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(May 31 aka Pippa's Birthday)
8:45 AM
Phillipa woke up, kind of late, to see a duffel bag in the corner of the room. She remembered that her husband came home the previous night. And they made up for the missed time. If you know what I mean. Happy birthday to me! Pippa thought. A pain shot threw her stomach, like the previous night. She had been having contractions for the past twelve hours and she had a feeling she would be sharing a birthday with her twins. Pippa got out of the bed and ran to the bathroom to get dressed. She slipped on a a black dress and hat (In the picture) and walked down the stairs. When she got in the kitchen, Lin was making breakfast for the family. "Good morning, babe," Lin greeted. Phillipa kissed Lin's lips and looked over the stove to see pancakes, eggs, bacon, fruit, and toast.
"Wow, you really know how to treat a girl," Pippa smirked. Lin nodded and walked her to the table.
"You sit here and let me do all the work," Lin smirked.
"Didn't you say that last night when we," Pippa trailed off. Lin giggled and made Pippa a plate. "Where are the kids?" Pippa asked, not seeing Enzo and Mason fighting over which teacher is hotter and Lesley silently rolling her eyes and poking at her baby. She had given birth to Nova the previous week and was in love with her.
"Hell if I know," Lin joked. Pippa windily laughed and started to eat her food. "Just kidding, they went to Reneé's last night. You didn't t realize that Lesley wasn't knocking on our door last night when you were screaming?" Lin asked. Pippa gasped, and shook her head.
"No sir! You were the one screaming. I was laughing at you," Pippa corrected. Lin laughed as he sat down and started to eat.
"What do you want to do today?" Lin asked. Pippa scrunched up her nose as she thought about what she wanted to do with her man.
"I don't know. I want to go out for dinner or something small. Nothing to big, ya know," Pippa answered. Lin nodded and pulled out his phone. Pippa was gonna ask what he was doing, when a pain hit her stomach.
"Round Lig?" Lin asked as he moved to hold Pippa's hand. Pippa shook her head and tried to breath through her pain.
"Contraction," she said. Lin's eyes went wide.
"How long has this been happening?" Lin asked in a panic.
"A day maybe," Pippa answered. The pain soon subsided, but Pippa's back started to hurt. "I'm fine though, my water hasn't broken and they are like fifteen minutes apart," Pippa explained. Her husband shook his head and called Dr. Grey.
"Lin?" Meredith answered.
"Hey, Pippa is having contractions today, so she maybe having the baby today," Lin informed.
"Okay. The hospital doesn't have me on call today, so just call me and I will scrub in when you get there," Meredith said. Lin nodded and watched Pippa rub her stomach. Right as Lin went to hang up, Pippa heard a subtle pop and felt a liquid run down her leg. "Okay just kidding, her water just broke. We are on our way," Lin said, then hung up. "Go get in the car, I'm gonna grab your bags and the backpack," Lin said. Pippa slid out of the booth and walked towards the garage.
"Happy birthday me," Pippa whispered as she grabbed a towel on her way out.
Renee's house was quiet, as Lesley watched Tawnee Kay's videos on her iPad with Nova next to her on the couch, Mason watched TV, Brielle watched YouTube videos on her phone, and Enzo texted Danielle. The kids were bored because, Alexis was at work and Reneé was still asleep. She had been up with Lesley, calming her down.
At 11:45 PM Lesley sat on Reneé's couch in tears. She was feeding Nova, but her head was pounding. She didn't know how her mom did it with her. She was exhausted. Nova was up every hour crying. She needed to be changed, fed, and burped at a specific time and order or else she wouldn't be able to settle to sleep. Lesley knew that but, was so exhausted that she changed Nova before she fed her and Nova wasn't having it. "Les?" Reneé asked as she came down the stairs.
"Did she wake you? I'm sorry," Lesley asked as she wiped her child's tears. "She won't stop crying," Lesley whined. Reneé chuckled and took the bottle from off of the coffee table.
"Oh no honey, come to the kitchen," Reneé said. Lesley put Nova on her shoulder and followed behind her Godmother. "Now, babies like warm milk. So, pour this out and get some more from the fridge," Reneé said as she heated up some water in a pot.
