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Enzo laid on his bed in his empty, blue room. Lesley was grounded for her pregnancy and Lin is still pissed. He actually yelled at his princess and nothing in the house had been the same. Lin was a lot more angry, Pippa was quieter, and the teens weren't speaking. And it had only been a day.
Enzo, Lesley, and Pippa just got back to London the night before and he was already on the prowl for his next girlfriend. As he scrolled through Twitter, the horny teen spotted Skylin Kennedy's page. She was his age, hot, and in England. So he the only thing he knew how...seduce.
(The picture)
As he watched the number of likes and retweets grow he saw something that might have actually stopped his heart.
"LESLEY!" Enzo yelled. He ran to his sisters room, but before he could reach his sisters door Lin snatch his sons by his arm.
"My room. Now," Lin sternly spoke. Enzo bit his lip and groaned. He stomped to his parents room to see Pippa leaning against the dresser. Her phone was in her hands and she was pissed. Enzo sat on his parents bed, but Lin shook his head. "Stand up," he said.
"What?" Enzo groaned. Lin nodded.
"You were man enough to post a dick pic, you are man enough to stand in front of me and your mother," Lin snipped. Enzo sucked his teeth and stood up.
"What are you doing, Zo?" Pippa asked, calmly. Lin disregarded the fact that Pippa had said a word and got in Enzo face.
"Are you trying to be a teen parent like your sisters?" He barked. Pippa went to pull Lin back but, he shoved her into the dresser.
"Owe," she yelped. Lin didn't even pay attention to the fact that he may have just bruised his girlfriends side.
"Dad, are you crazy? What the fuck? Bruh!" Enzo yelled, as he tried to get to Pippa. She held her side and leaned against the wall. Lin looked back to see his wife/girlfriend in slight pain.
"Babe," he whispered as he turned to her. Enzo beat his dad to her and shielded his mother from Lin's touch.
"You need to go take a walk or something, because that was uncalled for. You ain't have to shove her like that," Enzo snapped. Lin tried to move past Enzo but, the fourteen year old pushed his dad back with his free hand. "For man, back up. You don't put your hands on a female, bruh," Enzo said. Pippa shook her head and took one of her hands off of her side. She placed it on Enzo shoulder, lightly.
"Zo, it's okay. Really, it was an accident," Pippa tried to convince. Enzo shook his head and kept his hand out to make sure Lin wouldn't come closer.
"Nah, ma! It's not okay! The first time is always an accident. Before you know it, he's beating you for looking at another guy. I watched that happen to my sister, but best believe this dude isn't about to do it to my mom," Enzo said. Pippa felt bad for Enzo. She knew why he was so protective and she had just tried to justify it. What Cameron did not only effected Lesley, but the whole family. Pippa didn't want her kids to go to school at all. Lin never wanted his girls out of his sight. And Enzo... poor Enzo. He was overprotective with any woman around him. (If you read this part, comment your favorite character in the story down below.) In the hospital, the male doctors and nurses were not aloud on the side of the bed where his mom, sister, and godmother were. On the plane, Lesley and Pippa had to sit on the inside and Enzo didn't sleep at all. And on the ride home in the car, Enzo stared at the male uber driver the entire time to make sure he wasn't looking at his mom and sister. Plus, there are subtle that he did. For instance, when they got in, normally everyone would've been asleep when Lin did his house check before heading to sleep. But, Enzo was not. After Lin went to sleep, Enzo got up, went to Lesley's room, and made sure her window was locked and that she was okay. Then, he went to his parents room and did the same. And, any little sound that came from his sisters room, Enzo was on it. He ran to her room three times to hold her hair as she threw up. He wanted to make sure that the women in his life were comfortable and respected. And Lin was not about to fuck that up.
"Babe, just go," Pippa whispered. Lin nodded and grabbed his keys.
"I'm really sorry," he apologized. Pippa nodded but Enzo held his glare.
"Just," Phillipa shook her head and bit her lip. Lin hung his head and shuffled out of the bedroom quietly.
"Let's go get an ice pac for that," Enzo suggested. Pippa pushed her hair behind her ear and slowly walked with Enzo out of the room.
"Hey," she stopped in the hall. Enzo looked Phillipa with expecting eyes. "You know he didn't mean to do this. But, thanks. I appreciate it," she said. Enzo hugged his moms good side and nodded.
"Yeah, I know. It just makes me angry that he did that without evening thinking about it. Ya know? It just makes you think about what he is capable of when he is thinking about," Enzo said. Phillipa got a weird look on her face as they continued down the stairs. She hadn't thought about the situation like that. And, now that she had, she was a bit scared.
