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Skylin gave Enzo a weird look as he stopped abruptly in the middle of the fair. "Holy fuck," he slowly whispered as he saw the tweet his sisters old best friend posted.
"What's wrong, babe?" She asked. Enzo shook his head and turned to his sister and her friends. He shared same expression with Lesley.
"You see this shit too?" Enzo yelled. Lesley held her hands up in defense.
"Hey, it's probably just fake...right?" Lesley asked with a twinge of panic. Enzo shook his head slowly and slapped his forehead.
"We have to go!" Enzo sternly said.
"Why?" Lesley fought. Enzo narrowed his eyes at his sister and stepped into her face.
"Because that's our mother and because I fucking said so," he replied. Lesley huffed and let Enzo whisk her away to find Lin. The two walked for five minutes before they saw Lin ducked behind a food truck, probably hiding out of embarrassment. "Dad," Enzo callled. Lin shushed them, but waved his children over to him.
"Where is mom?" Lesley asked. For once, in a while, actually concerned about her mother. Lin shrugged.
"I guess home. One minute we were joking about how she could be pregnant with her food aversions and the next she freaked out. When I checked her phone I hid to make sure no one saw me," Lin explained. Enzo leaned against the truck and folded his arms. The three stood in silence for a minute, before Enzo's impatience got the best of him.
"We need to find her!" Enzo blew up. His outburst caused Lesley and Lin to jump a bit and put a pep in their steps.
At the house Pippa laid on her bed in a sports bra and Nike pro shorts. Tears streamed down her face as she stared at her almost flat baby bump and the bruise that lived right above it on her side. "I have to," she whispered to herself. It seemed like every time Pippa got pregnant, something happened to ruin the best experience she was supposed to ever have. She already hated the fact that she didn't know who the father was but, now one of her many sex tapes was leaked. Awesome. She thought. Pippa heard the alarm signal that the front door was open and sat up. "Pip!" Lin yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Pippa ignored the call and placed her hands in her hair. A worried Lin pushed his way into the room and wrapped his arms around his wife. Not the best move on someone who is afraid of you.
"Get off," Pippa screamed through a squirm. She frantically rushed to push Lin off her as her anxiety levels rose. "Please! Get off!" Pippa begged. Lin loosened his grip and watched her hop of the bed. Enzo rushed in after Pippa screamed to see his mother leaned up against the farthest wall from the bed.
"Mom?" Enzo asked. Phillipa slid down the way and brought her knees to her chest. "What did you do to her?" Enzo snarled at his father. Lin held his hands up and shook his head. The teen turned back to see his mothers nerves in shambles.
"Nothing," Lin answered. Enzo quickly walked to his mother and knelt down next to her.
"It's okay momma," Enzo rushed. Pippa's breathing picked up and she started to go into full on panic attack.
"Move, dipshit," Lesley said. She pushed her little brother out of her way. "Get out," she said to them. Enzo was shocked that his sister was helping, which left Lin confused as to why. But, they did as she said and left without protest. Lin shut the door behind himself and left the woman alone. "Mommy," Lesley slowly spoke. Pippa lifted her head up and caught a hold of Lesley's gaze. It actually pained Lesley's heart to see her mother drowning in herself. "Can you come to the bed with me?" Lesley asked. Pippa looked a bit apprehensive at the request. "They are gone. I promise no one is here to hurt you," Lesley tried. Pippa nodded and aloud her body to remove it self from the floor. The two cautiously walked to the bed and Pippa laid down. Lesley laid next to her mother and played with her hair. "Just relax, mama. You will be a-okay," Lesley whispered. Pippa's eyes may have drifted shut, but her mind did a double take.
A-Okay? She thought. She's heard that before but wasn't sure where. Her mind took a second before the thought flooded her memory.
Eight year old Lesley Charlotte, came into her mother's, now old, house in waterworks. "What happened?" Pippa asked, as Lesley ran up to her mom and nuzzled her way into Pippa's lap. Lin had dropped them off for the weekend, since we was going out of town and skipping out on his days again.
