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BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR...you know who you are...😏
(Next Day)
Bright and early at 5:30 AM Pippa and Lesley came into Enzo's hospital room. Lesley was a bit shook, Pippa was furious. "Enzo Donovan!" Pippa yelled as she burst into the room. Reneé stood up to hold Pippa back, as Lesley skidded to the couch.
"Pippa, calm down," Reneé tried. Pippa shook her head and tried to get past her friend.
"Let me at him!" She screamed. Enzo shook his head and huddled to the farthest corner of his bed.
"No, she's gonna murder me!" He yelled.
"You're damn right!" Pippa replied. Reneé held Pippa back as much as possible. Event she got her to the hallway and shut the door.
"P, calm down," Reneé said in a stern tone. Pippa folded her arms and tapped her foot. "Phillipa, you are pregnant. For the sake of the triplets, calm the fuck down," Reneé said. Phillipa narrowed her eyes at her sons hospital bed, but dropped her arms.
"Fine," she huffed. Reneé inspected her friends body language and it did not scream calm.
"Are you calm?" Reneé asked. Pippa finally blew up.
"No! I'm not fucking calm! Drugs! Are you kidding me? He could have died and I'm just supposed to sit here and be calm? No! Neé, I was terrified the entire trip here!" Pippa answered. Reneé let her sister take a deep breath and get back to reality.
"Feel better?" Reneé asked. Pippa ran her hands through her hair and nodded.
"Yes," she said. Reneé happened to glance at the floor and noticed Pippa was bleeding.
"Are you sure?" She asked again. Pippa nodded.
"Yeah why?" Pippa answered. Reneé pointed towards Pippa's pants. When she caught edits of the blood, Pippa freaked. "Nnnnnnooooo," she cried.
"We need a nurse or a doctor! My friend is bleeding and she's pregnant!" Reneé yelled, as Pippa leaned into the walls she started to hyperventilate. Lin wasn't around, her son just overdosed on drugs, and she might have just miscarried. Soon, two nurses and doctor surround Pippa and took her to the maternity floor above them.
Meanwhile, Lesley sat on the couch of her brother's room. She watched as he played with the tv remotes like a child. "I hope your happy," Lesley bit. Enzo gave his sister a weird look, but continued to play with the remote.
"What are you talking about?" Enzo replied. Lesley rolled her eyes and took a deep breath.
"Mom freaked out all the way back here! She was stressed and angry! And that's not good for the triplets!" Lesley yelled. Enzo's eyes went wide as he heard triplets ooze from his sisters lips.
"Triplets? As in 3 kids?" He asked. Lesley nodded and gave him a dumb look. "And all the way back from where?" He questioned. Lesley scowled at her brother.
"Back from London! Where we moved to!" She replied. Enzo sat up straight and gave his sister a look of confusion.
"Are you sure, you're not the one on drugs?" He asked, sarcastically. Lesley pulled out her phone and turned on Lin's locations.
"See! Daddy's at a studio in London, and it looks like his is heading home!" Lesley proved. Enzo placed his hand over his mouth.
"My God," he whispered. "You guys moved and didn't consult me?" He gasped. Lesley rolled her eyes and stuck her phone in her pocket.
"Shut it jail bird. Dad is gonna flip when we take you back to London with us. I would not want to be you in that situation," She said as she looked out the glass of Enzo's door. Lesley's eyebrows stitched together when she didn't see her mom or aunt.
"What's wrong? You have your worried face," Enzo analyzed. Lesley held up her finger and walked to door. She poked her head out of the room and did see her mother anywhere.
"She's gone. Mom isn't out her and neither is Neé." Lesley informed. Enzo shrugged and laid back in his bed.
"Probably just went to get something to drink," he suggested. Lesley nodded and sat on the couch.
"Probably. Well, I'm going to sleep. I will see you in three hours," Lesley said as she took Reneé's blanket and snuggled into the Lesley sized couch. Enzo rolled over to his side and continued to watch TV.
10:45 UK
Lin and Lac sat on the couch in the Miranda home as the searched for a replacement for Kierra. They were going to post on Playbill.com that they had a job opening, when Lin got a FaceTime from Pippa. "Hello, love of my life," Lin answered.
"Hi," Reneé replied. Lin looked down at his phone to see Reneé. "Didn't expect to see me did you?" Reneé asked. Lin shook his head.
"Where is Pippa?" He asked. Reneé pointed the camera at Pippa, who was in a hospital bed herself. "What happened?" He freaked. Lac moved to sit next to him to see what his friend saw.
"We had a bit of an incident," Pippa said. It had been clear that she cried, to which Lin gave her a concerned look.
"What kind of incident?" He asked. Reneé got in the bed with Pippa and wrapped her arms around her.
