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Lin woke up to the delicious smell of thick cut bacon and homemade chocolate pancakes. Slowly he slipped out of bed and grabbed his sweatpants off of the floor. As he picked up his pants he saw that Pippa's lingerie from last night was still on the floor. When he walked out of the room he saw Pippa in her black boy shorts and a flowing t-shirts. "Morning sexy," Lin greeted as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
"Well hello," she replied. Quickly she pecked his lips, before returning her attention back the bacon. "I hope your hungry," Pippa smirked. Lin nodded and leaned against the fridge.
"After this morning? Of course. What was it three rounds," Lin answered. Pippa shook her head and rose an eyebrow.
"Pfft. That was like five rounds. Did you forget about the two before I was fully awake?" Pippa asked. Lin laughed while he grabbed a water bottle and pulled out his phone. "What are you doing?" Pippa asked. Lin smirked and snapped a picture of her.
"Nothing," he lied. Pippa chuckled then looked at her phone when a notification lit up her screen. She turned off the stove, removed the bacon, and looked at her message.
"Honestly, Manly?" Pippa giggled as she put her phone away. Lin nodded and slid his phone in his pocket. "Well, alrighty then," she playfully rolled her eyes. "Let's eat, because we have a lot to do today," Pippa suggested. Lin grabbed a plate and piled it with fruit, pancakes, and bacon. Pippa only got half a price of bacon, one pancake, and a handful of strawberries.
"Is that all your gonna eat?" Lin asked. Pippa nodded and sat next to him at the small dining table. "Are you feeling okay?" Lin placed his hand on Pippa's forehead, but it was quickly smacked away.
"Yes, I'm fine," She replied. Phillipa was 8 week a pregnant and actually really happy. When she woke up, she realized that she had started to show. With her last pregnancies, she never really got to enjoy her small bump. She was always sick or too busy to enjoy the great things of pregnancy. "I'm good. I'm actually really happy. This is our first weekend without the kids in a long time. There is no fighting. And we are loving on each other and not fighting," Pippa smiled. Lin pulled Pippa into his seat and sat her on his lap. He slid his hand over her baby bump and chuckled.
"My hand is the size of our baby," Lin laughed. Pippa smiled at the phrase 'our' and not 'the'. To Lin it may not have meant anything but, to Pippa it meant that he fully accepted the baby whether it was his or not.
"Yep, but soon she is gonna get bigger. And that means I will too," Pippa slightly sulked. Lin kissed his wife's cheek and nestled his head into her neck.
"And you're gonna be even more beautiful. Something about you bearing my child is a huge love turn on to me. It just makes my heart swell to know that you are willing to carry my child," Lin said. "Because you could have," Lin trailed off. Pippa shook her head and placed her head on his.
"I could never do that to your kid. I know it sounds weird, especially in this circumstance, but I will never have a child with anyone else. That is a promise," Pippa said. Lin passionately kissed Phillipa and pulled her body impossibly closer to his.
"I fucking love you," he said through the kiss. Pippa giggled on his lips and went to get off of his lap, but he tightened his grip on her.
"I love you too, but I have to eat before I get sick," Pippa smiled. Lin groaned and let go of his woman. Phillipa laughed and slid into her seat. "I know, but I would like to have fun today, so you will be alright," Pippa smiled. Lin nodded and took a huge bite of his pancake.
"You right," he said with his mouth full as he pointed his fork at her. Pippa rolled her eyes and chuckled at her husband. "I wonder what the kids are doing," Lin said as he swallowed his food. Pippa shook her head but into a strawberry.
"I don't," she replied, receiving a laugh from Lin in response.
Lesley sat on the couch with Mina as they waited for Alayna and Blake to show up for their sleepover. "Are you girls hungry?" Jasmine asked as she looked through the stocked fridge.
"Always," Mina replied.
"Never," Lesley said. Jasmine gave puppy dog face. She closed the fridge and walked over the couch to see, Lesley lying on the sectional facing the couch and Mina's head on her friends stomach.
"Doesn't that hurt?" Jazmine asked. Lesley shook her head and picked up the remote.
"Her head is warm and the pressure feels good," Lesley answered. Jasmine hummed and grabbed her phone.
"I hope Ant and Zo get back with the pizza soon. I am starving," Jasmine said. Mina nodded and placed her hands on her stomach. The three watched TV for .5 seconds before Lesley tapped her besties head.
"I gotta pee," She announced. Mina sat up 1/3 of the way and quickly laid back down once Lesley cleared the couch. "Don't have too much fun with it me," she said, as she pulled up her pants a bit.
"Oh no. We're gonna have a rave," Mina joked. Lesley laughed and jogged to the bathroom. Jasmine curls her feet under her body on the love seat and sighed. "Do you have any kids?" Mina asked. The actress glanced at the teenager and nodded.
"Yeah. I have two sons. Anthony Jr. or AJ, who is 14 and Donovan or Donny, who is 9," Jasmine answered. "Why?" Jasmine asked. Mina shrugged.
