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10:20 AM
Phillipa woke up to her empty bed in her baby pink, thin, silk robe. She sat up to stretch out her back and took a deep breath. Fourth time this week. Pippa thought as she had counted the number of times Lin had come over in the middle of the night. Phillipa tucked her knees into her chest and laid her head on her knees. Tears fell as the memories of her life settled into her brain. Her son hated her, her oldest daughter was a obsessed with work, and her ex...current...whatever he was, was just that. He was whatever he was. They hadn't talked about their relationship at all. Every time Pippa tried to talk, Lin would kiss her or distract her in some sexual manner. The times he came over, other than the first, were to talk about them. And every time, Lin decided that he didn't want to talk about it. He even went as far as to use the excuse "the kids are gonna wake up soon". So, she felt stuck. She loved him and wanted to tell him, but couldn't get the words out before things happened. Today is gonna be different. Phillipa thought as she dried her tears and slid out of the bed.
12:45 PM
Phillipa, Lesley, and Enzo walked into the theater to see everyone gathered at the food table. As they walked up the stairs Pippa noticed Lesley had her school bag with her. "Why do you have a backpack?" Phillipa asked as Lesley hoisted the bag higher on her shoulder.
"Homework," she lied. Phillipa nodded and led her kids to her dressing room. As soon as they got settled in the room Lesley decided to place her plan into motion. "Mom, I'm still feeling sick," Lesley started. Phillipa set down her purse and walked over to her vanity.
"Really," Pippa replied. "You seemed fine this morning," Pippa analyzed. Lesly slapped Enzo's arm to get him to help her out.
"Uh, this morning she threw up," Enzo lied. Phillipa placed her hand on Lesley's forehead.
"You don't feel warm," Phillipa said. Lesley bit her lip and sat on the couch. "Let me go ask daddy what we should do," the worried mother said. She left out and Lesley hopped off the couch.
"When the time comes, I'm gonna come back here, go to the bathroom, and sneak out of the window. Remember, if you keep my secret, I'll keep yours," Lesley said. Enzo nodded, the twins did their hand shake, then pulled out their phones.
Phillipa walked in Lin's dressing room to see him playing video games. "Babe," Pippa called as she shut the door. Lin paused his game and set the controller down.
"What's up," he asked. Pippa walked around the couch, pecked her mans lips, and sat on his lap.
"Bad news. Lesley is sick so, she might be in and out of the show tonight," Pippa informed. Lin sulked and stroked Pippa's leg.
"Dang, I hope she feels better," he whispered. Pippa ran her hand through Lin's mane and slid off of his lap.
"I want to talk to you," Pippa said. Lin started to peck Phillipa's neck and slid his hand across her abdomen. But, Pippa needed to say what she had prepared and couldn't do it with him hanging off of her. "No, Lin. I really want to talk," She urged. The actress pushed her bosses hand off of her and moved his head.
"What's wrong?" Lin whined. Pippa took Lin's hands into hers and sighed.
"What are we? What are we doing?" she asked. Lin took his hands back, bit his lip, and stood up. With a heavy sigh he walked to his vanity and leaned against it.
"What do you want us to be? I mean, we already sleep together, and we call each other babe," he responded. Phillipa stood and slipped her hands into a fold as she leaned against the side of the couch.
"I want us to raise our kids together. I want us to go back to the way we used to be. You know, when we truly loved each other," Phillipa stated. Lin played with his hands and shook his head.
"I don't know P," Lin sighed. Phillipa stitched her eyebrows together and stood up straight.
"What do you mean?" She asked with a bit of an attitude.
"I mean, when we were together, you would lie to me. Constantly. That's what broke us up," he responded. Pippa eased her stance and let her arms drop.
"Lin, baby, listen. Back then I was young and stupid. I'm not the same girl anymore and I don't think you're the same guy. We have definitely grown and matured since then," Pippa pleaded. Lin nodded and stood up straight as well. He pulled her body close to his and placed his hands on her waist.
"You think so? You think we could give us a try again," Lin asked. Pippa pouted and nodded. "Alright then. Phillipa Soo, will you do the honor of becoming my girlfriend again?" he asked. Phillipa nodded and pecked Lin's lips. The two pulled away and stared into each other's eyes.
"This might actually be the best show we ever do," Phillipa whispered. Lin nodded and pulled away from her.
"Okay, let's go get ready," he suggested. Pippa nodded and started towards the door before Lin smacked her ass. A gasped left Phillipa's lips, right before a laugh.
"Lin-Manuel," she fake whined. Lin put his hands up in defense with a smirk.
"I still got it," he smiled. Phillipa burst into a fit of giggles as she left the room. She tried to mask her joy as best she could until the after party but, my goodness was it hard.
5:30 PM
Lauren and Mason showed out at the theater with flowers for Phillipa. "Hey momma." Lauren smiled as she tapped Pippa's shoulder. Pippa turned around and gasped.
"You made it," Phillipa smiled. She hugged Lauren then turned to Mason. "Hey Mase." She greeted as she pulled him into a hug.
"Hey Nona. Where is my aunt and uncle?" Mason asked. Pippa pointed up the stairs and watched him run off.
"Where is Stevie?" Pippa asked when she hadn't spotted her child. Lauren looked at the floor and shrugged her shoulders. "Not coming?" Pippa asked. Lauren shook her head. "Did she at least come to your appointment?" Pippa asked. Lauren bit her lip and held back tears.
"Nope. She didn't even remember," Lauren sulked. Pippa lifted Lauren's chin and gave her a soft smile. She placed her hand on Lauren's non-existent bump.