"Here," Lesley said. She gave Reneé the two ounce bottle of breast milk and bounced Nova.
"Instead of using the bottle warmer and use hot water. It's better because the water surrounds the bottle completely," Reneé explained. Lesley nodded and watched Reneé shake the bottle every few seconds. "Just keep moving it so that the milk can evenly warm," Reneé said. Lesley nodded and made a mental note of that. After about a minute, the bottle was finished and Reneé took Nova. They walked to the couch and Lesley watched Reneé slide the bottle into her child's mouth and feed her. "You just have to be patient, Little Miss, she's not used to this," Reneé smiled. Lesley kissed the top of her baby's head and watched her eat.
Real Time
"Hi mamita," Lesley smiled when she looked down to see Nova starring at her. "Are you hungry? You just slept for two hours," Lesley asked. She put her finger up Nova's mouth to see if she would suck on it and of course she did. So, Lesley pulled out her boob and fed her child. The boys didn't care, of course, because it was normal and they knew that how their niece was being fed. On the other side of the room Enzo practically jumped out of his seat.
"Guys!" Enzo yelled. The teens turned to him, confused at his excitement. "Mom is in labor!" Enzo announced. On that note, Brielle ran to the stairs and yelled for her mom.
"Mommy! MOMMY!" Brielle yelled. In seconds Reneé emerged down the stairs fully dressed, but tired.
"Yes ma'am?" Reneé asked as she walked towards the kitchen, to start breakfast.
"Pippa is having the twins!" Brielle screamed. Reneé nodded and continued to cook.
"You think I don't know that my best friend is in labor? Silly girl," Reneé replied. "I was instructed to make sure you eat and wait for Jasmine to get here and Alexis to get here," Reneé said, as she cracked an egg.
"So we are just supposed to sit here and do nothing while our mom is in labor?" Enzo asked. Reneé shrugged and nodded.
"At your mother's request, yes. Sorry guys, Pippa's wishes come first," Reneé answered. Enzo and Mason groaned and threw themselves back on the couch. Lesley chuckled at her brothers and continued to talk to Nova.
At the hospital, Pippa laid in the bed very uncomfortable. Her hips were on fire, she had a headache, and her back was killing her. All she wanted were her twins out and in the world. She was scared that they wouldn't make it, then she was afraid that they would then something would happen after they were born. And with her kids track records she had all the right in the world to fear. "Oh my gosh," she moaned as a contraction hit her hard. Phillipa gripped onto the side railing on the bed and tried to breath as best she could. Lin sat silently and waited for the contraction to die down. When Pippa got a contraction, the room had to be silent, so she could focus on breathing. It had been that way with her previous labor with Enzo and nothing changed.
"You want the epidural now?" Lin asked sarcastically. Pippa rolled her eyes and groaned. They had been fighting over that for the past week. It all started when Lesley wanted to get an epidural, but Lin didn't. So, Pippa signed for it behind his back.
"Yeah I do, actually, but I don't know if I can get one just yet so, shut the fuck up," Pippa snapped. Lin chuckled to himself. Pippa threw a pen at him that was on the side table. "You get on my nerves sometimes," she groaned. Phillipa laid her head back on the pillow and tried not to get out of the bed and strangle her husband. While, Phillipa mental planned a homicide, there was a knock on her door.
"Little bitch?" Person asked, coming in the room. Phillipa stitched her eyebrows together and watched the only person she hated walk into the room. Steven. "Hey, bitch ass hoe!" Steven greeted. Phillipa scoffed and looked at Lin. Lin of course shot out of his seat and stepped in-between Steven and Phillipa's bed.
"Why are you here? How did you even find out we were here?" Lin asked. Steven laughed and fully came in the room.
"Not everything is about you pumpkin, sit the fuck down," Steven said as he pushed Lin out of the way. "Anyways, remember that model that I wanted to have our kid?" Steven asked, fiddling with stuff on the bed side table.
"You mean have your kid. Yeah, what about her?" Phillipa asked, snatching the pad of paper that Steven was playing with away.
