I'm sorry if there's any mistakes! Anyway. Enjoy, my loves. Sorry for taking centuries to update.
The journey back was long and exhausting for Louis. He had gotten his own carriage when he had Lucy, Edith, and her baby with him. Anne had excused herself when she decided to ride in the same carriage as Des while Harry was on his horse. He could never be too careful when things had already happened in the past. The last attack when they were traveling had been when he was fifteen years old. Many of their guards had died trying to keep them safe and Harry never stopped feeling guilty.
"There's a crowd ahead!" Liam, who was on the front with Zayn and Niall, shouted.
Harry was quick to go ahead to see who it was, finding out it was just a group of peasants traveling on foot. They were dressed in rags and a few women had children on their backs. They looked exhausted and malnourished and he knew he had to do something when poverty was at its highest. He greeted them, seeing the way they hesitated to greet him. They wouldn't look him in the eyes, choosing to look down at the ground instead. Zayn got closer when Harry motioned for him to do so. He was holding a big bag, reaching in it as soon as he was next to Harry.
He took out three bags full of coins, one for each family and offered the to them. They hesitated to do so, but when Harry got off his horse and talked to them, they ended up taking them. He found out they were heading to London when in their old town, there was nothing for them left. Harry wanted to help them, so he told them to go to the palace when they got there. He knew they needed more people around. He had just gotten back on his horse when he saw one of the guards helping Louis out. He made his way there and got off his horse, letting the guard take him.
"What's wrong?" Harry asked him, reaching to place his hand on his waist.
"I need to walk. My legs are starting to go numb and the baby won't stop kicking." Louis complained as he fanned his face with his hand. "It's so hot." He said.
Harry raised his brows and stared at Louis as if he had three heads when the weather was perfect. He thought that maybe it was a pregnancy symptom since Louis was already in his seventh month. He helped him walk around as he shouted that they were going to take a break. They ended up going into the forest, but stayed close enough so they wouldn't get lost. Harry helped Louis sit down on a log, after making sure it was sturdy.
"Feeling better?" Harry asked, handing him a bottle full of water.
"A little." Louis said as he looked deep into the forest where it was dark. "I feel so full." He continued as he took small sips from the bottle.
"The baby?" Harry asked, nodding when Louis did.
They stayed quiet for a few seconds, listening to the many creatures surrounding them. Louis had always loved to hear the birds chirping, and that day it was no different. He rested his head against Harry's shoulder, letting his husband wrap his arms around him.
"What are you thinking about?" Harry asked, pulling Louis out of his daydream.
"Names." Louis answered with a smile on his lips. "I think we should start thinking of names."
"If you let me, I would like to give our child my mother's name. If they're a girl, of course." Harry looked down at Louis, then leaned forward to kiss his lips when Louis looked up.
"Anne Elizabeth Charlotte." Louis smiled.
"They're lovely names, love." Harry agreed with the names. "Now if they're a boy."
"Harry Edward." Louis immediately answered. "I want the baby to have your name, his father's name."
Louis giggled when Harry seemed to think about it as he made strange faces that had him biting on his bottom lip to keep himself from laughing.
"Don't you want something more original? Harry asked him, hoping for Louis to say yes and pick something other than his name. "I just think our baby should have an original name, something that sets him apart."
"Like what?" Louis pulled away and grabbed his hand.
"Philip?" Harry said, knowing Louis hadn't liked it when he frowned.
"I don't like it." Louis disapproved. "It has to be meaningful."
"What would be meaningful to you?" Harry asked, watching the way Louis furrowed his brows as he thought about it.
"Adam." Louis' eyes shined. "Adam Edward."
"Why Edward?" Harry whined, until it clicked.
He thought he would feel jealous, but he only held Louis tighter. He understood Louis had been in love with someone else before, but now he was all his and he was going to give him his first child.
"He has to have his father's name." Louis insisted. "If you don't want him to be a Harry, then he has to be an Edward. Please." Louis begged.
"Fine. Adam Edward it is." Harry agreed.
"Thank you!" Louis kissed his lips, then tried to get up. "I think I'm ready to go." he said as Harry helped him up.
Harry helped him back into the carriage and made sure he was okay before he got on his horse and started their journey back home. They ended up getting there by midnight, and after a light dinner and a bath, he and Louis went to bed. He didn't know how much he had missed his bed until he was laying on it with Louis by his side. The smaller man was resting his head on his chest, and Harry had his arms wrapped around him holding him tight.
While Louis slept, he thought about asking his father for time before he and Louis had to be crowned. He wanted to spend time with them instead of spending it all day in their study with a million papers in front of him and even more issues that needed to be solved. His father had been king for many years, and had prepared Harry for it when the time came. But Harry wasn't sure if he was going to be able to fill his father's shoes, he just hoped he was good enough to not send the country into a crisis.