"I don't know. Les and Zo never really talk about their old friends or cousins or family really. So I was just wondering what was up with that," Mina said. Jasmine ohhed and nodded.
"Yeah, back home life was hard for them, so their parents moved them here for a fresh start. They have never even met their mothers parents. Pippa was basically disowned by her parents when she got pregnant with Lesley and adopted their older sister, Stevie," Jasmine explained. Mina ham gave her a shocked look.
"They have a sister?" Mina asked. Jasmine was about to reply but, Lesley beat her to it.
"Yeah. I have a sister. She was great, then she wasn't. That's all you need to know," Lesley spoke. Jasmine awkwardly turned her attention to the TV and Lesley reclaimed her spot underneath her friend.
"Sorry for asking," Mina apologized. Lesley shook her head and pulled out her phone.
"It's okay. You didn't know," Lesley replied. Jasmine hung her head and and picked at her phone case. Since they moved, the Miranda's haven't been up to date with Stevie or Mason. They didn't know that Stevie was in rehab. Or that Mason lived with Reneé. Or that Lauren was in the hospital.
Stevie laid on her couch with a needle sticking out of her arm and Brandon no where to be found. Her house was a mess but, she was always too high to realize that half of her shit was missing. Brandon was steeling from her blindly. He would come home, get her high, and leave with stuff to sell for drugs or tricks.
One Sunday afternoon, the police raided the house and Stevie had overdosed on heroine. The ambulance was called and Stevie was sent to a rehabs center as soon as she was conscious and responsive.
That same day, Lauren had taken a trip to the park and found herself in a rougher but, still alright part of town. While she walked, a couple of guys cat called her, but that was nothing. What got her, was when Brandon and his boys trapped her in an alley. He beat her, raped her, and left her with a broken leg, concussion, and bruises up and down her body.
When Lauren didn't come home Monday afternoon, the day after her incident, Mason called Reneé. She came and got him immediately, to live with her. Because of the state Lauren was in, the doctors couldn't get her name or anything to notify Mason or her family that she was safe. Mason just had to pray, and hope that the only mother he had was alright. Little did he know, that single event would shape the rest of his life forever.
Real Time
Jasmine was about to call Ant when she got a call from Pippa. Quickly, she jumped off the seat and went into the office. "Hello?" She answered.
"How ya doing? How are the kids?" Pippa asked reluctantly. Jasmine laughed at Pippa's unamused tone and leaned against Lin's wooden desk.
"I'm good. Why do you sound so not happy, and your kids are good, but Lesley won't eat," Jasmine reported. She heard Pippa sigh on the other end and some shuffles.
"Lin made me call to check in. And just give her a fruit bowl. That always worked for Stevie," Pippa solved. Jasmine nodded and made mental note of the tip. "I'm so nervous for today! What if he doesn't like it?" Pippa kind of freaked. Jasmine went to answer when her phone showed that Reneé was calling.
"Hold on, let me buzz Reneé in," Jasmine paused. She added Reneé to the call and placed the phone back to her ear. "Hey Neé, you're on with P and I. She is freaking out over her surprise," Jasmine filled in.
"What, why?" Reneé asked. Pippa groaned loudly in her friend's ears.
"Because," she stressed, "what if he doesn't like what I planned. You guys know he's picky!" Phillipa whined. Jasmin rolled her eyes and Reneé scoffed.
"Are you gonna be there?" Jasmine asked.
"Well, yeah but,"
"Are you gonna wear his favorite bikini?" Reneé cut Pippa off.
"I mean, yeah but,"
"Then don't worry," Jasmine and Reneé said at the same time. The sisters could hear the baby of the group sulk through the phone.
"I hate when you guys are right. And I hate that I'm the youngest," Pippa whined. Jasmine and Reneé laughed at Pippa's mini rant.
"Now that whatever that was is over, I have bigger fish to fry," Reneé said. "We can't find Lauren," She said. Jasmine stayed silent since she knew that Lauren was MIA. Pippa, on the other hand, gasped.
"What do you mean you can't find Lauren! Where is Mason?" Pippa flipped.
"Mason is with me, but Lauren hasn't been around in a couple of days and he is worried. He won't even sleep. The kid has been up for almost 56 hours," Reneé explained. "I feel bad for him and I wish I could help, but there is nothing I can do. He has vowed to stay awake until he knows Lauren is safe," Reneé said. Pippa sighed. Her mood was dripping slowly.
"Okay, have him calm me around 8 EST. I'll be awake. And Jasmine, I know that it's only 6 pm in London but, tell Lesley that she and her friends need to be in her room within the next 2-3 hours. They tend to get loud around 8 and I promise you, you don't want to hear their screams echo throughout the house," Pippa warned. Jasmine made another mental note and heard the alarm tell her the front door was open.
"Alright. I have to go. Ant and Zo just got back with dinner. I will talk to you all later," Jazzy said, before she hung up and walked back to the living room.
To My Bomb.Com Friends And Supporters,
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