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11:30 PM
The after party was in full swing by the time Lin showed up with his family. Lesley changed into the dress she wore at the party she wasn't supposed to go to. Enzo changed I to a suite. Lin had on jeans, a white button up, his hamilton tie, and suit jacket. Last but not least, Phillipa had on a gold body con dress with black red bottoms. She wanted her family to dress up for the special night. The last time they had a hug party was for opening night of broadway and that was almost twenty years ago.
Anyways, Lesley and Enzo sauntered off to their "cousins" as soon as they stepped foot in the venue. Lin and Pippa, on the other hand, headed to the bar. "Hi," Jasmine greeted. The woman hugged and the guys dapped.
"How is everyone feeling?" Pippa asked as she grabbed a cocktail from Reneé.
"My second wind kicked in after margarita number two," Reneé laughed. Lin sat on the stool behind him and Let Pippa lean in between his legs. He drank his beer with his left hand and traced lines up and down Pippa's leg with his right.
"I'm just glad not to be in a corset anymore," Pippa said. The ladies nodded and clinked their glasses together.
"Amen to that," Reneé replied. She noticed Lin's hand placement on her best friend and slammed her drink. "Okay pause! What the hell is going on between you two," Reneé asked. Lin giggled in the crook of Phillipa's neck and pecked her skin. That caused Pippa to shy away from him and let out a small whine.
"Manly," Pippa complained. Lin smirked and shrugged. "Guys, Lin and I are back together," Pippa confessed. Reneé and Jasmine squealed as Anthony and Alexis congratulated Lin.
"You guys are so cute," Jasmine gawked. Anthony shot Lin and Pippa a fake glare, then moved to stand behind Jasmine. "Nice try," She said as she pulled her husband back to her side.
"It was worth a shot," Anthony shrugged. The group laughed and talked about projects that came up for them.
Brielle, Mason, Lesley, Enzo, Donny, and AJ sat on the balcony of the venue as the party played out. "How was the party?" Mason asked. Lesley shook her head and sipped her drink.
"Well..." she stalled. Lesley looked back at the bar to make sure they wouldn't hear and turned back. "I got kissed," she spilled. Donny, AJ, Enzo, and Mason's eyes went wide while Brielle squealed.
"Oh my gosh! Your first kiss," Brielle exclaimed. "Are you gonna tell your mom?" she asked. Lesley shook her head frantically.
"Hell no! I wasn't even supposed to go to that party," Lesley said. She grabbed her brother and nephew's arms. "And you guys can't tell either," she demanded. The boys nodded and Lesley points to everyone at the table. "Not a word from any of you, to any of them," she warned. Everyone nodded.
"I don't talk to that bitch anyways, " Enzo snipped, as he refuted to his mom. Lesley rolled her eyes.
"You should call mom that. She's been nothing but good to us," Lesley said. Enzo narrowed his eyes at his sister as if she was stupid.
"The fuck are your talking about? She's a drunk. I'm surprised she did the show sober," he replied. Lesley took a deep breath.
"What are you talking about? Mom rarely drinks-" Before Lesley could get the thought out Enzo had cut her off.
"What about when we were little?" He snapped. Lesley stitched her eyebrows together and leaned over the table.
"Are you kidding me! We were little! Who gives a shit? She never abused us and Stevie made sure we weren't exposed to her drunk tendencies. You grew up fine," Lesley yelled. Enzo folded his arms and rolled his eyes. "You are an ungrateful brat," she said. Enzo slammed his hand on the table.
"And you're an idiot if you can't see that our mom fucked us over," he insulted. Lesley gasped and threw her drink in his face.
"Fuck you," the fourteen year old yelled. Quickly, she pushed back from the table and stormed off with Brielle right behind her.
"Bruh, Nona doesn't deserve this," Mason said. He got up along with Donny and AJ.
"Yeah bro, Pippa is really sweet," AJ added. Donny nodded and folded his arms.
"Yeah and she makes really good cookies," the nine year old concluded. The boys followed the ladies back inside. Enzo ran his hand through his, now wet, hair and sat back in his chair. He pulled out his phone and started to text Destiny Holden, his new hoe.