As the weeks passed by, Louis and Harry spent everyday together. They would go on walks around the castle, and if Louis was feeling okay, they would ride Harry's horse. It was Louis' favorite activity of the day when Harry would take him all the way into the forest. They would always stop and sit near a tree where Harry would kiss him until his lips hurt and his neck was littered with small red marks. It wasn't just Louis whose neck Harry marked, when he liked to leave his marks on Harry too.
By the time he was eight months, he had gotten bigger and the baby kicked more often. It was something that to them meant the baby was doing okay, allowing Louis to go about his days without a worry. The days when Harry had to go away, he would spend them reading books, wanting to know more about their kingdom, or he would spend them in the gardens when the weather was fine.
The day Harry came back from his trip, Louis had greeted him with hugs and kisses. It wasn't until he pulled apart from his husband when he noticed the man standing behind Harry, looking at him with curiosity and a glint of something in his eyes. Louis made sure to stand behind Harry, still holding the man's hand.
"Louis, I would like to introduce you to Stephen Smith. He's in charge of training our armies. Stephen, this is my husband Louis." Harry introduced them.
Louis smiled at the man who smiled back. The man and Harry spoke for a few minutes until the man had to go. Harry led Louis upstairs and into their bedroom. A crib and a rocking chair had been added to the bedroom when Louis had flat out refused to let their child sleep in another bedroom. Not even the fact that their child was going to have nannies looking after them made Louis change his mind. The fears from his past still haunted him, even though he was happy now and Harry treated him with respect. There wasn't a day where he wasn't afraid, even when he was starting to fall for Harry.
Waking up to him next to him every morning, and seeing his peaceful face as he slept was something he looked forward to every morning. The man would always smile at him and kiss him first thing in the morning, then he would greet their baby who greeted their father with a few kicks. It was all perfect for Louis, and he just hoped that Harry was starting to feel the same way.
It took them a while to climb all those stairs, and when they made it to their bedroom, Louis was trying his best to catch his breath. Harry had insisted on carrying him, but Louis had refused when he didn't want to tire Harry out and he felt that he needed to walk. It made the baby restless during the day, but at night his child was finally letting him sleep.
"How have you been?" Harry asked him as he walked him to the bed then made him sit down as he knelt down in front of Louis. "And how's my baby?" He cooed, kissing all over Louis' tummy, his hands on either side of his belly.
Louis started running his fingers through Harry's messy and dirty hair after he had been gone almost a week.. "We're both okay. I think they missed you as much as I did."
"Really?" Harry looked up at him. "You missed me?"
"Of course I did. Whenever you're gone, I'll always miss you." Louis confessed, kissing Harry when the man reached up for him.
"Have you had dinner?" Harry asked as soon as he had pulled back.
"Not yet, I was waiting for you to come home." Louis told him. "Your mother told me you were coming back today and I wanted to wait for you."
"I'm going to take a bath and then we can eat." Harry said as he got up. "Do you want to come with me?" He asked Louis, giving him that look he always gave him before sex.
That was another thing that Louis loved about Harry. The fact that Harry never forced him to have sex with him. If Louis wasn't in the mood like he hadn't been lately due to the pregnancy, then Harry would leave him alone and that was it.
It was a silent agreement when Louis took his hand and let the man take him towards a hot bath waiting for Harry. A few of the servants had made sure it was ready per Louis' requests. Louis glared at one of the servants whose name he couldn't remember nor did he care to know when the young man as young as eighteen was looking at Harry with such liberty. It made Louis' blood boil when Harry glanced at the servant for less than a second before he started taking his clothes off, right in front of him.
"You can leave now." Louis told him.
"But I always help his majesty." The servant dare defy Louis.
"Tommy." Harry glared at him. "Never defy my husband. He has as much authority as I do and you're here to listen and follow orders."
Tommy looked down at the floor. "As you wish, your majesty." He said before he left the room.
Once he was gone, Harry finished taking his clothes off then got in the bath, motioning for Louis to join him. Louis hesitated for a few seconds before he started taking his clothes off too. The water was hot, but Louis felt comfortable. He stayed quiet, starting to feel his face getting hotter the more Harry stared at him. There was something in his eyes, but before he could figure out what it was, Harry reached for him and pulled him closer.
"Did you and– " Louis paused when Harry wrapped an arm around his waist and kissed his cheek.
"It does not matter." Harry replied as he grabbed the soap to clean Louis' hair.
"I'm– I was just curious." Louis looked down at his bloated belly, focusing on a beauty mark he had right on the top.
"He was...but it stopped long before you came into my life." Harry started running his fingers through Louis' hair, making sure not to pull on the knots.