Mason stood in front of an old group house he used to play at when Stevie stopped by to see her old friends. The paint on the building was an old, egg shelled color. The bricks were chipped and the siding was peeling. "I hope she's here," Mason whispered. He walked into the building and went straight to the front desk. "Is Ronnie here?" he asked. A girl in her mid twenties looked up from the computer.
"Mase? Is that you?" She asked. Mason awkwardly nodded in response. "It's me Ronnie," she smiled. Mason way he shed get up from her seat in excitement. Ronnie used to sneak Mason into the kitchen for a mid day ice cream snack. The fourteen year old got even more excited when he saw the small bump between her hips.
"Oh my gosh," he geeked. Ronnie laughed and pulled him into a hug. "Is it Barron's?" Mason asked. Ronnie nodded and placed a hand on her stomach.
"Yup. We got married eleven months ago. A year next month," she proudly responded. Mason let his jaw dropped as he placed a hand on her bump.
"That's crazy," he gawked. "Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet?" He asked. She nodded.
"Yep. We are having a girl, Miracle Rae," she smiled. Mason laughed once more before he remembered why he came to the home in the first place.
"Hey, can you see if Lizzie has been here or to any of the other homes around, this week?" Mason asked. Ronnie sighed and bit her lip.
"You know I can't," she said, as she sat back down at her desk.
"I know, I know, but it's important. I wouldn't ask if I wasn't scared she was in trouble," Mason begged. He gave her his old puppy dog face and she immediately caved.
"Fine," she rolled her eyes. "Only because I care about you and Lizzie," Ronnie said. "How is Stevie?" She asked, as she searched her computer for Mason's girlfriend.
"I don't know. Last I heard she was trying to eat a promotion or something. I'm living with Lo right now," he said. Ronnie looked up in shock.
"Your mom's ex? I thought she revoked her rights or something. Barron was talking to Gallagher about it," Ronnie asked.
"Carl?" He asked. Ronnie shook her head.
"No Franny, Debbie's girl. She and Jemma were hanging out at the house when Barron was having with Carl. Apparently, Brandon was talking about getting back with your mom," Ronnie explained. Mason gave her a weird look. He didn't know a Brandon.
"Who is that?" He asked. Ronnie bit her lip am contemplated whether she should continue. The side of her that knew Brandon said no. But the mother side said yes so, she told him.
"He's your dad," she replied. Mason stared at the desk in shock. He had heard nothing about his dad. All he though he knew was that he died in a house fire. That's what Stevie had told him all his life. She lied to me? What Elise has she lied about? Mason asked as his brain ran a mile a minute, to try to wrap his head around the fuckery he had just heard.
On the upper East Side, Stevie sat in her empty apartment with a dime bag of coke on her coffee table. She cut a line in the pile and rolled a twenty dollar bill into a straw and snorted it. "Damn baby," her drug deal smirked. Stevie wiped her nose and sat back on the couch. "How's your son?" he asked. Stevie rolled her eyes, and ran her hands through her hair.
"He's your son too, ya know," she replied. Brandon nodded, and took another hit of his blunt.
"Yeah I know. But, I ain't been here so he's basically just yours," Brandon replied. Stevie chuckled and moved to sit on his lap.
"I mean, you remember what happened last time we saw each other so..." she trailed off. Brandon nodded, and drew circles on her leggings. "But anyways, he's good. I guess," Stevie sighed, "he's been with my ex for the past I don't know," Stevie said. Brandon shrugged and took another hit of the blunt.
"Don't even trip over her. She ain't shit. You with me now and we are gonna get him back," he said. Stevie nodded and pecked his lips.
"I don't even know why we were never together in the first place," she smiled. Brandon smirked and shook his head.
"You ran out after I paid you, remember?" He laughed. Stevie nodded and took a twenty out of her bra.
"Here's your money back," she joked. Brandon shook his head and put it back in her shirt.
"Nah, its all good. You with me now and my queen can have whatever she wants," he said. Stevie kissed her former rapist and got off his lap. Brandon slapped her ass as she walked towards the kitchen.
"What do you want for dinner?" She asked. Brandon hoped off the couch and scooped Stevie into his arms.
"You," he replied with a smirk. Stevie giggled and the two began to make out in the middle of the studio kitchen. Things moved quickly between the two and soon their party was in the bedroom. In the heat of the moment Stevie had a slip second to think about the fact that at one point in time she was raped by this man. But the drugs were so strong that her judgement was too clouded to react or process the tom foolery that she was doing. But, she hadn't been doing a lot of correct things lately so, it was only fitting.
To My Bomb.Com Friends And Supporters,
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