"A-a-am I adopted?" Lesley stuttered through tears. Pippa laid her child's head on her shoulder and stroked her long dark brown hair.
"Why would you think that?" Pippa asked. Lesley tried to talk and cry at the same time, but the words were missing. "Hey, let's calm down first, Little Miss," Pippa suggested. She slid her child off of her lap and walked her up to her room. Lesley laid down on her duvet and waited for her mother to lay next to her. "Alright, now explain to mommy what happened," Pippa said as she played with Lesley's hair.
"Tommy Cavanaugh said that me and Zo can't be borned from you and daddy because we are too dark," Lesley confessed. Pippa shook her head and pulled her child closer to her.
"Put your hand right here," Pippa said. The calm mother guided her daughters hand to a huge scar on the black of her arm.
"What happened, mama?" Lesley asked as she felt the indent where stitches once sat.
"The day you were born, I was in a huge car accident. And I have that scar which reminds me of how lucky we both are to be alive," Pippa explained.
"What about Zo?" Lesley asked as she let her hand fall to the bed. Pippa pulled up the side of her shirt and showed Lesley the many needle marks on a group on her side.
"I had to get 15 blood test while I was in labor with Zo. I have needle marks on my side, arm, and leg. I would not go through that amount of pain for just anyone. And what's wrong with being adopted? Sissy is adopted," Pippa said. Lesley shrugged. Her eyelids started to feel heavy.
"Sometimes sissy cried to go to sleep, because her mommy and daddy didn't love her enough to keep her safe," Lesley answered. Pippa silent gasped. She had no idea that Stevie felt that way. Then again they hadn't talked much since she moved in with Lauren.
"Well, let mommy handle that. But, you and Enzo are 100 percent daddy and I. Don't you worry your pretty little head. You are a-okay," Pippa smiled. Lesley matched her mother's face before she shut her eyes and drifted into a deep sleep.
Real Time
Lesley pulled the covers over her she and her mother. Then, moved impossibly closer. "I'm sorry, mama. I love you. Don't you worry your pretty little head, I love you," she whispered, before she joined her mother in a nap.
In New York, Lauren sat in a family court room across from Stevie and Brandon. "We are here today for case 278. Mr. Barba, you may start," the judge motioned to Lauren's lawyer. Rafael Barba stood up and closed her stack of papers.
"Your honor, Stevieana Soo is moving to have full custody of her son Mason Soo, even though she was deemed unfit by Social Services. After a thorough home visit, the social worker found drugs and alcohol all over the house. And Brandon was drunk for half of the interview." Barba stated. Stevie rolled her eyes and folded her arms.
"Is this true, Mrs. Cabot?" The judge asked. Megan stood up and nodded. "In my chambers," the judge said. Barba and Cabot swiftly followed the judge back to the small conference room connected to the court room. "What are you doing Cabot? This is beneath you. And you as well Barba." Judge Calloway asked. Cabot went to speak, but the judge beat her to it. "Go home," she said.
"What?" Cabot asked. The judge sat at her desk and shook her head.
"I'm telling you now to go home. Off the record, there is now way you are going to win this. Your client is a drug addict and I'm sure if I did even a hint of digging I would have enough to put both of them away for quiet a while. Cut your losses and go home," Calloway said. Cabot scoffed and turned to leave. Barba chuckled a bit and walked out of the room behind his opponent. When they got back in the room, Cabot relaid the message and Stevie shot out of her seat.
"What?" She screamed. Barba practically danced over to Lauren at gave her the good news. She smiled and hugged him.
"Thanks cus," Lauren said. Barba pulled away and gathered his stuff.
"No problem. See you at Thanksgiving," Barba said. Lauren waved him off and left out of the court room. Lauren glanced over to see Stevie in tears and Brandon poorly consoling her.
"Alright man, let's go," Lauren said to an upset Mason. She saw the look of sadness on his face and sighed as they walked out of the court room. "What's wrong buddy? I thought this is what you wanted," Lauren asked. Mason shook his head and sat on the bench right out side of the room.