"Hey. It's okay," Pippa reassured. "And you are gonna be loved," Pippa whispered to Lauren's stomach. The Latina laughed and pulled Pippa back up to her eye level.
"We don't even know if it took," Lauren giggled. Phillipa flipped her hair and shrank back into the wall behind her.
"I know but, we have to be optimistic," Pippa said. Lauren smiled and placed her hands on her stomach.
"Let's hope," She whispered. The two continued to talk until Reneé reminded Pippa that she had to get her first dress on and get ready.
8:45 PM
Lesley sat in the audience of her parents show with Enzo to her left and Lauren on her right. Thankfully she was in the front in the side so when she she slipped out she could be unseen. She watched her mother's spotlight hit her at the top of the stairs for "Non-Stop" and saw her opportunity to sneak out. She quickly hopped up from her seat and ran to the back as if she was going to puke. She made it look believable and faking ran in her blood, since both of her parents act for a living. As soon as she got back to her mother's dressing room Lesley grabbed her backpack and snuck into the bathroom. "This is too easy," she whispered. The teenager changed her clothes (in the picture but with straight hair) and brushed out her hair. She heard brother signal the knock on the door and Lesley was out the window.
9 PM
The party was in full swing when Brec, Lesley, Lilimar, and Haley showed up. The apartment was bumping with loud music and underaged drinkers. Smoke filled the atmosphere as the girls pushed through their classmates. Because Lesley was the only freshman in the group the girls did their best to get her aquatinted with the social groups. Brec led her girls through the crowd and pointed to the people Lesley should know or fear. Slowly but surly, the girls made their way to the drink table and saw Kira Kosarin with a beer in her hands. "What up bitch," Brec greeted. Kira smirked and shrugged.
"You know just doing me," she replied. Lilimar giggled and leaned over to Lesley's ear.
"Yeah, her and every other guy in the eleventh grade," she whispered. Lesley's hand shot to her mouth to keep her laughter in. Brec chuckled and rolled her eyes.
"Where's Cam? I brought Lesley," she asked. Kira pointed to the balcony. The girls followed Kira's direction and headed towards the back door. Lesley spotted the guy of her dreams and stopped abruptly.
"Guys I'm nervous. He's a sophomore and I'm a freshman. What if he downs like me?" Lesley asked. Brec held onto Lesley's arms and dragged her to the double doors.
"He's gonna love you. But, you have to go out there," Brec pushed. Lesley stopped at the door but her friends literally shoved her into him. Cameron quickly turned around to see who had bumped him.
"I am so sorry," Lesley apologized. Cameron flicked the burnt weed particles off of his bud and smiled.
"You ever smoked before?" He asked. Lesley was surprised that he completely glazed over the fact that she rammed into him.
"No," she replied. He held the bud out to the 14 year old with a smile. Lesley shook her head. "I don't smoke. I never have. And you shouldn't either," She said. (Sound familiar? LOL) Cameron smirked as he felt the drug kick in.
"Oh come on. Broadway's princess doesn't want to try a little weed. It won't kill you," he taunted. (Sound familiar as well? HA) Lesley looked at the bud and bit her lip.
"You know what? Fuck it," she replied. Lesley took the drug and put it between her lips. She let the smoke fill he lungs before she exhaled.
"Damn you hit that like a pro," Cameron commended. Lesley smiled proudly, and handed the joint back to him. "So I heard you liked me," he smirked. Lesley tucked her hair behind her ears and nodded.
"Yeah, something like that," she teased. Cameron placed his hand on her hip and pulled her close.
"Is this okay for you?" he asked. Lesley nodded. "How about this?" Cameron asked as he leaned in to kiss Lesley. She nodded and let her hormones take over. The stood on the balcony and made out the party blared in the background. Lesley slowly pulled out and smiled.
"So what does this make us?" she asked. Cameron and flicked out his bud and stomped it out.
"This makes you mine," he replied. A chill past through them and made the fourteen year old shiver. Cameron took off his jacket and placed it around Lesley's shoulders. "Here," Cameron offered. Lesley slid her arms in and sent a small smile his way. She took in the moment for what it was because, she knew that if her mom found out she left, she was dead.
10:01 PM
Enzo stood in the wings of the show, gripping his phone for dear life. The show was at the end of "The World Was Wide Enough" and Lesley wasn't back. He flipped his phone over to see Lesley texted him that she was on the fire escape. He sprinted to Pippa's dressing room and opened the window for his sister. "You have three minutes and thirty five seconds to change back into your outfit and spray yourself," Enzo yelled. Lesley gave him a weird look.
"Why do I have to spray myself?" she asked. Enzo's mouth gaped as he stared at her in disbelief.
"Because unless you are ready to be six feet under, I don't think you want mom to the smell weed that is radiating off of you," he replied. Lesley smacked her forehead, and sighed. "Hurry," he warned as he shut the door. Lesley quickly stripped out of her clothes and changed back into her jeans and t-shirt. She flushed the toilet to seem like she had gotten sick and came out of the bathroom. Lesley was met face to face with a worried Phillipa.
"How are you feeling," she asked. Lesley shook her head and faked a forced smile.
"I'm alright. Still a little nauseous," she lied. Phillipa pulled her child in for a hug and sighed.
"I'm sorry I passed the worst period ever down to you." She apologized. Lesley shrugged and held onto Pippa's waist.
"It's okay mom. I'll manage," she smirked. Best night ever and I got away with it. Lesley mentally praised. Pippa sighed and rolled her eyes. I wonder just how dumb she truly thinks I am. Pippa thought. Got away with it? Yeah right. If anyone knew anything, it was that Phillipa was a mother first and foremost and mom's know everything.
To My Bomb.Com Friends and Supporters,
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