Midoriya nearly jumped out of her shoes. The air filled with a crackling sound and the colors of red and gold painted the sky. "Fireworks." Shigaraki said looking towards Midoriya as she clutched her chest in startled fright.
Shigaraki began to chuckle and Midoriya pouted at him. He took her by he wrist carefully and led her to where they could watch the spectacle in the sky better. Shigaraki stood behind Midoriya wrapping his black sleeved arms about her bare ones. The sky being painted by the explosions and bursts of color. He could feel Midoriya's heart beating and racing excitedly in her chest as they watched on. Even though she saw the fireworks coming she still jumped at the explosive noises which made Shigaraki smile even more and think how cute and pure for this world Midoriya truly was.
When Midoriya's big emerald eyes looked up into his and he gazed his tired, crimson eyes into her's their was a magnetic pull between the two as their lips met for the first time. Her soft, moist lips against his dry, chapped lips the texture didn't matter as they kissed. They separated looking into each other's eyes and with the fireworks still going off they connected once more kissing experimentally as neither had ever kissed anyone before. They didn't pay attention to the finale when a great multitude of fireworks filled the sky and eruptions were all anyone could hear
The two separated not knowing what to say to one another a pregnant pause and quiet since the fireworks had ceased.
"Le-Let me finish walking you home." Shigaraki finally said, averting his gaze awkwardly.
They walked on in silence until they began talking again somehow they got on the subject of school and Midoriya told Tomura she would be attending UA. That's when he halted his steps.
She turned to look at his hunched figure as she felt the atmosphere change.
"What did you say?" he asked sounding slightly angered.
"Tomuchan I am going to start UA in a week! I'm going to be a hero-" Midoriya was cut off.
"Yes, I heard you." He snapped startling Midoriya.
He then began pacing about "Midoriya, really, UA of all places, why?" he nearly whined before regaining his composure.
"Midoriya why won't you come with me? You won't be shamed for not having a quirk. I'll take good care of you and your mother. No one will bully you ever again I can promise you that much." Shigaraki said pleading in his tone. His world weary ruby eyes looking at her sadly. "Is being a hero that important to you? You know what I have said to you about heroes before. They let you down. Hero society is not made for people like you and I."
"I know Tomuchan but I want to try and change things." Midoriya said biting her lip anxiously. "I think I can help make things better. I want to save people."
"What makes you think they would listen to you? Midoriya you and I we are a couple of misfits. Join me we. I can't fix a broken society and make it a better place, all I can do is destroy. But you Midoriya, you can help me to rebuild after I destroy society." Shigaraki said holding out a hand one of the rare moments he allowed himself to show vulnerability.
"I-I'm sorry Tomuchan I can't do that. I'm not doing this for myself only, I'm doing this for you too. I'm doing this to help everybody." she said fidgeting with her hands and looking away from his pleading eyes out of guilt. She couldn't agree with Shigaraki. Not after finally meeting her hero and now mentor All Might she was a carrier of One For All now after eating the hair that day.
Shigaraki sighed in defeat "Very, well we know each other enough by now that neither of us will waver from our beliefs. I will finish walking you home but after this night I think it would be best if we avoid each other. We both want different things. Midoriya and I don't want to hurt you. I can't promise you this will be the last we meet though. I also can't promise the next time we meet will be on friendly terms either." He said coldly as if the kiss beneath the fireworks had been nothing.
Midoriya felt as though an arrow went through her heart at those words.
"Wh-what are you saying Tomuchan? We aren't friends anymore? Are we, are we..." Midoriya couldn't finish the sentence. As she anxiously fiddled with the ring on her finger that she still wore till this day and would continue. She couldn't believe she was losing her bestfriend. Especially after the evening they had shared together. To make matters worse were they going to be enemies from now on as well?
Shigaraki looked away from Midoriya's heart broken face and the growing tears. He was an asshole alright. But he had been training and working too hard to turn back on what was essentially his life's goal now. Even he couldn't say the words out loud. Not knowing where their relationship was destined. Instead he gripped Midoriya lightly by the forearm and continued to walk her home. It was the least he could to walk a young girl home safely after dark he wasn't 'that type of villain'.
When they reached her apartment building and were outside the door. Shigaraki took one last look into her tear stained face. "Good-bye, Midoriya." he said stealing a last kiss from her lips and then swiftly receded into the shadows. When he was several blocks away he pulled out his phone calling Kurogiri to warp him away.
Izuku was in tears left alone and abandoned by her childhood friend she still felt the soft press of his lips against hers though before he had disappeared. Izuku vowed she would do everything in her power as a hero to save her friend Tomura. Even if she had to save him from himself.
When he stepped through the warp gate, into the hideout. He walked soundlessly behind the bar ignoring Kurogiri and anyone present, grabbing a bottle of whiskey and then locked himself in his room. Music of unrequited love and lovers laments played in his darkened room. He drank straight from the bottle as tears ran down his scarred face for the first time in years. Thinking about veridian hair, emerald eyes, and soft warm lips. The small body he had embraced only hours earlier tormented his memory late into the night when he finally passed out in a drunken slumber.
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