"An incident where we had 3 babies and now we have none," Pippa cried. Lin's eyes went wide.
"What? How?" He asked. Reneé took the phone back and let Pippa sob on her shoulder.
"They said that the babies weren't strong enough," Reneé answered. Lin ran his hand through his hair and stood up.
"Do I need to come over there," he asked as he moved towards the computer. Reneé shook her head.
"No, it's okay. They are gonna release her in a couple of hours and I'm gonna take them to my house for a while. They will probably be back in a couple of days," Reneé said. Lin nodded and the two hung up. He ran his hands through his hair and chucked his phone on the counter.
"Damnit!" Lin yelled. Alex walked over to his friend and placed his hand on his shoulder. "First Kierra and now this? What the fuck?" Lin whispered. He flipped over his phone to see the screen cracked to no end.
"Lets go get a drink," Alex suggested. Lin nodded and grabbed his keys. The two left the house with Lin's phone still on the counter, shattered.
7:27 AM
Lesley woke up to a massive headache and Reneé stroking her hair. "Where's momma?" She asked. Reneé pointed to the bed to see Enzo asleep with Pippa cuddled next to him. "Is she okay?" Lesley asked. Reneé shook her head.
"She lost the triplets," Reneé revealed. Lesley bit her lip and shook her head.
"Man, I know how much she wanted them," Lesley sulked. Reneé nodded and help Lesley sit up.
"Lets go get some food. I know what will make mom feel better," Reneé said. Lesley nodded and grabbed her jacket.
As Reneé drove to Pippa's favorite diner in Syracuse, Lesley picked at her jacket sleeves. "You okay Little Miss?" Reneé asked. Lesley shook her head.
"I have a headache. And momma thinks my period came, but it hasn't," Lesley said. "And I told her about what Cameron did," she continued. Reneé gave her a look.
"Do you want to go to the drug store?" Reneé asked. Lesley shook her head. "Are you sure?" She asked.
"If I find out that I am, then I would have to tell my parents. So, I would rather not find out. I already hate myself enough for letting this happen," Lesley sighed. Reneé pulled into the parking lot of the diner and put the car in park. She turned to Lesley and took her hands.
"You didn't let this happen. You had no choice in this. No one is mad at you," Reneé reassured. Lesley nodded, even though she didn't believe her godmother. And she wasn't gonna take a test to tell her what she already knew but, didn't want to believe.
"Thanks. Now, lets go get food before mom and Zo wake up," Lesley said. Reneé nodded, grabbed her purse and grabbed her keys.
"You're paying right?" She joked. Lesley's eyes widened as she shook her head.
"If I'm paying we are gonna starve," she laughed. Reneé locked her SUV and threw her arms around Lesley's shoulder.
"You are a hot mess," she giggled. Lesley nodded and opened the door for Reneé.
"At least in hot," the fourteen year old replied. Reneé contiued to laugh as they walked in to the restaurant.
Mason walked into his first block class to see that Lizzie wasn't in her seat. Or in the class at all. "Hey, where's Liz?" Mason asked his best friend Cordell.
"I don't know. I didn't see her in the cafeteria this morning," he replied. Mason looked at his phone to see that she hadn't texted him, but instead he had a text from Enzo.
"Bruh, do they let you have phones in juvie?" Mason asked. Cordell shook his head.
"Nah, they take it as soon as you walk in the building." Cordell replied. Mason opened the text to see a picture of Enzo in a hospital bed with his Nona giving a thumbs up.
Nephew🙊: Are you out?👀👀
Little Uncle: Yeah boi! I'm going home!😂😂😂
Nephew🙊: imma come see you at lunch okay??
Little Uncle: bet!
Mason put his phone on his desk and took his seat. As the bell rang, Mason sat that Stevie had texted him. With a quickness, Mason cleared away the text and ignored it. He did not have time to fool with his mother and her shit that early in the morning.
To My Bomb.Com Friends and Supporters,
WHAT?? JUST WHAT?!?! I have no words. Alright....
Synopsis time!!
And High Waters
Phillipa Soo was an 18 year old high school student on her way to Juilliard when she got pregnant with her daughter, Nastasia Rae (Nuh-sta-see-uh). She still went to school, but she also had to provide for her daughter. Now five years later, she graduated and lives in a tiny apartment not that far away from her old school. During the day she works at a diner or is at auditions but, at night she is a mom. When Nastasia was born Pippa vowed that she would go through hell and high waters to peruse her dreams and take care of her daughter.
Lin-Manuel Miranda is a single bachelor that is looking for love and a leading lady in his play. After hearing a waitress sing on her break, he knew that he had found his Eliza. In both senses.
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