It seemed to relax Louis when he leaned against Harry's chest and rested there, where he forgot about the rest of the world. However, it didn't last long when Louis pulled back, smiled at Harry and then kissed him. Louis easily let Harry prep him, never complaining even when Harry was going a little too fast for him. He let Harry know anyway, when the man always encouraged him to speak up if something ever bothered and made him uncomfortable.
"Did I hurt you, love?" Harry asked him, his fingers still deep inside of Louis.
"No." Louis answered, then continued moving his hips in circles, letting Harry pleasure him the way only he knew how to.
Harry fingered him for a few more minutes before he took his fingers out. He got up and pulled Louis out of the bathtub with him, the bath they were supposed to take long forgotten. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Louis then grabbed another one to use himself before he pulled Louis toward the bed. He made sure to be extra careful when he entered him, making sure he wasn't putting his whole weight on Louis' tummy when Louis was on his back and Harry wanted to see him.
Harry always wanted to see him when they made love. He loved the facial expressions Louis would make, he loved to hear him be as loud as he wanted. He thrusted in and out of him, but soon slowed down until he stopped. He sat there, watching Louis as if it was the first time he was seeing him in years. He watched him until Louis started squirming underneath him and looked away, his cheeks turning red.
Harry took a moment to observe him, to run his fingers through his hair then down his face where he placed his hand on his cheek. He smiled and leaned down to kiss him, once again moving inside of Louis. He wrapped his arms around him and held him close, always kissing him when he hadn't kissed him for a whole week. Harry had missed him, more than he thought he had. They finished just like that, tangled up in the bedsheets together as one.
"I missed you." Harry whispered, when he had Louis in his arms. Maybe it meant more than that, but he wasn't quite ready to tell Louis.
He watched Louis sit up then turned around to face him. He was wearing nothing but a white shirt of Harry's. It kept sliding off of his small shoulders and the fabric hugged his tummy. Louis was like an angel sitting in front of Harry, and the man swore to never let him go. He wouldn't lose him.
"Maybe next time I can go with you." Louis suggested as he reached out for a grape from the tray of food one of the servants had brought earlier.
"I would love that." Harry said, reaching for him again to hold him in his arms.
"Next time then." Louis planned, feeding Harry a few grapes.
The following days, Harry clung to Louis every second of his day. A morning, two days after Harry had come back from his trip, he had woken Louis up with kisses and breakfast in bed. After that, they had spent the day posing for one of the most famous artist in England. Harry was set on having a painting done while Louis was still pregnant with his heir. It was tradition, and as soon as Louis had the baby, the artist would come back to paint another one. Louis had complained whenever his back hurt from sitting for long periods of times.
Harry was falling in love.
After that day, Harry never left again. He would stay home and spend time with Louis like he had always done. Two months later and Louis was due at any moment now. Harry wished he would stay in bed, but Louis was far too stubborn to listen. Harry couldn't say no whenever Louis would beg him to ride his horse to the forest, never listening to Anne when she was against it.
They had been riding for ten minutes when Louis finally asked to stop so he could sit by the river. Harry obliged to his request, being careful not to hurt his most precious treasure.
"Come sit with me." Louis patted the spot next to him.
Once Harry was sitting down, Louis leaned against him and rested his head o Louis' shoulder, feeling Harry's arm around his waist.
"We have to go back soon." Harry looked up at the gray sky. "It's getting late, love."
"Just a few more minutes." Louis sighed.
"You like the river." Harry commented. "You always want to come here when we come around here."
"When I was little, Liam's mother used to take us to a river. Those were the happiest days of my life, and now these are the happiest days of my life." Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's front.
"When our child is born, we'll make sure to bring them here when they're old enough." Harry said, smiling when Louis kissed his shoulder. "In fact, all of this is now yours."
"It can't be mine." Louis giggled.
"I want it to be yours, and one day it will be our child's then their child's." Harry looked around, making Louis move so his husband could sit on his lap.
"We'll meet our little boy soon." Louis reminded Harry. He had been doing it for a week now.
He looked up at Harry, letting the man kiss him until his lips were hurting. Louis loved that kind of pain, the kind that left you satisfied. Harry let him stay until the sky was turning dark, that's when he decided it was time to go. He helped Louis onto the horse, then climbed after him, making sure they were all comfortable.
They started their way back home, letting the horse trot as he pleased. Louis turned around to give Harry a kiss, both of them closing their eyes long enough to miss the snake whose sudden movement startled their horse. The horse's first reaction was to stomp it, jerking them both around before it took off running toward the castle. Harry unable to control him.
"Harry!" Louis cried out, terrified when he saw a few trees ahead, their branches intertwined.