12:18 AM
Phillipa and Lin stood in the hall of the venue. They were bored of the party and Phillipa had started to get a headache. Plus, she wanted to talk to Lin. "How are you feeling," Lin asked. Phillipa leaned against the wall and sighed.
"Yeah. It's just a headache. I can sleep it off later. But," Pippa trailed off. She took Lin's hand into hers. "I know that we just got back together but, I want to have another baby," Pippa sighed. Lin gave her a confused look and tilted her head.
"Where is this coming from?" Lin asked. Phillipa bit her lips and glanced to the floor.
"I don't know. With Lauren and Stevie trying for another baby. It just seems so right. It's probably just baby fever. Don't worry, I will get over it," Pippa quickly said. Lin shook his head.
"No," Lin stopped. "I think that if you get pregnant then okay, but don't get your hopes up. Of this is what you want then... okay," Lin sighed. Pippa clapped her hands in excitement and smiled widely.
"Awe, thank you baby." She smiled. Lin nodded and pulled her into a hug. His face went sour at the thought of having another kid that could possibly turn out like Enzo. Yeah, that's bad to say but, Enzo's attitude sent actual chills down Lin's spine.
1:45 AM
Phillipa and Lin came in to their apartment early in the morning with their kids not far behind. "Tell dad bye and get to bed guys," Pippa instructed. Enzo skipped step one and flew straight to his room. Lesley, on the contrary, hugged her dad and kissed his cheek.
"Night Daddy," Lesley said. She sighed heavily and walked up the stairs. Pippa leaned over the counter to make sure her kids were gone before she hopped on the island with Lin between her legs. She wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her arms around his neck.
"I love you," she whispered. Lin pecked her lips and smiled.
"I love you too," he replied. That was the first time they said that they loved each other since the divorce was finalized.
Newly single, Phillipa Soo, sat in a conference room with her ex-husband, Lin-Manuel Miranda. He sat on the far end off one side of the table and Pippa on the opposite side. The distraught actress hung her head as tears streamed down her face. She had just signed away her husband to another woman. Her whole world had officially shattered. Lin saw how upset Phillipa was and moved to the seat next to her. "Hey, its for the best," he said. She nodded and wiped a few tears from her eyes. "I didn't do this because I hate you. I did this because we needed it. I love you Pippa," he comforted. Phillipa nodded and glanced at Lin's sincere eyes.
"I love you too," she whispered. He took her chin into his index finger and thumb, then pulled her face up to his.
"I mean it," he said. She nodded and let him kiss her for the last time. It was a simple kiss but, it spoke so clearly to Pippa. It screamed lust but, whispered love. There was time when Love was loud and clear, but those days seemed long gone.
Real Time
"So is it okay if I out us?" Pippa asked. Lin shook his head and played with hair.
"Not yet. Just wait. I want to make sure this is what," Lin replied. Pippa nodded and pulled her man closer. She kissed him one last time, before she hopped off the counter.
"Fine," she whined. Lin kissed her head and grabbed his keys. Phillipa folded her arms across her abdomen and watched him shuffle towards the door.
"Alright. I'll be back tomorrow morning," He announced. Pippa walked him to the door, gave him one last kiss, and started in the direction of her bed.
8:00 AM
Phillipa sat on her couch with her doctor in the phone. "Are you sure this is what you want?" Dr. Grey asked. Pippa nodded even though the doctor couldn't see her.
"Yeah. I'm positive. I'm not with him anymore so, why not?" She asked. Dr. Grey chuckled at Phillipa's logic.
"Alright. We are gonna schedule your reversal for Monday at 11. Is that good for you?" She asked. Pippa wrote down the time and hummed.
"Yeah that's perfect. The kids will be at school and Lin will be at the studio," Pippa said. "Thank you so much," Pippa thanked. She hung up her cellphone and leaned back on the couch. She placed her hands on her stomach. "Hi," she whispered to her flat belly. She did exactly what Lin said not to do and it was going come back to bite her in that ass.
To My Bomb.Com Friends and Supporters,
I KNOW ITS SHORT BUT YAAAA!!! Kind of filler I guess. I HOPE YA LIKE!! OH AND ENZO IS A DICK!! ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow💘
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