"Well congratulations, if you had stuck around you would have been the mother of a brown hair, blue-eyed little girl. We named her Jessica," Steven smiled. Phillipa gave Steven a dumb look and held her hand out in total confusion.
"That would not have been my kid! You fucked another girl! On purpose!" Phillipa yelled. Steven motioned to Lin.
"And you didn't do the same thing? I'm surprised he stayed with you. I mean damn, Not only to fuck Adam, but Lac too. Shit, we would not have been together if you fucked my best friend and your old co-star. But, hey that's none of my business. Have a terrible day," Steven said, with a smile. He happily skipped out of the room and left a mess behind. Phillipa turned to see Lin packing up his stuff.
"Babe, where are you going?" Phillipa asked. Lin grimaced and zipped up his backpack.
"Lac? YOU FUCKED LAC! When were you gonna tell me? Were you even gonna tell me?" Lin yelled. Phillipa bit her and placed her hands on her stomach.
"No! I never slept with Lac!" Phillipa screamed back. "That's not, at all, what happened!" She said. Lin folded his arms and stared at her hard.
"You have a minute to explain, before I walk out of that door and you never see me again," Lin threatened.
"It was New Years. After you kissed Karen. Lac saw how upset I was and asked if I wanted to talk about it. I said yes, so, Lac and I went into the office and he kissed me, but it didn't feel right! Nothing happened after that! We agreed to never talk about it and that was it. We didn't have sex! I swear!" Pippa lied. Well, halfway lied. They did go to the office and she was upset. It just wasn't on New Years, or after Lin kissed Karen. She was just upset that Lin shut her down and wouldn't sleep with her. But they didn't have sex, they only made out and Pippa did feel bad afterwards. But, the kiss was way longer than she said it was. Like minutes longer. Lin softened his glares and unfolded his arms.
"You swear that's what happened?" Lin asked. Pippa nodded. "If I ask him right now, he will say the same thing?" Lin asked. Pippa nodded. "Okay," Lin said. Phillipa let out a sigh of relief. Right on time too, because a pain hit her stomach like no other. And she knew it was time to push
1:37 PM
"Time?" Meredith asked.
"1:37 in the afternoon," a nurse answered as she wrote it on the certificate. Meredith laid the baby on Phillipa's chest and watched her cry.
"Hi, Claudia Natasha," she whispered, before a nurse took the 6 lb. baby to get cleaned up. No longer that five minutes past before baby B came.
"Time?" Meredith asked one last time.
"1:42 PM in the afternoon," another nurse replied. Meredith laid the second baby on Pippa's chest and started to deliver the placenta.
"Hi, Annemarie Noelle," she whispered. Annemarie cried as the nurse wiped her off the 5 lb. baby and took her to the weigh station next to her sister. Lin kissed Phillipa's forehead and held her hand as the placenta was delivered. That hurt more than having the twins did, in Pippa's opinion.
"You did it, Mama," Lin cheered. Phillipa couldn't help but, laugh. That's the man I'm married to, have mercy. Pippa thought. She carefully watched the nurses handle her daughters, before they swaddles them and laid Claudia in Phillipa's arms and Annemarie in Lin's.
"Congratulations guys," Meredith said, before she took off her gloves and left the room with her nursing staff to give them some space. Lin quickly got on twitter and formulated a Good Morning tweet to say happy birthday to his daughters and wife.
"Happy birthday us," Phillipa said to her daughters. "I wouldn't have wanted it any other way," She smiled. Claudia yawned and opened her eyes for the first time, where Annemarie was steady staring at Lin's mustache. They were clearly Lin's and clearly gorgeous. No doubt about that.
To My Bomb.Com Friends And Supporters,
This was a long one lol! YAY THE TWINS!! PIPPA IS A STRAIGHT UP CHEATER LOL!! GOSH DARN IT STEVEN!! WE ARE POWERLESS WE ARE POIIWERLEESSS!!! Gosh I love In The Heights!!! Ahhh!! Anyone else stoked for the movie??? ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow💘
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