"It's not that. It's just," Mason trailed off. Lauren sat next to Mason and took his hand into hers.
"What happened?" Lauren encouraged. Mason bit his lip and laid his head on Lauren's shoulder.
"I think just helped ruin Nona's life," Mason confessed. Lauren gave wide eyes but quickly fixed her face. She knew what he was talking about seeing as it was all over the internet. Even people who didn't know her knew about this tape. It was sadly a big deal.
8:30 PM
Pippa woke up from her nap with a huge stomach ache. She felt nauseous and had massive cramps, so she got out of the bed and walked down the stairs to see Lin sitting on the island with her phone. She didn't care though, because they had each others passwords and she had nothing to hide. Or so she thought. "Adam?" Lin asked. Pippa stopped and shot him a scared look.
"What?" Pippa asked. Lin held her phone up and waved it in her face.
"You cheated on me with him?" Lin asked. Pippa saw no point in lying so she simply nodded and walked to the fridge. "Are you gonna say something?" Lin asked.
"Nope. What's done is done. Move on," Pippa said. Lin narrowed his eyes and stitched his eyebrows together.
"Move on? Move on? You move on from someone taking your food. You move on from the death of a goldfish! You don't just move on from your wife fucking another man! You don't just move on from your wife possibly having another mans baby!" Lin yelled. Pippa shut the fridge and placed her hand over her husbands mouth.
"Shut up. The kids will hear you!" Pippa snipped. Lin rolled his eyes and removed her hand. "How did you find out who I slept with?" Pippa asked in a loud whisper.
"Him. You should tell your lover not to text you everyday all day about it. But don't worry. I blocked him for you," Lin said in a cheerful tone. He handed Pippa her phone back and sure enough he blocked Adams number.
"Thank you?" Pippa said. Lin nodded. "Wait are you mad?" She asked, very confused.
"Nope. You have to make it up to me," Lin sang. He skipped up the stairs and went to their bedroom. Pippa pulled out her phone and FaceTimed Reneé.
"Hello?" She answered. Pippa propped her phone against the toaster and leaned against the opposite counter.
"I have a problem," Pippa stared. She saw Reneé leave the living and head to the office in their house.
"What's up?" Reneé asked. Pippa flipped her hair and sipped her apple juice.
"I need a gift for Lin," Pippa answered. Reneé gave him a weird look.
"Why, it's not his birthday," Reneé investigated. Pippa bit her lip. "What did you do?" Reneé almost freaked. Phillipa sighed and dramatically flung her body to the counter that her phone was on so that she was leaning against the counter with her head resting on her right arm.
"I need to get a gift that says 'I'm sorry that I cheated on you and possible got pregnant by another guy'. Do you think Hallmark has that on a card?" Pippa asked. Reneé looked at her total shock.
"Wait, you cheated on Lin? Wait, you're pregnant? Wait what? I need details! Now!" Reneé screamed. Pippa found the humor in her best friend's reaction and her situation as a whole.
"Get comfortable cause we could be here a while," Pippa said. She took a sip of her drink, before she started her long winded story that started with Kierra and Lin in the studio.
As Pippa told her story, Enzo wanted to get a paragraph out of his sister. "Why did you do it?" Enzo asked. Lesley rolled her eyes and ignored her brother. "Tell me!" Enzo bothered. Lesley groaned and rolled her eyes.
"The fuck do you mean? Why? She's my mom! I may have been mad at her but, I'm not fucking heartless," Lesley snapped. Enzo stared at her wide eyed.
"So you forgave her?" Enzo asked. Lesley laid on her bed and shrugged.
"We'll see in nine months," Lesley said. Enzo gave her a weird look.
"What does that mean?" Enzo asked. Lesley pointed to her door, meaning she wanted him to leave. "Why do we have to wait that long? What is going on," Enzo whined. Lesley watched him shut her door and chuckled to herself.
"Dipshit," she whispered as she pulled out her phone and group texted her friends.
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