Harry tried to steer his horse around, but it was too late when the frightened animal passed through the branches, making Harry hit his head with a thick one. Louis screamed when Harry fell off the horse and pulled him down with him. He landed on the cold ground on top of the man, hitting the side of his stomach with the trunk of the tree. He lay there, heavy breathing, hearing nothing but that. An owl in the distance, the horse running away from them.
It started as a sharp pain under his belly button that quickly spread all over. Louis felt like he was on fire. He tried to get up, having to pause a few times until he was sitting up. He looked around in confusion, seeing the world going dark all around them. When he finally turned to look at Harry, it was as if the world was falling around him. He tried to reach for him, but quickly pulled his hand away when he saw the deep gash on Harry's forehead and the crimson blood coming out of it, staining his skin. His once white shirt was now stained with dirt.
"Harry?" Louis whispered.
He started crying when the man never responded, never moved. He looked around again, seeing the top of the castle far away, hoping somebody would help them. But when no one ever showed up, Louis ignored his own pain and laid down next to Harry. He placed his head on his chest and his arm around him, then closed his eyes as he hummed a lullaby. If his Harry was long gone, he would follow soon.
Time passed by until he was panting, having to do it so he wouldn't pass out due to the pain. Harry's shirt was soaking wet with his tears and stained with the blood coming out of his injured arm. He thought he was dead when he could see a light, until he heard the many voices and loud footsteps coming their way. That's when Louis allowed himself to cry out loud, to scream when the pain was too much for him that he ended up passing out.
When Harry woke up, it was with a pounding headache and Louis' screams somewhere not far. He sat up and tried to get up to go to him, but the dizziness was enough to make him fall. He felt arms around him trying to help him up and take him back to bed, but the bed wasn't where Harry wanted to go.
"Louis?" Harry looked up at Liam who had his arms wrapped around him.
"You fell off your horse and hit your head, you need to rest." Liam told him, having ignored his question.
"No...Louis?" Harry asked again, going still when he heard Louis screaming again. "Liam..." Harry spoke through gritted his teeth.
"He's having the baby." Liam told him. "Your mother and the doctor are with him."
"Ta– Take me there." Harry demanded.
"He's giving birth, you can't be in there." Liam tried to reason with him.
"I said," Harry grabbed Liam by the collar of his shirt and brought him closer to him. "take me to him."
Liam nodded and along with Zayn, they helped him into the room. Harry didn't waste time knocking when he wanted to see Louis, completely unprepared at what he saw. Louis lay in the bed, looking feverishly while Anne wiped his face and down his neck. The doctor was at the foot of the bed while Lucy and Edith helped keep the white bedsheet covering his lower half out of his way.
"Harry!" Anne exclaimed. "You can't be here."
"What's going on?" Harry asked instead."Answer me!" He demanded when no one would tell him anything.
"He's been pushing for hours now." The doctor answered. "I'm afraid the baby will suffocate and his majesty–"
"He won't die, he can't." Harry interrupted him.
"It's inevitable." The doctor said. "The mother and baby never survive most of the time." He explained, then stumbled back when Harry grabbed him by the shirt.
"Listen to me." Harry growled out. "It's your head on the line. Don't make me cut it off." He threatened.
"Your majesty..." The doctor swallowed the lump forming in his throat.
"They won't die. You're not going to allow it." Harry said, then let him go and made his way to Louis.
He took his mother's place, holding Louis who was barely conscious.
"I'm here, love. I'm here." Harry kissed the top of his sweaty head.
The next hour was the hardest for them, when Louis was awake long enough to try and push over and over before stopping due to exhaustion. The white bedsheet underneath Louis soon turned a crimson color as Louis' cheeks slowly lost their rosy color, one of the many things about him that Harry was starting to love. Harry had never seen something as gruesome, yet so beautiful when he heard that small fragile cry.
He looked away from Louis to see the small body that the doctor was quick to hand over to Lucy as he murmured something to her.
"It is a boy, your majesty." The doctor announced.
Harry gave a weak smile and looked down at Louis, happy that his husband had gotten what he wanted. He was startled when Louis cried out in pain again. His green eyes searched desperately for the doctor who was once again in front of Louis. The doctor looked at Harry with panic in his eyes. When Louis started pushing again, it wasn't long before another cry, even more fragile, filled the room.
"A girl." The doctor announced again.
"Hear that, love? A boy and a girl." Harry looked down at Louis with a smile on his face, but frowned when Louis looked at him and gave him a weak smile before his eyes closed. "Louis?" Harry felt a lump in his throat and his eyes filled with tears.
Louis never opened his eyes again, not even when his babies' cries echoed around the room, needing their mother. Not even as Harry sobbed, face hidden on Louis' stomach, before he looked up with green eyes full of tears at the small babies laying down next to their mother.
This ain't the end!
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